SBPE :: Volume #16

#7911: Strongest mountain Guijun

At this moment the mountain got angry these surrendered soldiers of empire, too bullying people! 这一刻山连帝国的这些降兵都怒了,太欺负人了啊! If counted on a moment ago here ambush saves a life, they do want dead with injustice unredressed? 要是刚才指望这边的埋伏救命,他们岂不是要死不瞑目了? They actually do not know, truly the one who dies with injustice unredressed is the 20,000 ambusher in canyon, how they die does not know, in any case was bewildered being finished. 他们却不知道,真正死不瞑目的是峡谷中的两万伏兵,他们连自己怎么死的都不知道,反正就是莫名其妙的完蛋了。 Liu Ziyu and Song Shaopeng who when the whole body is bathed in blood go out from the canyon with the same blood person common 600 pro- health/guard battalion soldier , the surrendered soldiers know oneself were wrong! 等到浑身浴血的刘子瑜和宋少鹏带着同样血人一般的六百亲卫营士兵从峡谷中走出,降兵们才知道自己错了! The ambushers truly are the ambushers, but presently has become the corpse on the ground! 伏兵确实是伏兵,可现在都已经成伏尸了! On the pro- health/guard battalion soldier a drop of blood, each one malignant influences are astonishing! 亲卫营士兵身上滴血,个个煞气惊人! Blood spirit! 血幽灵! Real blood spirit! 真的血幽灵啊! Silent, solved the 20,000 ambusher?! 无声无息中,就解决了两万伏兵?! Said is the spirit, but also is not really excessive! 说是幽灵,还真是一点都不过分! The fears in these surrendered soldier hearts have reached the extreme, even if this little while some people the blade stopper in their hands, making them cutting stand the motionless pro- health/guard battalion soldier, perhaps does not dare to act. 这些降兵心中的恐惧已经达到了极点,这会儿就算有人把刀塞在他们手里,让他们去砍站着不动的亲卫营士兵,恐怕也不敢出手。 Compelled anxiously, perhaps rather the suicide does not hope with own health/guard Yingwei enemy. 逼急了,说不定宁愿自杀都不愿和亲卫营为敌。 All surrendered soldiers cannot bear tremble, some people kneel to bend down in the place suddenly, then the surrendered soldier of big piece followed to kneel on the ground, touched by. 所有降兵都忍不住瑟瑟发抖,有人突然跪伏于地,然后大片的降兵都跟着跪在了地上,以头触地。 This is to maintain a livelihood in the desire, is evading to arrange a betrothal health/guard battalion the soldier vicious look. 这是在乞求活命,也是在避开亲卫营士兵凶狠的眼神。 What are you fearing? Said lays down arms does not kill, will not kill!” “你们在怕什么?说了缴枪不杀,就不会杀!” Swept these surrendered soldiers lightly, only then Lin Yi understands at heart, own health/guard battalion has not displayed come out is so powerful. 淡淡的扫了一眼这些降兵,也只有林逸心里明白,亲卫营并没有表现出来的那么强大。 Without own divine sense shakes auxiliary, wants to kill off these ambushers, where is so easy? 若是没有自己的神识震荡辅助,想要杀光这些伏兵,哪有这么容易? Walks! Your horses give you, this time does not kill you, will not represent will meet in the battlefield next time, will also give your way out, you will put best into it!” “走吧!你们的马匹都给你们,这次不杀你们,不代表下次在战场遇到,还会放你们一条生路,你们好自为之!” Swung waving the hand, Lin Yi sent these surrendered soldiers. 摇了摇手,林逸就打发掉了这些降兵。 Keeps their life, first truly is because complied not to kill them. 留着他们的性命,一来确实是因为答应了不杀他们。 And, the counter- ambush of this beautiful, must some people go to spread the news. 二来,这次漂亮的反埋伏,总要有人去把消息传开。 When the time comes, blood spirit everywhere one visit, overawes the world, all enemies can not fight to bend. 到时候,血幽灵所到之处,威震天下,所有敌人都会不战而屈。 Probably these surrendered soldiers, saw that a moment ago own health/guard battalion appears, the First choice retreats, rather than resistance. 就好像刚才这些降兵,看到亲卫营出现,第一选择就是溃逃,而不是抵抗。 Many thanks the graciousness of Sir not killing!” “多谢大人不杀之恩!” The surrendered soldiers relax, loud expression of gratitude. 降兵们纷纷鬆了口气,大声道谢。 Thank, they hurried to crawl to start the escape, Lin Yi will for fear that renege on a promise. 感谢完了,他们赶紧爬起来上马逃命,生怕林逸会反悔。 However, after turns over/stands up to start, suddenly to Lin Yi holds the fist in the other hand: Many thanks the general puts me and other way out, as the repayment, I told the general a news!” 不过,其中一个翻身上马之后,忽然对林逸一抱拳:“多谢将军放我等一条生路,作为报答,我告诉将军一个消息!” Our mountain continually empire most strengthens the armed forces one, mountain Guijun, in catching up with Long Bang title kingdom on the way of! The goal is your blood spirits!” “我们山连帝国的最强军之一,山鬼军,已经在赶来龙邦封号王国的途中!目标就是你们血幽灵!” „The mountain ghost army arrange 3000 people completely, is the elite troops of empire, each soldier, is a match for ten thousand! Three years ago, my empire and fire good empire have the friction in the border, mountain Guijun sent a 30 people of squad, a war in the mountain forest of border slaughters near 70,000 the army!” “山鬼军满编三千人,是帝国的王牌军,其中每一个士兵,都是万人敌!三年前,我帝国和火行帝国在边境产生摩擦,山鬼军派了一支三十人的小队,在边境的山林中一战屠杀七万边军!” Your blood spirits, although is also very strong, perhaps but compared with the mountain ghost army, will still be inferior, I urged you to evacuate as soon as possible!” “你们血幽灵虽然也很强,但比起山鬼军,恐怕依然会有所不如,我劝你们还是儘快撤离!” After this person said that also does not wait for Lin Yi to reply, hits the horse to leave directly. 这人说完之后,也不等林逸回答,直接打马离开。 mountain Guijun? 山鬼军? Lin Yi flexure the forehead, had some interests actually. 林逸挠了挠额头,倒是有了些兴趣。 Own health/guard camp can have the so magnificent score, most probably is because Lin Yi used the divine sense shake to coordinate. 亲卫营能有如此辉煌的战绩,大半是因为林逸使用了神识震荡来配合。 But mountain Guijun depends is what? 可山鬼军靠的是什么? Unexpectedly can 30 pairs 70,000? 居然能三十对七万? That and these 800 pairs 300,000 were also similar, even is strong! 那和自己这八百对三十万也差不多了,甚至还要强! Is it possible that in this mountain Guijun also has expert to assume personal command? 莫非,这山鬼军中也有高手坐镇? middle reaches the male cousin, what mountain Guijun is, I had not heard such a team, the fellow can deceive us? Actually has no nonsense mountain Guijun?” “仲达表兄,山鬼军是什么,我从来没听说过这样一支队伍,那家伙会不会是在骗我们?其实根本没有什么狗屁山鬼军?” Liu Ziyu First expressed that does not believe. 刘子瑜第一个表示不信。 In his eyes own health/guard battalion is the world First strong soldier, how possibly also to have a being intimate with health/guard camp stronger team to exist? 在他眼中亲卫营就是天下第一强兵,怎么可能还有比亲卫营更强的队伍存在? Especially that fellow, said a moment ago unexpectedly mountain Guijun is only the mountain empire most strengthens the armed forces continually one, this special really boasted does not pay tax! 尤其是刚才那家伙,居然说山鬼军只是山连帝国最强军之一,这特么真是吹牛不上税啊! Also one? 还之一? Since you have one to have two, that also does send out these vanguard trash to do the fart? Sends out directly strongly isn't good? 你既然有之一就有之二,那还派出这些前锋垃圾干屁?直接派出最强的不好吗? Brings death with pile of trash, was the population of mountain empire are too continually many, cannot eat meal? 拿一堆垃圾来送死,是山连帝国的人口太多,吃不上饭了么? Deceives us to be insufficient, that aspect, he does not need to deceive us a moment ago.” “骗我们应该不至于,刚才那种局面,他也没必要骗我们。” Thinks carefully, Lin Yi shakes the head slightly: If mountain Guijun really exists, so long as has a mind to inquire, can inquire the actual situation.” 仔细想了想,林逸微微摇头:“如果山鬼军真的存在,那只要有心去打听一下,就能打探出虚实。” Perhaps...... our red still Junguo was really extremely remote, let alone was the mountain the elite team of empire, even the elite team of Long Bang title kingdom, we still knew nothing!” “或许吧……我们红尚郡国实在是太过偏僻,别说是山连帝国的精锐队伍了,即便是龙邦封号王国的精锐队伍,我们也一无所知!” Liu Ziyu sighed one secretly, although he was red still Junguo indigenous, with the difference of outside Lin Yi this coming back, but actually also ill-informed. 刘子瑜暗歎一声,他虽然是红尚郡国的土着,和林逸这个外头回来的不一样,但是却也消息闭塞。 To put it bluntly, in front of these colossi, red still Junguo at all was not anything, could not contact such high matter. 说白了,在这些庞然大物面前,红尚郡国根本不算什么,也接触不到这么高度的事情。 If really has the so-called mountain ghost army, but also so powerful, how should we deal?” “如果真有所谓的山鬼军,还如此厉害,我们应该如何应对?” This is Liu Ziyu First time the thought of having the worry, in his cognition, middle reached the male cousin to be invincible in the past, own health/guard battalion is also invincible. 这是刘子瑜第一次产生担心的念头,以往在他的认知里,仲达表兄就是无敌的,亲卫营也是无敌的。 But, mountain Guijun can 30 enemies 70,000, this little be above the imagination unexpectedly. 可是,山鬼军居然能够三十敌七万,这就有点超乎想象了。 Dealt normally, does ends.” “正常应对,干就完了。” Regarding any mountain Guijun, Lin Yi has not really cared, has itself to come to assume personal command in any case, at the worst acts personally. 对于什么山鬼军,林逸还真没放在心上,反正有自己居中坐镇,大不了亲自出手。 General Liu, Song commanded, in same place conditioning, waited for this that anything mountain Guijun to arrive!” “刘将军,宋统领,原地修整,等这那什么山鬼军到来!” Since the opposite party sent out mountain Guijun, that ordinary soldier should evacuate, Lin Yi did not plan troublesome seeks one by one, waits for gains without pains to wait well. 既然对方派出了山鬼军,那普通的士兵就应该撤离了,林逸也不打算麻烦的去逐一寻找,守株待兔等着就好。 Crown Prince Long Bang at this time dumbfounded is looking at the combat report in hand, definitely is unable to believe own eye. 龙邦亲王此时正目瞪口呆的看着手中的战报,完全无法相信自己的眼睛。 Major success! Major success! Major success! 大捷!大捷!大捷! Completely is the major successes! 全部都是大捷! Sima Zhongda really with his laughable 800 own health/guard battalion, mixes the wind and cloud in the border battlefield! 司马仲达真的带着他那可笑的八百亲卫营,在边境战场上搅动风云! No, presently who also thought that 800 own health/guard battalion goes to battle laughably, is the most laughable that person! 不,现在谁还觉得八百亲卫营出战可笑,才是最可笑的那个人! Wipes out the 20,000 mountain continually empire elite, rescues several tens of thousands enslaved Long Bang title kingdom common people, routs the mountain continually empire 100,000 following reinforcements directly, walks randomly various places to exterminate the elite team of mountain continually empire unceasingly...... 全歼两万山连帝国精锐,解救数万被奴役的龙邦封号王国百姓,正面击溃山连帝国十万后续援军,游走各处不断剿灭山连帝国的精锐队伍…… Blood spirit! 血幽灵! This is mountain empire's fear to the Lin Yi that 800 own health/guard battalion, similarly is to this 800 own health/guard battalion awes! 这是山连帝国对林逸那八百亲卫营的恐惧,也同样是对这八百亲卫营的敬畏! Crown Prince Long Bang thought that this given name is very appropriate! 龙邦亲王觉得这个名号很贴切! But he still did not think that Lin Yi can reverse the entire war situation! 可他依然不觉得林逸能逆转整个战争局势! Does not have him, strength contrast of both sides still not in one and other in magnitudes! 无他,双方的实力对比依然不在一个等量级上! On king, the border situation improves slightly, military investment frontline that we will assemble as soon as possible? Reaches while Sima middle hits the come out advantage, consolidates our defense lines?” “王上,边境局势略有好转,我们是否儘快将调集的兵力投入前线?趁着司马仲达打出来的优势,巩固我们的防线?” Although wins at present, but the official military commanders in Long Bang title kingdom still be right grave. 虽然目前胜了,但龙邦封号王国的文臣武将依然严正以对。
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