SBPE :: Volume #16

#9373: Chapter 9373

This boy ended, the bone dregs do not think the remaining least bits!” “这小子完了,骨头渣都别想剩下半点!” Surrounds the people to whoop, especially these strength excellent guards Wang Family, can see clearly place of the bad risk. 围观众人议论纷纷,尤其那些实力高超的王家护卫,更是能够看清其中的凶险之处。 So scary joint offensive, trades to make their broken day grand perfection to come up like this, let alone the upfront resistance, absolutely the possibilities of a wee bit foothold do not have continually, comes up many dead many. 如此骇人的联合攻势,换做他们这样的破天大圆满上去,别说正面对抗,根本连一丁点立足的可能性都没有,上去多少死多少。 Smokes curling the lip of only the male face shuts out. 唯独抽烟男一脸嫌弃的撇了撇嘴。 When the people think Lin Yi has died not entire corpse, in the wind hot smoke sand, spreads the light two characters suddenly: This?” 就在众人以为林逸早已经死无全尸的时候,风火烟沙之中,忽然传出淡淡的两个字:“就这?” With the voice, the Lin Yi's form appears in the land herd behind slowly, the gait calmly just like strolls. 伴随着话音,林逸的身影在陆牧身后缓缓显现,步态从容犹如闲庭信步。 The land herd frightens the ghost to brave instantaneously, each other is broken day grand perfection, but from beginning to end, he was not clear how obstinately completely the opposite party is presently behind. 陆牧瞬间吓得亡魂直冒,彼此同是破天大圆满,但是从头到尾,他愣是完全不清楚对方是怎么出现在自己身后的。 Even in him with other three people of divine sense, Lin Yi in the arena center, simply has not moved out of the way more than half steps from beginning to end! 甚至在他和其他三人的神识之中,林逸从始至终都在擂台中央,根本没有挪开过半步! divine sense fraud? This is impossible!” 神识欺诈?这不可能!” Not is only land Mu, in this moment arena everyone feels unthinkable. 不仅是陆牧,此刻擂台上所有人都觉得匪夷所思。 The divine sense fraud is not what specially high-end skill, their metropolis/can, but the issue is to complete the divine sense fraud truly, theoretically at least needs to be higher than a goal entire big boundary to have the possibility! 神识欺诈并不算什么特别高端的技巧,他们这些人都会,可问题是想要真正完成神识欺诈,理论上至少要高出目标一整个大境界才有可能! Lin Yi returned to one spookily: I also feel very accidental/surprised, you were so unexpectedly easy to be deceived.” 林逸幽幽回了一句:“我也觉得很意外,你们居然这么容易就被骗过了。” A moment ago these purely was the subconscious attempt, even he himself has not had many hopes, this small method really did not have many effects facing same level expert generally, has not actually thought that played four people unexpectedly directly dumbfounded. 刚才这一下纯粹是下意识的尝试,连他自己都没抱多少希望,这种小手段面对同级高手一般是真没有多少效果的,却没想到竟然直接将四人玩得一愣一愣的。 Actually is not difficult to understand, although these four people the strength boundary is broken day grand perfection, but by the origin spirit boundary, actually missed the long distance with Lin Yi. 其实也不难理解,这四人虽然实力境界是破天大圆满,但论元神境界,跟林逸却差了十万八千里。 Before the divine sense sea transforms witch Linghai, Lin Yi's divine sense intensity on sufficiently steamroll same level, even the strength rank surpasses own military, the divine sense aspect was also well below. 神识海转化成巫灵海之前,林逸的神识强度就足以碾压同级,甚至实力等级超过自己的武者,神识方面也远远不如。 After turning into witch Linghai, increase in this intensity, there is a qualitative leap, military of Sky Step Island same rank, the divine sense aspect cannot say the steamroll, can disregard directly. 变成巫灵海之后,这种强度上的提升,又有了质的飞跃,天阶岛同等级的武者,神识方面都不能说碾压,直接就可以无视了。 The Earth Step sea area attached great importance to compared with the Profound Step sea area in the divine sense aspect, but even in four people strongest land herd, origin spirit still broken day Initial Phase peak, several other people of broken day Initial Phase, even crack sea period. 地阶海域在神识方面比玄阶海域等更重视一些,但即便四人之中最强的陆牧,元神也才不过堪堪破天初期巅峰而已,其他几人都只有破天初期,甚至还有裂海期的。 Other did not say, only the origin spirit level, Lin Yi to them radically is the dimensionality reduction attack. 其他不说,单是元神层面,林逸对他们而言根本就是降维打击。 Detected after this enormous superiority, Lin Yi naturally cannot the for no reason waste, the decisiveness be divine sense dashes. 察觉这一巨大优势后,林逸自然不会平白浪费,果断就是一记神识冲撞。 The nearest land herd figure shook immediately, was rumbled the arena by the fist of Lin Yi no suspense, after when this goods fell to the ground, actually traded a face impressively, turned into robust man manor Yan unexpectedly! 距离最近的陆牧立马身形一震,紧接着便被林逸毫无悬念的一拳轰出擂台,然而等到这货落地之后却赫然换了一副面孔,竟变成了壮汉庄岩! The people collective is stunned. 众人集体愕然。 Lin Yi the position that notices manor Yan to be at a moment ago, then at this moment turned into land Mu, in its a ripped open mysterious symbol dissipates quietly. 林逸则注意到刚才庄岩所在的位置,此刻则变成了陆牧,其手上一张已经撕开的玄妙阵符悄然消逝。 For dying symbol? I said that is the fellow of putting on despicable airs is the anxious good intention, this was locks manor Yan to be the scapegoat to him from the beginning.” “替死阵符?我就说嘛,越是人模狗样的家伙越是不安好心,这是一开始就锁定庄岩给他做替死鬼了啊。” Smoked male at a moderate pace a few words to explain the doubts of people heart. 抽烟男不紧不慢的一句话解释了众人心头的疑惑。 So-called for dying symbol, is makes others work as the scapegoat to oneself as the name suggests, but this gadget starts has a premise, must be quiet the same goal to establish divine sense to relate beforehand. 所谓替死阵符,顾名思义便是让别人给自己当替死鬼,而这玩意儿发动有一个前提,必须事先悄无声息间同目标建立神识联系。 This process said that was long said was short, very obvious land Mu went well taking advantage of the empty space of speech shift attention a moment ago, without Lin Yi this dark horse, other three people put together not very he to be perhaps cloudy. 这个过程说长不长说短不短,很明显陆牧就是借着刚才说话转移注意力的空当得手的,要是没有林逸这匹黑马,其他三人加在一起恐怕都不够他阴的。 For dying the symbol market price on 20 ten thousand spirit jade, Lu Family is not really short of money!” “一张替死阵符市价就得二十万灵玉,陆家是真不差钱啊!” In the field the other two see that leave to draw back immediately, simultaneous/uniform Qishou the hand made the sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight gesture. 场中另外两人见状立马抽身而退,齐齐收手做出了坐山观虎斗的姿态。 Unexpectedly at this time Lin Yi was the figure glittered to kill toward them unexpectedly on own initiative, the air/Qi two people stamped one's foot at the scene: „Are you special sick? Does not do surnamed Lu does us?” 不料这时林逸竟是身形闪烁着主动朝他二人杀了过去,气得二人当场跳脚:“你特么有病吧?不去搞姓陆的来搞我们?” At the same time cursed at the same time, two people of under the hand | subordinate have not been idling, did wave of momentum astonishing sandstorm ten thousand blade jointly! 一边大骂的同时,二人手下也没闲着,联手搞出了一波声势惊人的风沙万刃! Suddenly, the big arena unexpectedly covers by the innumerable wind edges and sand edges, even if there is special formation in addition to hold, the arena surface was also cut instantaneously tattered and torn, the corner place is at the scene the powder essence, shocking. 一时间,偌大的擂台竟被无数风刃和沙刃笼罩,哪怕有着特殊的阵法加持,擂台表面也都被瞬间切割得千疮百孔,边角处更是当场粉粹,触目惊心。 Was reasonable, the crazy offensive did not say like this is unable to meet to incur, but must purely by dodging to evade, radically was dream of a fool, can only shoulder hardly. 讲道理,这样的疯狂攻势不说无法接招,但要纯靠闪避避过去,根本是痴人说梦,只能硬扛。 So long as dares to shoulder, that dies! 只要敢扛,那就是死! Two people show a sinister and ruthless smile as if by prior agreement, their two role models have same side, is local extremely famous poisonous say/way revering, the wind blade or sand blade, the surface look at killing aura to be steaming, actually the place of most bad risk lies in the hidden violent poisonousness! 二人不约而同露出一丝阴毒的笑容,他们二人师出同门,乃是本地极负盛名的一位毒道尊者,无论是风刃还是沙刃,表面看着杀气腾腾,其实最凶险之处在于暗藏的剧毒! Once by its wound, even does not use the actual wound to the mortal body, so long as breaks open part to protect body True Qi, the toxicity will then spread immediately the whole body. 一旦被其伤到,甚至都不用实际伤到肉身,只要破开一部分护体真气,毒性便会立马蔓延全身。 At the appointed time only if they make a move to rescue personally, otherwise is Divine Immortal is absolutely difficult to rescue, must die without doubt. 到时除非他二人亲自出手解救,否则绝对是神仙难救,必死无疑。 Finally, in this sandstorm ten thousand blade right in the face, the Lin Yi foot steps on ultra Butterfly Small Step, the whole person flashes before like the ghosts and demons back and forth. 结果,就在这劈头盖脸的风沙万刃中,林逸脚踩超蝴蝶微步,整个人如鬼魅般来回闪现。 The key he can also realize divine sense to suppress effortlessly, the opposite party wants to lock his position only to depend on the naked eye, in the end does not see clearly from the start completely, can only see a series of fuzzy remnant shades. 关键他还能够毫不费力的实现神识压制,对方想要锁定他的位置只能靠肉眼,到头来压根完全看不清楚,只能看到一连串模糊的残影。 From beginning to end, sandstorm ten thousand blade cannot moisten to his least bit actually. 从始至终,风沙万刃硬是没能沾到他半点。 What range attack, in front of Lin Yi is also a joke! 什么范围攻击,在林逸面前也不过是一个笑话! When two people detected the non- bright idea must change, the Lin Yi's figure suddenly is close, is wave of divine sense shakes, two people fall into the dizziness at the scene, sweeps away is eliminated together. 等到二人察觉不妙想要变招的时候,林逸的身形陡然已是近在咫尺,紧接着就是一波神识震荡,二人当场陷入眩晕,一记横扫齐齐出局。 Easily eliminates three opponents, Lin Yi how many are somewhat surprised, Earth Step sea area these young outstanding, the body does not bring divine sense to defend the item? Shallowest divine sense shakes can wreak havoc casually...... is a little boring! 这么轻易就淘汰三个对手,林逸多少有些惊讶,地阶海域这些年轻俊杰,身上都不带神识防御道具的么?最粗浅的神识震荡都能随便肆虐……有点无聊啊! At this time on the field besides Lin Yi, was only left over scholarly young master land Mu , hits the tornado facing Lin Yi's quickly, his scholarly does not get up. 此时场上除林逸之外,就只剩下了一个儒雅公子陆牧,,面对林逸的快打旋风,他也儒雅不起来了。 All happen too quickly, including has an intense not third dimension by these three people that Lin Yi eliminates personally, looks that on the stage the Lin Yi's form filled dreaded. 一切发生得太快,包括被林逸亲手淘汰的这三人都有种强烈的不真实感,看着台上林逸的身影不由充满了忌惮。 They know that Lin Yi is very strong, but has not really thought unexpectedly as strong as this share, puts in an appearance unable to walk unexpectedly by their strength respective even/including one! 他们知道林逸很强,但是真没想过居然强到了这个份上,以他们三人的实力居然各自连一个照面都走不下来! Lin Yi brother, you made me broaden the outlook, your such strength had no family background background even, can perhaps on the hidden dragon list, so long as some people took care of you on the line, I can help.” 林逸兄弟,你真是令我大开眼界啊,你这样的实力就算没有任何家世背景,说不定都能上潜龙榜,只要有人替你张罗一下就行,我可以帮这个忙。” The land herd had been obviously frightened, according to this stance continues to intend only to bring contempt upon oneself, then started the transaction by divine sense sound transmission. 陆牧明显已是被吓到了,照这个架势继续出手只会自取其辱,转而靠神识传音做起了交易。 Simply put, so long as Lin Yi is willing to turn on the water, he can be settled to guarantee his hidden dragon list quota. 言下之意,只要林逸肯放水,他就能板上钉钉保他一个潜龙榜名额。
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