SBPE :: Volume #16

#9660: Chapter 9660

Therefore this matter no one is willing to see, even other five great will be out personally, in fact the aspect evolves the present situation, admittedly is Hong Baxian deliberately plans, but a more essential point, is because has other five to be great is adding fuel to the flames secretly. 故而这种事情没有任何人愿意看到,甚至其他五巨都会亲自下场,事实上局面演变成眼下的情形,固然是洪霸先处心积虑,但更关键的一点,也是因为有其他五巨在幕后推波助澜。 For example secret pavilion. 比如天机阁。 Cannot make him succeed! 绝不能让他成功! This thought has the mind of presently audience everyone simultaneously, although who knows that alone king Xiangyao breaks through is not easy, even the most peak fullest condition is extremely difficult, let alone at present this situation, if? 这个念头同时出现在全场每一个人的脑海,虽然谁都知道独王想要突破没那么容易,即便是最巅峰最饱满的状态都是极难,更别说眼下这种情形了,可是万一呢? Hasn't acted?” “还不出手?” Hong Baxian shouted angrily, took the lead to rush to the gulf, in a twinkling the dragon shape sounded together, the underground boom was unceasing, the trim land followed to creaky. 洪霸先怒喝一声,率先冲下深坑,霎时间龙象齐鸣,地下轰声不断,整片大地都跟着摇摇欲坠。 Lin Yi of Titan big buddha shape does not have the least bit to hesitate, follows close on is launching the powerful offensive to the alone king. 泰坦大佛形态的林逸也没有半点犹豫,紧跟着对独王发起强大攻势。 Indeed along Hong Baxian meaning is not a good deed, may select the least of two evils, once were really succeeded by alone king Tupo, that Lin Yi and presents everyone to become the from head to tail ants, when the time comes no one want to be in control of own destiny. 诚然顺了洪霸先的意绝非好事,可两害相权取其轻,一旦真被独王突破成功,那林逸和在场每一个人都会成为彻头彻尾的蝼蚁,到时候谁也别想主宰自己的命运。 , Cannot achieve to stay out eventually.” “也罢,也罢,终究做不到置身事外啊。” stretch/open Qiutan, although does not have to start to the alone king directly, but with all knew the domain to work as auxiliary to two people, passed to Hong Baxian each slight flaw of alone king whole body unceasingly with Lin Yi. 张求叹了一声,虽然没有直接对独王下手,但还是用全知领域给两人当起了辅助,不断将独王周身的每一处细微破绽传给洪霸先和林逸 Then, two people attack efficiencies multiply directly! 如此一来,两人的攻击效率直接倍增! The only leaf knows position next Killer's King seemingly iron core must go into hiding, from beginning to end goes into hiding in the corner, without the least bit sound. 唯独叶知位这位下一任杀手之王貌似是铁了心要销声匿迹,从始至终隐匿在角落,没有半点动静。 Under two people crazy fierce offensive, the mysterious shackles of alone king whole body start become creaky, until disrupts at the scene. 在两人的狂猛攻势之下,独王周身的神秘枷锁开始变得摇摇欲坠,直至当场碎裂。 Indeed, even without two people of offensive, these shackles can still by voluntarily the disintegration. 诚然,即便没有二人的攻势,这些枷锁也会被自行崩碎。 But that is completely two concepts. 但那完全是两个概念。 Broken then stands, this is from the usual approach of sad incantation, you must race against time with the alone king, snatch before he himself breaks through these shackles first breaks as far as possible, breaks, he breaks through the chance of success to be lower!” “破而后立,这是自悲咒的一贯做法,你们必须跟独王抢时间,抢在他自己突破这些枷锁之前尽可能抢先打破,打破越多,他突破成功的几率就越低!” stretch/open request was also ready for any sacrifice obviously. 张求显然也是豁出去了。 As hundred society directors, offends alone king such five great admittedly is the non- wisdom, but behind him is also standing the secret pavilion, who must discuss the failing a grade fresh institute most not to hope that the alone king breaks through, the secret pavilion is among the best absolutely. 作为百家社社长,往死里得罪独王这样的五巨固然是不智,可他背后还站着天机阁,要论留级生院谁最不希望独王突破,天机阁绝对名列前茅。 After the quarter of an hour . 一刻钟后。 Lingers is eradicated in the mysterious shackles of alone king whole body finally thoroughly, Hong Baxian with Lin Yi, although has acted full power, but also broke 40%, remaining six help is alone king breaks. 萦绕在独王周身的神秘枷锁终于被彻底破除,洪霸先和林逸虽已是全力出手,但也只是破掉了其中40%,剩下的六成全是独王自己所破。 Belongs to gradually tranquilly along with the alone king aura , a Lin Yi heart instead mentioned the throat. 伴随着独王身上的气息渐渐归于平静,林逸一颗心却反而提到了嗓子眼。 Because, the intuition told Lin Yi, the alone king as if really awoke. 因为,直觉告诉林逸,独王似乎真的醒了。 „Do you...... go bad my good deed?” “你们……坏我好事?” The voice of alone king is extremely jerky, is rubbing like two pieces of tinsels, making the person eardrum painful, appalling. 独王的声音极度生涩,如同两片金属片在摩擦,令人耳膜生疼,同时也令人毛骨悚然。 Even if his strength with the beforehand does not have any distinction, but regains consciousness to play dead, hitting absolutely is day and the disparity of place, let alone his present whole body aura intensity is the beforehand hundred times! 哪怕他的实力跟之前没有任何分别,但一个苏醒一个假死,打起来绝对是天与地的差距,何况他如今的周身气息强度乃是之前百倍! Decides the life and death time arrived! 决生死的时候到了! Lin Yi and Hong Baxian showed the unprecedented tacit understanding at this time, then did not keep the least bit ample force, the simultaneous/uniform complete strength acted. 林逸和洪霸先在这个时候展现出了前所未有的默契,再不留半点余力,齐齐全力出手。 At this time the alone king's consciousness just regained consciousness, especially also the card in the crucial point of this breakthrough, should unable to display the full power for a while truly, but will not be long this time. 此时独王的意识才刚刚苏醒,尤其还卡在这个临阵突破的节骨眼,一时应该还无法真正发挥全力,可这个时间绝不会太长。 Once really waits for his recover to come completely, without breaking through successfully, that is not they can be a worthy opponent. 一旦真等他完全恢复过来,哪怕没有突破成功,那也绝不是他二人能够匹敌的。 Is lives dies, in this frontline! 是生是死,就在这一线! Titan big buddha golden light writings, another vicious flame is steaming, with burns the day for five lines of fire element extremely greatly! 泰坦大佛一手金光大作,另一手黑焰腾腾,正是同为五行化极的火系大焚天! Two palms under the bang, bountiful alone Royal Capital cannot undergo simultaneously, was made a black blood. 两掌同时轰下,饶是独王都经受不住,生生被打出一口黑血。 Meanwhile Hong Tyrant is first unprecedented, the domain protection of bang broken alone king, presses with 1 million dragon great strength palms likely in the crown of the head of alone king, but had not estimated frigid scene that the head explodes, but was the direct production framing. 与此同时洪霸先一往无前,轰碎独王的领域防护,携百万龙象巨力一掌摁在独王的天灵盖,不过并没有预想中头颅爆炸的惨烈景象,而是直接形成了定格。 In a flash, as if entire World solidified. 一瞬之间,仿佛整个世界都凝固住了。 Lin Yi does not feel immediately right. 林逸顿时就觉得不对。 stretch/open request divine sense sound transmission confirmed his suspicion: Hong Baxian as if has something else planned, he do not kill the alone king, but is taking the opportunity to plunder the strength of alone king! He hid a plundering domain!” 张求的神识传音验证了他的猜想:“洪霸先似乎另有所图,他不是要杀死独王,而是在借机掠夺独王的一身力量!他藏了一手掠夺领域!” The plundering domain, the nature has the similarity with Wei Baizhan black tide domain, can capture others domain to use for oneself, because the liquid gold two are the compound domain reasons, plunders the domain strength to be bigger than the black tide domain. 掠夺领域,性质跟韦百战的黑潮领域有着相似之处,都是能够夺取别人领域为自己所用,但因为金水两系复合领域的缘故,掠夺领域的优势远比黑潮领域更大。 Because it not only can capture others' domain, meanwhile can capture others' cultivating is! 因为它不仅能够夺取别人的领域,同时还能夺取别人的修为! Places on the alone king, it takes a broad view at failing a grade fresh institute unique space domain admittedly to be attractive, but compared its five great rank the terrifying to cultivate/repair to miss obviously were too many. 放在独王身上,其放眼留级生院绝无仅有的空间领域固然诱人,但相比起其五巨级别的恐怖修为显然还是差了太多。 If captures the space domain, Hong Tyrant admittedly will first welcome wave of strength to rise suddenly, but again is also only giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert, five great under First people were the ceilings that he is unable to break through. 若只是夺取空间领域,洪霸先固然会迎来一波实力暴涨,但再强也只是巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手,五巨之下第一人就是他无法突破的天花板了。 But if including one of the alone king to cultivate/repair is one and swallows, he can advance into five directly greatly, replaces alone Wang Cheng for the failing a grade fresh institute pivotal brand-new one extremely! 可如果连着独王的一身修为一并吞下,那他直接就能跻身五巨,顶替独王成为留级生院举足轻重的全新一极! So will be easy?” “会有那么容易吗?” Lin Yi thought some are not right, Hong Tyrant is first hiding a plundering domain, obviously prepares for the alone king, but will the alone king easily be plundered successfully by him? 林逸还是觉得有些不对,洪霸先藏着一手掠夺领域,显而易见就是为独王准备的,可独王这么轻易就会被他掠夺成功? Even if just suffered the heavy losses, the alone king is also insufficient is so weak? 哪怕刚刚遭受了重创,独王也不至于这么弱吧? But what is strange, alone Wang Mingming has started to regain consciousness, but actually another invisible strength suppressed his awakens advancement, compelling him to re-enter the playing dead condition. 但诡异的是,独王明明已经开始苏醒,但却另有一股无形的力量压制住了他的苏醒进程,逼着他重新进入假死状态。 Who concrete is acts in in the dark, Lin Yi is unknown. 具体是谁在暗中出手,林逸不得而知。 However has this ability person, the entire failing a grade fresh institute does not surpass only the number of hand absolutely, is actually not difficult to guess. 不过有这份能力的人,整个留级生院也绝对不超过只手之数,其实并不难猜。 Then, the alone king then lost thoroughly dealt with resistance ability that Hong Baxian plundered, can only , no matter what it demanded everything! 如此一来,独王便彻底失去了应对洪霸先掠夺的抵抗能力,只能任其予取予求! In an instant, on the alone king the vast fearsome aura then starts the dispirited to decline, displacing is Hong Tyrant first aura starts to rise suddenly crazily, on fleeing quick shocking, even also went far beyond a moment ago the alone king main body increase. 转眼间,独王身上浩瀚可怖的气息便重新开始萎靡衰退,取而代之的则是洪霸先身上气息开始疯狂暴涨,上窜之快骇人听闻,甚至还远远超过了刚才独王本尊的涨幅。 After all at the mass of alone king, points in the seam to leak a come out point casually, under can earth-shaking, let alone is Hong Tyrant first this frenzied plundering whole-heartedly! 毕竟以独王的体量,手指缝里随便漏出来一点,都能让底下的人翻天覆地,何况是洪霸先这种全力以赴的疯狂掠夺! If compares with work daily cultivate, then Hong Baxian at the dry/does matter, pried open the vault of bank at this moment directly. 如果把日常修炼比作打工,那么洪霸先此刻在干的事情,就是直接撬开了银行的金库。 Without the extra spell of good or bad fortune, the average person hits the labor also to come here a drop in the bucket for a lifetime! 若没有额外际遇,普通人打一辈子工也抵不过这里的九牛一毛! Must break! 必须打断! Lin Yi's responded that is also extremely quick, is a palm pats without hesitation toward Hong Baxian. 林逸的反应也是极快,毫不犹豫朝着洪霸先就是一掌拍下。 The development there is no other leeway, the alone king and Hong Baxian with his three people, can only live today. 局势发展到这一步已经没有任何其他余地,独王、洪霸先和他三个人,今天只能活一个。 A palm pats, Heaven and Earth changes color, the hold of power and influence even has meaning that in several points of Legend the Tathagata god has held faintly, such impact beforehand alone king cannot block, Hong Baxian also cannot block! 一掌拍下,天地变色,威势之盛隐隐甚至已经有了几分传说中如来神掌的意味,这样的冲击之前独王挡不住,洪霸先也同样挡不住!
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