SBPE :: Volume #16

#9899: Chapter 9899

Abandons this dealt puppet fight with the package day, Lin Yi at least also has the possibility of winning. 同包天弃这个被操盘的傀儡战斗,林逸至少还有赢的可能性。 But once compels the opposite party true body to act, that scene was really not perhaps good to tidy up. 可一旦逼到对方真身出手,那场面恐怕就真的不好收拾了。 Therefore, Lin Yi will not bridge over that boundary on own initiative, moves the excuse of checkerboard to the opposite party. 所以,林逸绝不会主动跨过那条界限,给对方掀掉棋盘的借口。 He in gambling. 他在赌。 Bets the opposite party active maintenance game rule, because only then had the rule, this game will be interesting. 赌对方会主动维护游戏规则,因为只有有了规则,这个游戏才会有意思。 What since the opposite party wants to look is the pleasure, then the victory and loss does not have important that lets its feel interesting most important. 既然对方想找的是乐子,那么输赢本身就没那么重要,让其觉得有意思才最重要 Looks the package day that the tyrant Buddha shape Lin Yi and further unlimited violent walks abandons, the people who the battle scene that collides again crazily, outside observes had lost the courage of appraisal thoroughly. 看着霸佛形态的林逸和进一步无限暴走的包天弃,再度疯狂碰撞的厮杀场面,场外观战的众人已经彻底失去了评价的勇气。 The so crazy and powerful fight, is all of them since birth the First times experience. 如此疯狂而强大的战斗,乃是他们所有人有生以来第一次见识。 Besides panic-stricken, has no other feelings. 除了惊骇之外,根本没有任何其他的感想。 Regarding the appraisal, do their one crowd of bronze, appraise the fights of two King with what? 至于说评价,他们一群青铜,拿什么去评价两个王者的战斗? They even suspected seriously, even if these two monsters do not use any regular strength, can in other top strengths the small mystical place slaughter at this moment! 他们甚至严重怀疑,就这两个怪物哪怕不动用任何的规则力量,都能将此刻小秘境内其他的顶级战力屠戮一空! Although this is logically impossible. 虽然这在逻辑上不可能。 But the intuition told them, the logic was useless on these two monsters. 可是直觉告诉他们,逻辑在这两个怪物身上根本就没有用。 Their great strength, have gone beyond the logical category that the average man can understand completely. 他们的强大,已经完全超出了常人能够理解的逻辑范畴。 Who will they win?” “他们俩谁会赢?” Some people asked the most essential question. 有人问出了一个最关键的问题。 However half th division or the secret, cannot give a clear answer at this moment. 然而无论是洛半师还是天机,此刻都给不出一个明确的答案。 Because they cannot completely understand existence of that mysterious, could not completely understand that has ultimate perfect domain Lin Yi, at this time they also can only be the same to others, purely judged by the experience and eyesight. 因为他们既看不透那个神秘的存在,也看不透坐拥终极完美领域的林逸,这个时候他们也只能跟其他人一样,纯靠经验和眼力去判断。 Finally the day said one toward the sun: Lin Yi won.” 最终还是天向阳说了一句:“林逸赢了。” „......” “……” The people are perplexed. 众人不明所以。 At this time in scene Lin Yi, although truly does not drop the wind, but is not also in the upper hand, each other both sides at best are also well-matched, how to win? 此时场面上林逸虽然确实是不落下风,可也同样不占上风,彼此双方充其量也就是旗鼓相当,怎么就赢了? Package few tours that however at this time in the small mystical place, the short distance observes also gave the similar answer. 然而此时小秘境中,近距离观战的包少游也给出了同样的答案。 Boss won. 老大赢了。 Merely a moment later, a Lin Yi foot abandoned to step on the bottom the inadequate human shaped package day suddenly again, at the same time, covered black bone armor of whole body to start toward the right hand palm to condense crazily. 仅仅片刻之后,林逸猛然一脚将不成人形的包天弃再度踩进了地底,与此同时,覆盖全身的黑色骨甲开始朝着右手手掌疯狂凝聚。 After the complete strength gathers in a point, the front surface loudly pounds down. 将全部力量汇聚到一点之后,迎面轰然砸下。 The anger of tyrant Buddha. 霸佛之怒。 A loudly loud sound. 一声轰然巨响。 Is centered on the package of day abandoned points of descent, a wild irresistible great strength assumes corrugated to swing, the earth's crust of entire small mystical place also like monstrous waves turbulent shake. 以包天弃的落点为中心,一股狂暴不可阻挡的巨力呈波纹状荡开,整个小秘境的地壳都随之如巨浪般汹涌震荡。 Over a hundred altars collapse directly half. 上百座祭坛直接塌掉一半。 An numerous are robbing the top strengths and high-end strengths of sequence order is affected, light, then has panic-stricken, heavy spits blood at the scene. 一众正在抢夺位次的顶级战力和高端战力们纷纷受到波及,轻则心生惊骇,重则当场吐血。 Everyone collective look at each other in blank dismay. 所有人集体面面相觑。 Where this is sacred is attacking brutally! 这到底是何方神圣在大打出手! Sees with one's own eyes this secret overseas observing people, is the whole staff is dumbfounded, this special is the strength that human can have?! 亲眼看到这一幕的秘境外观战众人,更是全员目瞪口呆,这特么是人类能够拥有的力量?! Could not bear grinning day after day toward the sun: Trades to be me to be intimate such a fist, it is estimated that I must die there at the scene, Lin Yi this boy is really can give the person to be pleasantly surprised frequently!” 就连天向阳都忍不住咧了咧嘴:“换做我挨上这么一拳,估计我得当场死在那里,林逸这小子真是时时刻刻都能给人惊喜啊!” Nearby Luo river half th division shakes the head with a smile. 旁边洛半师笑着摇了摇头。 This saying pays certainly lip service, the anger of Lin Yi this tyrant Buddha, admittedly is ominous one batch, but must say that can the second kill day Xiangyang, that also provokes laughter. 这话当然只是嘴上说说,林逸这一记霸佛之怒,固然是凶的一批,可要说能够秒杀天向阳,那也就是逗个乐子。 If nothing else, at the Lin Yi present level, only if the day stands toward the sun on own initiative is calling him. 别的不说,以林逸眼下的层次,除非天向阳主动站着给他打。 Otherwise opportunity that he simply has not projected on, even does not have the opportunity of fist, cannot leave the fist, how possibly to hit the deceased person?! 否则他根本没有打到的机会,甚至都没有出拳的机会,连拳都出不了,怎么可能打得死人?! No matter what, Lin Yi's powerful strength has struck root in the hearts of the people in this moment. 但不管怎么样,林逸的强悍实力在这一刻已经是深入人心。 Even if has looked at he not pleasing to the eyes day cloud open/start, this little while also pulls a long face does not speak, even faintly also some lingering fear. 哪怕就连一直看他不顺眼的天云开,这会儿也都绷着脸不说话了,甚至隐隐还有些后怕。 If really because of his personal preference, provoked such a terrifying opponent to the day family/home, perhaps his day family/home Great Elder dies continually can hardly absolve. 真要是因为他的个人好恶,给天家招惹了这么一个恐怖的对手,他这个天家大长老恐怕连死都难辞其咎。 Fortunately, the day has not followed he to violate toward the sun together stupid. 还好,天向阳没有跟着他一起犯蠢。 At this time in field. 此时场中。 Looks that the under foot was hit the pulpy package day to abandon, Lin Yi selected the eyebrow slightly, the standing up body: Excuse me, this was I wins.” 看着脚下被打得稀烂的包天弃,林逸微微挑了挑眉,站起身子:“不好意思,这一场是我赢了。” Quick, a mysterious information fluctuation, reflects to carve directly in his mind. 很快,一股玄妙的信息波动,直接映刻在他脑海之中。 You imagine me want to be fun, since this, that next toy elects you.” “你比我想象中要好玩一些,既然这样,那下一个玩具就选你吧。” Said that then must invade the Lin Yi's origin spirit deep place, wants to take advantage of opportunity Lin Yi turns into the Second package day to abandon. 说完便要侵入林逸的元神深处,想要顺势将林逸变成第二个包天弃。 Lin Yi knits the brows: Your this may a little not speak Wu De, lost one not only does not accept the penalty on own initiative, instead controls my winner with the method of cheating, the game does not play.” 林逸不由皱眉:“你这可就有点不讲武德了啊,输的一方非但不主动接受惩罚,反而用作弊的手段来操控我这个胜者,游戏可不是这么玩的。” The quick information has presently in together his mind. 很快又一道信息出现在他脑海之中。 How game plays me to decide, you said does not calculate, understood human?” “游戏怎么玩我说了算,你说的不算,懂了吗人类?” Then, further strengthened to the invasion of Lin Yi origin spirit. 说完,进一步加强了对林逸元神的入侵。 From the outside is calm, but at this moment, might be considered as the Lin Yi in history most dangerous time. 在外界看来波澜不惊,但此时此刻,却堪称是林逸有史以来最危险的时候。 This invasion is not his origin spirit generation hits, is actually a seizing shed of higher level in disguised form. 这种入侵可不是他的元神代打,其实就是一种变相的更高层次的夺舍。 Once went well by the opposite party, he lost the self-awareness thoroughly, even if in bystander opinion regardless of the mortal body or origin spirit are perfect, but he no longer is Lin Yi. 一旦被对方得手,他就彻底失去了自我意识,哪怕在外人看来无论肉身还是元神都完好无损,可他已经不再是林逸了。 What most awfully is, by Lin Yi the giant grand perfection Late Phase origin spirit boundary, simply does not have the strength of resistance regarding this method at present! 最要命的是,以林逸眼下巨头大圆满后期元神境界,对于这种手段却是根本没有抵抗之力! Only can, no matter what it pushes directly into, goes straight to origin spirit most deep place! 只能任其长驱直入,直抵元神最深处! „, Originally some of you also so many strange secrets, are really a fun fellow, after that your board game piece I may result in save the point to use, so as to avoid fumbled and broke up the show all of a sudden, that may not be unamusing.” “啧啧,原来你还有这么多奇奇怪怪的秘密,果然是个好玩的家伙,那以后你这个棋子我可得省着点用,免得一下子又玩坏了,那可就不好玩了。” That mysterious exists is glancing over the magnanimous information in Lin Yi origin spirit, while expressed admiration, is passing one share unprecedented exciting mood. 那个神秘存在一边浏览着林逸元神中的海量信息,一边啧啧称奇,透着一股子前所未有的兴奋情绪。 His come out, on the one hand is because thousand Ten-thousand-year come to be extremely boring, wanting come out to look for a pleasure, then on the other hand must experience the human the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures. 他这次出来,一方面是因为千万年来太过无聊,想要出来找点乐子,另一方面则是要体验一下人类的七情六欲。 But hold/container Tianqi such board game piece, really has nothing worthwhile to him, was good to meet Lin Yi. 只不过包天弃这样的棋子,对他来说实在是乏善可陈,好在遇上了林逸 These has not consumed that big price time finally in vain. 这一次总算没有白白耗费那么大的代价。 Existence like him, wanting come out really is not easy one time, it pays a price big, trivial human is unable to imagine. 像他这样的存在,想要出来一次可是真的不容易,其付出代价之大,区区人类根本无法想象。 „Did you call Lin Yi? Relax, I will treat your companions well, when wore out you, they are my alternative board game piece!” “你叫林逸是吧?放心,我会好好对待你那些同伴的,等到把你用坏了,他们就是我的备选棋子!” mysterious has the preparation that has a relish to deliver Lin Yi starting off. 神秘存在饶有兴致的准备送林逸上路。 Finally at this time, the Lin Yi's sound resounded suddenly: You want to elect whom, when board game piece, that is your own matter, but since arrived here to stay behind honestly.” 结果这时,林逸的声音忽然响起:“你想选谁当棋子,那是你自己的事情,但既然来到了我这里就老老实实留下吧。” „......” “……” mysterious existed obviously gawked, immediately said with a smile strangely: You know that what you are saying?” 神秘存在明显愣了一下,随即怪笑道:“你知道自己在说什么吗?” Lin Yi smiles: You , if not believe that might as well try, presently can also go out?” 林逸笑了笑:“你要是不相信的话不如试一试,现在还出得去吗?” Quick, mysterious has the discovery is not right. 很快,神秘存在就发现不对劲了。
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