SBPE :: Volume #16

#10247: Chapter 10247

However Lin Yi own health/guard battalion existence, actually subverted this recognized basic common knowledge completely. 然而林逸亲卫营的存在,却是完全颠覆了这个公认的基本常识。 Many people realized until now genius, originally even does not have abnormal that individual strength, can still build true trump card corps similarly! 许多人直到今天才意识到,原来即便没有那么变态的个人实力,也同样能打造出一支真真正正的王牌战队! But personally created all these Lin Yi, was regarded the typical tuart case by the powerful figure of all influence, wants to duplicate his success most in a short time. 而亲手缔造了这一切的林逸,更是被各方势力的实权人物当成了典型桉例,一个个想要在最短时间内复制他的成功。 Finally it can be imagined, place chicken feather. 结果可想而知,一地鸡毛。 Without thing that World will opening hangs, the miracle that wants to duplicate own health/guard battalion radically is dream of a fool. 没有世界意志这种开挂的东西,想要复制亲卫营的奇迹根本是痴人说梦。 However this big discussion that affects the entire sea area, actually greatly enhanced the Lin Yi's influence from another aspect. 不过这番波及全海域的大讨论,却从另一个方面大大提升了林逸的影响力。 In the past although the Lin Yi fame was big, but regardless of these influences greatly were old common people, treated as a promising youth him, even if did some things of stir to come unceasingly, will not regard as true man of the hour him. 以往林逸名气虽大,但无论那些势力大老还是平头百姓,都只是把他当做一个后起之秀,即便不断搞出一些轰动的事情来,也还是不会把他视为真正的风云人物。 However presently, the people startled realizing time changed. 但是现在,众人惊觉时代变了。 Lin Yi has handled to grasp three seas, in Sihai from Legend lord only misses the last step, impressively is the entire sea area pivotal super greatly old. 不知不觉之间,林逸已经手握三海,距离传说中的四海共主只差最后一步,赫然已经是全海域举足轻重的超级大老。 His speaking thoughtlessly a few words, have about the possibility the general situation of entire sea area. 他的随口一句话,都有可能左右整个海域的大局。 Is as, everyone has to seriously ponder a possibility, perhaps in the near future, entire sea area in submitting to under the Lin Yi's foot. 乃至于,所有人都不得不认真思考一种可能性,也许在不久的将来,整个海域都将在臣服在林逸的脚底下。 Front is waiting for them, is not only Sihai in Legend lord, even is truly unprecedented sea area emperor! 前方等待着他们的,不仅是传说中的四海共主,甚至是真正史无前例的海域皇帝! Lin Yi has the potential, is irresistible.” 林逸起势,已经不可阻挡了。” Big priest stretch/open Xisheng looks information that under the hand | subordinate gives most newly, actually without many unexpected expression. 大祭司张希圣看着手下最新给上来的情报,却没有多少意外的表情。 Steps into since the First day of sea god palace from Lin Yi, he had expected that early this, after all, took a broad view at the entire sea area unable some people compared with his clearer Lin Yi's details. 林逸踏入海神殿的第一天起,他就已经早早预料到了这一幕,毕竟,放眼全海域不会有人比他更清楚林逸的底细了。 Person who he most is close to the sea god, the sea god is what condition, he has the right to speak compared with anybody. 他可是最接近海神的人,海神是个什么状态,他比任何人都更有话语权。 The sea god has died. 海神已死。 This point saw Lin Yi's in him at that moment, has determined, the later movement further probed and confirms. 这一点在他见到林逸的那一刻,就已经确定了,之后的动作不过是进一步试探和确认罢了。 Following Lin Yi's all sorts of movements, were all showing that he through some style, had inherited some godship of sea god in disguised form, obtained by the power of sea god nominal command feudal lord! 后续林逸的种种动作,无一不在表明他已经通过某种方式,变相继承了海神的部分神格,获得了以海神名义号令诸侯的大权! Originally, after true confirmation this point, the big priest had prepared to act to Lin Yi personally. 本来,在真正确认这一点之后,大祭司本已准备亲自对林逸出手。 At each other disparate strength disparity, that time Lin Yi could not escape from his palm, even if there is a wolf to extinguish is the group of head first five walks full power maintains, was impossible to protect him truly. 以彼此悬殊的实力差距,那时的林逸根本逃不出他的手掌心,哪怕有狼灭为首的这帮前五行走全力维护,也绝不可能真正护得住他。 So long as he thinks, Lin Yi must die. 只要他想,林逸必死。 However finally was stopped by his secret master. 不过最后还是被他幕后的主人叫停了。 The big priest was not clear that the master had a liking for Lin Yi anything, can only determine, since can regard with a special fondness from the Patriarch person, that explained that on Lin Yi must have the big destiny approaching body. 大祭司并不清楚主人到底看上了林逸什么,只能确定一点,既然能被自家主人另眼相待,那就说明林逸身上必有大气运傍身。 The present development fulfilled his inference completely. 如今的发展完全应验了他的推断。 If the sea area who can be called now is the child of destiny, then without a doubt, this person belongs to Lin Yi. 如果说当今海域有谁能称得上是气运之子,那么毫无疑问,这个人非林逸莫属。 Lin Yi presently has made a name, will then also continue to expand inevitably, if putting again no matter, no matter what he stills the remaining North Sea, becomes true Sihai to advocate, that may trouble.” 林逸现在已经成了气候,接下来势必还会继续壮大,如果再放着不管,任他平定剩下的北海,成为真正的四海共主,那可就麻烦了。” The assistants said in nearby cautious reminder. 副手在一旁小心翼翼提醒道。 In fact, even if not say in the future, only present Lin Yi is not easy to process. 事实上,即便不说日后,单是眼下的林逸就已经不是那么好处理的了。 Before Lin Yi that strength, the big priest can act bashful at will, but now Lin Yi has marched into top strength completely the ranks, even he does not want to kill as the sea area ceiling can kill. 之前林逸那点实力,大祭司可以随意拿捏,而如今林逸已经完全步入顶层战力的行列,即便他身为海域天花板也不是想杀就能杀得了的。 Must know that a top strength most important threshold, can have the strength of certain self-preservation in front of any expert, even if facing sea area ceiling, there is the most basic maintaining life method. 要知道顶层战力一个最重要的门槛,就是能在任何高手面前具备一定的自保之力,哪怕是面对海域天花板,也有最基本的保命手段。 In other words, if some top layer strength must escape wholeheartedly, even existence of big priest rank, does not dare saying that the percentage hundred can keep him. 换句话说,如果某个顶层战力一心要逃,即便大祭司这种级别的存在,都不敢说百分百能够将他留下来。 Therefore previous time faces the wolf to extinguish jointly, although Ao Taiwei and haughty four directions these two Sihai King losing battles have decided that but was moved out by them finally, at best paid a big price respectively. 所以上次联手面对狼灭,虽然敖太微和敖四方这两位四海王者败局已定,可最终还是被他们两个全身而退,充其量不过是各自付出了不小的代价罢了。 Reviews Lin Yi, reason that can cut to kill Ao Taiwei and South Sea royal family's that twice consecrates, is not his strength dominates above the sea area ceiling, but is the opposite party simply has not expected him to erupt such strength unexpectedly! 反观林逸,之所以前后两次能够斩杀敖太微和南海王族的那位供奉,并非他实力凌驾于海域天花板之上,而是对方根本没料到他居然能爆发出这样的实力 Investigates its essence, the opposite party had a low opinion of the enemy. 究其本质,还是对方轻敌了。 If comes up him, when the wolf extinguishes treats, regardless of Ao Taiwei or South Sea consecrate, the most likely result is his one cannot kill. 如果一上来就把他当狼灭对待,无论敖太微还是南海供奉,最有可能的结果是他一个都杀不死。 Big priest actually indifferent beckoning with the hand of: Goes by him, his Lin Yi could not only have raised the storm, these are the true serious hidden troubles, so long as solved them, remaining is the illness/quick of mange.” 大祭司却无所谓的摆了摆手:“由他去,只他一个林逸还掀不起风浪,这几个才是真正的心腹大患,只要解决了他们,剩下都不过是疥癣之疾。” At this moment in his front, is placing a giant floor mirror impressively. 此刻在他的面前,赫然摆放着一面巨大的落地镜。 In the mirror is a haziness, but indistinct several person's shadows shuttles back and forth, if pays attention carefully, will discover that these people are not others, headed by the wolf extinguishes first five walk. 镜中是一片迷蒙,不过隐约有几个人影在其中穿梭,若是仔细留意,就会发现这几人不是别人,正是以狼灭为首的前五行走。 If discussed individual strength only, who the wolf extinguished with the big priest is the entire sea area strongest ceiling did not have the conclusion, but must say who was the entire sea area most non-solution five people of groups, then without a doubt, was the sea temple first five walks! 若是单论个人实力,狼灭和大祭司到底谁才是全海域最强的天花板还没有定论,可要说谁是全海域最无解的五人组,那么毫无疑问,就是海神殿前五行走! However this moment this king Zha combines, was actually stranded in the haziness in a dilemma. 然而此刻这个王炸组合,却被困在迷蒙中进退两难。 Not only could not find the direction and route that leaves, strength strong to the odd ultra sea beast surprise attack, the conditions of key these ultra sea beasts is extremely not once for a while normal, the whole body oozings of blood, obviously received the external force stimulation of some extremely bad risk! 不仅找不到离开的方向和路线,时不时还有实力强到离谱的超海兽突袭,关键这些超海兽的状态都极不正常,一个个浑身渗血,明显是受了某种极其凶险的外力刺激! Such situation, is their king Zha combines fortunately, otherwise trades to be others, has died not entire corpse. 这样的处境,亏得也就是他们这个王炸组合,否则换做其他人,早已经死无全尸了。 The big priest looks that this does not have slight relaxation: Entered hazy big of master also to insist presently unexpectedly, really did not make one be free from worry.” 大祭司看着这一幕却没有丝毫的放松:“进了主人的迷蒙大阵居然还能坚持到现在,真的是一点都不让人省心呢。” On the mouth is saying, under the hand | subordinate is the movement is unceasing. 嘴上这么说着,手下却是动作不断。 In it separates under the spatial control, the ultra sea beasts of innumerable rest were awakened, then the whole body under its stimulation is bathed in blood, the beastly nature erupts from extinguish and the others to approach toward the wolf in all directions fast. 在其隔空操控之下,无数蛰伏的超海兽被惊醒,而后在其刺激之下浑身浴血,兽性大作从四面八方朝着狼灭等人快速逼近。 The assistants look that this regrets saying: If Lin Yi were also good in this, does not know that can save many things.” 副手看着这一幕不无惋惜道:“要是林逸也在这里面就好了,不知能省多少事情。” The big priest undulating shakes the head: „ Master has other arrangements to Lin Yi, completes your job then, I heard that the recent priest is the will of the people fluctuates, even there is a life to leave turned to the Lin Yi's thought that this was not good. 大祭司澹澹摇头:“主人对林逸另有安排,做好你的份内之事即可,我听说最近祭司系人心浮动,甚至有人生出了投靠林逸的念头,这可不行。 Big change current, our interior cannot live chaotically, this is the taboo. ” 大变当前,我们自己内部不能生乱,这是大忌。” Subordinate understands.” “属下明白。” The assistants guarantee to say hastily: Subordinate makes every effort surely, guaranteeing the priest is the loyalty of team!” 副手连忙担保道:“属下必定尽一切努力,确保祭司系队伍的忠诚!” The big priest nods: Is higher than all loyally, some people processing processed, does not use timid and hesitant.” 大祭司点点头:“忠诚高于一切,有些人该处理就处理了,不用束手束脚。”
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