SBPE :: Volume #16

#8441: Chapter 8441

True concern your person, will urge you tirelessly, these not concern your person, how also to care about your life? 只有真正关心你的人,才会不厌其烦的叮嘱你,那些不关心你的人,又怎么会在乎你的死活? Melts the brother to feel relieved, I know fairly well, you also is more careful, to the domain of dark demon beast, is not that easy and comfortable!” “化兄放心,我心中有数,你这边也要小心些,到了黑暗魔兽的地盘,可不是那么安逸的啊!” Two people urged two mutually, Lin Yi confessed to stretch/open Yiming and to spend Daqiang several, were separated from the large military force immediately, a person pursued the trail that the dark demon beast is leaving behind. 两人互相叮嘱了两句,林逸又对张逸铭和费大强交代了几句,随即脱离了大队人马,一个人追着黑暗魔兽留下的踪迹去了。 The direction of Lin Yi tracing, slightly has the difference from the main force team that Hua Wuyu leads, the trail that before discovered five dark demon beasts that leaves behind with divine sense to be not clear, if not Lin Yi scanned with divine sense, even was not discovered easily. 林逸追踪的方向,和化物语带领的主力队伍略有分歧,之前用神识发现的五只黑暗魔兽留下的踪迹不算清晰,若非林逸神识扫描,甚至都不容易被发现。 Lin Yi pursued the weak trace to lead the way some time, suddenly the discovery were many other traces- tracks that human left behind! 林逸追着微弱的痕迹前行了一段时间,忽然发现多了些其他的痕迹-人类留下的足印! By this time, the trace of dark demon beast and human started to combine in the same place, became clearer, even were many some marks of fight. 到这个时候,黑暗魔兽和人类的痕迹开始混杂在一起,也变得更加清晰,甚至多了些战斗的印记。 Have the two sides scouting squads encountered and fought? 两边的斥候小队已经遭遇并交手了么? In the Lin Yi heart slightly feels heavily, in the region of underground devil's lair dark demon beast control, the divine sense survey is somewhat fuzzy, as if encountered very strong disturbance. 林逸心中略感沉重,地下魔窟黑暗魔兽控制的区域之中,神识探测有些模糊,似乎遭遇到了很强的干扰。 This is witch Linghai holds the later effect, if the conversion beforehand divine sense sea, not being able to do well divine sense did not have the naked eye to be easy-to-use here. 这还是巫灵海加持之后的效果,若是换成以前的神识海,搞不好在这里神识还没有肉眼好用。 Because of this, Lin Yi does not make clear the situation of fight, but from the trace, should be the scouting squad of human is at a disadvantage, hits while escaped was leaving here. 正因为如此,林逸搞不清楚战斗的情况,但从痕迹上来看,应该是人类的斥候小队处于下风,边打边逃着离开了这里。 Lin Yi follows these trails to lead the way, finally what found is six human broken corpses. 林逸跟着这些踪迹一路前行,最终找到的是六具人类残破的尸体。 But not far away, is five almost not injured dark demon beasts! 而不远处,则是五只几乎没怎么受伤的黑暗魔兽! Hehe, brother, came a bringing death human! Today the luck is good!” “呵呵呵,兄弟们,又来了一个送死的人类!今天运气不错!” And a dark demon beast discovered Lin Yi, immediately low smiled: Has not just killed to satisfy a craving, although only has one, the good and evil can gap between teeth!” 其中一只黑暗魔兽发现了林逸,顿时低低的笑了起来:“刚好没杀过瘾,虽然只有一个,好歹能塞塞牙缝!” Human is some weak chickens, without the advantage in quantity, is not our opponents! Such, our others many bullying people were short, you play casually, several of us look on the line.” “人类都是些弱鸡,要是没有数量上的优势,根本就不是我们的对手!这么一个,我们就别人多欺负人少了,你随便玩吧,我们几个看着就行。” Shaking the head of another dark demon beast jar sound jar air/Qi, hints another three not to act simultaneously, makes that dark demon beast that spoke a moment ago cope with Lin Yi. 另外一个黑暗魔兽瓮声瓮气的摇摇头,同时示意另外三个也别出手,就让刚才说话的那个黑暗魔兽去对付林逸 The Lin Yi look is ice-cold. 林逸眼神冰冷无比。 Human military and Lin Yi who although died have no relations, but these dark demon beasts regard the attitude of toy human, still touched the Lin Yi's bottom line. 虽然死掉的人类武者和林逸也没什么关系,可这几个黑暗魔兽把人类当成玩具的态度,依然触动了林逸的底线。 Five beasts, there what? On, do not waste the time together!” “五只禽兽而已,在那里哔哔什么?一起上吧,别浪费时间了!” Lin Yi extends the right hand index finger, was cancelling two to that five dark demon beasts: You come!” 林逸伸出右手食指,对着那五个黑暗魔兽勾了两下:“你们过来啊!” Copes with you also to use us on together? Your Grandpa my was enough! Suffers to death!” “对付你还用我们一起上?你爷爷我一个就足够了!受死吧!” That dark demon beast that spoke a moment ago flew high to jump, straight plunging Lin Yi, as if wanted simple racket dead Lin Yi. 刚才说话的那黑暗魔兽凌空跃起,直挺挺的扑向林逸,似乎想要简单的拍死林逸 The Lin Yi corners of the mouth bring back wipe to sneer, witch Linghai urges to send to the pinnacle, rumbled a round of most divine sense to dash directly. 林逸嘴角勾起一抹冷笑,巫灵海催发到极致,直接轰出了一发最神识冲撞。 The in the air dark demon beast brain hit on an iron wall probably, immediately fell into the tragic circumstances of universe inversion livelihood no light! 空中的黑暗魔兽脑子好像撞到了一堵铁墙上,顿时陷入了乾坤颠倒日月无光的惨境中! Does not wait for this fellow to recover, a long sword blooms the black ray, dexterous gentle passed over gently and swiftly its neck, brought a gigantic head, was everywhere blood rain flutters about under. 不等这家伙回过神来,一把长剑绽放出黑色光芒,轻巧温柔的掠过它的脖子,带起了一颗硕大的头颅,然后才是漫天的血雨纷飞而下。 Was waiting four dark demon beast simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform who watch an oppressive homicide kind of good play are scared, simply had not responded that their companion why move did overflow is cut to kill? 原本等着看虐杀人类好戏的四个黑暗魔兽齐齐傻眼,根本没有反应过来它们的同伴为什么一招都没过就被斩杀了? Since you are not willing on together, to save the time, can only I ask you to get up personally together!” “既然你们不肯一起上,为了节约时间,只能我自己亲自找你们一起上了!” Lin Yi drinks one lowly, the hand is possessed by a demon to bite sword black light UW hold, rushes to that four rolling also in the dark demon beast of suspicion life. 林逸低喝一声,手中魔噬剑黑色光华大盛,滚滚涌向那四个还在怀疑人生的黑暗魔兽。 The fight instinct of these four fellows are extremely strong, attack of Lin Yi these half sneak attack, not effective, dodging of their four instinct, do not allow to send in the middle avoid sharp sword blade who the demon bit the sword! 这四个家伙的战斗本能极强,林逸这半偷袭的攻击,并没有奏效,它们四个本能的闪避,与间不容发中避开了魔噬剑的锋锐剑锋! After killing the First dark demon beast, Lin Yi discovered that strength of these five dark demon beasts are not too powerful, but is the developing period! 杀了第一个黑暗魔兽之后,林逸才发现这五个黑暗魔兽的实力并不是太强大,不过是辟地期而已! Since Chinese parasol tree continent experience excessively broken day period military, the dark demon beast of developing period was really not anything! 自从在梧桐大洲见识过破天期武者之后,辟地期的黑暗魔兽真的不算什么了! Therefore, Lin Yi has not used the divine sense attack again, purely depends upon the mortal body Body Tempering strength to fight, just can examine with the opposite party the battle efficiency in Body Tempering aspect. 于是,林逸没再使用神识攻击,单纯依靠肉身的炼体实力来战斗,刚好可以用对方来检验一下自己炼体方面的战斗力。 The demon bites the black radiance twinkle of sword to be uncertain, covers four dark demon beasts is completely one of them. 魔噬剑的黑色光华闪烁不定,将四个黑暗魔兽全部笼罩在其中。 Lin Yi by an enemy four, still accomplishes a task with ease, appears relaxed incomparable. 林逸以一敌四,依然游刃有余,显得轻松无比。 Before changing into takes the scarlet flame hundred hammer the fruit, Lin Yi wants to cope with these four dark demon beasts, besides using divine sense attacks has no other alternative, now is entirely different, pure Body Tempering strength, has been able steamroll these four dark demon beasts. 换成服用赤炎百锻果之前,林逸想要对付这四个黑暗魔兽,除了用神识攻击之外别无他法,如今却全然不同,单纯的炼体实力,已经可以碾压这四个黑暗魔兽了。 If not the time is limited, Lin Yi definitely will discipline well own fight skill with their four. 若非时间有限,林逸肯定会用它们四个好好磨练磨练自身的战斗技巧。 However, presently actually can only give up reluctantly, understood after own strength, Lin Yi took down with ease opposite party four. 不过,现在却只能忍痛割爱,了解了一下自身的实力之后,林逸就轻轻松松放倒了对方四个。 „...... Also thinks that you have multi- powerful, originally will boast! On this level, feeling all right saying that human is the weak chicken?” “呵……还以为你们有多厉害,原来只是会吹牛皮啊!就这点水平,好意思说人类是弱鸡?” Lin Yi disdains the chuckle, pulled a sword to be colored conveniently, bit in the demon the sword income sheath: You scout, should know some valuable news? What kind of, oneself obediently confession? Did my confession extortion with torture you say again? Is simpler, you display has strength of spirit some to commit suicide directly?” 林逸不屑轻笑,随手挽了个剑花,将魔噬剑收入鞘中:“你们都是斥候,应该知道些有价值的消息吧?怎么样,自己乖乖交代呢?还是我严刑逼供一番你们再说?或者干脆一些,你们表现的有骨气些直接自尽?” Before the dark demon beast in that relay space, direct committing suicide relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish is not willing to give the oral confession, Lin Yi searches for the soul the opportunity not to have continually, now these do not know can display was better. 之前那个中转空间中的黑暗魔兽,就直接自尽形神俱灭也不肯给出口供,林逸连搜魂的机会都没有,如今这几个也不知道会不会表现的好一些。 Naturally, this Lin Yi had the protection, the opposite party wants to commit suicide does not have the issue, origin spirit actually not to ruin! 当然了,这次林逸有了防备,对方想要自尽也没问题,元神却别想毁掉! When the time comes, Lin Yi is also to spend some the hands and feet searches for the soul. 到时候,林逸也就是费些手脚去搜魂而已。 I surrender, you want to ask that anything asked!” “我投降,你想问什么就问吧!” Lin Yi prepares to bewitch the hand secretly, is searches for the soul the method, finally has not tortured, a surrender of dark demon beast very hoodlum! 林逸暗暗准备着勾魂手,然后是搜魂的手段,结果都还没用刑,其中一个黑暗魔兽就很是光棍的投降了! Another three are unwilling to fall behind, is shouting the surrender, does Lin Yi a little to compel immediately ignorant. 另外三个不甘落后,也纷纷叫嚷着投降,搞得林逸顿时有点懵逼。 This reaches an agreement unyielding? Where the dark demon beast of would rather die than surrender to? These can it be that fake dark demon beast? 这说好的硬气呢?宁死不屈的黑暗魔兽到哪里去了?这些莫不是假的黑暗魔兽吧? Really, we surrender sincerely! The meaning of absolutely not having been perfunctory!” “真的,我们真心投降!绝对没有敷衍的意思!” First shouted that the dark demon beast of surrender as if feared Lin Yi does not believe: You have asked that so long as I who directly anything wants to ask know certainly speaks out frankly to express oneself fully!” 最先喊投降的黑暗魔兽似乎怕林逸不相信:“你有什么想问的直接问,只要我知道的一定知无不言言无不尽!” Lin Yi could not bear smile, this special was one very has the dark demon beast of culture! 林逸忍不住笑了,这特么还是一个挺有文化的黑暗魔兽啊! Ok, you said that simple that such why you surrender? Fears death? Fearing death should be unable to deserve to scout?” “行,那你来说说,为什么你们投降的这么干脆?怕死么?怕死应该当不了斥候吧?” Also has not first asked the information, Lin Yi held the attitude of suspicion to probe one. 也没先问情报,林逸只是抱着怀疑的态度试探了一句。
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