SBPE :: Volume #16

#10761: Chapter 10761

Chapter 10761 第10761章 If did not see the ruthless spicy appearance that she has acted a moment ago, perhaps Lin Yi must be confused by her representation. 如果不是刚才见过她出手的狠辣模样,恐怕就连林逸都得被她的表象迷惑。 Front female Profound Step strength, that guarding compared with First palace, goes beyond. 面前这位女性玄阶尊者的实力,比起第一殿的那位镇守者,有过之而无不及。 Especially she is also carrying the god demon strength at this moment, but this god demon is like her, the reveal come out aura is not tyrannical the ruthless offense, instead full is colorful that could not say is charming. 尤其她此刻身上也同样携带着神魔力量,不过这尊神魔跟她本人一样,流露出来的气息并非暴虐狠戾,反而满是说不出的艳荡妩媚。 At once, presented all male to cultivate/repair the aura not voluntarily loud several points. 一时之间,在场所有的男修气息都不自觉粗重了几分。 Even the female, can not help be somewhat red in the face, obviously also came under the influence. 甚至就连女性,都情不自禁有些面红耳赤,显然也都受到了影响。 I come.” “我来吧。” The clear madame saw that stood on own initiative come out. 清夫人见状主动站了出来 She presents besides Lin Yi, few has not received opposite colorful aura influence person, naturally is also remains with the excellent candidate who the opposite party pesters. 她是在场除林逸之外,极少数没有受到对面艳荡气息影响的人,自然也是留下来与对方纠缠的绝佳人选。 If trades to make other core strengths, while going against Profound Step cannot jump the ranks the artificial order of challenge suppresses, but must shoulder the disturbance of colorful aura, that too disadvantage. 若是换做其他核心战力,在顶着玄阶尊者不可被越级挑战的人为秩序压制的同时,还得扛住艳荡气息的干扰,那就太劣势了。 Lin Yi nods: Good, yourself were careful.” 林逸点点头:“好,你自己小心。” Absolute strength of clear madame, although was inferior that the queen is so immeasurably deep, but absolutely is not weak, even if has not marched into a Profound Step level completely, was still the difference is limited. 清夫人的绝对实力,虽然不如女王那么深不可测,可也绝对不弱,就算还没有完全步入玄阶尊者的层次,却也是差之有限了。 Let alone on her has clear loyalty in addition to hold, restrains all demon outlets naturally, at present this opponent, it can be said that happen to customizes. 何况她身上有着清氏忠义的加持,天然克制一切邪魔外道,眼前这个对手,可说是正好量身定做。 Lin Yi one line the under foot non-stop immediately, speeds away to go toward the Third palace. 林逸一行当即脚下不停,朝着第三殿疾驰而去。 Opposite graceful bearing female had self-knowledge actually very much, has not intended to block forcefully, but chose allowed to pass directly. 对面的风韵女子倒是很有自知之明,并没有强行出手来拦,而是选择了直接放行。 Your does clean and pure, why cause a leather bag of such nauseating person probably very much?” “你的本相好像很清纯啊,何必弄出这么一副恶心人的皮囊呢?” The graceful bearing female looks at to remaining the clear madame, on the charming face flashes through a dislike: We as the woman should by the color amusement person, like your doing intentionally aloof from worldly affairs pure and chaste prostitute, the slave dislike very much!” 风韵女子看向留下来的清夫人,娇媚的脸上闪过一丝厌恶:“我们身为女人就该以色娱人,像你这种故作清高的贞洁婊,奴家可是讨厌得很呐!” Clear madame Leng Leng (coldly) returns said: And you too.” 清夫人冷冷回道:“彼此彼此。” The voice falls, both sides fight one group immediately, makes a move to incur the move ruthlessly spicy fatal, looks at surrounding numerous masculine revering boundary expert to stare dumbfounded, scalp tingles. 话音落下,双方当即战成一团,出手招招狠辣致命,看得周围一众男性尊者境高手都瞠目结舌,头皮发麻。 Another side, Lin Yi one line continues unswervingly is implementing the relay strategy. 另一边,林逸一行则继续坚定不移的贯彻着接力策略。 From beginning to end, as Lin Yi of commanding general, the under foot has not stagnated. 从头到尾,身为主将的林逸,脚下没有丝毫停滞。 Each a palace, will have left behind a core strength with opposite to be responsible for defending the pass/test Profound Step to socialize. 每过一殿,都会留下一位核心战力与对面负责守关的玄阶尊者周旋。 Although is not every core strength, can resist with Profound Step that obtaining god demon strength in addition held directly, but if socializes, pulls open the space for Lin Yi, actually has more than enough to spare. 虽然不是每一位核心战力,都能与获得了神魔力量加持的玄阶尊者正面对抗,但如果只是周旋一番,替林逸拉开空间,却是绰绰有余。 Let alone they also not really need to solve the opposite party single-handedly, following, when queen and so on monster sets aside the hand, will help attend. 何况他们也并不真的需要独力解决对方,后续等到女王之类的怪物腾出手来,自会帮忙料理。 They must do, is only the protracted time, does not let these Profound Step disturbances the ultimate showdown of Lin Yi and public law, that is all. 他们要做的,只是拖延时间,不让这些玄阶尊者干扰到林逸与公法的终极对决,仅此而已。 Third palace, the fourth palace, the fifth palace...... 第三殿,第四殿,第五殿…… Has arrived at the ninth palace, always no one can keep off the Lin Yi's footsteps truly. 一直来到第九殿,始终没有人能够真正挡下林逸的脚步。 At this time, a numerous core strength including ultimate soldier lord has left the ranks, follows side Lin Yi, was only left over an inborn emperor permits Anshan. 此时,包括终极兵主在内的一众核心战力都已离队,跟在林逸身边的,就只剩下了一个天生帝王许安山。 Lin Yi shot a look at one, looks to ponder: old permits you this won a prize.” 林逸瞥了一眼,不由面露玩味:“老许伱这回可是中彩了。” On the permits Anshan light face were many segregated heavily. 许安山平淡的脸上多了一分凝重。 At this moment keeps off in front is not one Profound Step, impressively unexpectedly is two Profound Step, moreover obtained in addition of god demon strength to hold! 此刻挡在前方的不是一个玄阶尊者,赫然竟是两个玄阶尊者,而且都得到了神魔力量的加持! This god demon is very unusual, the double headed four arms, the aura covers on two Profound Step bodies simultaneously, making their every action and every movement send out to just like the twins tacit flavors, once two people must be impregnable jointly. 这尊神魔很不寻常,双头四臂,气息同时笼罩在两位玄阶尊者的身上,令他二人一举一动都散发出犹如双生子般的默契味道,两人一旦联手必是无懈可击。 However although is the twins, two people of aura are actually clearly opposite. 不过虽是双生子,两人身上的气息却是截然相反。 A person of vitality is rich, person of Death Qi heavy. 一人生机浓郁,一人死气沉沉。 Happen to represents the life dead. 正好代表着一生一死。 Lives Death Gate to open, the front halts.” “生死门开,前方止步。” Two Profound Step also open the mouth, invisible in lives the Death Qi field then to overspread the entire ninth palace instantaneously, making one tremble from the innermost soul feeling. 两位玄阶尊者同时开口,无形之中的生死气场瞬间便已铺满整个第九殿,令人从灵魂深处感受战栗。 Lin Yi sees that touches the nose, looked around permits Anshan one: „Can you cover?” 林逸见状不由摸了摸鼻子,看了旁边的许安山一眼:“你罩不罩得住啊?” According to the convention, more arrives at following defending to close boss nature strength to be stronger. 按照惯例,越到后面的守关boss自然实力越强。 permits Anshan at present is also only Yellow Step grand perfection, even if one-to-one, holds Profound Step that to have the big risk to a on such god demon strength in addition, now needs one pair two, this type of power balance light is thinks desperate. 许安山目前也还只是黄阶大圆满尊者,哪怕一对一,对上这么一个神魔力量加持的玄阶尊者都有着巨大的风险,如今需要一对二,这种力量对比光是想想都令人绝望。 permits Anshan had not replied, the direct front surface walked. 许安山没有回答,直接迎面走了过去。 Every time walks one step, his back emperor empty shadow expands a point, when arrives at the two front, the emperor empty shadow has reached as high as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m)! 每走一步,他背后的帝王虚影就壮大一分,一路走到那两人面前之时,帝王虚影已然高达万丈! Is indomitable spirit the supreme honored aura, immediately also unfolds, wants to lie prostrate in worship subconsciously. 一股顶天立地至高无上的尊贵气息,当即随之铺开,令人下意识想要顶礼膜拜。 The huge air/Qi field of this inborn emperor, with the opposite party lives the Death Qi field to meet as an equal, does not drop the wind unexpectedly! 这道天生帝王的庞大气场,与对方的生死气场分庭抗礼,竟是丝毫不落下风! Under opposite two Profound Step hearts dark startled, each other looks at each other, looks to sneer: Only Yellow Step grand perfection wants to constrain our two, can too naive a point?” 对面两位玄阶尊者心下暗惊,彼此相视一眼,面露冷笑:“区区一介黄阶大圆满尊者就想拖住我们两个,会不会太天真了一点?” However them finishes speaking, then sees permits Anshan look to look disdainfully, in the mouth puts out two characters lightly: Kneels down.” 然而他们这边话音刚落,便见许安山神色睥睨,口中淡淡吐出两个字:“跪下。” Two characters seem the infinite charm, under two Profound Step are startled, unexpectedly cannot help but knelt seriously, in the surface is startled accommodates! 两个字似有无穷的魔力,两位玄阶尊者一怔之下,竟是不由自主的当真跪了下来,面上俱是惊容! This let alone is in two people, Lin Yi saw, is flabbergasted secretly. 这一幕别说是身在其中的二人,就连林逸见了,也都不由暗暗咋舌。 The mouth contains a day of constitution, really worthily is the inborn emperor! 口含天宪,果然不愧是天生帝王! Meanwhile, lingers these great man thoughts sky over ninth palace, hidden expert that including these hidden worlds, in abundance heart startled. 与此同时,萦绕在第九殿上空的那些巨佬念头,包括那些隐世不出的隐藏高手,都纷纷心惊不已。 Yellow Step grand perfection, can make two Profound Step kneel down unexpectedly face to face, what ability is this?” “一个黄阶大圆满尊者,居然能令两位玄阶尊者当面下跪,这是什么能力?” Is away from the checkerboard to look that this Kong stated that the bonus was his cultivating vital energy time is extremely always deep, was the shock admired. 隔着棋盘看着这一幕的孔述,饶是他一向养气功夫极深,也都不禁又是震惊又是艳羡。 Present age First person Sage Confucius as eldest son who is near, even if the inborn disabled person, the resources that in his hand grasps are still land god country first-grade, does not have any one cultivate two generations can place on a par with him. 身为当世第一人孔圣临的长子,哪怕是天生废人,他手中所握的资源依然是陆上神国头一等,没有任何一个修炼二代能与他相提并论。 But all these in the face of the halo of permits Anshan inborn emperor, are overshadowed completely. 可是这一切在许安山天生帝王的光环面前,全部黯然失色。 Must know, even if Lin Yi, the rise speed is so scary, besides making him has to dread, still can never bring back his heart of envy. 要知道就算是林逸,崛起速度如此骇人,除了令他心生忌惮之外,也从未能勾起他的嫉妒之心。 permits Anshan is the only exception. 许安山是唯一的例外。 The vision that Sage Confucius is near also brings several points of surprised: This grade of scene even in the long history of land god country's, still sees what one never saw before, hearing something never heard of before, Lin Yi this assistant is really not actually simple.” 孔圣临的目光同样带着几分惊讶:“这等场面即便在陆上神国的漫长历史中,也是见所未见,闻所未闻,林逸这个副手倒是真不简单。” The First time, including Sage Confucius near a numerous top great man and hidden expert, starts sincere to take a look at permits Anshan this person. 第一次,包括孔圣临在内的一众顶级巨佬和隐藏高手,开始正色打量许安山此人。 It is not a side influence head, can actually obtain this grade of treatment, taking a broad view at the entire land god country is also few. 不是一方势力首脑,却能得到这等待遇的,放眼整个陆上神国也是寥寥无几。 However also therefore, the numerous great man regards the Lin Yi's vision also even more to dread. 不过也正是因此,众巨佬看待林逸的目光也愈发忌惮。 .: 。:
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