SBPE :: Volume #2 风起云涌

#480: The younger male cousin visits once more

Chapter 0480 第0480章 The younger male cousin visits once more 表弟再次登门 Kang Zhaolong saw before the loathing in the Wang Xinyan eye flashing through, stares slightly, yes what's the matter. Evidently, Wang Xinyan is the vision very tall girl, these vanity worshipping money females such, do not see own such rich and powerful family son of upper-class family on excited serious, wishes one could to give instead of taking! 康照龙看到了王心妍眼中闪过的厌恶之前,微微一愣,就明白怎么回事儿了。看样子,王心妍是个眼界很高的女孩儿,不似那些虚荣拜金女那样,看到自己这样的豪门贵公子就兴奋的不得了,恨不得要倒贴上来! However, Wang Xinyan more so, more lets Kang Zhaolong touched and moved, if marries the female who seeks after the wealth to go home, although he will not say anything, but definitely cannot at heart happy. 不过,王心妍越是如此,越是让康照龙动心,要是娶来一个贪图钱财的女子回家,虽然他不会说什么,但是心里肯定也不会高兴 But the performance of Wang Xinyan happen to conforms with his appetite, therefore the desire in Kang Zhaolong eye flashes to pass, recover beforehand pure brightness. His plans are deep, can persist in studying painstakingly these many years, saw sufficiently his will has formidable how. 王心妍的表现正好合乎他的胃口,于是康照龙眼中的欲望一闪而逝,恢复了之前的清明。他心机深厚,能够坚持苦学这么多年,足以见到他的毅力有多么的强大。 Wang Xinyan hello/you good, I called Kang Zhaolong, hopes that we each other can be together happily!” Kang Zhaolong natural puts out a hand, to Wang Xinyan warm saying. 王心妍你好,我叫康照龙,希望我们彼此能够相处愉快!”康照龙大方的伸出手去,对王心妍热情的说道。 If Kang Zhaolong so, Wang Xinyan will not have loathed like presently to him from the beginning, after all he is the sacrificial victim of Family benefit, Wang Xinyan does not like him, will not loathe him. 如果康照龙一开始就如此,王心妍还不会对他像现在这样厌恶,毕竟他也是家族利益的牺牲品,王心妍就算不喜欢他,也不会厌恶他。 But the desire in Kang Zhaolong eye had demonstrated impure of his innermost feelings, making Wang Xinyan have a feeling of very nauseating, looked at Kang Zhaolong to extend come out hand one, said lightly: Excuse me, before I was closed by family member, several days have not washed the hands.” 可是康照龙眼中的欲望已经显示了他内心的不纯洁,让王心妍有一种很恶心的感觉,看了康照龙出来的手一眼,淡淡说道:“不好意思,之前我被家人关起来,几天没洗手了。” „?” Kang Zhaolong stares, immediately the complexion became gloomy, but that was only the flash, once more recover was normal, in his heart very annoyed Wang Xinyan did not give face, indicated in the presence of everyone actually she was compelled, did this make Kang Zhaolong feel sad? But Kang Zhaolong at this moment absolutely cannot get angry with Wang Xinyan, woman who comes Wang Xinyan lets her heart movement, such woman, oneself pursues also to might as well! Two, for the Family benefit, his junior cannot be at odds with Xiao Family. “啊?”康照龙一愣,随即脸色就变得阴沉了下来,不过那只是一瞬间,就再次恢复了正常,他心里面很恼火王心妍的不给面子,当众表明其实她是被逼的,这让康照龙情何以堪?可是康照龙此刻绝对不能和王心妍翻脸,一来王心妍是让她心动的女人,这样的女人,自己追求一下也无妨!二来,为了家族利益,他一个小辈不能和萧家闹翻脸。 It seems like, is Xinyan would rather not marrying into our Kang Family?” Medical God Kang listened to the Wang Xinyan words, is somewhat angry, Kang Zhaolong cannot say, but he actually! “看来,心妍是不太情愿嫁入我们康家啊?”康神医听了王心妍的话,有些恼怒,康照龙不能说,但是他却可以! Although presently Kang Family is also not aristocratic family, but marries this matter to offer mutual benefit and achieve common progress, Xiao Family is also very clear, moreover Xiao Family Old Master has hung, only the remaining two juniors, Medical God Kang has the qualifications to take advantage of own seniority. 虽然现在康家还不是世家,但是联姻这个事情是互惠互利的,萧家也很明白,而且萧家老爷子已经挂掉了,只剩下两个小辈,康神医还是有资格倚老卖老的。 This......” Xiao Ji somewhat is also annoyed, has not thought that Wang Xinyan very gives face under this situation unexpectedly, just wants to scold several, actually saw that Xiao Ben hits the meaningful glance to oneself, receives to stop talking hastily. “这……”萧基也有些恼火,没想到王心妍在这种场合之下居然好不给面子,正想呵斥几句,却看到萧本对自己打眼色,连忙收住了口。 Xiao Family, Xiao Ji, although is Boss, but Xiao Ben is wise, Xiao Ji presently also wants to understand, brother two collaborate to preserve the base industry, therefore also gave up Boss' face, everywhere listens to Xiao Ben. 萧家,萧基虽然是老大,但是萧本却足智多谋,萧基现在也想明白了,兄弟俩联手才能保住基业,所以也放弃了老大的面子,处处都听萧本的。 Old Kang, girl, face is small, where can comply all of a sudden?” Xiao Ben said with a smile: „The matter of young people are young people decided certainly, we are an intermediary, the key must depend on them, everybody contacts first, had the contact, has the next step plan!” 康老,女孩子嘛,都面子小,哪能一下子就答应下来?”萧本笑道:“年轻人的事情当然是年轻人自己决定,我们只是穿针引线,关键还要靠他们自己,大家先接触一下,有了接触,才有下一步的打算嘛!” The Xiao Ben words are very smooth, although is different from the initial original intention, but Medical God Kang is acceptable, come out that looks, Wang Xinyan has the obvious contradiction feeling, before Xiao Family also had definitely done a lot of work, if Medical God Kang demanded anything at this time, that will only make the matter more awful, that is not the Medical God Kang hope sees, can therefore do only, according, making two children who Xiao Ben said first contact. 萧本的话很圆滑,虽然和最初的初衷不一样,但是康神医还是可以接受的,看的出来,王心妍有明显的抵触感,之前萧家肯定也做了大量的工作,如果康神医这个时候强求什么,那只会让事情变得更糟糕,那不是康神医希望看见的,所以唯一能做的,就是按照萧本所说的,让两个孩子先接触一下。 Since two children both knew, then, contacts also well! Heard that Xinyan does go to school in Songshan City? After letting Zhaolong, in the weekend is all right, looks for Xinyan play.” Medical God Kang nodded to say. “既然两个孩子都认识了,那么以后多接触一下也好!听说心妍松山市上学?让照龙以后周末没事儿的时候,就去找心妍玩儿吧。”康神医点了点头说道。 Xinyan, I look for you, do not reject!” Kang Zhaolong said to Wang Xinyan with a smile. 心妍,我去找你,你可不要拒绝啊!”康照龙笑着对王心妍说道。 Third Year, I was very busy, possibly does not have the time......” Wang Xinyan light saying. 高三了,我很忙,可能没有时间……”王心妍淡淡的说道。 Although Wang Xinyan has the meaning of rejection, however her reason makes the person unable to pick up the problem, although Kang Zhaolong is not feeling well, but also can only say: „Does time of eating meal always have? Asked you to eat meal, made the friendly contacts!” 虽然王心妍有拒绝的意思,但是她的理由却又偏偏让人挑不出毛病来,康照龙虽然不爽,但是也只能说道:“吃个饭的时间总有吧?就请你吃个饭而已,联络一下感情!” This...... Looks at the time.” Wang Xinyan knit the brows, but Kang Zhaolong said that Wang Xinyan does not have the means that sees father that earnest vision, Wang Xinyan thinks very depressed. “这个……看时间吧。”王心妍皱了皱眉,不过康照龙都这么说了,王心妍也没有办法,看到父亲那殷切的目光,王心妍觉得很郁闷。 No matter what, dealt with say first again, were in any case young, dragging, perhaps will have any accident! Thinks of here, Wang Xinyan was actually relieved. 不管怎么说,先应付过去再说,反正自己年纪还小,拖一拖,没准儿就会有什么变故!想到这里,王心妍倒是安心了一些。 Sees the Wang Xinyan not intense opposition, the Medical God Kang facial color is also slightly slow: Guifeng has ordered one banquets in hotel, we pass together!” 见到王心妍没有再激烈的反对,康神医的面色也是稍缓:“贵丰酒店订了一桌酒席,我们一起过去吧!” Tang Yun does not know own how a day passes by, going home of in the evening staggers along, sees face smiling expression mother just and father at the matter of research purchase retail sales room. 唐韵不知道自己的一天是怎么过去的,晚上跌跌撞撞的回到了家,看到一脸笑意母亲正和父亲在研究购买门市房的事情。 „Did Yun'er come back?” Mother Tang feeling pleased looks at Tang Yun, has not noted daughter's mood not to suit: I and your father am studying, take one set of greatly a little retail sales, best is on goes downstairs, the house area of our family/home suffices, the payment words could not hand over many, 500,000 definitely were OK!” 韵儿回来了?”唐母喜滋滋的看着唐韵,也没有注意到女儿的情绪不对劲儿:“我和你爸正研究,要一套大一点儿的门市,最好是上下楼的,咱们家的房子面积够的,交钱的话也交不了多少,500000肯定可以了!” „......” Tang Yun has complied with one lightly, to the words of mouth, said that come out, she does not want to come back 500,000 in mother hand, is presently in this case, wants? Tang Yun depressed went to the room, has closed the door directly, lies on the bed, suffering from injustice cries gets up. “哦……”唐韵淡淡的应了一声,到了嘴边的话,又说不出来了,她本来想将妈妈手中的500000要回来,可是现在这种情况下,又怎么要?唐韵郁闷的回了房间,直接关上了房门,趴在床上,委屈的哭了起来。 Cries to cry, has rested...... 哭着哭着,就睡了过去…… Tang Yun dismissed from school will go to the room to read every day, therefore Mother Tang had not thought that slightly some anything are strange. 唐韵每天放学都会回房间看书,所以唐母也丝毫没觉得有些什么奇怪的。 Has not known how long, Tang Yun had been awakened by noise by disturbance, blurry crawls from the bed, prepares to wash the face comes back to read again, the push open door, actually saw that younger brother king Luwei and her girlfriend Little Dan are sitting on own sofa, a face hesitation expression. 不知道过了多久,唐韵被一阵吵杂声吵醒了,迷迷糊糊的从床上爬起来,准备去洗个脸再回来看书,推开房门,却看到弟弟王路伟和她的女朋友小丹正坐在自家的沙发上,一脸踌躇的表情。 Yun'er, did you awake? Visited you to fall asleep a moment ago, does not dare to call you!” Mother Tang sees Tang Yun to get up, immediately one happy: You go to school every day tired, I have not disturbed you, happen to you awoke, the Little Wei matter also wants you to help!” 韵儿,你醒了?刚才看你睡着了,也不敢叫你!”唐母看到唐韵起来,顿时一喜:“你每天上学累,我也就没有打扰你,正好你醒了,小伟的事情还要你帮忙啊!” Tang Yun slightly one surprised: Little Wei how?” 唐韵微微一愕:“小伟又怎么了?” Elder sister...... You must help me!” A Little Wei face depressed looks at Tang Yun, implored: You must rescue Little Dan!” “姐……你得帮我啊!”小伟一脸沮丧的看着唐韵,祈求道:“你要救救小丹!” „? What disaster did you annoy?” Tang Yun was not happy, at this moment heard that Little Wei has caused trouble, naturally not too happy. “又怎么了?你又惹什么祸事了?”唐韵心情本就不好,此刻听说小伟又闯祸了,自然更是不太高兴 Little Wei also saw Tang Yun's is not quick, does not dare to open the mouth. 小伟也看出了唐韵的不快,更加的不敢开口了。 Little Wei can look at come out, Mother Tang naturally can also look at come out, stared Tang Yun: What's wrong, you were developed, no matter younger brother?” 小伟能看出来,唐母自然也能看出来,瞪了一眼唐韵:“怎么,你发达了,就不管弟弟了?” My developed anything!” Tang Yun knit the brows: I also had not said that no matter he!” “我发达什么!”唐韵皱了皱眉:“我又没说不管他!”
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