SBPE :: Volume #16

#8587: Chapter 8587

Actually, before Hongzhi bead, when obtaining the mainland martial pledge alchemy association increases a vice-chairman's notice, is very shocking. 其实,洪智珠之前在得到大陆武盟炼丹协会增加一个副会长的通知时,也很震惊。 He knows Sima Yi to be uncommon, but without thinking rose to the mainland level all of a sudden comes up. 他知道司马逸不凡,但是没想到一下子就上升到大陆层面上去了。 How can? How possibly? How your you...... are you possibly the mainland alchemy association vice-chairman?” “怎么会?怎么可能?你你你……你怎么可能是大陆炼丹公会副会长?” Ouyang Changhong whole face desperate death grey, the finger is trembling uphold, wants to aim at Lin Yi, actually went forward one to pat by stretch/open Yiming. 欧阳常虹满脸绝望的死灰色,手指哆嗦着抬起,想要指向林逸,却被张逸铭上前一把拍开。 Whom do you point at? Our Boss is also you can casual refer to randomly? What's wrong? Isn't convinced? Our Boss is the real star Source Mainland alchemy Association vice-chairman, you are not convinced are also suppressing to me!” “你手指谁呢?我们老大也是你能随便乱指的么?怎么?不服气啊?我们老大就是货真价实的星源大陆炼丹公会副会长,你不服气也得给我憋着!” stretch/open Yiming and to spend Daqiang were together for a long time, started to like the dai Chinese zither: Let alone you are not convinced, the phoenix roosts that side the continent alchemy association to have Supreme Elder to call Ouyang Cuantian, is Patriarch of your Ouyang Family clan? He is not convinced, can in front of our Boss, not be the same must suppress? You are what!” 张逸铭和费大强相处久了,也开始喜欢嘚瑟:“别说你不服气,凤栖大洲炼丹协会那边有个太上长老叫欧阳窜天,是你们欧阳家族的家主吧?他也不服气,可在我们老大面前,还不是一样得憋着?你算老几啊!” Ouyang Changhong sits falls down. 欧阳常虹一屁股坐倒在地上。 Originally, Ouyang Cuantian is in his heart an only ray of hope, presently knew that also has suffered a loss on Lin Yi, Ouyang Changhong lost heart thoroughly! 原本,欧阳窜天还是他心中唯一的一线希望,现在得知也在林逸手上吃过亏,欧阳常虹是彻底死心了! Ended, all ended, was unable to save the situation! 完了,全都完了,回天无力了啊! Ouyang Changhong gave up the resistance, the person of his department was similar to dies the parents to put on a long face immediately generally. 欧阳常虹放弃了抵抗,他那一系的人顿时如同死了爹妈一般哭丧着脸。 At that moment, Hua Wuyu sends out the signal, the combat generals of fight association comes to control the scene rapidly, arrests all Ouyang Changhong trusted subordinates. 当下,化物语发出信号,战斗协会的战将迅速进来控制场面,将所有欧阳常虹的亲信都抓捕起来。 Meaning that these people do not dare to revolt against, the above reply said is very clear, after must investigate thoroughly, decided whether can continue with them. 这些人没有丝毫敢反抗的意思,上边的回复说的很清楚,要彻查之后才决定是否能继续用他们。 Whose if this time jumps come out, that did not need to check, direct a slap patted. 若是谁此时跳出来,那就不用查了,直接一巴掌拍死。 Is Alchemist of alchemy association, is not the combat general of fight association, wants to revolt not to have that strength! 都是炼丹协会的炼丹师,又不是战斗协会的战将,想造反也没那个实力啊! How are the vice-chairmen of Sima Yi unexpectedly mainland alchemy association...... so never expected that flamboyant?” “没想到司马逸居然还是大陆炼丹公会的副会长……怎么这么牛逼啊?” Accepts the alchemy association president, is not injust, the great person who annoys the star source mainland level that Ouyang Changhong dies, had not been killed at the scene has calculated politely......” “纳朵炼丹协会会长,欧阳常虹死的不冤啊,惹到星源大陆层面的大人物,没当场被打死已经算客气了……” Sima Grandmaster, I want to consult the doubts in some say/way to you......” “司马宗师,我想向你请教一些阵道方面的疑惑……” Encircling the audience is sober after the dumbfounded condition, most people low voice were still discussing, but the brain transfers some quick one small people been all smile collects toward Lin Yi, wants to enclasp this big influential or powerful person! 围观众们从傻眼状态清醒之后,大多数人依然在小声议论,而脑子转得快的一小部分人已经满脸堆笑的往林逸这边凑,想要抱紧这条大粗腿! Even if in the source of this say/way cannot obtain what advantage, must mix a face to be ripe, builds the foundation for the later development. 哪怕这次阵道之源中得不到什么好处,也要混个脸熟,为以后的发展打下基础。 The fight association combat generals who what a pity these people were caught up with blocking, did not make them be close to Lin Yi. 可惜这些人都被赶来的战斗协会战将们给拦了下来,不让他们接近林逸 These were before follow the Lin Yi's combat general, even in the fight association, they are still retaining the designation of imperial guards. 这些都是之前跟着林逸的战将,甚至在战斗协会中,他们依然保留着羽林军的番号。 Lin Yi in their eyes, that is a commander-in-chief! 林逸在他们眼中,那就是最高统帅! No Lin Yi's permitted, no one want to approach half step! 没有林逸的许可,谁也别想靠近半步! After Hua Wuyu arranges, expressed shock in his heart to Lin Yi: Brother Sima, you frightened the brother really! How long then leaves, have you become the vice-chairmen of mainland alchemy association unexpectedly? Was this on the 1st so-called Great Peng gets up with the wind, skyrockets 90,000 li (0.5 km)?” 化物语安排完之后,才有空向林逸表达他心中的震惊:“司马老弟,你真是吓到老哥了啊!这才离开多久,你居然就已经成了大陆炼丹公会的副会长了?这就是所谓的大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里吧?” Brother has long known your powerful, will definitely soar, but has not thought that so will be quick, I thought that you should change name to call Sima Cuantian, the Ouyang fleeing day of that Ouyang Family clan, cannot place on a par with you!” “老哥早就知道你厉害,肯定会一飞冲天,只是没想到会这么快,我看你才应该改名叫司马窜天,那个欧阳家族的欧阳窜天,根本就不能和你相提并论嘛!” Hua Wuyu starts to chat, by this expressed that esteems about Lin Yi's. 化物语开始说笑,以此来表示对林逸的推崇。 Although Lin Yi also has another to cause the status secretly especially above the mainland alchemy association vice-chairmen, but that status easily cannot expose. 虽然林逸还有另外一个暗使身份尤在大陆炼丹公会副会长之上,但那个身份轻易不能暴露。 Is far from this vice-chairman handling affairs the honour below and convenient. 远没有这个副会长在下面行事来得尊荣和方便。 Melted the brother not to want the erroneous to approve, was not matter at the worst, was the coincidences.” “化兄千万不要谬赞了,并不是什么大不了的事情,都是巧合罢了。” Lin Yi suspended the bare hands modestly: Ouyang often in the rainbow under the hand | subordinate person, dies loyally besides a few, remaining can use, there are these people, later the supply of pill medicine wants to come not to have the issue. Melts the brother you person, so long as finds the control direction on line.” 林逸谦虚的摆了白手:“欧阳常虹手下的人中,除了少数几个死忠之外,剩下的都可以用起来,有这些人在,以后丹药的供应想来就不会有问题了。化兄你只要找好掌控方向的人就行了。” Waits for the imprisoned that group of people came back, Lin Yi believe the alchemy association recover peak condition, will win peak. 等被囚禁的那批人回来,林逸相信炼丹协会就会恢复巅峰状态,甚至是更胜巅峰 When the time comes the Hua Wuyu left hand fight association, the right hand alchemy association, to the control and right to speak of Namibian martial pledge branch will go to the astonishing situation. 到时候化物语左手战斗协会,右手炼丹协会,对纳朵武盟分部的掌控力和话语权都会达到惊人的地步。 As for the say/way association...... is some aloof level formation masters. 至于阵道协会……都是些与世无争水平不怎样的阵法师。 Namibian martial pledge branch say/way association had the feeling is really bad! 纳朵武盟分部这边的阵道协会存在感实在是太差了! Hua Wuyu also understands this truth, therefore starts to choose filtration outstanding Alchemist in the heart, looks to be competent the alchemy association's new president. 化物语也明白这个道理,所以开始在心中挑选过滤优秀的炼丹师,看能不能胜任炼丹协会新的会长。 Ouyang Changhong has not died, Lin Yi has not killed his interest, loses after at will Hua Wuyu processes, thoroughly casting behind. 欧阳常虹没死,林逸也没杀他的兴趣,随意丢给化物语去处理之后,彻底将之抛在脑后了。 Looks lively, no matter encircles the audience to want, the combat generals of fight association their polite delivered. 热闹看完,不管围观众们愿意不愿意,战斗协会的战将们都将他们客客气气的送了出去。 Quick here completed clearout, is only left over Lin Yi and Hua Wuyu and other individuals. 很快这边就完成了清场,只剩下林逸化物语等少数几个人。 Processes in the alchemy association a manpower of Ouyang Changhong department, while waits to be caught alchemy these people to come back. 一边处理炼丹协会中欧阳常虹一系的人手,一边等着被抓去炼丹的那些人回来。 Quick, Alchemist in these hospital pill lines came back, saw after Lin Yi, immediately exuded the giant cheers. 很快,那些医馆丹行中的炼丹师回来了,看到林逸之后马上发出了巨大的欢呼声。 The combat generals of imperial guards are also following to cheer together. 连带着羽林军的战将们也跟着一起欢呼。 Although Lin Yi left accept Duo the title empire, but they will actually never forget that their commands, command the King to return now, their these followers are naturally hard to take excitedly! 林逸虽然离开了纳朵封号帝国,但他们却永远不会忘记他们的统帅,如今统帅王者归来,他们这些追随者自然是激动难耐! Matter of alchemy association settles down, Ouyang Changhong was kicked to be eliminated thoroughly, represents the Ouyang Family clan to cut off in the antenna of Namibian martial pledge branch completely. 炼丹协会的事情尘埃落定,欧阳常虹被彻底踢出局,代表着欧阳家族在纳朵武盟分部的触角被全部斩断。 The fight association and alchemy association presently was controlled by Hua Wuyu completely, starting today, Hua Wuyu this lobby main right to speak, is the true establishment. 战斗协会和炼丹协会现在全部被化物语所掌控,从今天开始,化物语这个大堂主的话语权,才算是真真正正的确立下来。 Only if Lin Yi comes back, otherwise his position will be impregnable. 除非林逸回来,否则他的地位将牢不可破。 Hua Wuyu aggressive processing here business, but Lin Yi led stretch/open Yiming to return to the rising typhoon alchemy school. 化物语紧锣密鼓的处理这边的事务,而林逸则是带着张逸铭回了扶摇炼丹学院。 Comes back rarely, must visit to visit a flower after all. 难得回来一趟,总归要探望拜访一番花飒。 old man sees Lin Yi, naturally is joyful, to express the joy in heart, is drawing Lin Yi in the rising typhoon alchemy school on the half-day class. 老头儿见到林逸,自然是欣喜之极,为了表达心中的这份喜悦,拉着林逸在扶摇炼丹学院中上了半天课。 Gives the euphemistic name of honor Director to come back rarely one time, must for an school completely heart. 美其名曰荣誉院长难得回来一次,必须为学院尽一份心。 Lin Yi bewildered half God taught a course in, caused the stir of rising typhoon alchemy school. 林逸莫名其妙的就上了半天公开课,引起了扶摇炼丹学院的轰动。 These are trivial matter, in the evening Lin Yi and flower, Hua Wuyu and the others slightly gathered, returns to the relay station to rest. 这些都是小事,晚上林逸和花飒、化物语等人小聚了一番,才回到驿站休息。 The Second day in the morning, all say/way Grandmaster built up is preparing to embark to go to still the empire together red. 第二天清晨,所有阵道宗师集结在一起准备出发前往红尚帝国。 But Hua Wuyu, then brings all imperial guards early is waiting for Lin Yi. 化物语,则是带着所有羽林军早早的等着林逸 Melts the brother, is your must see off to me? Some were grand!” “化兄,你们这是要给我送行么?有些过于隆重了啊!” The Lin Yi smile looks to Hua Wuyu: Now martial pledge branch is complicated, melts the brother you in spite of being very busy also to find time, I can be moved!” 林逸微笑看向化物语:“如今武盟分部千头万绪,化兄你百忙之中还抽空过来,我可是会感动的哦!”
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