SBPE :: Volume #15 重塑金身

#7292: Chapter 7292

Only then Qin Elder was clear, the fire spirit swordsmanship was only in the surface a skin, inside that caught up style, was the true essence core! 只有秦长老才清楚,火灵剑法只是表面上一张皮而已,内里的那种发力方式,才是真正的精髓核心! Changes into other any juicy swordsmanship, the wind spirit swordsmanship wait/etc., absolutely does not have the issue! 换成别的什么水灵剑法、风灵剑法等等,也完全没有问题! Sima Yi...... This little fellow has created a new skill, then covers with the skin shell of fire spirit swordsmanship! 司马逸……这小家伙创造了一种新的技巧,然后用火灵剑法的皮壳来掩盖! After wants to understand this point, Qin Elder thought that on the forehead the heavenly thunder is billowing, can't he of bang, distinguish clearly this is the illusion or realistic? 想明白这一点之后,秦长老更是觉得脑门上天雷滚滚,轰的他云里雾里,分不清这到底是梦幻还是现实? Creates Martial Skill this matter, is everyone can achieve? 创造武技这种事情,是什么人都能做到的么? Does not exist! 不存在的! Existing Martial Skill, all was the ancient times big energy, Venerable/revering creation come out in Legend spreads the later generation, under Venerable/revering, simply did not have ability to create Martial Skill! 现有的武技,全都是远古大能,传说中的尊者创造出来流传后世,尊者之下,根本没有能力创造出武技 Red still Junguo already did not have Venerable/revering to exist, Martial Skill in river of history, only then unceasing being lost, can patch incomplete Martial Skill, improves the existing Martial Skill person to appear, sufficiently becomes the shock world genius character...... 红尚郡国早已没有了尊者存在,武技在历史长河中只有不断的失传,有一个能修补残缺武技,改良现有武技的人出现,就足以成为震惊天下的天才人物…… Creates Martial Skill? Qin Elder had a dream does not have the dream to have been! 创造武技?秦长老做梦都没有梦到过啊! The presently fact on the moved to and fro at present, him does not believe that is not good! 偏偏现在事实就摆在眼前,他不相信都不行了! Sword spring faction...... Picks the treasure really! 剑春派……真的是捡到宝了! It is not good, this matter cannot make others know absolutely! 不行,这件事绝对不能让别人知道! Qin Elder recovered, immediately had the resolution, if Lin Yi created the Martial Skill matter to spread, to this boy was far from a good deed! 长老回过神来,立刻就有了决断,若是林逸创造武技的事流传出去,对这小子而言绝非好事! genius or monster, before growing, die young forever is majority! 无论是天才还是怪物,在成长起来之前,夭折的永远是大多数! Qin Elder was an honest elder, considered for Lin Yi's safely, he decided that forgot all that oneself saw, even if were sect gate, will not say one! 长老是一个敦厚长者,为了林逸的安全着想,他决定忘记自己看到的一切,就算是宗门,也不会多说一句! Saw that in the picture Lin Yi received the sword preparation to leave, Qin Elder looked around hemp Elder one secretly, sees him still to sleep, immediately relaxed. 看到画面中林逸已经收剑准备离开,秦长老偷偷看了旁边的麻长老一眼,见他还在睡觉,顿时松了口气。 Fortunately fortunately! This matter only then know, must rottenly in the belly...... 还好还好!这件事只有自己一个人知道,一定要烂在肚子里…… Waits for Lin Yi to go downstairs, Qin Elder welcomed, with thin, if mosquito the sound said one in the Lin Yi ear: Only said that you urged to send first style successfully, other not must talk too much!” 林逸下楼的时候,秦长老率先迎了过去,用细若蚊呐的声音在林逸耳边说了一句:“只说你成功催发了第一式,别的莫要多言!” Lin Yi is startled slightly, this understood own action under Qin Elder attention. 林逸微微一怔,这才明白自己的举动都在秦长老关注之下。 Qin Elder signaled with the eyes to Lin Yi, hints hemp Elder not to know this matter, then laughed was saying: Little fellow is really good, unexpectedly urged to send the first style fire spirit swordsmanship before the time limit successfully, the old man has not really misread you!” 长老林逸使了个眼色,示意麻长老并不知道此事,然后才哈哈大笑着说道:“小家伙真不错,居然在时限之前成功催发了第一式火灵剑法,老夫果然没有看错你!” Hemp Elder when Lin Yi goes downstairs actually has realized, at this time heard Qin Elder words, immediately sat straight the body, on the face surprised incomparable. 长老林逸下楼的时候其实已经察觉到,此时听到秦长老的话,顿时坐直了身体,脸上惊讶无比。 What? What Qin Elder did you say? Did this boy urge ignition spirit swordsmanship first style successfully?” “什么?秦长老你说什么?这小子成功催发火灵剑法第一式了?” fake? Rested blurry? Still is having a dream? 假的吧?睡迷糊了?还在做梦? Hemp Elder some are suddenly unacceptable, in his impression, Lin Yi this new person disciple outgoing/manifestation including the anger cannot achieve, how possibly to practice the fire spirit swordsmanship? 长老一时间有些不能接受,在他印象中,林逸这个新人弟子连火气外放都做不到,怎么可能练成火灵剑法? This matter at all not possible! 这事儿根本没可能! Hemp Elder, the disciple good fortune does not fail in one's mission, urges getting angry spirit swordsmanship first style smoothly!” “麻长老,弟子幸不辱命,顺利催发了火灵剑法第一式!” Lin Yi slightly cannot be looked up nods to Qin Elder, arrives in front of hemp Elder to hold the fist in the other hand with a smile: „The presently disciple pays to choose the Martial Skill integral.” 林逸微不可查的对秦长老点点头,走到麻长老面前含笑抱拳:“现在弟子来缴纳挑选武技的积分。” Your really success?” “你真的成功了?” Hemp Elder silly looks at Lin Yi, but also was suspecting oneself have not awaked...... 长老傻愣愣的看着林逸,还在怀疑自己是不是没睡醒…… Why can damn sleep? In the evening hasn't slept? What exactly had? 尼玛为什么要睡觉啊?晚上没睡过觉么?到底发生了什么? Was truly successful, hemp does Elder need to confirm?” “确实成功了,麻长老需要验证一下么?” Lin Yi indifferent shrugging, takes out the status token to hand over: „If not need, hemp Elder please delimit the integral!” 林逸无所谓的耸耸肩,取出身份令牌递过去:“若是不需要的话,麻长老请划积分吧!” Hemp Elder, this little fellow was truly successful, hadn't the old man said to you before? He stayed in the advanced cultivate room 24 double-hour, the basic First day First time went to there the old man, now genius come out shortly after came you.” “麻长老,这小家伙确实成功了,老夫之前没对你说过么?他可是在高级修炼室呆了24个时辰,入门的第一第一时间就去了老夫那儿,今天才出来没多久就来了你这边。” In Qin Elder heart lacked self-confidence, did not think demonstration fire spirit swordsmanship of Lin Yi in front of hemp Elder. 长老心中没底,可不想林逸在麻长老面前演示火灵剑法。 This Martial Skill waits for the little fellow to grasp one to expose well again before the person, therefore did not wait for hemp Elder to say must confirm, Qin Elder stood come out to help the Lin Yi certificate directly, such diligent little fellow really rarely seen, what especially was valuable, the talent was also super shocking, two days have completed the quenching body of basic rank, achieves stage that the anger has been assigned away from the capital, trivial fire spirit swordsmanship first style, urging round of come out to have something strangely?” 武技还是等小家伙好好掌握一番再展露在人前吧,所以不等麻长老说要验证,秦长老直接站出来林逸证明,“这么勤奋的小家伙真的不多见啊,尤其可贵的是,天赋也是超级惊艳,两天就完成了入门级别的淬体,达到了火气外放的阶段,区区一门火灵剑法第一式,催发出来有什么可奇怪?” What did you say? Did two days achieve the anger to be assigned away from the capital?” “你说什么?两天就达到了火气外放?” Hemp Elder surprised uncertain back and forth looks at Qin Elder and Lin Yi, subconscious thought that this they are forming a partnership to deceive itself...... 长老惊疑不定的来回看着秦长老林逸,下意识就觉得这俩人是在合起伙来骗自己…… However Qin old man moral behavior was good, should be insufficient? 不过秦老头的人品还不错,应该不至于吧? The Lin Yi ticking corners of the mouth, hemp Elder does not believe obviously, after all seeings is believing to do not rely on hearsay, therefore rubbish, fights with the fists directly in the vacancy. 林逸抽抽嘴角,麻长老明显是不相信,毕竟眼见为实耳听为虚,所以也不废话,直接一拳打在空处。 An anger at airborne bang has shone, immediately annihilates not to have the trace, but the Lin Yi's goal also achieved. 一丝火气在空中轰的亮了一下,随即湮灭无踪,而林逸的目的也达成了。 The anger outgoing/manifestation! 火气外放! Hemp Elder was again unsuspicious, since Lin Yi truly can the anger be assigned away from the capital, that urges round of successful first style, was normal! 长老再无怀疑,既然林逸确实可以火气外放,那催发成功第一式,也就正常了! Has not looked at come out, this boy also is really genius! 没看出来,这小子还真是个天才啊! this One misjudged! Has not thought that your this boy grasped the anger to be assigned away from the capital unexpectedly, such being the case, a double-hour urged ignition spirit swordsmanship first style is very normal, does not need to confirm once more!” 本座失算了!没想到你这小子居然已经掌握了火气外放,既然如此,一个时辰催发火灵剑法第一式就很正常了,不需要再次验证!” Hemp Elder beckons with the hand, simple has taken the Lin Yi's status token, delimits 100 integrals: Naturally, this One does not believe you, but believed Qin Elder, your boy was not favorite, later must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, well cultivate!” 长老摆摆手,干脆的取过林逸的身份令牌,划走100积分:“当然,本座不是相信你,而是相信秦长老,你小子莫要得意,以后还需戒骄戒躁,好好修炼!” Many thanks hemp Elder raises, the disciple remembered!” “多谢麻长老提点,弟子记住了!” Lin Yi takes back the status token, takes advantage of opportunity to hold the fist in the other hand saying: Also thanked Qin Elder!” 林逸收回身份令牌,顺势抱拳说道:“也谢谢秦长老!” Lin Yi to hemp Elder many favorable impressions, this Old Fellow has not taunted to oneself, but this final several warnings actually wholeheartedly, therefore Lin Yi will change some views. 原本林逸对麻长老没多少好感,这老家伙一直对自己冷嘲热讽,不过这最后的几句告诫倒是真心诚意,所以林逸才会转变了一些看法。 Was good, you go, next time will have the need to come again!” “行了,你去吧,下次有需要再来!” Hemp Elder waves, sending Lin Yi to leave: this One knows that some of your also many integrals, enough again exchange some Cultivation Manual Martial Skill, but you remember, bites off more than one can chew, well Cultivation Manual Martial Skill cultivate in hand to the pinnacle is the proper way!” 长老挥挥手,打发林逸离开:“本座知道你还有不少积分,足够再兑换一些功法武技,不过你记住,贪多嚼不烂,好好将手中的功法武技修炼到极致才是正途!” Yes, the disciple understands, two Elder see again | goodbye!” “是,弟子明白,两位长老再见!” The Lin Yi smile nods, after respectful saying goodbye, turns around to go downstairs. 林逸微笑颔首,恭敬的告辞之后就转身下楼。 In this Hidden Book Pavilion, many have not been able to promote oneself strength Cultivation Manual Martial Skill, book collection that the surplus these needs spend the time memory, waited later to have free time to say again. 这处藏书阁中,已经没有多少能提升自己实力功法武技了,剩余那些需要花时间记忆的藏书,还是等以后有空再说。 Lin Yi goes downstairs at the same time, Qin Elder also said goodbye to leave, went out of Hidden Book Pavilion the time, stopped by calling out Lin Yi. 林逸下楼的同时,秦长老也跟着告辞离开,走出藏书阁的时候,就叫住了林逸 „Does Sima Yi, have the time, goes to old man there.” 司马逸,有没有时间,到老夫那里去一下。” Qin Elder seemed like in asking Lin Yi, but in the tone has not allowed the choice leeway to Lin Yi actually: Old man wants to chat several with you!” 长老看似是在问林逸,但语气中其实并没有给林逸留选择余地:“老夫想要和你聊几句!” Qin Elder invited, the disciple had certainly the time.” “秦长老邀约,弟子当然有时间。” In the Lin Yi heart somewhat is astonished, but is good to this elderly man impression, therefore has not rejected: If Qin Elder had what instruction, here said that was also same.” 林逸心中有些讶异,不过对这个老者印象不错,所以没有拒绝:“若是秦长老有何吩咐,在这里说也一样。”
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