SBPE :: Volume #16

#8443: Chapter 8443

Just passed through the gate, Lin Yi discovered two acquaintances, the pledge set up the teacher woof Bagao posture and Gui of Sun school! 刚进门,林逸就发现了两个熟人,盟立学院的导师汪芭高姿和桂隼! This to the male and female partner is really Meng not being out of focus burnt not to Meng, which walks the same place, is ordinary just like the conjoined twins. 这对男女搭档真是孟不离焦焦不离孟,走哪儿都在一起,宛如连体婴一般。 They hide at the back of a stone wall, the restraining aura is hiding as far as possible, looks at the pale appearance, as if received an internal injury, the body surface is actually good, has not seen what scar. 他们俩躲在一处石墙背面,尽量收敛气息躲着,看脸色苍白的样子,似乎都受了点内伤,身体表面倒是还好,没看见什么伤痕。 Lin Yi quiet close to that stone wall, approaches two people to say low voice: „Do you hide here to do?” 林逸悄无声息的靠近那石墙,凑近两人小声说道:“你们躲这儿干嘛呢?” Does not have two people who think to be given to have a scare by the sudden spooky sound of talking, simultaneous/uniform Qibeng, turned around to face Lin Yi suddenly, simultaneously showed the stance of defense. 毫无所觉的两人被突然的幽幽语声给吓了一跳,齐齐蹦了起来,霍然转身面对林逸,同时摆出了防御的架势。 Is good also calculates the restraint because of two people, what without sending out screamed noise that and so on, is feared mostly brings in the dark demon beast? 好在两人还算克制,没有发出什么尖叫之类的噪音,多半是怕引来黑暗魔兽吧? Lying trough! Sima Yi! It is not...... Sima Director!” “卧槽!司马逸!不是……司马院长!” After fearful and apprehensive Gui Sun sees clearly behind person is Lin Yi, cannot help but exploded a swearing! 心惊胆战的桂隼看清身后的人是林逸之后,不由自主的爆了句粗口! Then, he responds immediately Lin Yi present status, is not they can boast casually, therefore changed into Sima Director immediately. 然后,他立刻反应过来林逸如今的身份,已经不是他们能随便咋呼的了,于是又马上换成了司马院长 Does anything! Person scary scary good!” “搞什么啊!人吓人会吓死人的好不好!” The woof Bagao posture whole body tight battle condition instantaneous loosen, the whole person was weak, after murmur against, has not spoken again. 汪芭高姿浑身紧绷的战斗状态瞬间一松,整个人都瘫软了下来,小声抱怨了一句之后就没再说话了。 From her aura, should be is injured is heavier. 从她的气息来看,应该是受伤更重一些。 I do not want to frighten you! Felt strange that what you do hide make here? Is the peekaboo in the foothold of dark demon beast very exciting?” “我没想吓唬你们啊!只是奇怪你们躲在这里做什么?在黑暗魔兽的据点中躲猫猫很刺激么?” Lin Yi curls the lip, takes out two Great Revitalizing Pill therapy to them. 林逸撇撇嘴,取出两颗大还丹给他们疗伤。 Two people eyes one bright, now Lin Yi is resounding in the imperial capital alchemy Grandmaster fame, delivers come out pill medicine definitely is the good thing! 两人眼睛一亮,如今林逸在帝都炼丹宗师的名气非常响亮,送出来丹药肯定是好东西啊! woof Bagao posture does not hate to take, wants to remain is maintaining life to use, but is also embarrassed- others therapy to use to you, you actually receive to preserve, this table manners were a little ugly. 汪芭高姿都不舍得服用,想要留着保命用,可又不好意思-人家给你疗伤用,你却收起来留存,这吃相有点难看了。 woof Bagao posture many also wants the face, cannot do this matter, under raised the head clothing/taking that can only not abandon the anxiety pill medicine. 汪芭高姿多少还要点脸面,干不出这种事儿,只能不舍肉疼的抬头服下丹药 Gui Sun did not have so many ideas, in the dark demon beast domain, stayed the peak condition compared with anything important, therefore he has not felt the waste, took takes directly. 桂隼就没那么多想法了,在黑暗魔兽地盘上,保持巅峰状态比什么都重要,所以他没觉得浪费,拿到手就直接服用了。 The Great Revitalizing Pill effect was needless saying that two people on the spirit, could not see the beforehand that weak feeling immediately, on the face were also many several points of blood-color. 大还丹的效果不用说,两人马上就精神了许多,看不出之前的那种虚弱感,脸上也多了几分血色。 Many thanks Sima Director!” “多谢司马院长!” Gui Sun holds the fist in the other hand the expression of gratitude, immediately closely examines: Was our main forces to?” 桂隼抱拳道谢,随即追问:“是不是我们的主力到了?” Also no, I first come alone, how can both of you here?” “还没有,我是单独先过来的,你们俩怎么会在这里?” Lin Yi shakes the head. 林逸摇了摇头。 woof Bagao posture hesitant, said: We have one to scout the squad, encountered the dark demon beast by here later, was scattered......” 汪芭高姿犹豫了一下,道:“我们有一支斥候小队,到了这里之后遭遇黑暗魔兽,被打散了……” At this point woof Bagao posture as if thought of anything, the complexion changes the anxious sound saying: Sima Director, colorful butterfly and we come together, she directed two dark demon beasts alone, presently perhaps was inauspicious, you hurried to aid her!” 说到这里汪芭高姿似乎想到了什么,脸色一变急声说道:“司马院长,洛彩蝶和我们一起过来的,她单独引走了两只黑暗魔兽,现在恐怕是凶多吉少了,你赶紧去接应一下她!” Although bigger possibly is gives the colorful butterfly to gather up dead bodies, but woof Bagao posture knows that Lin Yi and between colorful butterflies relates closely, must say. 虽然更大的可能是去给洛彩蝶收尸,但汪芭高姿知道林逸和洛彩蝶之间关系密切,还是要说一下的。 Cannot go as for Lin Yi, after going, can rescue colorful butterfly, she managed less than so many. 至于林逸去不去,去了之后能不能救下洛彩蝶,她就管不到那么多了。 The Lin Yi brow tip raises, has not thought that will hear the news of colorful butterfly here! 林逸眉梢微扬,没想到会在这里听到洛彩蝶的消息! However, safety Lin Yi of colorful butterfly does not need to be worried actually, the itself by the dark spy who the dark demon beast brainwashing delivers, directing the dark demon beast to give the message mostly, finally will be definitely safe. 不过,洛彩蝶的安危林逸倒是不必担心,本就是被黑暗魔兽洗脑送回来的暗谍,引走黑暗魔兽多半是要传递消息,最后肯定还会平安回来。 Since met, Lin Yi does not prepare to delay, finding the way colorful butterfly rescuing, is not the body, but is the brain! 既然遇到了,林逸也就不准备拖延,想办法把洛彩蝶给解救回来,不是身体,而是脑子! Good, did you tell my colorful butterfly to go in that direction? My presently catches up!” “好,你们告诉我洛彩蝶往那个方向去的?我现在就赶上去!” The Lin Yi heart relayed the thought that in the surface very appropriate performance was being concerned and worrying. 林逸心中转着念头,面上很恰当的表现出了一些关切和着急。 Colorful butterfly was brainwashed to become the matter of dark demon beast dark spy, Lin Yi knows on the line, does not need other to know, so as to avoid later colorful butterfly was pushed aside. 洛彩蝶被洗脑成为黑暗魔兽暗谍的事情,林逸自己知道就行,不需要让其他人都知道,免得以后洛彩蝶被排挤。 This direction...... Sima Director, your past words, somewhat dangerous otherwise again how...... waits for the reinforcements to come to go?” “这个方向……司马院长,你一个人过去的话,还是有些危险的吧……要不然等援兵过来再去如何?” The Guangxi falcon somewhat hesitates, on the one hand knows the Lin Yi concern colorful butterfly, on the one hand also truly somewhat is worried about the Lin Yi's security. 桂隼有些犹豫,一方面是知道林逸关心洛彩蝶,一方面也确实是有些担心林逸的安全。 Facing a dark demon beast clan time, they will only consider the issue from principle of righteousness. 面对黑暗魔兽一族的时候,他们只会从大义方面考虑问题。 Lin Yi is alchemy Grandmaster, is say/way Grandmaster, such genius, human cannot lose! 林逸是一个炼丹宗师,还是阵道宗师,这样的天才,人类损失不起啊! Said is more brutal, they rather died ten colorful butterflies, does not want Lin Yi to receive an injury! 说的残酷一些,他们宁可死掉十个洛彩蝶,也不愿意林逸受到一点伤害! Does not need, to save others like the fire fighting, when the reinforcements come, colorful butterfly has not known that will have an accident!” “不必了,救人如救火,等援兵过来,洛彩蝶还不知道会出什么事!” Lin Yi kept a serious look, can actually colorful butterfly have an accident? The person many eyes mixed are easy to have an accident, oneself were many on the convenience in the past. 林逸表情严肃,其实洛彩蝶能出什么事?人多眼杂才容易出事,自己一个人过去就方便多了。 Since Sima Director is determined to rescue colorful butterfly, we with you, have a helper together! How to say again, she is also our pledge sets up the teacher of school, is our companions!” “既然司马院长执意要去救援洛彩蝶,那我们就跟你一起吧,好歹有个帮手!再怎么说,她也是我们盟立学院的导师,是我们的同伴!” Gui Sun knows perfectly well the danger, to add some strengths to Lin Yi, is duty-bound not to turn back wants to follow to go together, made Lin Yi somewhat hold in high esteem actually. 桂隼明知危险,为了给林逸增添一些力量,还是义无反顾的想跟着一起去,倒是令林逸有些刮目相看。 What a pity, this matter Lin Yi no one can bring, has to reject his good intention. 可惜,这事儿林逸谁都不能带,只好拒绝他的好意了。 Does not use, I alone in the past on line, both of you, although took the pill medicine injury to change for the better, but in the peak condition, first did not leave here to arrive at outside after all just wait.” “不用了,我一个人过去就行,你们俩虽然服用了丹药伤势好转,但毕竟不在巅峰状态,先离开这里到外边等着吧。” Melts the owner to bring the main force team to catch up, it is estimated that will arrive quickly, after you converged the main force, leading them to penetrate, will be more helpful!” “化堂主带着主力队伍已经赶来,估计很快就会到了,你们汇合了主力之后,带他们突入进来,会更有帮助!” Lin Yi said fast two, then gave a pretext the time press, said goodbye to leave, grazes to go following the direction that they directed. 林逸快速的说了两句,然后借口时间紧迫,就告辞离开了,顺着他们指点的方向一路飞掠而去。 Gui Sun and woof Bagao posture also sighed secretly, feeling Lin Yi is really a person who feels emotion the righteousness, can render good for evil to them, is really a good person! 桂隼和汪芭高姿还暗自感叹,觉得林逸真是个有情有义的人,对他们也能以德报怨,真是个好人呐! Hopes the good person life is safe! 希望好人一生平安! Was sent Lin Yi that the good person card still did not know to pursue not far, in divine sense discovered the trail of colorful butterfly. 被发了好人卡犹不自知的林逸追了没多远,神识中就发现了洛彩蝶的踪迹。 Colorful butterfly truly catches up in the round trip, moreover body many hang out colored streamers, looks somewhat pitifully, but in fact is the skin flesh wound , there is nothing importantly. 洛彩蝶确实是在往回赶,而且身上多处挂彩,看着有些凄惨,但实际上都是皮外伤,根本没什么要紧。 Lin Yi shows a smile, welcomed rapidly, was quick two people to meet. 林逸露出一丝微笑,迅速迎了过去,很快两人就相遇了。 Colorful butterfly, are you good? Injured?” “洛彩蝶,你还好吧?受伤了么?” Normalcy of very Lin Yi performance, appropriate shows the concern anxious expression. 林逸表现的很正常,适当的露出关心急切的表情。 The original plan is, found colorful butterfly to find the way to solve her brainwashed problem. 本来的计划是,找到洛彩蝶就想办法解决她被洗脑的问题。 After may really meet, Lin Yi discovered that this matter is not the matter! 可真遇到之后,林逸发现这事儿根本就不算事儿! Because the witch spirit sea of colorful butterfly emerges in Lin Yi's witch Linghai, seems like existence of Branch Line, natural was suppressed by Lin Yi's witch Linghai. 因为洛彩蝶的巫灵海脱胎于林逸的巫灵海,就好像是一个支脉的存在,天然就被林逸的巫灵海压制。 witch clan method in origin spirit aspect, far ultra dark demon beast, even these brainwashing methods of dark demon beast, may be the inheritance from the witch clan! 巫族在元神方面的手段,远超黑暗魔兽,甚至于黑暗魔兽的这些洗脑手段,都有可能是传承自巫族! Therefore two people meet, Lin Yi knows, the brainwashing issue of colorful butterfly turns the hand to break! 所以两人一见面,林逸就知道,洛彩蝶的洗脑问题翻手可破!
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