SBPE :: Volume #16

#10752: Chapter 10752

Chapter 第章 Under counts, these palaces have ten unexpectedly! 细数之下,这些宫殿竟是足足有十座之多! Ten palaces series? Is this ten in Legend kills the palace?” “十殿连环?这难道就是传说中的十杀殿?” Some people call out in alarm at the scene lose one's voice, immediately brings in audience in an uproar. 当场有人惊呼失声,随即引来全场一片哗然。 The killers are the Yama, so-called ten kill the palace is the Yama palaces of realistic version, so long as it is reported that anybody goes, even if strength strong expert, has not to return. 杀手便是阎罗,所谓的十杀殿便是现实版的阎罗殿,据传任何人只要进去,哪怕是实力再强的高手,也都有去无回。 Until now, the people think that this is pure Legend. 一直以来,众人都以为这就是一个纯粹的传说 However looked that at present this vice- ghost air/Qi the dense fearsome scene, terrifying Legend has just like shone upon the reality! 然而看眼前这副鬼气森森的可怖景象,恐怖的传说俨然已经映照进了现实! Above ten palaces, has the huge empty shadow to tower respectively together. 十殿上方,各有一道庞大虚影耸立。 Without exception, each empty shadow is human shaped, the modeling or fierce or evil, or strange or frightened, which regardless of stops the young child morbid night crying together sufficiently, made the person look changes. 无一例外,每一道虚影都是人形,造型或狰狞或邪恶,或诡异或惊悚,无论其中哪一道都足以止小儿夜啼,令人色变。 If this scene is not the daytime saw, but appears at the night, only feared that the large number person will think really to hell certainly. 这一番景象如果不是白天见到,而是在夜晚出现,只怕绝大数人都会以为真的到了森罗地府。 Some people cannot bear mutter whisper: Killer association started to act seriously.” 有人忍不住喃喃低语:“杀手协会开始动真格的了。” Side looked that the numerous nod in abundance. 旁边看众纷纷点头。 Ten kill the palace is the card in a hand of killer association, the commonplace not present world, once the world, must be the reign of terror presently. 十杀殿是杀手协会的底牌,等闲不会现世,一旦现世,必是腥风血雨。 Feels ten is killing the huge pressure of palace from the rear area, particularly mixed substantializing killing intent, just still calmed down in 100,000 killers of moving restlessly instantaneously coldly. 感受着来自后方十杀殿的庞大威压,尤其是其中混杂的实质化杀意,刚刚还在躁动的十万杀手瞬间冷静了下来。 The above Lin Yi people eyelids jump slightly. 上空林逸众人眼皮微微一跳。 Time of merely one twinkling, just the 100,000 killers of motley crew, unexpectedly a feeling of unified whole. 仅仅一个瞬息的工夫,刚刚还是乌合之众的十万杀手,竟给人一种浑然一体的感觉。 Big of overall makings disparity, making one be flabbergasted. 前后整体气质差距之大,令人咋舌。 This is ten kills the effect of palace obviously. 这显然就是十杀殿的功效。 Lin Yi several people look at each other, before then they have known ten to kill existence of palace, but ten kill the palace is the secrets of killer association most core, intelligence agency focusing on Zhao Xianwei, but also is not enough to lay down such deep information line in the opposite party. 林逸几人相视一眼,在此之前他们就已知道十杀殿的存在,但十杀殿是杀手协会最最核心的机密,以赵贤为主的情报机构,还不足以在对方内部埋下这么深的情报线。 Without the means that after all the date and time was still shallow. 没办法,毕竟时日尚浅。 Zhao Xian can inquire ten to kill some fur/superficial knowledge of palace, extremely for is not easy, wants to nose ten to kill the genuine card in a hand of palace, that a little thought really many. 赵贤能够打探出十杀殿的一些皮毛,就已经殊为不易,想要就此查探十杀殿的真正底牌,那就着实想得有点多了。 Subordinate is incompetent.” “属下无能。” Zhao Xian ashamed lowering the head. 赵贤惭愧的低下了头。 Two side influences collide, the intelligence warfare is the link of most core, often directly is relating the ownership of initiative in a war, even decided the victory and defeat trend to a great extent directly. 两方势力碰撞,情报战是最为核心的环节,往往直接关系着战争主动权的归属,甚至在很大程度上直接决定了胜负走向。 Since joins under Lin Yi, Lin Yi can always be said as unretentive to his support, therefore, Zhao Xian the biggest thought of until today's heart in saving, is one who recognizes your worth. 自从加入林逸麾下,林逸对他的支持一向可说是毫无保留,也正因此,赵贤直到今日心中所存的最大一个念头,就是士为知己者死。 Lin Yi patted his shoulder: You have done enough well, had nothing to rebuke oneself, the killer association good and evil is also the established organization, if this secret cannot even defend, that rather also too waste.” 林逸拍了拍他肩膀:“你已经做得够好的了,没什么可自责的,人家杀手协会好歹也是老牌组织,要是连这点秘密都守不住,那未免也太废物了。” Zhao Xian still rebuked oneself: May not have the accurate information reference, if to/clashes rashly, perhaps the variable is too big.” 赵贤仍是自责:“可没有确切的情报参考,要是就这么冒然冲进去,恐怕变数太大。” Other core members also reveal the dignified color. 其余一众核心成员也纷纷露出凝重之色。 Although they are like Lin Yi, this fights regarding today has confidence to win victories, possibly the victory is a matter, how can win is actually a different matter. 虽然他们跟林逸一样,对于今天这一战都有着必胜的信心,可能胜是一回事,能够怎么胜却是另一回事。 Now other influences are eying covetously, if damages the killer association too in a big way, when the time comes perhaps will really go to enter, when the time comes the situation may really not say. 如今其他各方势力都在虎视眈眈,万一在杀手协会这边损伤太大,到时候说不定真会被趁虚而入,到时候局势可就真的不好说了。 However as Lin Yi of commanding general, on this moment face does not have the slight tense color, is still unflustered, said with a smile lightly: Does not need to think so many, nothing but attacks the problem one manifestation at a time, only one ten kill the palace is also not enough to block our road aheads.” 不过身为主将的林逸,此刻脸上却是没有丝毫的紧张之色,依旧从容自若,淡淡笑道:“不用想那么多,无非见招拆招罢了,只一座十杀殿还不足以挡住我们的前路。” What said is.” “说的是。” The people nod in abundance. 众人纷纷点头。 No matter what, now is point of no return has to send, thousand revering 100,000 armies cannot, because only ten kill the palace to stop the footsteps. 不管怎么样,如今都已是箭在弦上不得不发,千位尊者十万大军绝不能因为区区一座十杀殿就停住脚步。 At this moment, a dignity ruthless severe sound from ten kills the palace deep place to convey. 就在这时,一个威严狠厉的声音从十杀殿深处传来。 Lin Yi, I in tenth palace wait for you, if you really have the ability, comes to be one-to-one with me, I am waiting for you!” 林逸,我在第十殿等你,如果你真有能耐,就来跟我一对一,我等着伱!” The people together are uneven the look changes, the master of this sound impressively is killer association two Leader, the public law. 众人齐齐色变,这个声音的主人赫然就是杀手协会二当家,公法。 Audience vision immediately simultaneous/uniform Qiluo on Lin Yi. 全场目光当即齐齐落在林逸身上。 The entire net trillion looked that the numerous mood were also transferred all of a sudden. 全网亿万看众的情绪也都一下子就被调动了起来。 Although as we all know, Lin Yi, since turns out in full strength the threatening the border killer association, he and year and showdowns of public law these two legend killers are inevitable, both sides will be doomed to have an earth-shaking war. 虽然所有人都知道,林逸既然倾巢而出压境杀手协会,他与叶斯年、公法这两位传奇杀手的对决就已不可避免,双方注定将有一场惊天动地的大战。 However the public law met at this time blatantly, moreover pointed out directly was one-to-one, aroused trillion to look at the numerous curiosity. 不过公法在这个时候公然约战,而且还直接点明了要一对一,还是激起了亿万看众强烈的好奇心。 Also some countless people sigh with regret for this reason. 同时也有无数人为此扼腕叹息。 At present this war admittedly is a focus of public attention, the almost entire net had the strength anchors to arrive at the scene, was broadcast live from each angle. 眼下这场大战固然是万众瞩目,几乎全网有实力的主播都来到了现场,从各个角度进行现场直播。 But they are doomed only to be able in the surrounding. 可他们注定只能在外围。 Not to mention Lin Yi Group and killer association this and other super wars of ranks, once formal erupts, the bystander is unable to surround thoroughly, even if the warring parties tacitly consented, still has no anchor to dare to follow up thoroughly. 且不说林逸集团和杀手协会这等十万级别的超级大战,一旦正式爆发,外人根本无法深入围观,就算交战双方都默许,也没有哪个主播敢深入跟进。 So the battlefield meat grinder of scale, even if Yellow Step grand perfection places, does not dare saying that certainly can move out, let alone their these strength limited network anchors. 如此规模的战场绞肉机,就算是黄阶大圆满尊者身处其中,都不敢说一定能够全身而退,更何况他们这些实力有限的网络主播。 As long as really has that powerful strength, who special also does come out rub the current capacity to do the anchor? 但凡真有那么强大的实力,谁特么还出来蹭流量干主播啊? The top of Lin Yi and public law is one-to-one, with their these looked that the numerous were doomed to miss, perhaps also only then these stood in clouds top big shot truly, can depend on all sorts of exceedingly high methods to peep at 12. 林逸与公法的这场顶级一对一,与他们这些看众注定已是无缘了,恐怕也只有那些真正站在云端的顶级大佬们,才能靠着种种通天手段窥视一二。 Under the audience focus attention on, meaning that Lin Yi has not opened the mouth to respond, but raised up an index finger lightly. 全场瞩目之下,林逸并没有开口回应的意思,只是淡淡竖起了一根食指。 Then, depresses gently. 而后,轻轻压下。 In a flash, a share of incomparably Tyrant Lie air/Qi field erupts loudly, sweeps across the audience. 一瞬之间,一股无比霸烈的气场轰然爆发,席卷全场。 permits Anshan and other numerous core strength, lead thousand revering 100,000 armies immediately, toward below ten kill the palace to go turbulently. 许安山等一众核心战力,当即率领千位尊者十万大军,朝着下方的十杀殿汹涌而去。 Looks scary stance that this blotted out the sky, under because of ten kills the palace, but is pinched overall 100,000 killers temporarily, each one palm perspiration, has to draw back intent. 看着这等铺天盖地的骇人架势,底下因十杀殿而临时被捏成一个整体的十万杀手,不禁个个手心出汗,心生退意。 Ten kill the palace truly to have the conformity will of the people mysterious effect, can let their group of motley crew in a state of disunity, within the short twinkling, gives birth to some group to be tacit spontaneously. 十杀殿确实有着整合人心的神奇功效,能让他们这群一盘散沙的乌合之众,在短短瞬息之内,自发生出某种团体默契。 But it cannot reverse the thoughts of people in the true sense. 但它并不能在真正意义上扭转众人的心思。 Or also ten kill the brainwashing effect that the palace brings, to has not subverted the will of the people sufficiently completely the degree. 亦或者说,十杀殿所带来的洗脑效果,并没有强到足以完全颠覆人心的程度。 100,000 pairs 100,000, both sides, once knock-on collision under this situation, what brutal scene then can be, this group has been used to the bloody killer is too clear. 十万对十万,双方一旦在这种形势下直接碰撞,接下来会是一个什么样的残酷场面,这帮早已习惯了血腥的杀手太清楚了。 Immediately many killers sneak away at a critical juncture. 当即就有不少杀手临阵脱逃。 However did not have, when they flee the battlefield, then by behind a substantializing killing aura great wall keeping off. 不过还没等到他们逃离战场,便被身后一堵实质化的杀气巨墙给挡了回来。 Escapes quickest that batch of person unexpected under to run upon, is the throat cannot even on unexpectedly the throat one, was twisted lumps of hashed meat directly! 逃得最快的那批人猝不及防之下一头撞上,竟是连吭都没能吭上一声,直接就被绞成了一坨坨的碎肉! Looks at this by the live broadcast lens from afar, trillion look at numerous collective scalp tingles, these before scurried about are the excited militant people, looked deathly pale, do not dare to look straight ahead. 透过直播镜头远远看着这一幕,亿万看众集体头皮发麻,就连那些之前上蹿下跳最是兴奋好战之人,也都一个个脸色惨白,不敢直视。 Thank the book friend to support «School Beauty Personal Expert» hits to enjoy, a additional chapter! 感谢书友支持《校花的贴身高手》打赏点,加更一章!
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