SBPE :: Volume #16

#8437: Chapter 8437

Although this relay space 34 square kilometers, but also enough stations a elite team, if human has not guarded, the underground devil's lair will in a short time fall to the enemy completely, was occupied by a dark demon beast clan thoroughly. 这片中转空间虽然才三四平方公里,但也足够屯扎一支精锐的队伍,若是人类没有防备,地下魔窟将会在极短的时间内完全沦陷,彻底被黑暗魔兽一族占据。 When the time comes these normal nodes by wide scope destroys from outside, will make the more dark demon beast armies move into the underground devil's lair on a large scale, counter-attacks on the ground, is only the time issue. 到时候那些正常的节点就会被大范围的从外面破坏,会让更多的黑暗魔兽大军大举入驻地下魔窟,反攻上地面,也只是时间问题罢了。 At that time, is the end of human! 那时候,就是人类的末日! The Hua Wuyu complexion is pallid, although Lin Yi has not said thoroughly, but he is not a fool, hears here, back these naturally can infer come out with ease, even...... 化物语脸色煞白,林逸虽然没有说透,但他也不是傻瓜,听到这里,后边的这些自然能轻松推断出来,甚至还有更多…… Brother Sima, this kitten 32 footholds, perhaps are not their main emphases, the team quantity that this relay space can be stationed is limited, the surprise attack, has not actually been able to give the final word.” “司马老弟,这个只有小猫三两只的据点,恐怕不是他们主要的关注点,这片中转空间能屯驻的队伍数量有限,突袭还可以,却无法一锤定音。” Therefore they should have at least one like similar space, there are more possibilities, moreover there is a very big probability compared with here bigger relay space!” “所以他们像这样类似的空间应该还有至少一个,也有更多的可能,而且有很大几率是比这里更大的中转空间!” There is the dark demon ** thin supreme headquarters! We must find that place as soon as possible, and will destroy at one fell swoop is good!” “那里才是黑暗魔**细的大本营!我们必须尽快找到那个地方,并将之一举摧毁才行!” The Hua Wuyu words, making Lin Yi nod the head slightly. 化物语的话,让林逸微微颔首。 The supreme headquarters of here truly not too probably dark demon beast, before being more like one , the outpost or is the workstation after enemy. 这里确实不太像是黑暗魔兽的大本营,更像是一个前哨站或者说是敌后的工作站。 Except that experimental establishes beside the transmission channel, more possibly is the dark spy attachment in ground, transmits the news inquiry information and so on. 除了试验性的建立传送通道之外,更多的可能是和地面上的暗谍接头,传递消息打探情报之类。 Boss, according to the beforehand clue direction, I thought that has a goal comparison to conform to the characteristics of supreme headquarters, that side position is more secret, and has gone beyond the human control area, suits the dark demon beast accumulation.” 老大,根据之前的线索指向,我觉得有一个目标比较符合大本营的特征,那边位置更隐秘,而且已经超出了人类控制范围,适合黑暗魔兽聚集。” stretch/open Yiming follows side Lin Yi, the brain had not stopped the ponder, Hua Wuyu has mentioned the supreme headquarters, immediately had the goal of correspondence: If must go to that place, the attack squad that we 100 about fears the strength to fall short! Needs to gather more manpower to be good.” 张逸铭跟在林逸身边,脑子一直没停止过思考,化物语提起大本营,马上就有了对应的目标:“如果要去那个地方的话,我们一百出头的突击小队恐怕力有不逮!需要聚集更多的人手才行。” The underground devil's lair similar length and breadth, human has the control region with the dark demon beast respectively, seems the woods of illusion the same as have the dark demon beast activity region, but does not have a tenth scale to become the organization system. 地下魔窟同样广袤,人类和黑暗魔兽各自有控制的区域,就好像幻象之森一样有黑暗魔兽活动的区域,只是没有成规模成建制罢了。 It is not does not want to control the underground devil's lair thoroughly, is really the strength falls short, can only these node controls of connection dark demon beast clan and tribe in the hand, pursue these not to have the node region the underground devil's lair existing dark demon beast, forms the confrontation. 不是不想将地下魔窟彻底控制,实在是力有不逮,只能将连通黑暗魔兽部族的那些节点控制在手上,将地下魔窟现有的黑暗魔兽驱逐去那些没有节点的区域,形成对峙局面。 In other words, the dark demon beast of underground devil's lair, is actually only some disbanded soldiers, gathering together is also only the motley crew, but even so, a human side is unable thoroughly to eliminate them! 换句话说,地下魔窟的黑暗魔兽,其实都只是些散兵游勇,聚在一起也只是乌合之众,但即便是这样,人类一方也无法彻底消灭他们! Therefore once a main force breakthrough node seal of dark demon beast clan, that is the end of human! 所以说一旦黑暗魔兽一族的主力突破节点封印,那就是人类的末日! Enters the dark demon beast region, far more than is our more than 100 people are insufficient, even if fight association all combat generals gets together, does not dare to say sufficiently!” “进入黑暗魔兽区域,何止是我们一百多人不够,哪怕是战斗协会所有战将齐聚,也不敢说够用啊!” The Hua Wuyu forced smile shakes the head, his admittedly is not afraid of getting into trouble was even anticipating can trade the life with the dark demon beast by the life! 化物语苦笑摇头,他固然是不怕事甚至期待着能和黑暗魔兽以命换命! But the issue is Hua Wuyu does not want to lead the person to bring death! 可问题是化物语不想带着人去送死! Dies his indifferent, dies one group of elite combat generals, these disbanded soldiers of dark demon beast strongly can trig in no one together! 死他一个无所谓,死上一群精锐战将,黑暗魔兽的这些散兵游勇集中在一起就没人能够制住了! Brother Sima, if decides to enter the region of dark demon beast, was equal to that must launch the general attack, is the fight association definitely is not merely good, must issue the mobilization order, calls more manpower, for example the teacher and elite in student these schools, is the strong strength, the population are also many enough.” “司马老弟,若是决定进入黑暗魔兽的区域,就等于是要发起总攻了,仅仅是战斗协会肯定不行,必须要发布动员令,召集更多的人手,比如那些学院中的导师和精英学员,都是强大的战力,人数也足够多。” Issue is to issue that this rank mobilization order, must martial pledge lobby main be good, I do not have the qualifications, Gu Shishu this executive vice- owner does not have the qualifications! Issues reluctantly, others will not approve!” “问题是要发布这种级别的动员令,必须武盟大堂主才行,我没有资格,顾石术这个常务副堂主也没资格!勉强发布出去,别人也不会认可!” Hua Wuyu a little regretted to kill Ouyang Changqing at this time. 化物语这时候有点后悔杀了欧阳常青了。 Naturally is not the regret of that fear, but is the present is related to the general situation, Ouyang Changqing died the later a lot to become extremely to impede! 当然不是那种害怕的后悔,而是如今事关大局,欧阳常青死了之后很多事情变得十分掣肘! lobby lord? Melting the brother you are the lobby lords of accept Duowu pledge branch! I have not meant, you killed Ouyang Changqing, killed also killed, was not all that serious, just can displace!” 大堂主么?化兄你就是纳朵武盟分部的大堂主啊!我不是说过么,你杀了欧阳常青,杀了也就杀了,没什么大不了,刚好可以取而代之!” Lin Yi also wants to say again, actually beckoning with the hand to break by Hua Wuyu. 林逸还想再说,却被化物语给摆手打断了。 Ok, Brother Sima you do not comfort the brother, the continent martial pledge must certainly investigate that my homicide responsibility for an offense, how may acknowledge me, when lobby lord?” “行了,司马老弟你就别安慰老哥了,大洲武盟肯定要追究我杀人的罪责,怎么可能会承认我当大堂主?” Not justifiable, without the continent martial Meng approval, Hua Wuyu this person, is definitely impossible to proclaim is the lobby lord. 名不正则言不顺,没有大洲武盟的认可,化物语这种人,肯定不可能自封为大堂主。 If proclaims effectively, which also turns on Hua Wuyu to proclaim, Gu Shishu already high-rank. 若是自封有效,哪还轮得上化物语自封,顾石术早就上位了。 Good, these first do not raise, we first go back, the instruction continent martial Meng also total ratio is living in idleness strongly, right?” “好吧,这些先不提,我们先回去,请示大洲武盟也总比干耗着强,对吧?” Lin Yi shows the whites of the eyes, at this time did not indicate that the status the time, first goes back to issue the mobilization order said again. 林逸翻了个白眼,这时候不是表明身份的时机,先回去发布动员令再说。 Hua Wuyu did not oppose actually, therefore the group just entered the underground devil's lair shortly, comes back. 化物语对此倒是不反对,于是一行人刚进入地下魔窟没多久,就又回来了。 Hua Wuyu is somewhat ill and weary, he wants to seek an honorable sacrifice in the fight, has not had the opportunity! 化物语有些恹恹,他本想在战斗中求一个光荣牺牲,却没有得到机会! When Lin Yi and Hua Wuyu return to martial pledge branch, Gu Shishu and Ouyang Changhong just receives the continent martial pledge to be killed the reply of incident regarding Ouyang Changqing. 林逸化物语回到武盟分部的时候,顾石术和欧阳常虹刚好接到大洲武盟对于欧阳常青被杀事件的回复。 They had not looked with enough time, heard Lin Yi and Hua Wuyu came back, immediately is overjoyed! 他们还没来得及看,就听说林逸化物语回来了,顿时大喜过望! Two people also think that Lin Yi and Hua Wuyu from underground devil's lair come out, met certainly the dark demon beast quickly, causes to lose! 二人还以为林逸化物语这么快从地下魔窟出来,一定是遇到了黑暗魔兽,导致铩羽而归! At this time, certainly must have a look at the joke, beat severely don't hit a person when he's down while convenient, finally threw the copy clerk who continent martial Meng condemned, ensured the victory to be right thoroughly! 这种时候,肯定是要去看看笑话,顺便痛打落水狗,最后再丢出大洲武盟问罪的文书,彻底奠定胜局才对! Gu Shishu and Ouyang Changhong regard one mutually, understood the meaning in opposite party eyes, therefore without delay, took the continent martial Meng reply to clash. 顾石术和欧阳常虹互视一眼,都看懂了对方眼中的意思,于是二话不说,拿着大洲武盟的回复冲了出去。 To have theatrical effect, they decided that must work as Lin Yi and Hua Wuyu surface opens this copy clerk, good to appreciate the Hua Wuyu desperate expression at the scene! 为了更有戏剧效果,他们决定要当着林逸化物语的面打开这份文书,好当场欣赏一下化物语绝望的表情! Quick, both sides on encountered in martial pledge branch. 很快,双方就在武盟分部内遭遇了。 Ouyang Changhong wants to continue to make widely known outside martial pledge front door actually, good to affect to expand, finally slow one step, can only assemble in the interior. 欧阳常虹倒是想继续在武盟大门外张扬,好将影响扩大,结果还是慢了一步,只能就这么在内部凑合了。 Hua Wuyu, your courage is actually big, but also dares to come back martial pledge branch? This thinks that you will die in the underground devil's lair, since you were repulsed, that two crimes united, one and handled you!” 化物语,你倒是胆子不小啊,还敢回来武盟分部?本以为你会死在地下魔窟,既然你们败退回来了,那就两罪合一,一并处置了你吧!” Ouyang rainbow jumped come out directly, rampant incomparable is pointing at Lin Yi and Hua Wuyu. 欧阳长虹直接跳了出来,嚣张无比的指着林逸化物语 Lin Yi some fires are big immediately! 林逸顿时有些火大! The dark demon beast opened the relay space duplication node and transmission in the underground devil's lair, the preparation invades the vice- island on a large scale, your silly bubble also did seven to twist three playing internal strifes here! 黑暗魔兽都在地下魔窟开辟中转空间复制节点和传送阵,准备大举入侵副岛了,你们俩傻泡还在这里搞七捻三的玩内讧! Special wants dead! 都特么想死了是吧! Gu Shishu happily put out the continent martial Meng copy clerk, Lin Yi almost began to get rid of them! 要不是顾石术得意的拿出了大洲武盟的文书,林逸差点就动手干掉他们了! First has a look at the continent martial Meng process result, if not satisfy then goes to the world city the time lobby main also gives to trade! 先看看大洲武盟的处理结果,要是不满意回头去天下城的时候把大堂主也给换了! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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