SBPE :: Volume #16

#7589: Chapter 7589

Selina, you thought that is what meaning?” “瑟琳娜,那你觉得是什么意思?” Lin Yi has still not responded, therefore doubts asked the sound. 林逸依然没反应过来,所以疑惑的问了声。 I thought...... It is makes you look...... It does not have the tiger penis!” “我觉得……它是让你们看……它没有虎鞭!” Selina said on the face to be also red several points, Lin Yi several people of subconscious looking have bitten some spot of heart tiger to the lark, but also did not have really! 瑟琳娜说完脸上又红了几分,林逸几人下意识的瞄向了白灵噬心虎的某个部位,还真没有! I go! Originally is a tigress! 我去!原来是只母老虎! Lin Yi face one red, this unexpected mistake suspends a little big...... So the overwhelming power aggressive lark bites the heart tiger, who can think especially unexpectedly female? 林逸老脸一红,这个乌龙摆的有点大……如此威猛霸气的白灵噬心虎,谁特么能想到居然是母的? „Do you do the thing, I must kill you, not for tiger penis...... But pure disliking white tiger!” “你这是干啥玩意嘛,我要杀你,也不是为了虎鞭……而是单纯的讨厌白虎!” Lin Yi puts out a hand, in the lark bit on the heart tiger head to pat a slap, was depressed saying: Ok, looked in share that in you such put together, today gives your way out!” 林逸伸手在白灵噬心虎脑袋上拍了一巴掌,闷闷道:“算了,看在你这么拼的份上,今天放你一条生路!” Dislikes white tiger , because Lin Yi does not like the vermilion birds, Azure Dragon, white tiger and Black Tortoise four Great Elder Nanzhou, so long as touches on slightly with this name, Lin Yi does not think comfortably. 讨厌白虎,是因为林逸不喜欢南洲的朱雀、青龙、白虎、玄武四大长老,只要和这个名字沾边,林逸就觉得不自在。 Naturally, presently or strength weakness, if can bird's eye view these four Great Elder, Lin Yi so not be depressed. 当然,现在还是实力弱点,如果能够俯瞰这四大长老,林逸也就不会这么郁闷了。 Crack sea Initial Phase peak, was too weak! 裂海初期巅峰,还是太弱了一些! If divine sense can achieve crack sea grand perfection, had with strength of the war these four Great Elder independent combat! 如果神识能够达到裂海大圆满,就有与这四大长老单打独斗的一战之力了! However also merely independent combat, the words of four Great Elder encirclements, Lin Yi is still not a match! 不过也仅仅是单打独斗,四大长老合围的话,林逸依然不是对手! Although can jump the ranks to the war, but which can't Spirit Beast jump the ranks with human to the war? 虽然自己能够越级对战,但是哪个灵兽不能够和人类越级对战? The lark bites the heart tiger, cheerful turns over/stands up to fall face down, Lin Yi said that does not kill it, others did not have anything to threaten. 白灵噬心虎嗷呜一声,欢快的翻身趴下,林逸说不杀它,那别人也就没什么威胁了。 That side Chen tree already thorough speechless, all that at present has have exceeded their imagination, really does not know that should make what response. 陈树那边已经彻底无语,眼前发生的一切都超出了他们的想象,实在不知道该作何反应。 Chen tree, do we also want to retreat?” “陈树,我们还要撤退么?” Chen tree female said in a low voice: Lark bites the heart tiger...... Also is living, can we have the danger?” 陈树身边的女子低声说道:“白灵噬心虎……还活着,我们会不会有危险?” Do not look that the lark bites the acting cute of heart tiger in front of Lin Yi to act like a spoiled brat likely a dog, but changes into them to come up, perhaps is the small dessert that the opposite party spoke thoughtlessly to swallow. 别看白灵噬心虎在林逸面前卖萌撒娇像条狗,但换成他们这些人上去,说不定就是对方随口吞下的小点心。 First had a look to say again...... They should not begin to us!” “先看看再说……他们应该不会对我们动手!” Chen Shuxiang Lin Yi strength is so strong, tidied up the lark to bite the heart tiger with ease, if had the evil intention to them, does not need to bite the heart tiger with the aid of the lark, began a moment ago. 陈树想着林逸实力那么强,轻松收拾了白灵噬心虎,若是对他们有歹心,也不需要借助白灵噬心虎,刚才就动手了。 Moreover the retreat is really not in light of this willingly, can only continue to wait for that the opportunity has a look. 而且就此退去也实在不甘心,只能继续等待机会看看。 Lin Yi does not have the thoughts to pay attention to Chen tree these people, is some insignificant unimportant people, round trip has not affected. 林逸根本没心思理会陈树这些人,都是些无足轻重的小人物,来去都没影响。 „Can you speak the logical expression?” “你会不会说人话?” Lin Yi raised legs to kick lark to bite the lower jaw of heart tiger gently, has not thought that this goods have rubbed taking advantage of the Lin Yi's foot sharp several, probably on giving its flexure itchy common, big face has shown the comfortable smiling face. 林逸抬腿轻轻踢了踢白灵噬心虎的下颚,没想到这货借着林逸的足尖蹭了几下,好像是在给它挠痒痒一般,大脸上露出了舒坦的笑容。 Then expressed self-effacingly oneself will not speak the logical expression. 然后才摇头晃脑的表示自己不会说人话。 „Won't your Yuanying time was invincible, cannot change from, say the logical expression?” “你都元婴期无敌了,不能化形也就算了,连人话都不会说?” Helpless Lin Yi shakes the head, a face despises looks at the lark to bite the heart tiger: Arrived outside do not say that you have the bloodlines of white tiger Saint beast, I estimated that white tiger cannot throw this person!” 林逸无奈摇头,一脸鄙视的看着白灵噬心虎:“你千万别到外边说你还有白虎圣兽的血脉,我估计白虎也丢不起这个人!” This fellow is so stupid, it seems like bloodlines sincerity not anything extraordinary of white tiger that silly bubble! 这家伙这么笨,看来白虎那傻泡的血脉真心没什么了不起! Words that spoke, oneself are crack sea Initial Phase peak, it is estimated that can also do with white tiger all of a sudden. 这么说的话,自己是裂海初期巅峰,估计也能和白虎干一下子了。 Lin Yi is thinking also the lark bites the heart tiger, if can speak, can communicate exchanges, the good and evil can ask that this place has any treasure or the strangeness. 林逸本来还想着白灵噬心虎若是能说话,就能沟通交流一番,好歹可以问问这地方有什么宝贝或者古怪。 presently seemed like hopeless, can't bite the heart tiger with a lark the exchange? 现在看来是没指望了,总不能和一只白灵噬心虎嗷呜嗷呜的交流吧? If Heavenly Thunder Pig were here good, but can also be a translator! 如果天雷猪在这里就好了,还能当个翻译! At this time, Lin Yi a little thought of Heavenly Thunder Pig actually, does not know how this small fatty in Nanzhou, will go to Nanzhou next time, must come back to the belt/bring it. 这时候,林逸倒是有点想念天雷猪了,也不知道这小胖子在南洲怎么样了,下次去往南洲,得把它给带回来。 Ok, why you should why go, be not keeping off our road!” “算了,你该干嘛干嘛去,别挡着我们的路!” Lin Yi beckons with the hand, the tip of the toe shakes, bites the head of heart tiger to open out the lark, proceeds to walk. 林逸一摆手,脚尖一抖,把白灵噬心虎的脑袋拨开,率先往前走去。 Old eight Captain, do not kill it, isn't bringing it?” “老八队长,不杀它,也不带着它么?” Mike thinks somewhat was a pity, this is the Yuanying time invincible lark bites the heart tiger! 麦克觉得有些可惜,这可是元婴期无敌的白灵噬心虎啊! Even if not kill it, bringing clothing acting cool to be also good! 就算不弄死它,带着装装逼也挺好啊! Has the matter time can also many hired thug break through enemy lines, the solid danger can also throw to cut tail to seek livehood it, is good! 有事的时候还能多个打手冲锋陷阵,实在危险还能把它丢出去断尾求生,多好! Such stupid tiger, is having not the big meaning, cannot apply!” “这么笨的老虎,带着也没多大意思,派不上用场!” Lin Yi beckons with the hand at will, does not return continues to proceed. 林逸随意摆摆手,头也不回的继续往前走。 The lark bites in the heart tiger heart oppressed, look suffering from injustice looks at the Lin Yi's back, isn't does not hit you? Is stupid regarding me, cannot apply? 白灵噬心虎心中憋闷,眼神委屈的看着林逸的背影,不就是打不过你么?至于说我笨,派不上用场吗? You change others to try and ensure, fills the gap between teeth to be insufficient! 你换别人来试试,保证一口一个,塞牙缝都不够! In all people, only then Lin Yi it could not completely understand, other people, the sincerity insufficiently look, is the dessert ranks, in the lark bites in the heart tiger eye, complete doggy bag has been able to eat two! 所有人中,只有林逸它看不透,其他人,真心不够看,都是点心级别,在白灵噬心虎眼里,全部打包了能吃两顿吧! Lin Yi does not want to bring the lark to bite the heart tiger, it does not dare with the past, only to be able the jumping up giant stone, facial expression ill and weary lying to return to the original position. 林逸不想带白灵噬心虎,它也不敢跟过去,只能跳上巨石,神情恹恹的趴回原来的位置。 Chen tree and the others saw the Lin Yi squad to pass through the giant stone, for fear that with losing, therefore also cautiously is moving the footsteps, wants to continue to tag along after. 陈树等人见林逸小队已经走过巨石,生怕跟丢了,于是也小心翼翼的挪动着脚步,想要继续尾随在后。 The lark on giant stone bites heart tiger not to know that Chen tree and Lin Yi's relate, mood depressed, in the throat sends out low and deep roaring. 巨石上的白灵噬心虎不知道陈树和林逸的关系,心情郁闷之下,喉咙里发出一声低沉的咆哮。 Chen tree nine human feet next one soft, almost gave to kneel! 陈树九人脚下一软,差点都给跪了! They are passing under the giant stone at this time, if the lark bites the heart tiger to throw, it is estimated that cannot escape! 他们此时正在巨石下方通过,若是白灵噬心虎扑下来,估计一个都逃不掉! Tiger Sir! 虎大爷! It is not right, this is the tigress...... Tiger paternal grandmother! 不对,这是母老虎……虎奶奶! You must go flat do not come to us! Front looks to advocate! 你要撒气也别冲我们来啊!找前面正主去啊! Raising the head that Chen tree wants to cry but have no tears fearful and apprehensive, sees the lark to bite the heart tiger casually to shout, the meaning that do not throw, the heart of throat spigot slowly falls. 陈树胆战心惊欲哭无泪的抬起头,见白灵噬心虎只是随便叫叫,并没有要扑下来的意思,嗓子口的心才慢慢落下。 Is careful, do not alarm the lark to bite the heart tiger!” “都小心点,别惊动了白灵噬心虎!” Chen tree pulls down the acoustic ray, with thin, if mosquito the volume said: A bit faster passes, should be all right with the front squad!...... You, are slowly steady!” 陈树压低声线,用细若蚊呐的音量说道:“快点通过,跟着前面的小队应该就没事了!……你慢点,稳着点啊!” Back cries almost, Boss, your a while wants me a bit faster to pass, a while wants my slow point to be steady...... Am I a bit faster good or slowly select? 后边的差点哭了,老大,你一会儿要我快点通过,一会儿要我慢点稳着点……我到底是快点好还是慢点好? Or you first well under demonstration? Our blindly following suit general headquarters? 要不你先好好示范下?我们亦步亦趋总行了吧? What a pity this saying really does not dare to say come out, did not fear that Chen tree gets angry, but feared that the tiger paternal grandmother on top of the head gets angry, does not have the means that for the time being is enduring! 可惜这话真不敢说出来,不是怕陈树翻脸,而是怕头顶上的虎奶奶发怒,没办法,暂且忍着吧! Nine people are moving footsteps with trepidation, the good and evil passes from the giant stone. 九人提心吊胆的挪动着脚步,好歹是从巨石下通过。 The lark bites the heart tiger to kill several to taste foods newly in season actually, but was taught after by Lin Yi, but also does not dare to make these really casually with the Lin Yi's person. 白灵噬心虎倒是想弄死几个尝尝鲜,不过被林逸教训后,还真不敢随便弄这些跟着林逸的人。 Some little time, Chen tree and other talented people were shocking but not dangerous passed the giant stone, then has turned around, bites the heart tiger to the lark, backs up is walking in the Lin Yi squad direction! 好一会儿之后,陈树等人才有惊无险的通过了巨石,然后一个个转过身,面向白灵噬心虎,倒退着往林逸小队方向走! They are not the Lin Yi squads, dares that unscrupulous casualness to walk, cannot carry to the lark bites the criterion of heart tiger, they do not dare to discard casually. 他们不是林逸小队,敢那么肆无忌惮的随便走,不能背对白灵噬心虎的准则,他们可不敢随便丢掉。 Finally has toured a hillock, giant stone and lark bites the heart tiger to look to disappear, Chen Shucai felt that behind was soaked by the cold sweat, turns head to look at the Lin Yi squad again...... Which also has the person's shadow? 终于转过个小丘,巨石和白灵噬心虎都看不见了,陈树才感觉背后被冷汗浸透,回头再看林逸小队……哪儿还有人影啊? . Atheneum m. 。文学馆m.
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