SBPE :: Volume #16

#8865: Chapter 8865

Also existence because of witch clan incantation seal, but exposed origin spirit condition position! 同时也会因为巫族咒印的存在,而暴露元神状态的位置! Moreover, once transforms the origin spirit condition, the might of witch clan incantation seal will be more powerful, witch Lingti can also insist one, the origin spirit condition, must be swallowed rapidly! 不仅如此,一旦转换成元神状态,巫族咒印的威力会更加强大,巫灵体还能多坚持一阵,元神状态的话,恐怕就要被迅速吞噬了! I...... the life and death had the life riches and honor depend on the appointment of heaven as far as possible, refuses stubbornly dead must put together one to be good! The ghost senior, is unable to solve temporarily, whether that does have temporary suppresses the method that incantation seal spreads?” “我尽量了……生死有命富贵在天,死不死的总要拼一把才行!鬼前辈,暂时无法解决,那是否有暂时压制咒印蔓延的方法?” Lin Yi has not had the high hope, was asked completely freely spoken, cannot completely solve, the probability that the words that is also unable to suppress temporarily, wanted to escape was too small! 林逸没抱多大希望,完全是顺口问了一句而已,不能彻底解决,又无法暂时压制的话,想要逃出去的几率实在太小! ghost bastard silent flickered, when Lin Yi does not have the hope suddenly said: „The words that temporarily suppresses, really have a method, but the sequela is quite serious!” 鬼东西沉默了一瞬,在林逸不抱希望的时候忽然说道:“暂时压制的话,确实有个方法,但后遗症极为严重!” Lin Yi is overjoyed, which can presently also give a thought to what sequela? 林逸大喜过望,现在哪儿还顾得上什么后遗症? Cannot suppress witch clan incantation seal, from the start will after not have, the sequela of but also fearing? 不能压制巫族咒印,压根就不会有以后了,还怕个屁的后遗症? Ghost senior hurries to tell me! presently did not have the time worry is too many!” “鬼前辈赶紧告诉我啊!现在没时间顾虑太多了!” ghost bastard un, the sinking sound said: Witch clan incantation seal that on your present witch spirit body contaminates are not many, is really unfortunate lucky! If this is not the case, pays the big price unable to suppress again, is optimistic on your presently situation, can attempt.” 鬼东西嗯了一声,沉声说道:“你如今巫灵体上沾染的巫族咒印不算多,真是不幸中的万幸!若非如此,付出再大代价都无法压制,也就你现在情况还算乐观,才能尝试一下。” Lin Yi continuously to roll the eyes, this situation calculates optimistically? What kind of that pessimistic situation should be desperate? 林逸都仍不住想要翻白眼了,这情况都算乐观的么?那悲观的情况又该是如何的绝望啊? ghost bastard has not made Lin Yi urge, continues saying: Burns your witch Lingti polluted spot, can alleviate the influence that you come under temporarily, but this is only the method of not goinging to the roots of the problem.” 鬼东西没有让林逸催促,继续说道:“把你巫灵体被污染的部位燃烧掉,可以暂时缓解你受到的影响,但这只是治标不治本的方法。” Now your in the witch spirit body majority has the witch clan incantation of ambush to print, burns the most serious part, is only the alleviation rather than the cure, next eruption powerful.” “如今你的巫灵体中大部分已经有潜伏的巫族咒印了,燃烧掉最严重的部分,只是缓解而非治愈,下一次的爆发会更加的强大。” Lin Yi one hear yes what's the matter! 林逸一听就明白是怎么回事了! Some polluted witch Lingti do burn?! Was equal to that is tearing origin spirit, that pain is not the average person can imagine! 将被污染的部分巫灵体燃烧掉?!等于是在撕裂元神,那种痛苦根本不是一般人所能想象! This also alleviates temporarily, will also welcome more powerful witch clan incantation seal to counter-attack momentarily! 这都还只是暂时缓解,随时还会迎来更强大的巫族咒印反扑! The view of sequela, not only refers to next incantation seal counter-attacking, more refers to Lin Yi's origin spirit after this tearing, whether the received wound can be healed cannot know. 后遗症的说法,不仅是指下次的咒印反扑,更多是指林逸的元神经过这种撕裂之后,受到的创伤能否痊愈都未可知。 What without a doubt is, the origin spirit rank likely therefore falls! 毫无疑问的是,元神等级很可能因此而掉落! I knew!” “我知道了!” Lin Yi understands the consequence seriously, but has had no alternative at this time, burns some witch Lingti, was always routed to be better compared with the entire witch spirit body too! 林逸明白后果会有多严重,但此时已经别无选择,燃烧掉部分巫灵体,总比整个巫灵体都被击溃要好太多了! Following matter Lin Yi did not need ghost bastard to teach, a moment ago that some witch Lingti who contacted the black fog, naturally was the source of pollution, Lin Yi without delay, divine sense Pill Fire covered directly, tore that some witch Lingti, kept the calcine by divine sense Pill Fire! 接下来的事情林逸不需要鬼东西教了,刚才接触到黑色云雾的那部分巫灵体,自然是污染源了,林逸二话不说,神识丹火直接覆盖上去,将那部分巫灵体撕裂开来,以神识丹火不停煅烧! Fierce ache function above origin spirit, Lin Yi so tenacious witch spirit body, almost suffering dead by the pain of this thorough soul. 剧烈的疼痛作用在元神之上,林逸如此坚韧的巫灵体,也差点被这种深入灵魂的痛苦给折磨死。 Is a long story with the exchange of ghost bastard, actually is also a Lin Yi's thought that besieges to chase down a Lin Yi's dark demon beast clan not to take place completely, saw that on Lin Yi ignited the flame! 鬼东西的交流说来话长,其实也就是林逸的一个念头而已,围攻追杀林逸的黑暗魔兽一族还没全部就位,就看到林逸身上燃起了火焰! Lin Yi was too sore, to guard against the weak time was attacked, ejects a defense plate to activate conveniently, the good and evil can delay 12 seconds. 林逸实在太疼了,为了防备虚弱时候遭受攻击,顺手抛出一个防御阵盘激活,好歹能拖延个一两秒时间。 Owed this plate, Lin Yi can safe and sound very pain of origin spirit tearing. 亏了这个阵盘,林逸才能安然无恙的挺过元神撕裂的痛苦。 Just like ghost bastard said that temporarily suppressed the spread expansion of witch clan incantation seal, eliminated part of influences. 正如鬼东西所言,暂时压制住了巫族咒印的蔓延扩张,也消除了一部分影响。 For example the radius range of divine sense survey expanded ten times- from ten meters to 100 meters, is the huge progress! The clarity was also better, at least to make Lin Yi get rid the predicament of being approximate in the blind person. 比如神识探测的半径范围扩大了十倍-从十米到一百米,也算是巨大的进步!还有清晰度也好了许多,至少让林逸摆脱了近似于瞎子的窘境。 Lin Yi does not know how long the eruption of next witch clan incantation seal can be separated. 林逸不知道下一次巫族咒印的爆发会间隔多久。 The presently condition is highest level that can achieve, if cannot break through while presently, the opportunity that following wants to break through even more will be uncertain. 现在的状态已经是自己能达成的最高水准了,若是不能趁现在突围,后续想要突围的机会将越发渺茫。 A defense plate completed the historical mission, after is Lin Yi won the time of panting for breath, is destroyed, Lin Yi regarding this and did not care, activated an imaginary intermittent plate to lose. 防御阵盘完成了历史使命,为林逸争取到了喘息的时间后被打碎了,林逸对此并不在意,又激活了一个幻阵阵盘丢出去。 A meaning, did not count on that can have many functions, only needed to strive such 12 seconds enough! 一个意思,不指望能有多少作用,只需要争取那么一两秒时间就够了! The instance of imaginary stimulation, a surrounding dark demon beast clan soldier was affected by the illusion slightly, leave alone is one second or a half second, in brief gives the opportunity that Lin Yi acted! 幻阵激发的瞬间,周围的黑暗魔兽一族士兵都略微被幻境所影响,别管是一秒还是半秒,总之是给了林逸出手的机会! Bewitches the hand! Seizes the shed to take possession! 勾魂手!夺舍附身! The flow is such flow, the handiness that Lin Yi plays, after having the new mortal body, can make origin spirit take a rest slightly, witch clan incantation seal will also be isolated time. 流程就是这么个流程,林逸玩的得心应手,有了新的肉身之后,可以让元神稍作休息,巫族咒印也会被隔绝一点时间。 That human origin spirit escaped! Toward here! Blocks him quickly!” “那个人类元神逃跑了!往这边!快拦住他!” A dark demon beast clan soldier who Lin Yi takes possession brought to a attention of other dark demon beast clan soldiers with the exaggerating sound. 林逸附身的黑暗魔兽一族士兵用夸张的声音引起了其他黑暗魔兽一族士兵的注意。 They know that the Lin Yi's origin spirit condition is elusive, therefore does not doubt him, all followed to pursue the person! 他们都知道林逸的元神状态来无影去无踪,所以不疑有他,全都跟着追人去了! Naturally, there is a dark demon beast clan to the Lin Yi's words entertaining suspicions condition, still searches in this nearby. 当然,也有黑暗魔兽一族对林逸的话抱有怀疑状态,依然在这附近搜索。 Lin Yi cannot attend to too, seizes the chance to mix in the pursuit team secretly, then gets out to be suspicious to turn halfway the correct direction, looks Dania to converge. 林逸顾不上太多,趁机偷偷混入追击队伍中,然后半路下车偷摸着拐回正确方向,去找丹妮娅汇合。 Dania appears somewhat worries, reaching an agreement does not begin, but has a look, how to make such big noise? 丹妮娅显得有些着急,说好的不动手,只是去看看,怎么又闹出这么大动静啊? Said with certainty a moment ago, definitely won't have the matter to support to aid Lin Yi, what to do presently should? Really doesn't support? If by some chance waits to support? 刚才言之凿凿,绝对不会一有事就去支援接应林逸,现在该怎么办?真的不去支援么?万一就等着去支援呢? Dania looks at the distant place to erupt the fight of come out, how calculates at heart should be able not to cause the Lin Yi's repugnance, with complying doesn't support does not conflict? 丹妮娅看着远处爆发出来的战斗,心里盘算着该如何才能不引起林逸的反感,又和答应的不支援不冲突? Dania has not thought, Lin Yi was discovered! 丹妮娅还没想好,林逸就被发现了! A dark demon beast clan detected before , the direction mistake, changes immediately. 黑暗魔兽一族察觉到之前方向的错误,马上就做出改变。 The innumerable attacks pursue the direction that Lin Yi is leaving to fall in torrents. 无数攻击追着林逸离开的方向倾泻而来。 But Lin Yi that field of vision fuzzy feeling also appears again, can only depend upon the early warning of Jade Pendant space to prompt to dodge, suddenly slightly obviously distressed. 林逸那种视野模糊的感觉也再次出现,只能依靠玉佩空间的预警提示来进行规避,一时间稍显狼狈。 Seizes the body not extremely conjunction that the shed comes, the naked eye also lost visual ability with witch spirit the body generally, in addition on origin spirit the influence of witch clan incantation seal, Lin Yi strength damages greatly, even displays not come out half. 夺舍而来的躯体并不十分契合,肉眼也和巫灵体一般失去了视觉能力,加上元神上巫族咒印的影响,林逸实力大损,甚至连一半都发挥不出来 Resisted several attacks using a defense symbol, is actually not able to block all attacks, Lin Yi cannot attend to one thing without losing track of another thing, finally by an attack of dark demon beast clan hitting on body! 利用防御阵符抵挡了几次攻击,却无法将所有的攻击全都拦下,林逸顾此失彼,终于还是被黑暗魔兽一族的攻击给打在了身上! The intensity of this body is not outstanding, with dark demon beast clan soldiers of these attacks only about the same, suffers 35 also not major problems, the continual dozens attacks, Lin Yi may be unable to shoulder! 这具身体的强度并不算出众,和那些攻击的黑暗魔兽一族士兵只在伯仲之间,强挨三五下还没多大问题,连续的数十次攻击,林逸可就扛不住了! Breaks in the hand and foot, before the body disintegrates, Lin Yi can only abandon this temporary body, changes into the origin spirit condition to flee the crisis again. 在手足断裂,身体分崩离析之前,林逸只能抛弃了这具临时的身体,再次化为元神状态逃离危机。 Do not let him run! In there!” “别让他跑了!在那里!” With was tight! Cannot escape by him!” “跟紧了!千万不能被他逃脱!” Rear dark demon beast clan elite soldier great shout is chasing down Lin Yi, is not willing to relax. 后方的黑暗魔兽一族精锐士兵大声呼喊着追杀林逸,丝毫不肯放松。
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