SBPE :: Volume #16

#8868: Chapter 8868

Even couldn't you escape? What to do can that? Where our is presently by drawing?” “连你都逃不掉了么?那可怎么办?我们现在是会被拉去哪里啊?” Dania slightly loses obviously, the attention shifts in the present difficult position. 丹妮娅略显失落,注意力又转移到了眼下的困境上。 Two people spoke, the speed of submersion was getting more and more fast, if not there is a defense plate to protect, Dania estimated own body will have been delimited rapidly wind-drift sand abrasioning several! 两人说话的时候,下沉的速度越来越快,若非有防御阵盘护着,丹妮娅估计自己的身体会被急速划过的流沙给磨掉好几层! Regardless where the end point of wind-drift sand is, without defending the ability person falls into the wind-drift sand, basically wanted on the way coolly, from the start could not see the end point! 无论流沙的终点是哪里,没有防御能力的人陷入流沙,途中基本都要凉凉了,压根见不到终点! After Lin Yi slightly hesitates, said: Here is the mortal form falls the surrounding of sand river, flows place that the salad we are going, perhaps is the mortal form falls the sand river river bottom! The underground wind-drift sand will converge the mortal form to fall in sand river finally mostly!” 林逸略一沉吟后说道:“这里是魄落沙河的外围,流沙拉着我们去的地方,或许就是魄落沙河河底!地下的流沙最后多半是会汇合进魄落沙河之中的!” Words, pouring are not considered as the misdemeanor, my original goal was to enter the mortal form falls the sand river river bottom, presently also saves itself to look for the trouble of road.” “如此说来的话,倒也不算是坏事,我本来的目标就是进入魄落沙河河底,现在还省了自己找路的麻烦了。” „Not the good place also gave to involve only you, Dania, really sorry, should not make you have Fuck near mortal form a moment ago to fall sand river, made me come on the sand dune to be good!” “唯一不好的地方是把你也给牵扯进来了,丹妮娅,实在是对不起,刚才就不应该让你带我靠近魄落沙河的,在沙丘上让我自己过来就好了!” Lin Yi has not lied, the mortal form falls sand river to be called the restricted area in a dark demon beast clan, the risk of is self-evident. 林逸没说谎,魄落沙河在黑暗魔兽一族被称为禁地,其中的危险性不言而喻。 Therefore the original plan is enters the mortal form to fall sand river alone, making Dania wait in the safe place, before probably, each node does the matter time is the same. 所以原本的计划是自己独自进入魄落沙河,让丹妮娅在安全的地方等着,就好像之前每个节点搞事情的时候一样。 If not the field of vision is restricted, Lin Yi will definitely not make Dania continue thoroughly. 若非视野受限,林逸肯定不会让丹妮娅继续深入。 This also made and Dania's same mistake, thinks that falls sand river also to be about ten kilometers from the mortal form, should be the margin for safety, unexpectedly the matter is not expected the appearance completely! 这也是犯了和丹妮娅同样的错误,以为距离魄落沙河还有将近十公里,应该属于安全范围,不料事情完全不是预料中的样子啊! Sima Yi, you are saying anything! Your presently is injured, to strength has a great influence, will I possibly make your one person alone violate the danger? No matter how you see me, this I must certainly with your common onset and retreat, cross a river in a boat together in any case time!” 司马逸,你在说什么啊!你现在受了伤,对实力的影响极大,我怎么可能会让你孤身犯险?不管你怎么看我,反正这一次我肯定是要和你共同进退,同舟共济的!” Dania will not say that she is also the plan put down Lin Yi in the surrounding, making a Lin Yi person go to the mortal form to fall sand river to take risk. 丹妮娅才不会说她原来也是计划在外围放下林逸,让林逸一个人去魄落沙河冒险。 But presently had been involved, words that then also spoke, was not the brain water penetration is the brain enters the sand! 现在都已经被牵扯进来了,还那么说的话,不是脑子进水了就是脑子进沙了! At this time naturally is how the have a strong sense of righteousness righteousness expression how said! 这时候当然是怎么大义凛然义正言辞就怎么说了嘛! Lin Yi really somewhat is affected, feeling Dania can clearly know the restricted area danger in the situation, but must help go to the mortal form to fall the sand river river bottom to seek for seven colors to bite the soul grass, is really commendable! 林逸还真有些感动,觉得丹妮娅能在明知道禁地危险的情况下,还要帮着自己去魄落沙河河底寻找七彩噬魂草,实在是难能可贵之极! Good, our presently also can only the common onset and retreat, that make the restricted area mortal form that we rush to this make you hand in hand be panic at the news fall sand river in any case! I believe, here cannot block absolutely cannot leave behind us!” “好吧,反正我们现在也只能共同进退了,那就让我们携手闯一闯这让你们闻风丧胆的禁地魄落沙河吧!我相信,这里绝对拦不住也留不下我们!” Since has no alternative, draws back does not have to draw back, Lin Yi also lets loose the bosom, were immediately many several points of heroic spirit. 既然别无选择,退无可退,林逸也就放开怀抱,顿时就多了几分豪气。 Feeling Lin Yi of Dania instinct is boasting, but subconscious somewhat believes that Lin Yi really can achieve, suddenly, does not know what idea at heart strangely are oneself? 丹妮娅本能的觉得林逸是在吹牛,但下意识的又有几分相信林逸真能做到,一时间心里古怪之极,不知道自己到底是什么想法? During speeches two people were separated from involving of wind-drift sand suddenly, entered the crash condition instantaneously, the feeling of that weightlessness somewhat unexpected! 说话间两人忽然脱离了流沙的牵扯,瞬间进入了坠落状态,那种失重的感觉来的有些猝不及防! How long the process of crash has not continued, merely is 12 seconds, two people numerous pounding in ground. 坠落的过程并没有持续多久,仅仅是一两秒钟的时间,两人就重重的砸在地面上。 Entered a independent space that does not have the wind-drift sand. 进入了一个没有流沙的独立空间。 Is good is quite soft when this ground, the defense cover that also the defense plate forms takes the cushion, crashes has not been injured. 好在这地面比较松软,又有一层防御阵盘形成的防御罩作为缓冲,坠落时并没有受伤。 Lin Yi remove the defense of plate, actually after the friction of wind-drift sand level, the defense of this plate was almost also worn down, next time will have no way with, must refine is good. 林逸撤掉阵盘的防御,其实经过流沙层的摩擦之后,这个阵盘的防御也几乎被消磨完了,下次是没法用了,必须重新炼制才行。 Therefore is the defense cover of Lin Yi initiative removal, in fact did not remove it also to collapse, finally has not missed. 所以说是林逸主动撤除的防御罩,实际上不撤除它自己也要崩溃了,结果也没差。 All around black Qi black, not enmity internal World, was the total darkness appearance, Lin Yi has been used to it everywhere, here was only slightly was little blacker. 四周乌漆嘛黑,不过节点内部的世界,到处都是暗无天日的样子,林逸都已经习惯了,这里只是略微更加黑了一点点而已。 This degree, will not affect Dania's field of vision, Lin Yi had no field of vision, therefore is black does not matter, divine sense can sweep in any case, even if can see, could not sweep to knock it off! 这种程度,丝毫不会影响丹妮娅的视野,林逸则是本来就没什么视野了,所以黑不黑都无所谓,反正神识能扫到的就算能看见,扫不到就拉倒了! Sima Yi, can here be the mortal form falls the river bottom in sand river? Good mysterious place!” 司马逸,这里会不会就是魄落沙河的河底啊?好神奇的地方!” Dania looks over a wide area to look in all directions, cannot bear the exclamation again and again: You look at the above, should that mobile Jinsha, be the mortal form falls the main body of sand river? Our are stepping on is also the sand, but is not a wind-drift sand, can be fallen the defective product that sand river eliminates by the mortal form?” 丹妮娅游目四顾,忍不住惊叹连连:“你看上方,那流动的金沙,应该就是魄落沙河的主体吧?我们脚下踩着的也是沙子,但并不是流沙,会不会是被魄落沙河淘汰的残次品啊?” This space mentioned is very unusual, probably river bottom. However is not direct even/including then sand river. 这个空间说来很奇特,像是河底。但是又不是直接连接着沙河。 But is an independent independent space, is cut off the river bottom and sand river. 而是一个单独的独立空间,将河底和沙河阻隔开来。 Lin Yi is speechless, the wind-drift sand and do the non- wind-drift sand have very big difference? It‘s nothing research! Really has no way to chat! 林逸无语,流沙和非流沙有很大区别么?没什么研究啊!真没法聊! Moreover the above anything situation, Lin Yi could not see, as if exceeded the range of Lin Yi divine sense survey the ground to the above flowing Jinsha, therefore anything cannot see also normally. 而且上方什么情况,林逸也看不到,地面到上方的流动金沙似乎超过了林逸神识探测的范围,所以什么都看不到也正常。 Sima Yi you looked, the distant place has the tornado wind common sand column, is connecting the day and place! Is it possible that these sand columns, are this side World supporting-heaven pillar?” 司马逸你看,远处有龙卷风一般的沙柱,连接着天和地!莫非这些沙柱,就是这方世界的擎天柱?” Lin Yi expressed very reluctantly, was not I do not want to look, really could not see! 林逸表示很无奈,不是我不想看,是真的看不见啊! This matter also reminded Dania embarrassed, Lin Yi can only nod saying: Un, has the possibility, we close to have a look, may have anything to discover!” 这事儿也不好意思多提醒丹妮娅,林逸只能点头道:“嗯,有可能,我们靠近些看看,或许会有什么发现!” Also good, that selects of near-point!” “也好,那就挑近点的这个吧!” Dania spoke has been drawing the Lin Yi's arm, moved the past toward side. 丹妮娅说话间已经拉着林逸的手臂,往旁边移动过去。 Meaning that Lin Yi has not worked loose, whatever she draws to run on the soft yellow sand. 林逸没有挣脱的意思,任由她拉着自己在松软的黄沙上奔跑。 Walked about 700-800 meters, the Lin Yi's divine sense edge can see the tornado sand column in Dania mouth finally. 走了大约700-800米左右,林逸的神识边缘终于能看到丹妮娅口中的龙卷沙柱了。 Also truly such as she said that this is similar to the tornado wind common sand column together, the bottom was small, upward was bigger, like yellow sand vortex. 也确实如她所言,这是一道如同龙卷风一般的沙柱,底部小,越往上越大,如同黄沙漩涡。 Most above should be the mortal form falls the main body of sand river, but Lin Yi cannot see, from, on the other hand, truly can it regarding as to haunch this piece of Heaven and Earth supporting-heaven pillar! 最上方应该就是魄落沙河的主体,只是林逸看不到,从另一方面来说,也确实可以将之视作为撑起这一片天地的擎天柱! At this time Lin Yi and Dania have approached this eddy-shaped very much the sand column, but has not felt any strength. 此时林逸和丹妮娅已经很靠近这漩涡状的沙柱了,但并没有感觉到任何力量。 If this is really the tornado wind or the vortex, definitely approaching the person or the object inhale. 如果这真是龙卷风或者漩涡,必然会将靠近的人或者物体都吸入其中。 Quite magnificent! Sima Yi do you feel? Looking into the distance, among Heaven and Earth is standing erect several hundred this type of sand columns, making me feel own tiny, who can think, here was only the mortal form falls the river bottom in sand river unexpectedly!” “好壮观!司马逸你觉得呢?放眼望去,天地之间矗立着数百根这种沙柱,让我感到了自身的渺小,谁能想到,这里居然只是魄落沙河的河底!” Dania is slightly excited, when some little girl spring tours that jump for joy: Although everywhere is the yellow sand, but seems very really magnificent, I somewhat liked here unexpectedly!” 丹妮娅略显兴奋,有些小女孩春游时的那种雀跃:“虽然到处都是黄沙,但看起来真的很壮观,我居然有些喜欢这里了!” Lin Yi is speechless, here is the restricted area, the restricted area! When really we are the going for a walk picnic? 林逸无语,这里是禁地,禁地啊!真当咱是来踏青郊游的么? Likes here, is it possible that also wants to settle down in this is inadequate? 喜欢这里,莫非还想要定居在此不成? Dania does not certainly know that Lin Yi complaining at heart, draws the Lin Yi's arm to continue, arrived at the nearby of sand column directly. 丹妮娅当然不知道林逸心里的吐槽,拉着林逸的手臂继续走,直接来到了沙柱的边上。
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