SBPE :: Volume #16

#9653: Chapter 9653

strength is strong, so long as is unable to span the space, can only downcast forever in the space crevice, until dying. 实力再强,只要无法跨越空间,就永远只能陷落在空间夹缝之中,直至死去。 In addition, without a Second decoding method. 除此之外,没有第二种破解之法。 But as far as he knows, let alone front these people, are the entire failing a grade fresh institute do not have Second to grasp existence of space, including other four five great, similarly cannot achieve! 可据他所知,别说面前这几个人,就是整个留级生院都没有第二个能够掌握空间的存在,包括其他四位五巨,同样做不到! After staring the moment, opens seeks suddenly the complexion big change. 愣了片刻后,张求忽然脸色大变。 He discovered with amazement oneself were isolated with the relation, in other words, does not know when this place turned into a independent space unexpectedly, an independent mystical place! 他骇然发现自己与外界的联系被隔绝了,换句话说,不知何时这块地方竟变成了一块独立空间,一个独立秘境! stretch/open request domain ability with secret pavilion Pavilion Lord of that mysterious is all connected, all knows the domain, once responded that periphery does not have the matter to be able to escape his understanding clearly, soon then discovered a hidden extremely deep person's shadow. 张求的领域能力同那位神秘的天机阁阁主一脉相承,乃是全知领域,一旦反应过来周围没有事情能逃得过他的洞悉,很快便发现了一个隐藏极深的人影。 Hong Baxian! Unexpectedly is he!” “洪霸先!居然是他!” Indeed, shouldering of this east district big tangled warfare is Hong Baxian, everyone also this person of ambitious, but stretch/open request has not thought even, Hong Tyrant first can plan unexpectedly this step, plays with alone king Hejiang giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert in the stock palms! 诚然,这次东区大混战的挑起者就是洪霸先,所有人也都此人野心勃勃,但即便是张求也没想到,洪霸先居然能够算计到这一步,将独王和将一众巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手玩弄于股掌之间! Under Hong Tyrant first top 100 Third 16 ranking are he open seek a marriage alliance to enact personally, whose regardless of has looked at Hong Baxian in opinion this ranking high, after all his boundary is only giant grand perfection Late Phase! 要知道,洪霸先百强榜第三十六的排名乃是他张求亲手定下,而无论在谁看来这个排名都已经是相当高看洪霸先了,毕竟他的境界才只是巨头大圆满后期而已! However such a strength common character, at this moment, unexpectedly became secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator who surfaces! 然而就这样一个实力毫不起眼的人物,此时此刻,居然成了浮出水面的幕后黑手! A more essential issue is, before all information details were all showing, this moment Hong Baxian is attacking brutally in alone king hall, is impossible to withdraw to have presently here calmly suddenly! 更关键的一个问题是,之前所有的情报细节无一不在显示,此刻洪霸先正在独王殿跟人大打出手,绝不可能从容脱身突然出现在这里! Is it possible that substitute person?” “莫非替身?” This idea just braved come out then by stretch/open request otherwise, by information ability of his hundred societies, if recognizes not come out the substitute people, that really can dismiss as early as possible. 这个想法刚一冒出来便被张求自己否了,以他百家社的情报能力,要是连替身都认不出来,那真可以趁早解散了。 But if alone king hall that is not a substitute person, who at present this is? 可如果独王殿那个不是替身,眼前这个又是谁? Compares face shocking stretch/open request, has been in Lin Yi in bureau more indifferent, if Hong Baxian today does not come, that real damn, but Hong Baxian can achieve this step, in light of the information that stretch/open request just disclosed that the Lin Yi heart has a roughly outline. 相比起一脸震惊的张求,早就身在局中的林逸就淡然许多,洪霸先今天要是不现身,那才真的见鬼,而洪霸先之所以能做到这一步,结合张求刚刚透露的信息,林逸心头已经有了一个大致的轮廓。 Mystical place source. 秘境本源。 Before then, Hong Baxian using grey tile as a turning point will collect the mystical place source wantonly, stands actually did not understand in the Lin Yi's angle. 在此之前,洪霸先以青瓦会为契机大肆收集秘境本源,站在林逸的角度其实并不理解。 Indeed this thing has the strategic value very much, grasped enough many mystical place sources, then means that the domain in this failing a grade fresh institute had the home advantage. 诚然这东西很有战略价值,掌握了足够多的秘境本源,便意味着在这块留级生院的地盘掌握了主场优势。 But the bird who moves first will be the one that gets shot, Lin Yi how, regardless to calculate throughout one result, before oneself have absolutely strength collects such many mystical place source rashly, finally only meets the gain does not equal the loss. 可是枪打出头鸟,林逸无论怎么盘算始终都只有一个结果,在自身拥有绝对实力之前冒然收集如此之多的秘境本源,最终只会得不偿失。 Is impossible unable to think of these by Hong Baxian mind, but he did that. 以洪霸先的头脑不可能想不到这些,但他还是这么做了。 At that time is unable to understand, but now looks like, all that he made to complete the present layout, his goal from beginning to end was the alone king! 当时无法理解,不过如今看来,他所做的一切都只是为了完成眼下的布局,他的目标从始至终都是独王! Resists space ability of alone king with the mystical place source......” “用秘境本源对抗独王的空间能力么……” Lin Yi wants to understand this point, is flabbergasted for Hong Baxian courage secretly, as giant grand perfection Late Phase expert, dares to project in the alone king to shock everybody the idea. 林逸想明白这一点,不由为洪霸先的胆魄暗暗咋舌,作为一介巨头大圆满后期高手,敢把主意打到独王身上就已是惊世骇俗。 Key he not only also thinks that a huge plan, depends on one's effort to advance present this step unexpectedly actually, from the result even may be the complete success. 关键他还不只是想想而已,如此庞大的一个计划,居然硬是靠着一己之力推进到了眼下这一步,从结果来看甚至可算是圆满成功。 So astonishing planning and execution, the reality is the Lin Yi entire life only sees! 如此惊人的算计和执行力,实乃林逸生平仅见! How then Hong Baxian prepares to end, Lin Yi is confused as before, a point that is certain is only, takes a broad view at audience to be planned the deepest that person by it absolutely. 只是,接下来洪霸先准备怎么收场,林逸依旧一头雾水,唯一可以肯定的一点是,放眼全场自己绝对是被其算计最深的那个人。 Without guessing wrong, from taking over that perfect fire element domain original stone starts, oneself have entered the jar! 如果没猜错的话,从接手那块完美火系领域原石开始,自己就已经入瓮了! I know what probably that fellow wanted to make, wants to listen?” “我大概知道那家伙想要做什么了,想不想听听?” The sound that ghost bastard has a relish resounds in the mind suddenly. 鬼东西饶有兴致的声音忽然在脑海中响起。 Lin Yi curls the lip speechless: Arrived this time, what climax you also sold?” 林逸无语撇嘴:“都到这个时候了,您老还卖什么关子啊?” ghost bastard smiles: I had contacted incantation technique Grandmaster long ago, understands a fur/superficial knowledge regarding the incantation technique, strict, the incantation technique strength is actually divided into two parts, one is the incantation, two are the techniques.” 鬼东西嘿嘿一笑:“我早年曾经接触过一个咒术宗师,对于咒术也算是了解一点皮毛,严格来说,咒术力量其实分为两部分,一为咒,二为术。” So-called incantation, is the basis of incantation technique strength, is these incantation technique seeds on your hand.” “所谓咒,便是咒术力量的根本,也就是你们手上的这些咒术种子。” So-called technique, is the reassignment uses these strengths key, without this key coordinates, in your hand the incantation technique seed are many, cannot eat, eats up forcefully also uselessly, because that at all is not your strength, you cannot transfer.” “所谓术,则是调动使用这些力量的钥匙,若没有这个钥匙配合,你手上咒术种子再多,也根本吃不下去,强行吃下也没用,因为那根本不是你的力量,你也根本调动不了。” Lin Yi hears here heart to move: In other words, if cannot obtain key, I do snatch many incantation technique seed am also useless? Then, key where?” 林逸听到这里心头一动:“也就是说,如果得不到钥匙,我抢再多的咒术种子也是白搭?那么,钥匙在哪里?” ghost bastard laughs in spite of trying not to: „Isn't this obvious matter?” 鬼东西失笑:“这不是显而易见的事情吗?” The Lin Yi vision falls in the distant place partly visible that huge form immediately, slightly absent-minded: Must use the incantation technique seed, first gets rid of the alone king main body? I go, this joke may a little open in a big way.” 林逸目光随即落在远处若隐若现的那个巨大身影上,微微失神:“要使用咒术种子,就得先干掉独王本尊?我去,这玩笑可有点开大了。” Putting in an appearance of flash, has just been able to realize each other strength disparate disparity profoundly. 刚刚一瞬间的照面,已经可以深刻体会到彼此实力的悬殊差距。 Before any enemy, Lin Yi will not always lose self-confidently, but facing this five great alone king, for the first time has a powerless feeling. 在任何敌人面前,林逸从来都不会失去自信,但面对这位五巨之一的独王,却破天荒有种无力感。 Even if, this is only the playing dead condition alone king. 哪怕,这只是假死状态的独王。 Therefore your Pavilion Lord deliberately planned to arrange this cage to fight.” “所以你那位阁主才处心积虑安排了这场笼斗啊。” ghost bastard hehe said with a smile, complete watched the fun does not dislike the matter big stance, on the other hand, can make him feel that by his story the interesting scene sincerity is rarely seen. 鬼东西嘿嘿笑道,完全一副看热闹不嫌事大的架势,话说回来,以他的阅历能让他觉得有意思的场面真心已经不多见了。 Truly is the great writer.” “确实是大手笔。” The Lin Yi sinking sound nods, he also looked to understand Hong Baxian intention. 林逸沉声点头,他也看明白了洪霸先的意图。 Builds an independent mystical place with massive mystical place sources, forms shackles that no one is able to break, even by ability of alone king, is unable easily to break this type to have the main independent space. 用大量的秘境本源打造出一个独立秘境,形成一个谁也无法打破的牢笼,即便以独王的能力,也无法轻易打破这种有主的独立空间。 Then, snatched the group of giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert of incantation technique seed only then a road may walk, jointly the alone king doing, making him play dead changes really dies! 如此一来,抢了咒术种子的这帮巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手就只有一条路可走,联手把独王给做了,让他假死变真死! Even if alone king true died, how he does prepare to end?” “不过就算独王真死了,他准备怎么收场?” This is the Lin Yi remaining only two doubts, by Hong Tyrant first giant grand perfection Late Phase strength, even the people and an alone king Pin mutual wounds, still not necessarily does have that big assurance to benefit as the third party in a dispute? 这是林逸剩下的唯二疑惑,以洪霸先巨头大圆满后期实力,即便众人与独王拼个两败俱伤,也未必就有那么大的把握能够渔翁得利吧? At this time, the formation that as the cage fought, Xing palm and the others had started the second time confrontation with alone king. 此时,随着笼斗的成型,邢掌等人已开始了与独王的第二次交锋。 Mother! Has to plant gives the Father racket to fly to try again!” “妈的!有种再给老子拍飞试试!” Xing palm whole body skin suddenly is red a piece, does not fear facing the alone king, angrily roars is rushing directly, carrying the lance is being one brutally rides the face output. 邢掌浑身皮肤陡然通红一片,面对独王丝毫不惧,怒吼着直接冲了上去,拎着长矛就是一顿无情骑脸输出。 Quite ominous! 好凶! The Lin Yi eyelid jumped, compares a moment ago, this goods regardless of the speed, strength or the attack and defense rhythm, promoted at least two ranks, is not under own variable step by the speed only, if bumped into directly, perhaps even if he must be ground the dregs! 林逸眼皮一跳,相比起刚才,这货无论速度、力量还是攻防节奏,提升了至少两个级别,单论速度就已不在自己的无常步之下,如果正面碰上,即便是他恐怕都要被碾成渣!
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