SBPE :: Volume #16

#9558: Chapter 9558

The thunder is the domain covering range contracts instantaneously, at the same time, incomparably boundless domain pressure has layer upon layer the electric arc, arrived directly in Wei Baizhan top of the head. 雷系领域的笼罩范围瞬间收缩,与此同时,无比磅礴的领域威压带着层层电弧,直接降临在了韦百战的头顶。 Wei Bai fight footsteps, the body sinks suddenly. 韦百战脚步一顿,身子陡然一沉。 The glazed tile of under foot cannot bear his weight again, the disintegration, the whole person also drops from the roof at the scene, pressed in the ground, only reveals half head! 脚下的琉璃瓦再也承受不住他的重量,当场崩碎,整个人随之从楼顶跌落,被生生压进地面,只露出半个脑袋! Good overbearing pressure!” “好霸道的威压!” Wei Bai fight until is still smiling at this moment unexpectedly, within the body wreaked havoc to pass through by the wild thunder and lightning strength, trades to make common broken day grand perfection Initial Phase expert, at this moment perhaps the internal organs had been twisted the tiny bits, died again cannot die. 韦百战直到此刻居然还在笑,体内被狂暴的雷电力量肆虐贯穿,换做寻常的破天大圆满初期高手,此刻恐怕都已脏腑被绞得稀碎,死得不能再死了。 However looks at his appearance, although is somewhat distressed, but is also distressed. 然而看他的模样,虽然有些狼狈,但也就是狼狈而已。 Un?” “嗯?” The above god of thunder is surprised, but just then the domain pressure of his maximum intensity, no one compared with he clearly hidden destructive power. 上方雷公不由惊讶,刚刚这下可是他最高强度的领域威压,没有人比他更清楚其中暗藏的破坏力。 Takes a broad view at all attribute domains, the thunder is the domain absolutely is most overbearing, does not have one. 放眼所有属性领域,雷系领域绝对是最霸道,没有之一。 The method is the same level expert cannot bear, let alone was only one lowered two boundaries compared with him? 正常便是同级高手都受不了,何况是区区一介比他低了两层境界的喽啰? Roar! 吼! A sturdy Thunder Dragon concentrates in the domain rapidly Jucheng, immediately roared toward Wei Baizhan is killing, but to! 一条粗壮的雷龙迅速在领域中凝聚成型,随即咆哮着朝韦百战扑杀而至! Regarding thunder attribute cultivator, after giant boundary , the style like Thunder Dragon has words at fingertips and writes with facility, at first sight is not extraordinary, the huge pressure that but its interior contains is actually far from the common thunder is the style may compare. 对于雷属性修炼者,到了巨头境之后像雷龙这样的招式都是信手拈来,乍看起来并无出奇,可是其内部蕴含的庞大威压却远非寻常雷系招式可比。 This is the thunder is the dragon of domain, is the senior thunder alone is the domain expert powerful style, once touches, not only the mortal body will be destroyed instantaneously, origin spirit by the huge thunder will be the pressure direct evaporation. 这是雷系领域之龙,独属于资深雷系领域高手的强悍招式,一旦触及,不仅肉身会被瞬间摧毁,连带元神都会被庞大的雷系威压直接蒸发。 Person god entirely to extinguish! 人神俱灭! Thunder Dragon oncoming force is too quick, almost in instance of formation, already presently Wei Baizhan top of the head. 雷龙来势太快,几乎在成型的瞬间,就已出现在韦百战的头顶。 Wei Bai fight avoids radically without enough time. 韦百战根本来不及躲避。 Critical moment, Lin Yi form no indication suddenly keeps off in Wei Bai fights the above, was one kept off Thunder Dragon unexpectedly! 关键时刻,林逸身影毫无征兆的忽然挡在韦百战上方,竟是一手生生将雷龙挡了下来! „In front of my to kill my lil bro, has asked me?” “当着我的面杀我小弟,问过我了没?” Lin Yi look light looks at the god of thunder. 林逸神色淡淡的看着雷公。 Do not forget Lin Yi I am plays the thunder and lightning expert, regarding various thunder is style know like one's own hand, naturally knows how should deal with Thunder Dragon. 别忘了林逸本人就是玩雷电的高手,对于各种雷系招式了如指掌,自然知道该怎么应对雷龙。 „, Another does not know the so-called idiot!” “嘁,又一个不知所谓的蠢货!” Lei snorts contemptuously, really at the same time that his voice drops, at the scene by Thunder Dragon who Lin Yi keeps off is erupted suddenly again, the thunder will be the prestige of domain will erupt shortly. 雷公嗤之以鼻,果然在他话音落下的同一时间,场面上已经被林逸挡下来的雷龙猛然再度爆发,雷系领域之威顷刻爆发。 Lin Yi resists radically without enough time, in fact also radically irresistibly, but also without responding, the whole person had been raised! 林逸根本都来不及抵抗,事实上也根本无法抵抗,还没反应过来,整个人就已经被扬了! Does not have including residual remaining. 连一点残渣都没有剩下。 Shaking the head of Lei thinks little, has become accustomed to this matter, hits a sound to refer to unifying a Thunder Dragon again, prepares to receive Wei Baizhan head/number of people to leave. 雷公不以为意的摇了摇头,对这种事情早就习以为常,打了个响指再度凝聚出一条雷龙,准备收掉韦百战的人头走人。 This time a little towed for a long time, did not walk and other official expert to arrive, that was really troublesome. 这次时间拖得有点久了,再不走等官方高手到场,那就真麻烦了。 Finally the Lin Yi's sound resounds in the ear suddenly again, moreover each other distance is less than ten meters: You previously also coped to win the dragon?” 结果林逸的声音忽然再度在耳边响起,而且彼此距离不到十米:“你之前也是这么对付赢龙的么?” The god of thunder has a scare immediately. 雷公顿时吓了一跳。 This chapter of Lin Yi takes to his shock, not under that several cannon fodder robber(s), even still has had it! 这回林逸带给他的震惊,丝毫不在底下那几个炮灰劫匪之下,甚至犹有过之! After all he is broken day grand perfection Mid Phase expert, moreover had not treated it lightly, how in vacant under to be touched to this distance unconsciously? 毕竟他可是实打实的破天大圆满中期高手啊,而且一直都没有掉以轻心,怎么会在茫然不觉下被人摸到这个距离? Must know that regarding their levels, ten meters have been equal to personal! 要知道对于他们这个层次来说,十米就已经等同于贴身了! Lei uses the domain pressure on conduct locking to suppress subconsciously, finally is actually invalid, because Lin Yi also let loose the perfect wood element domain, did not say a back pressure head, at least sufficiently with it meeting as an equal. 雷公下意识动用领域威压进行锁定压制,结果却是无效,因为林逸同时也放开了完美木系领域,不说反压一头,至少足以与之分庭抗礼。 Domain expert contests, the core lies in the domain suppression! 领域高手过招,核心就在于领域压制! So long as achieves the domain to suppress, the victory and defeat often only in instant, this is also the high boundary forms the steamroll the basis to be at to the low boundary. 只要做到领域压制,胜负往往只在一念之间,这也是高境界对低境界形成碾压的根本所在。 Once is unable to suppress, remaining can only to putting together respective the domain style, that suspense may be big, to this below step to subdue|grams in may not be the unusual matter. 一旦无法压制,剩下就只能对拼各自的领域招式,那悬念可就大了,到这一步以下克上可就不是什么稀奇事情了。 Just like the present. 正如眼下。 Sees the domain pressure on expire, god of thunder immediately on heart one tight, sees with own eyes Lin Yi to bully, desperate under is forced to offer a sacrifice to the strongest card in a hand. 见领域威压失效,雷公顿时就心头一紧,眼见林逸欺身上来,情急之下被迫祭出最强底牌。 Dozens dignified dragon recited the sound to resound through the audience, dozens Thunder Dragon congealed one after another Jucheng, patrolled in its domain range densely and numerously back and forth, anything fell into, divided minutes to be worried does not remain the dregs. 数十道威严的龙吟声响彻全场,数十条雷龙相继凝聚成型,密密麻麻在其领域范围来回游弋,任何东西落入其中,分分钟被撕咬得连渣都不剩。 Thunder Dragon state! 雷龙国度! This move, is the attack and defense body of entire domain range, only if can penetrate the entire Thunder Dragon state, otherwise cannot touch Lei. 这一招,是全领域范围的攻防一体,除非能够击穿整个雷龙国度,否则根本触碰不到雷公本人。 The Lin Yi eyelid jumps, immediately summoned the clone army to contend with it, however then fell immediately leeward. 林逸眼皮一跳,当即召唤出分身大军与其抗衡,然而立马便落入下风。 Although clone quantity not empty, may not be actually able to place on a par with Thunder Dragon of opposite party by the lethality, suddenly was then destroyed completely a big piece, were also embezzled by the Thunder Dragon state. 分身数量虽然丝毫不虚,可论杀伤力却远无法同对方的雷龙相提并论,眨眼之间便被灭掉一大片,而后连带自己也都被雷龙国度吞没。 Quick, Lin Yi did not have the sound thoroughly. 很快,林逸彻底没了动静。 Originally also no more than so, but also thinks strongly.” “原来也不过如此,还以为多强呢。” Lei sneers, under hands over Thunder Dragon to rumble together, at the scene below Wei Baizhan feeding in the underground deep place, the proper manages killed the manages to bury the a dragon, the business is very adept. 雷公冷笑一声,转手一道雷龙轰下,当场又将下方的韦百战给送进了地下深处,妥妥的管杀管埋一条龙,业务娴熟得很。 Immediately, then greeted three being survivor of disaster robber(s) to pack the thing to leave. 随即,便招呼三个劫后余生的劫匪喽啰收拾东西走人。 However has not waited for them to tidy up agily, the god of thunder heart jumps suddenly, the pupil micro sees that say/way looking familiar form of distant place speedy approach, has three view disintegrations the disillusion. 然而没等他们收拾利索,雷公陡然心头一跳,瞳孔微缩看着远处迅速接近的那道眼熟的身影,不禁生出一种三观崩碎的幻灭感。 Comes the person, impressively is Lin Yi! 来人,赫然又是林逸 How possibly also to have one?” “怎么可能还有一个?” The god of thunder started a little to suspect the life, his extremely was assured, just Lin Yi has been buried under the Thunder Dragon state, had nothing to escape absolutely the birth day possibility. 雷公开始有点怀疑人生了,他十分笃定,刚刚的林逸已经葬身在了雷龙国度之下,绝对没有任何逃出生天的可能性。 But, front isn't Lin Yi fake? 可是,面前这个林逸也不是假的啊? Looks after well my clone, might as well make my main body also join in the fun?” “把我分身照顾得不错嘛,不如让我这个本尊也来凑凑热闹?” Lin Yi shows a faint smile, the demon bites the sword also to have on presently, the malignant influences are imposing. 林逸微微一笑,魔噬剑随之出现在手上,煞气凛然。 clone? That is clone? When you my retard?” 分身?那个是分身?你当我白痴?” The god of thunder air/Qi instead smiles extremely, the domain clashed, also he is therefore believing firmly that the Lin Yi main body had also been extinguished together killed, after all can with the domain only had the main body, this was the cultivate minimum general knowledge! 雷公气极反笑,刚才的领域对撞可是实打实的,也正因此他才确信林逸本尊也已经被一起灭杀了,毕竟能用领域的只有本尊,这是修炼界最起码的常识! Your happy is good.” “你高兴就好。” Lin Yi Xiaoxiao, is disinclined to explain. 林逸笑笑,也懒得多做解释。 On the other hand if domain clone is so common, how numerous ten big shot headed by permits Anshan so is also careful, these may see the lord of magnificent scene truly! 话说回来领域分身要是那么常见,以许安山为首的一众十席大佬们又岂会这么上心,那些可都是真正见过大场面的主! Your what person?” “你到底什么人?” Although the god of thunder believes that Lin Yi in mysterious, may come from opposite that intense dangerous intuition is actually not fake, various aspects look obviously is completely same, but at present this Lin Yi, truly is much more fearful than! 雷公虽然坚信林逸是在故弄玄虚,可来自对面那种强烈的危险直觉却不是假的,明明各方面看着都完全一样,可眼前这个林逸,确实远比刚才的要可怕得多! This saying should not you ask.” “这话不应该你来问。” Lin Yi visits him: Was inferior that I asked an interesting question, what person were the Nanjiang kings your?” 林逸看着他:“不如我来问一个有趣的问题,南江王是你什么人?” „......” “……” The god of thunder eyelid jumps, offered a sacrifice to the Thunder Dragon state without delay unexpectedly directly again. 雷公眼皮一跳,二话不说竟是直接再次祭出了雷龙国度。 Lin Yi smiled: Really a little meaning.” 林逸笑了:“果然有点意思。”
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