SBPE :: Volume #16

#10758: Chapter 10758

Chapter 10758 第10758章 At the beforehand intelligence analysis meeting, Zhao Xian the appraisal to the clown is, the killer association besides the big Leader years and two Leader public laws, the dangerous character who most needs to dread! 在之前的情报分析会中,赵贤对小丑的评价是,杀手协会除了大当家叶斯年和二当家公法之外,最需要忌惮的危险人物! Said one, previously in the underground palace with that the clown came to a consensus, Lin Yi had not announced come out. 多说一句,之前在地下宫殿与小丑达成的默契,林逸并没有公布出来 First this tacit understanding is top-secret, once announced come out, even if circulated in the core member, was very easy to leak out, then created the hindrance to the clown in the action of killer association. 一来这份默契是绝密,一旦公布出来,哪怕只是在己方核心成员内部流通,也很容易泄露出去,对小丑接下来在杀手协会的行动造成妨碍。 Secondly, even if both sides before came to a consensus, but understanding extremely of Lin Yi to the clown is eventually limited. 二来,即便双方之前形成了默契,但林逸对小丑的了解终究十分有限。 What action the clowns will then take, no one knows. 小丑接下来会采取什么样的行动,谁也不知道。 Once has this improper trust to it, finally was very likely in turn the pit Lin Yi people. 一旦对其产生本不该有的信任,最终极有可能反过来坑了林逸众人自己。 Looks at beyond hundred meters that even if standing motionless, is still passing one share nervous form from top to bottom inexplicably, the Eastern flame received the wine pot, somewhat licked tongue excitedly. 看着百米外那个哪怕站着不动,浑身上下依然莫名透着一股子神经质的身影,东方焰收起了酒壶,有些兴奋的舔了舔舌头 Yo, should not be your one person will deal with our 100,000 people?” “哟,该不会是你一个人来对付我们十万人吧?” The small scandal said Jie Jie to smile strangely: „It is not not, this magnificent scene from the oppressive opportunity, is not that can meet easily.” 小丑闻言桀桀怪笑:“也不是不可以啊,这种大场面自虐的机会,可不是那么容易能遇上的。” Was saying aura becomes even more dangerous, searched to the position that the people were on own initiative. 说着一身气息变得愈发危险,主动向众人所在的位置探了过来。 The people look at each other, immediately pressed by the overall imposing manner. 众人相视一眼,当即以整体气势压了回去。 Even if the Eastern flame of being eager to try, knows presently does not select only, goes all out also uses the full power, even presently opposite, only then clown, does not need to speak what Wu De to him at present. 哪怕是跃跃欲试的东方焰,也知道现在不是单挑的时候,狮子搏兔亦用全力,就算现在对面只有小丑一人,眼下也没必要跟他讲什么武德。 After all the presently Lin Yi's situation, comes to be only worse compared with him. 毕竟现在林逸的处境,比起他来只会更加糟糕。 100,000 people of overall imposing manner steamroll come, on clown that air/Qi field does not have the suspense to collapse instantaneously. 十万人的整体气势碾压过来,小丑身上的那股气场毫无悬念瞬间崩溃。 „, Can let Sage Confucius worthily near the fellow who treats cautiously, your group of people are really much stronger.” “啧啧啧,不愧是能让孔圣临都慎重对待的家伙,你们这帮人果然强得可怕啊。” The small grotesqueness drew back with a smile two steps, spreads out both hands saying: You do not use such anxiously, I am not look for trouble, but is gives you to guide.” 小丑怪笑着退了两步,摊开双手道:“不过你们不用这么紧张,我可不是来找麻烦的,而是来给伱们带路的。” permits Anshan sinking sound asked: Belt what road?” 许安山沉声问道:“带什么路?” The small grotesqueness smiles said again and again: „Don't you want to go out from here? Here is ten kills the independent space of palace, without the decoding method of correspondence, you will perhaps be stranded for a lifetime here.” 小丑怪笑连连道:“你们难道不想从这里出去吗?这里是十杀殿的独立空间,如果没有对应的破解手段,你们说不定一辈子都会被困在这里哦。” The people each other look at each other, regarding clown the said that does not decline many pleasant surprise, instead alerts. 众人彼此相视,对于小丑的这番说辞却没有多少惊喜,反而更加戒备。 After all regardless of the image makings or the standpoint, the opposite parties has not helped the reason of people, cannot say that the opposite party relates with Lin Yi, therefore lends a hand to assist? 毕竟无论形象气质还是立场,对方都没有帮助自己众人的理由,总不能说对方跟林逸关系好,所以出手相助吧? That also was too rather odd. 那未免也太离谱了。 No matter how look, the opposite party these words in the eyes of permits Anshan people, are more like a fatal trap, since this has conformed to the clown consistent dangerous person to suppose. 不管怎么看,对方这番话在许安山众人的眼中,都更像是一个致命的陷阱,这才符合小丑一贯以来的危险人设。 The clowns continue saying: Naturally, you, if has that absolutely strength, can ten kill the independent space of palace to destroy to violent directly, when that my anything had not said.” 小丑继续说道:“当然,你们要是有那份绝对实力,能够直接将十杀殿的独立空间给暴力摧毁,那就当我什么都没说。” permits Anshan people are silent. 许安山众人默然。 Although they just have not made the attempt in this aspect, but intuitively can feel results in come out, even if gathers forcefully 100,000 people of strengths on the scene, very possible not to have any effect. 他们刚刚虽然没有做这方面的尝试,但直觉上就能感受得出来,哪怕强行集合在场十万人的力量,也很可能不会有任何效果。 The insufficiency of actually not absolute strength, but is in them, even if strongest person, is unable to arrive at such huge strength set. 倒不是绝对力量的不足,而是他们之中哪怕最强的人,也无法将这么庞大的力量集合到一点。 Even if trades to make Lin Yi, can achieve these step not saying that let alone Lin Yi has not presented. 即便换做林逸,能不能做到这一步都不好说,何况林逸还不在场。 At this time queen asked suddenly: Listens to your tone, you also really can lead us to go out probably, that troubles you first to reply that I an issue, how do we come in?” 这时女王忽然问道:“听你的语气,你好像还真能带我们出去,那麻烦你先回答我一个问题,我们是怎么进来的?” Everyone simultaneous/uniform Qiding comedian clown's response, the opposite party is only wearing the mask pitifully, cannot see any expression. 所有人齐齐盯着小丑的反应,只可惜对方戴着面罩,看不到任何表情。 Issue asked well.” “问题问得不错。” The clowns looked at her one eyes, the tone is is still strange: Here is ten kills the palace, from you through that moment of Shi building since, has entered ten to kill the category of palace, but ten killed ability of palace not to start at that time, you are unable to detect.” 小丑看了她一眼,语气却是依然怪异:“这里是十杀殿,从你们通过石牌楼的那一刻起,就已经进入了十杀殿的范畴,只不过当时十杀殿的能力没有发动,你们无法察觉罢了。” The queen continues to ask: That Lin Yi? He is like us, should come to be right.” 女王继续问道:“那林逸呢?他跟我们一样,也该进来才对。” The clowns nod: He truly also in ten kills the palace at this moment, in the position, but he with you at two exactly the same mirror spaces.” 小丑点点头:“他此刻确实也在十杀殿,就在你们脚下的这个位置,只不过他跟你们处在两片一模一样的镜像空间。” Mirror space?” “镜像空间?” People simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform stares, this view is actually the first time heard. 众人齐齐一愣,这个说法却是头一次听说。 The clowns hehe said with a smile strangely: Before you fully entered ten to kill the palace range the flash, the mirror turns over, besides Lin Yi, your these people fed in this mirror space completely, the words that does not believe you look at the left and right hands, is opposite with outside.” 小丑嘿嘿怪笑道:“之前你们全部进入十杀殿范围的一瞬间,镜像翻转,除了林逸之外,你们这些人全部都被送进了这镜像空间之中,不信的话你们看一下自己左右手,跟外面都是相反的。” People hears word is half believing and half doubting. 众人闻言将信将疑。 However inspected one after respectively, startled well sound immediately continuously. 不过各自检查了一阵后,惊咦声随即此起彼伏。 If not the clown reminds, they really could not have responded suddenly, originally, oneself left hand turned into the right hand, the right hand actually turned into the left hand. 如果不是小丑提醒,他们一时间还真的反应不过来,原来不知不觉间,自己左手变成了右手,右手却变成了左手。 In fact is not only the left and right hands, the entire body is about inverts at this time, with clearly was opposite. 事实上不仅是左右手,他们此时整个身体都已是左右颠倒,跟原来截然相反。 Then, the view of mirror space was also basically solid. 如此一来,镜像空间的说法基本也就坐实了。 permits Anshan people secretly panic-stricken at the same time, makes noise to ask: You said a moment ago must lead us to go out, how then the mirror space should decode?” 许安山众人暗自惊骇的同时,不禁出声问道:“你刚才说要带我们出去,那么镜像空间应该怎么破解呢?” Asked that this issue did not represent them entirely to believe the opposite party, but at least showed that the clown this excuse, has several points of credibility a moment ago. 问出这个问题不代表他们完全相信了对方,但至少证明小丑刚才这番说辞,已是有了几分可信度。 The clowns swept people one eyes saying: Mirror in the heart, the reason that you come is about inverts, then collapses to want from here to go out, so long as the nature about will invert then.” 小丑扫了众人一眼道:“镜在心中,你们进来的原因是左右颠倒,那么破局想要从这里出去,自然只要将左右颠倒回去即可。” The people are simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform are startled. 众人不禁又是齐齐一怔。 Eastern flame strange say/way: How does invert? Is it possible that is the cognitive level about, we want the self- hypnosis, left regarded again left right regards right on the line?” 东方焰奇怪道:“怎么个颠倒回去?莫非是认知层面的左右,我们只要自我催眠,重新把左当成左把右当成右就行了?” That is certainly invalid, others are also ten kill the palace, when you child do cross each family?” “那当然行不通,人家好歹也是十杀殿,你当小孩子过家家呢?” The clowns beckon with the hand with an exaggerating stance again and again: Solely is not the cognitive level, the realistic level must follow to invert, turns into the right hand the left hand of your presently, the right hand turns into the left hand.” 小丑以一副夸张的姿态连连摆手:“不单单是认知层面,现实层面也必须跟着重新颠倒过来,把你们现在的左手重新变成右手,右手重新变成左手。” Was right, five main internal organs and six bowels of your within the body must follow changes, for example your heart, results in a position, returns to the original left side.” “哦对了,你们体内的五脏六腑也得跟着变,比如你的心脏,也得动一下位置,回到原来的左侧。” The people look at each other in blank dismay. 众人面面相觑。 The opposite party words of were proven, at this moment will regard the mental illness him absolutely. 要不是对方刚才的话得到了验证,这一刻绝对会把他当成神经病。 Even if their these boundary expert, want to invert the left and right hands to be absolutely impossible, let alone was five main internal organs and six bowels in within the body, radically was fantasy story. 哪怕他们这些尊者境高手,想要把左右手颠倒过来都绝无可能,更别说是体内的五脏六腑了,根本是天方夜谭。 The queen is holding both arms cold -ly snorted and said: „Are you playing us?” 女王抱着双臂冷哼道:“你在耍我们是吧?” Right, I most like makes fun of people plays!” “没错,我最喜欢的就是耍人玩!” The clowns were strange acknowledged unexpectedly with a smile, but without and other people launched an attack, he has turned around, infiltrated the tune of person to say by one type strangely: Physics level about inverts, truly is the not possible matter, but interestingly, I can achieve.” 小丑竟是怪笑着承认了,不过没等众人发难,他紧接着就转过了身子,以一种古怪渗人的腔调说道:“物理层面的左右颠倒,确实是不可能的事情,但有意思的是,我能做到。” Is saying, while starts to reverse the body by strange style slowly. 一边说着,一边以诡异的方式开始缓缓扭转身体。 .: 。:
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