SBPE :: Volume #16

#9907: Chapter 9907

Before Ji late, quite refuses to accept to Lin Yi, thinks that Lin Yi is the background is eventually frail, was blown come out all sorts of scores quite to have the moisture content, oneself really must with it to, not necessarily the strength of no war. 姬迟之前对林逸还颇有不服,认为林逸终究是底子单薄,被吹出来的种种战绩颇有水分,自己真要与之对上,未必没有一战之力。 However looks at present this scene, his heart that impractical self-confident directly stepped on tiny bits. 然而看着眼前这番景象,他心底那点不切实际的自信直接被踩的稀碎。 To be too many! 想太多了! Even if at this moment unwilling, he must accept a brutal reality. 此时此刻哪怕再不甘心,他也必须接受一个残酷的现实。 Lin Yi with him, is completely two World people. 林逸跟他,已经完全是两个世界的人了。 permits Anshan does not have the slight accident/surprise, if this level does not even have, do the qualifications where Lin Yi comes contest with him? 许安山对此却没有丝毫的意外,要是连这点水平都没有,林逸哪来的资格跟他过招? The right hand palm lifts slightly, a huge and dignified emperor empty shadow also appears in its back. 右手手掌微微抬起,一个庞大而威严的帝王虚影随之在其背后浮现。 Lin Yi selects the eyebrow slightly, in that emperor empty shadow, he saw the dreadful breadth of spirit of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors unexpectedly! 林逸微微挑眉,在那个帝王虚影之中,他竟是看到了三皇五帝的滔天气魄! Worthily is the inborn emperor meteorology man. 不愧是天生帝王气象的男人。 Impartial, permits Anshan is making to a Lin Yi palm, holds the potential to head on immediately. 不偏不倚,许安山正对林逸一掌打出,掌势随即扑面而至。 However stands in the Lin Yi's position, at this moment feels is actually not the common offensive, but was a common people state of entire dynasty landscape! 然而站在林逸的位置,此刻感受到的却不是寻常的攻势,而是一整座皇朝江山的苍生社稷! The so heavy/thick and invincible strength, the reality is his entire life only sees. 如此厚重而无敌的力量,实乃他生平仅见。 Let alone Lin Yi this litigant, was affected onlooking people of complementary waves slightly, was oppressed full of admiration. 别说林逸这个当事人,就连只是稍微被波及到了一点余波的旁观众人,也都生生被压迫得五体投地。 Common people state, weight/quantity heaviness how! 苍生社稷,分量何其之重! A loudly loud sound. 一声轰然巨响。 The dust diverges, Lin Yi such as in the people imagination had not been beaten like that instead stands in as in same place, but the body were many mysterious but powerful black bone armor. 尘埃散去,林逸并没有如众人想象中那般被击垮,反而依旧站在原地,只不过身上多了一层神秘而强大的黑色骨甲。 Five lines extremely, dominate the Buddha shape. 五行化极,霸佛形态。 The people collective is dumbfounded. 众人集体目瞪口呆。 In the permits Anshan faint look also flashes through a surprise. 许安山淡漠的眼神中也不由闪过一丝诧异。 Lin Yi can receive his emperor state palm is not strange, but can be so unflustered, makes him feel really somewhat beyond expectation. 林逸能够接下他这一记帝王社稷掌并不奇怪,可是能够如此从容不迫,着实还是让他觉得有些出人意料。 Under black armor covers, the Lin Yi eyes are glittering the ray of difference, looks at permits secure the mountain road: If must hit, I can accompany.” 黑甲覆盖之下,林逸双眼闪烁着异样的光芒,看着许安山道:“如果一定要打,我可以奉陪。” In the light tone, is passing several points of excitements that is hard to conceal. 平淡的语气中,透着几分难以掩饰的兴奋。 Without a doubt, emperor permits Anshan absolutely is he has so far contacted in the opponent strongest that does not have one, even if the Sky King herd gods of city Lord mansion must miss one section. 毋庸置疑,帝王许安山绝对是他目前为止所接触过的对手之中最强的那一个,没有之一,哪怕城主府的天王牧神都要差出一截。 Half th division once appraised, strength of this person has been close to the ultra top strength level infinitely, emperor permits Anshan, is now the recognized top strength ceiling. 洛半师曾经评价,此人的实力已经无限接近超顶级战力层次,帝王许安山,就是当今公认的顶级战力天花板。 Because of the beforehand abnormal score, Lin Yi the call also is very even if high now, but in the mainstream cognition, he actually must miss the frontline compared with permits Anshan slightly. 哪怕因为之前的变态战绩,林逸如今呼声也很高,但在主流认知之中,他比起许安山却还是要稍微差了一线。 If can bridge over permits Anshan, to Lin Yi absolutely is a qualitative change, even top pattern of entire Jianghai Institute, will also rewrite. 若是能够跨过许安山,对林逸而言绝对是一场质变,甚至连带着整个江海学院的顶层格局,也将会随之改写。 However regarding Lin Yi's games intent, permits Anshan does not have to give the meaning of response slightly. 然而对于林逸的意,许安山却没有丝毫要给予回应的意思。 That walks respectively various.” “那就各走各的。” Leaves behind one lightly, permits Anshan turns around to leave directly, a numerous scientific theory meets established ten to see that follows immediately. 淡淡留下一句,许安山直接转身离开,一众学理会老牌十席见状当即跟上。 Other numerous high-end strengths look at each other, finally also the choice joins the team. 其余一众高端战力相视一眼,最终也选择加入队伍。 Compares Lin Yi, they believe strength of emperor permits Anshan obviously. 相比起林逸,他们显然还是更加相信帝王许安山的实力 Since is doomed to hold the thigh, naturally must hold thickest that this type is the simple logic in certainly the large number time often is effective. 既然注定要抱大腿,自然要抱最粗的那一条,这种越是朴素的逻辑在绝大数时候往往就越是有效。 Quick, the scene only had Lin Yi one is troops, immediately seemed somewhat weak. 很快,现场就只剩下了林逸一系人马,顿时就显得有些势单力薄。 Hong Baxian reminded: „A that Tai probably go it alone.” 洪霸先提醒道:“那个吕太一好像单独行动了。” One as three top strength, Tai one, although has nothing to have the feeling from beginning to end, but many years of experience intuitions told him, this person cannot be underestimated absolutely. 身为三个顶级战力之一,吕太一虽然从始至终没什么存在感,但多年的经验直觉告诉他,此人绝对不容小觑。 Lin Yi nods. 林逸点了点头。 He has also been paying attention to every action and every movement of this person, if follows permits Anshan people to leave, he even also prepares to remind permits Anshan one voice. 他也一直在留意此人的一举一动,如果跟着许安山众人离开,他甚至还准备提醒许安山一声。 However presently, actually without that necessity. 不过现在,倒是没那个必要了。 The autumn three mothers regret saying: If we had known just remembered that map, but also the inborn emperor, map does not remain to us, is really mean-spirited.” 秋三娘惋惜道:“早知道刚刚就把那张地图记下来了,还天生帝王呢,连个地图都不给我们留,真是小气。” Lin Yi Xiaoxiao: This you were unfair to him actually, he just turned around, has projected in the entire map information my knowledge sea, was very comprehensive.” 林逸笑笑:“这你倒是冤枉他了,他刚刚转身的时候,已经把整个地图信息投射到了我的识海之中,很是全面。” Worthily is the emperor, is a tasteful person!” “不愧是帝王,是个讲究人!” The autumn three mothers light up with pleasure immediately, a brazen say/way: Looked, in he gives us in the map share, just pressed the dirty account not to consider as finished with him us.” 秋三娘顿时喜笑颜开,一脸大度道:“看在他给我们地图的份上,刚刚把我们压得灰头土脸的账就不跟他算了。” The people are in abundance speechless: He may really well thank you.” 众人纷纷无语:“那他可真得好好谢谢你。” At this time Wei Baizhan asked one suddenly: If he continued to act a moment ago, what to do Boss you can?” 这时候韦百战忽然问了一句:“如果刚才他继续出手,老大你会怎么办?” The Lin Yi faint smile looks at his one eyes: „Did you say?” 林逸似笑非笑地看他一眼:“你说呢?” From the sane judgment, comes to do the internal strife with permits Anshan only, truly is not the wise action. 单从理智判断,一进来就跟许安山搞内讧,确实不是什么明智之举。 But if sometimes has maintained the reason, a lot are not instead good to be done. 可是有些时候如果一直保持理智,很多事情反而不好做。 Lin Yi here, the reason is always only a method, rather than ultimate goal. 林逸这里,理智从来都只是一种手段,而不是最终目的。 Time is limited, our leaves sends the fire god altar.” “时间有限,咱们这就出发去火神祭坛吧。” Lin Yi shared the map information to everyone directly, along with, even if lead, the people follow. 林逸直接给所有人共享了地图信息,随即便带头出发,众人紧随其后。 Strange, how some so many dark demon beasts?” “奇怪,怎么有这么多黑暗魔兽?” Merely after small half day, the people then detected unusual. 仅仅小半日之后,众人便察觉到了不同寻常。 Different from other mystical places, the thing in various mysterious boundary is not the god only thought that but like Lord World real existence. 不同于其他秘境,诸神秘境中的东西并非神祇意念所化,而是像主世界一样的真实存在。 This place presents various Spirit Beast is not strange. 这种地方出现各种灵兽并不奇怪。 But this gets down, has in presently Lin Yi divine sense is actually some dark demon beasts, this rather was extremely strange. 可是这一路下来,出现在林逸神识之中的却都是一些黑暗魔兽,这就未免太过诡异了。 Must know that compares ordinary Spirit Beast, the dark demon beast becomes lineage/vein, are extremely few in the human cultivator activity region appears. 要知道相比起普通灵兽,黑暗魔兽自成一脉,极少在人类修炼者活动区域出现。 Presents several also reluctantly to understand fragmentarily. 零星出现几头还勉强可以理解。 But in the Lin Yi's divine sense perception area, the dark demon beast that this encounters at least over hundred, this obviously is not accidental incident. 可是在林逸的神识感知范围之内,这一路遭遇的黑暗魔兽至少在百头以上,这显然已经不是什么偶发事件了。 Continually various mysterious boundaries by dark demon beast invasion?” “难道连诸神秘境都被黑暗魔兽入侵了?” This thought just emitted from the Lin Yi mind, suddenly under the heart moves, does not immediately have the indication to change into the tyrant Buddha shape, direct fist thump place. 这个念头刚刚从林逸脑海中冒出,忽然心下一动,随即毫无征兆化为霸佛形态,直接一拳捶地。 The people are perplexed. 身后众人不明所以。 Then sees the under foot land to split, a kilometer ultra giant centipede corpse also exposes come out, dying extremely is serene. 而后便见脚下大地裂开,一条千米长的超巨型蜈蚣尸体随之暴露出来,死得十分安详。 People simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform stares dumbfounded. 众人齐齐瞠目结舌。 Hong Baxian cannot bear say: „Is this dark demon beast? Perhaps strength had giant grand perfection Late Phase peak, such big build can also such strictness that the aura went into hiding, if this came by it suddenly, sufficed us to drink a pot.” 洪霸先忍不住说道:“这是黑暗魔兽?实力恐怕有巨头大圆满后期巅峰了吧,这么大的体型还能将气息隐匿的如此严密,这要是被它突然来一下,够咱们喝一壶的。” The people lingering fear nods in abundance. 众人纷纷后怕点头。 This is also Lin Yi here, otherwise only depends on the words of their five people, only this ultra giant centipede can make them fall into struggles hard, even can be the hopeless situation. 这也就是林逸在这里,否则只靠他们自己五个人的话,单是这条超巨型蜈蚣就能让他们陷入苦战,甚至会是绝境。 After all here not, only then its dark demon beast. 毕竟这里可不只有它一头黑暗魔兽。 Once the sound is noisy, the dark demon beast in all directions gathers, by they several people of strength, almost does not have any possibility of returning alive. 一旦动静闹大,四面八方的黑暗魔兽聚拢过来,以他们几人的实力,几乎没有任何生还的可能性。 But this is the important nature of team leader is also. 而这也正是领队的重要性所在。
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