SBPE :: Volume #2 风起云涌

#492: Final bidding

Chapter 0492 第0492章 Final bidding 最后的竞价 It seems like, this Life Extending Detoxification Pill is greatly popular, presently starts to auction last Life Extending Detoxification Pill! Has the guest of exerting its utmost, do not keep the hand, has remembered, this was last! Finally!” The auctioneers are very sensational has put out last Life Extending Detoxification Pill, he also hopes that last Life Extending Detoxification Pill can create an auction miracle, breaks through the beforehand two prices. “看来,这延年益寿排毒丹是大受欢迎啊,现在开始拍卖最后一枚延年益寿排毒丹!有势在必得的宾客,可不要留手了,记住了,这是最后一枚了!最后!”拍卖师很是煽情的拿出了最后一枚延年益寿排毒丹,他也希望最后一枚延年益寿排毒丹可以创造出一个拍卖奇迹来,突破之前两枚的价格。 Bidding started, jumps come out first is still Fatty Lai, sees only Fatty Lai still to sway from side to side his plump big buttocks, has held up the bidding sign: 200 million!” 竞拍开始了,最先跳出来的依然是赖胖子,只见赖胖子依然扭动着他肥硕的大屁股,举起了竞价牌:“200000000!” Whish the people in conference site have not thought, Fatty Lai these time offered 200 million prices unexpectedly! However their slightly thinking also understood, because before Fatty Lai, twice is in unfavorable situation again and again, this was the last opportunity, if did not grasp, then after perhaps, did not have the opportunity. “哗”会场的人都没想到,赖胖子这一次居然报出了200000000的价格来!不过他们略一思索也就明白了,因为赖胖子之前两次连连失利,这是最后一次机会了,要是再不抓紧,那么恐怕之后就没有机会了。 Regarding bidding of Fatty Lai, is Yu Haitian that most could not understand, although he patted Life Extending Detoxification Pill, but at this moment heart even more startled, thought that this Life Extending Detoxification Pill was the good thing: Two father's younger paternal cousins, or do we pat one again?” 对于赖胖子的竞价,最看不懂的就是雨海天了,他虽然拍得了一枚延年益寿排毒丹,但是此刻愈发的心惊,觉得这延年益寿排毒丹是好东西:“二堂叔,要不我们再拍一枚?” May not!” The middle-aged man shook the head: You before this Life Extending Detoxification Pill, the price lowering, Lai Zhangyi had not increased price, perhaps looks on our Yu Family face, it is estimated that other people are also, if you struggle again, fell the low grade, this is not our Yu Family attitude!” “不可!”中年男子摇了摇头:“你之前这枚延年益寿排毒丹,已经将价格给低了,赖长衣没有加价,恐怕只是看在我们雨家面子上,估计其他人也是,你要是再争,就落了下乘,这不是我们雨家的作风!” „? Lowered?” Yu Haitian stares. “啊?低了?”雨海天一愣。 Looked that knew.” Middle-aged man light saying of: This time price, will perhaps break through 300 million!” “看下去就知道了。”中年男子淡淡的说道:“这一次的价格,恐怕会突破300000000!” Yu Haitian one hear of two father's younger paternal cousins' words, regretted secretly, oneself young, consideration insufficient complete, before thinks that bid according to the maximum valency of First bidding has been OK, has not actually thought or given to lower! 雨海天一听二堂叔的话,也是暗自后悔,自己还是年轻,考虑的不够周全,之前以为按照第一次竞价的最高价出价就可以了,却没想到还是给低了! Generally, if at the auction several same goods carry on the auction time, is the price that First something by auction sells is quite high, later decreases progressively in turn, the person who because must buy has competed, the remaining prices will be only cheap, but this time, had the accident/surprise obviously. 一般情况下,拍卖会上如果有几件相同的物品进行拍卖的时候,都是第一件拍卖品卖的价格比较高,之后依次递减,因为要买的人已经竞争过了,剩下的价格只会便宜,但是这一次,显然是出现了意外。 Liu Tianyi wants to join in the fun again, but heard 200 million prices, lost heart, did not prepare to tender again, because Liu Family, although was rich, but was actually the real estate and negotiable securities, cannot sell out! Moreover, even if there is a floating capital, is impossible to be used to buy pill medicine completely? 刘天翼本想再凑凑热闹的,但是听到了200000000的价格,也死了心,不准备再去竞价了,因为刘家虽然有钱,但是很多却是不动产和有价证券,根本不能卖掉!而且,就算有流动资金,也不可能全部用来买丹药吧? „After 210 million......” aristocratic family younger generation obtained tacitly consenting to of elder, has held up the bidding sign, but was despised by one of the other people immediately, others increase price are several million in addition, his in addition 10 million, has been short of? “210000000……”一个世家子弟得到了长辈的默许后,举起了竞价牌,不过顿时遭来其他人的一顿鄙视,人家加价都是几千万的加,他就加了10000000,也太少了点儿吧? 250 million!” Saying of Fatty Lai heroic spirit. “250000000!”赖胖子豪气的说道。 Medical God Kang knit the brows, before Second round bidding, he wants to bid, what the result has not thought that making the Yu Family person forestall, he does not dare with the Yu Family struggle, only to be able and other Third round bidding to get rid again, but looks at the Fatty Lai appearance, exerts its utmost, Medical God Kang somewhat was immediately anxious. 康神医皱了皱眉,之前在第二轮竞拍的时候,他就想出价了,结果没想到的是,让雨家的人抢了先,他又不敢和雨家争,只能等第三轮竞拍再出手了,但是看赖胖子的样子,也是势在必得,康神医顿时有些急了。 Lin Yi and Guan Xuemin have sat on the seat, but stands lifts the sign is Fatty Lai, therefore nobody can see clearly Lin Yi and Guan Xuemin, Medical God Kang at this moment does not want to be too many. 林逸关学民一直是坐在座位上的,而站起来举牌子的就是赖胖子,所以没有人能看清楚林逸关学民,就连康神医此刻也没有想太多。 280 million!” Under hint of Medical God Kang, Kang Guifeng offered a quite high price, is the same with the beforehand two Life Extending Detoxification Pill rates, thinks Fatty Lai will not compete, but the life has always filled the accident/surprise. “280000000!”在康神医的示意下,康贵丰报出了一个比较高的价格,和之前两枚延年益寿排毒丹的成交价一样,原本以为赖胖子不会竞争了,可是人生总是充满了意外。 300 million!” Fatty Lai clenches teeth, without hesitation set out to hold up the sign. “300000000!”赖胖子咬着牙,毫不犹豫的起身举起了牌子。 In people slightly one, also understood the Fatty Lai why bulletin paid 300 million this prices, before First time he gave up, because, also had the opportunity, because second time was the price that the Yu Family person reported that Fatty Lai does not want to go not to dare to compete, therefore also can only give up, but this Third time was the final opportunity, he has to clench teeth to strive! 在众人微微一愣之下,也都明白了赖胖子为什么会报出300000000这个价格了,之前第一次他放弃了,因为之后还有机会,而第二次因为是雨家的人报的价格,赖胖子不想去也不敢去竞争,所以也只能放弃了,而这第三次则是最后的机会了,他不得不咬牙争取了! Such one, were 300 million prices but actually very high! 这么一来,300000000的价格倒是不是很高了! Medical God Kang is only mad wants to shout 'motherfucker', this Fatty Lai also too bullying people? Before Liu Tianyi offer time he did not increase price, Yu Haitian offer time he did not increase price, arrived at oneself here, he added to 300 million! 康神医气得只想骂娘,这赖胖子也太欺负人了吧?之前刘天翼报价的时候他不加价,雨海天报价的时候他也不加价,偏偏到了自己这里,他加到了300000000! Had beforehand learning from another's mistakes, original Medical God Kang also thinks that 200.08 million have almost exerted its utmost, however looks like, by far the matter does not think like him is so simple! 有了之前的前车之鉴,本来康神医还以为200080000已经差不多是势在必得了,但是看来,事情远远不像他想的这么简单! Father, what to do?” Kang Guifeng knit the brows: This was last Life Extending Detoxification Pill, that dead fatty as if was also exerts its utmost!” “爸,怎么办?”康贵丰皱了皱眉:“这是最后一枚延年益寿排毒丹了,那个死胖子似乎也是势在必得啊!” But nearby Xiao Ji and Xiao Ben somewhat felt strange: Old Kang, this Life Extending is Detoxification Pill really the good thing?” 而一旁的萧基萧本就有些奇怪了:“康老,这延年益寿排毒丹真的是好东西么?” Medical God Kang has not replied their words, but said to Kang Guifeng: No matter he exerts its utmost, we must take this last Life Extending Detoxification Pill! This to our family/home very important!” 康神医却没有回答他们的话,而是对康贵丰说道:“不管他是不是势在必得,我们也要拿下来这最后一枚延年益寿排毒丹!这对我们家很重要!” I understand!” Kang Guifeng knows the meaning of father obviously, once this pill medicine component analysis come out, that day that then Kang Family makes a rapid career advance was just round the corner! “我明白!”康贵丰显然是知道父亲的意思的,一旦将这枚丹药的成分分析出来,那么康家飞黄腾达的那天指日可待了! This possibility is one type this lofty one that is lost ancient Yao.” Medical God Kang told to Kang Guifeng, started to give Xiao Family brother to explain: „After I buy one, planned that goes back to study to have a look.” “这个可能是一种失传古药的孤品了。”康神医康贵丰吩咐完,才开始给萧家兄弟解释起来:“我买一颗之后,打算回去研究一下看看。” „? So that's how it is! No wonder sells such expensive price, originally is this lofty one that the ancient times was lost!” Xiao Ji said suddenly: That must buy to come to see, by Old Kang your knowledge, can definitely study successfully!” “哦?原来如此!怪不得卖这么贵的价钱,原来是古代失传的孤品啊!”萧基恍然道:“那的确要买来看看了,以康老您的学问,肯定能研究成功的!” Hehe, that is uncertain, discovered that this pill medicine, what Medical God Company isn't? Hasn't studied to understand? I also can only give a try!” Xiao Ji the saying is very pleasant to the ear, lets Medical God Kang extremely happy. “呵呵,那可不一定,发现这丹药的,不也是什么神医公司么?不也没有研究明白?我也只能试试看了!”萧基的这话很中听,让康神医十分高兴 But that side, Kang Guifeng was started to participate to tender: 320 million!” 而那边,康贵丰则是已经开始参与竞价了:“320000000!” 350 million!” Fatty Lai does not wait for the auctioneer to speak, shouted a higher price directly. “350000000!”赖胖子不等拍卖师说话,直接喊出了更高的价格。 Kang Guifeng stares, on the forehead has emitted cold sweat, this Fatty Lai is actually rich, dares upward to increase price really! 康贵丰一愣,额头上冒出了一层冷汗,这赖胖子倒是有钱啊,也真敢往上加价啊! Continue.” Although Medical God Kang also somewhat loves dearly money, but after all is filthy rich, Medical God Kang Pharmaceutical Group currently has about 500 million floating capital, can use with come out. “继续。”康神医虽然也有些心疼钱,不过毕竟是财大气粗,康神医医药集团目前有将近500000000的流动资金,还是可以拿出来用的。 380 million!” Kang Guifeng continues to hold the sign. “380000000!”康贵丰继续举牌。 That side Fatty Lai, obvious has hesitated, but when the auctioneer shouted 300.08 million surely First times, Fatty Lai jumped come out. 赖胖子那边,明显的迟疑了一下,不过就在拍卖师喊“300080000千万第一次”的时候,赖胖子又跳了出来 400 million!” Fatty Lai offered own price. “400000000!”赖胖子报出了自己的价格。 Whish the surprised sound in field is lingering on faintly, these also somewhat were eager to try aristocratic family and rich merchant that wants to participate, at this moment has closed the mouth! Before admittedly, has the approval of Liu Tianyi and Yu Haitian to this Life Extending Detoxification Pill, but has not experienced how the thing after all is not clear, therefore buys not a clear thing with these much money, they will not do! “哗”场中的惊讶声不绝于耳,那些本来还有些跃跃欲试想要参与进来的世家和富商,此刻都闭上了嘴巴!固然之前有刘天翼雨海天对这延年益寿排毒丹的认可,但是没见识过的东西到底如何毕竟还是不清楚,所以用这么多钱买一个不清楚的东西,他们是不会做的!
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