SBPE :: Volume #16

#9651: Chapter 9651

The execution meets Xing palm, the Taoist trinity meets Li Yushu, junkman Liu Yun, the concealment figure has actually known the position in nearby killer's family/home leaf inevitably. 执行会邢掌,三清会李御书,拾荒者刘允,还有一直隐匿身形却必然在旁边的杀手之家叶知位。 Each is ready to make trouble, but always no one dares to take the lead to begin. 每一个都在蠢蠢欲动,但始终没有人敢率先动手。 This matter takes the favorable position admittedly important, but they not only need guard mutually, especially must alert alone king for to close up the subsequent hand of preparation, no one can take such big risk! 这种事情抢占先机固然重要,可他们不仅要相互提防,尤其还要戒备独王为闭关准备的后手,谁也冒不起如此之大的风险! The scene fell into strange deadlock. 场面陷入了诡异的僵持。 But quick, this refuses to compromise is then broken. 但很快,这份僵持便被打破。 Takes the lead to begin does not present anyone, but falls into the alone king who plays dead, he sat unexpectedly suddenly! 率先动手的不是在场任何一人,而是陷入假死的独王,他竟突然坐了起来! The five-meter body, alone king light is sits then already press periphery has been standing the people, mouth one, is one spouts dense and numerous big skewer not well-known black crystallization unexpectedly. 高达五米的身躯,独王光是坐起来便已压过周围站着的众人,嘴巴一张,竟是一下喷出密密麻麻一大串不知名的黑色结晶。 Incantation technique seed!” “咒术种子!” Opened the interview shape to shout one: This crystallizes from the strength of sad incantation, obtains them, was equal to the strength of alone king!” 张求见状不由喊了一声:“这就是自悲咒的力量结晶,得到它们,就等于得到了独王的力量!” Did not wait for him saying that the people have acted respectively. 不等他说完,众人就已各自出手。 Lin Yi divine sense sweeps, then knows that this incantation technique seed has 36 fully. 林逸神识一扫,便知道这咒术种子足有三十六枚。 Collected recent Xing palm one to stress seven, Li Yushu speed he is not quick, actually depended on glib tongue to mislead the flight path of incantation technique seed forcefully, put in the bag easily 13. 凑得最近的邢掌一把抓了七枚,李御书速度没有他快,却靠着三寸不烂之舌强行蛊惑了咒术种子的飞行路径,轻而易举将十三枚收入囊中。 Remaining junkman Liu Yunqiang six, that always went into hiding the killer leaf of figure to know the position, snatched six. 剩下拾荒者刘允抢了六枚,还有那个始终隐匿着身形的杀手叶知位,也抢了六枚。 As for remaining final four, then fell into the Lin Yi hand. 至于剩下的最后四枚,则落入了林逸手中。 But from beginning to end, stretch/open Qiuzhen is the stance that a onlooking watches the fun, even if the incantation technique seed has flown from his side, he is also aloof. 而从始至终,张求真就是一副旁观看热闹的架势,哪怕咒术种子就从他身边飞过,他也无动于衷。 Lin Yi has an extremely not wonderful premonition immediately. 林逸顿时就有一种极度不妙的预感。 The incantation technique seed starts, the flash made origin spirit somewhat palpitate unexpectedly, this truly was the highly enriched Energy entity, tall of real Energy density is the entire life only sees. 咒术种子入手,一瞬间竟令元神都有些悸动,这确实是高度浓缩的能量实体,能量密度之高实乃生平仅见。 Did not say exaggeratingly, Energy that only this incantation technique seed contains, arrives at one to cultivate/repair sufficiently is. 毫不夸张的说,只这一枚咒术种子所蕴含的能量,就足以抵过自己一身修为。 If digests four incantation technique seeds completely, theoretically Lin Yi's strength can strengthen four times directly! 若是将四枚咒术种子全部消化,理论上林逸的实力可以直接增强四倍! This is also only the account data, once used, the actual strength increase even possibly compared this to be exaggerating. 这还只是账面数据,一旦利用好了,实际战力增幅甚至可能比这都还要夸张。 Harvest least Lin Yi are so, other four people of advantage are naturally more, especially one Li Yushu who captures 13 incantation technique seeds, simply life winner. 收获最少的林逸都是如此,其他四人的好处自然更多,尤其一下夺得十三枚咒术种子的李御书,简直人生赢家。 However, was therefore then becoming being the target of public criticism. 不过,也正因此便成了众矢之的。 Xing palm several people shifted to Li Yushu the spearhead as if by prior agreement, although each other is the same level giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert, but really must hit face-to-face, Li Yushu to their anyone, must fall in leeward. 邢掌几人不约而同将矛头转向了李御书,彼此虽然都是同级的巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手,但真要面对面打起来,李御书对上他们任何一人,都要落于下风。 After all misleads the domain to turn over to mysteriously mysteriously, but eventually is not ability that suits the direct fight. 毕竟蛊惑领域玄妙归玄妙,可终究不是一种适合直接战斗的能力 To bully few, victory non- military!” “以多欺少,胜之不武!” Li Yushu starts domain ability hastily, its has a glib tongue, is to make the execution meet Xing palm and junkman Liu Yun unexpectedly massacres subconsciously mutually . Moreover the both sides anger gets bigger and bigger, solemn the stance of receiving does not stop to knock. 李御书连忙发动领域能力,其名巧舌如簧,竟是令执行会邢掌和拾荒者刘允下意识互相残杀,而且双方火气越打越大,俨然一副收不住手要往死里磕的架势。 Lin Yi looked at this old man one. 林逸不由多看了这老头一眼。 If nothing else, if this person wants to do to estrange and so on is really easy, ability did not say thornily, but if with, even could be said as strategy level ability to a certain extent. 别的不说,此人要想搞个离间之类实在是轻而易举,能力不说棘手,但如果用好了,某种程度上甚至可说是一项战略级能力 However although he sent Xing palm and Liu Yun, has actually leaked one person only. 不过他虽然打发了邢掌和刘允,却唯独漏过了一人。 The invisible killer leaf knows the position. 隐形杀手叶知位。 clear(ly) knows that in the , may regardless of the eye or the divine sense survey, is unable to lock the position of this person by the Lin Yi's boundary unexpectedly obstinately, but Li Yu book that bore the brunt naturally was highly tight. 明知道就在附近,可无论用眼睛还是神识探测,以林逸的境界竟愣是无法锁定此人的位置,而首当其冲的李御书自然更是高度紧张。 The air fluctuation that slightly may not observe together passed over gently and swiftly, perfect invisible dagger appears, is actually not to Li Yushu, but after the Lin Yi brain! 一道微不可察的空气波动掠过,一把完美隐形的匕首浮现,却不是对着李御书,而是对着林逸脑后! Using diversionary tactics. 声东击西。 The leaf knew the choice of position to make Lin Yi accidental/surprised, but looked at Li Yushu look, then guesses come out also had this old man mostly misled the domain to add fuel to the flames secretly! 叶知位的选择着实令林逸意外了一下,不过看李御书的神色,便猜出来多半还有这老头的蛊惑领域在幕后推波助澜! Let alone, the persimmon picks soft pinching. 何况,柿子捡软的捏。 13 incantation technique seed admittedly on Li Yu clerk copyist are attractive, these four on Lin Yi, is also beckoning. 李御书手上的十三枚咒术种子固然诱人,林逸手上的这四枚,也同样令人心动。 However after waiting for the black flame that sees clearly on Lin Yi to brave faintly, the leaf knows the position to run away immediately, does not leave the least bit trace, if not Lin Yi detects early, perhaps is not necessarily able to know that she once appeared in oneself behind. 不过等看清林逸手上隐隐冒起的黑焰之后,叶知位立马遁去,不留半点痕迹,若非林逸察觉得早,恐怕都未必能知道她曾在自己身后出现。 Really is a dangerous killer.” “果然是个危险的杀手。” Lin Yi secret nod, if the leaf knows the position to act forcefully, instead will be despised one. 林逸暗暗点头,若是叶知位强行出手,反而会被看低一眼。 Sizes up the situation, maintains the sufficient patience to look for the opportunity, then strikes to kill, this is a trump card killer most important quality. 审时度势,保持充足的耐心寻找机会,进而一击必杀,这才是一个王牌杀手最重要的素质。 Meanwhile, the leaf knows in a heart is also the difficult situation. 与此同时,叶知位心中也是惊涛骇浪。 As the discrete instinct of killer, has made her compare to present anybody overestimates Lin Yi, moreover on scene conditions, she also has displayed incisively the killer true colors. 作为杀手的谨慎本能,已经让她比在场其他任何人都更加高估林逸,而且就现场条件,她也已经将杀手本色发挥得淋漓尽致。 Even still at least has over 60% success ratios to same level expert! 即便对上同级高手也至少有六成以上的成功率! The flash that but the black flame braved a moment ago, made her assurance direct nulling operation unexpectedly. 可刚才黑焰冒起的一瞬间,竟令她的把握直接归零。 Indeed, really must the upfront put together her is also not necessarily able to lose to Lin Yi whole-heartedly hardly, but regarding her such killer, that has been equal to one to tread on the coffin. 诚然,真要全力以赴正面硬拼她也未必就会输给林逸,但对于她这样的杀手而言,那就已经等同于一只脚踏进了棺材。 With it so, might as well projects on Li Yushu body the idea again, compared with Lin Yi, this old man that plays with the will of the people are instead better to cope, let alone in his hand is also grasping 13 incantation technique seeds! 与其如此,还不如重新将主意打到李御书的身上,相比起林逸,这个玩弄人心的老头反而更好对付一些,何况他手上还握着十三枚咒术种子! The leaf knows the position to think, by chance, Lin Yi also thinks. 叶知位是这么想的,恰巧,林逸也是这么想的。 Although so far, he had not been clear how the Hong Baxian concrete abacus hits, but the incantation technique seed truly is the good thing, this thing takes one, little said that has arrived at the Ten-year self-torture! 虽然到目前为止,他还不清楚洪霸先的具体算盘是怎么打的,但咒术种子确实是好东西,这玩意多抢到手一枚,少说抵过十年苦修! Two people this sudden tacit understanding collaborate, originally sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite storms Li Yushu is in imminent danger immediately, complexion big change. 两人这一突如其来的默契联手,本来稳坐钓鱼台的李御书顿时岌岌可危,脸色大变。 „To to bully few? Do your young people speak Wu De?” “又想以多欺少?你们这些年轻人讲不讲武德?” Li Yushu is too busy to mislead the strength of domain full, boundless misleading covers entirely the audience, from the angle jamming and even control of each possibility the judgment of person and thing on the scene. 李御书忙不迭蛊惑领域全开,磅礴的蛊惑之力布满全场,从每一个可能的角度干扰乃至操控着在场人和物的判断。 As long as origin spirit is slightly weak, cannot run away to become him to propose the destiny of line puppet. 但凡元神稍弱一点,都逃不了成为他提线木偶的命运。 What a pity Lin Yi is not. 可惜林逸不是。 Presents anybody more powerful on the origin spirit Lin Yi ratio, under his Li Yushu, he will not be misleading always, however regarding having protection Lin Yi, has few impact. 元神林逸比在场任何人都更强大,绝不会在他李御书之下,他无时无刻都在蛊惑,然而对于有了防备的林逸来说,影响微乎其微。 But as for the invisible killer leaf knows the position, the origin spirit boundary missed him to be many, but he is unable to lock its position, misled the effect on probably sell at a discount similarly greatly. 而至于隐形杀手叶知位,元神境界是差了他不少,可他无法锁定其位置,蛊惑效果同样要大打折扣。 To a certain extent, Lin Yi and leaf know are Li Yushu are happen to most repugnant to on two kinds of natural enemies. 某种程度上,林逸和叶知位正好是李御书最讨厌对上的两类天敌。 ! 噗! A dull thumping sound, the sudden dagger straight insertion Li Yushu chest, went straight to the heart spot, moreover in order to Insurance, the leaf knew the position still to spread on dagger killed giant ultimate grand perfection expert sufficiently died violently poisonously! 一声闷响,突如其来的匕首直接插入了李御书的胸口,直抵心脏部位,而且保险起见,叶知位还在匕首上涂了足以杀死巨头终极大圆满高手的绝命剧毒! All come too quickly, reacts to Li Yushu quickly radically without enough time, the heart has then disrupted, goes all over the whole body violently poisonously simultaneously. 一切来得太快,快到李御书根本都来不及做出反应,心脏便已碎裂,剧毒同时走遍全身。
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