SBPE :: Volume #15 重塑金身

#7287: Chapter 7287

Lin Yi does not want to continue to argue with hemp Elder, hard resentment in the opposite party domain, absolutely does not have any advantage. 林逸不想继续和麻长老争辩,在对方的地盘上硬怼,完全没有任何好处。 Since fourth cannot come up unable to come up, first has a look in Second Third Layer, the harvest should be able to digest a long time! 既然第四层上不去就上不去吧,先在第二第三层看看,收获应该能消化很长一段时间了! Right that hemp Elder said that such being the case, the disciple first reads in Second Third Layer, these two exchange a double-hour respectively the time!” “麻长老说的对,既然如此,弟子就先在第二第三层翻看一番,这两层各兑换一个时辰的时间!” Lin Yi takes out the status token, both hands holds is giving hemp Elder. 林逸取出身份令牌,双手捧着递给麻长老 Hemp Elder is startled slightly, but Lin Yi, since said that he also can only receive the status token, discontented was mumbling: spendthrift, a little integral on chaotic flower! Thinks that what way a double-hour can see? Simply laughable!” 长老微微一怔,不过林逸既然已经这么说了,他也只能接过身份令牌,不满的嘟哝着:“败家子,有点积分就乱花!以为一个时辰能看出什么门道来?简直可笑!” The trivial double-hour, the light the Second Third Layer ancient book catalog and synopsis looked at that one is very difficult, wants to choose appropriate Cultivation Manual Martial Skill, is difficult! 区区一个时辰,光是将第二第三层的典籍目录和简介看一遍都很困难,想要从中挑选合适的功法武技,更是难上加难! Therefore will have such stipulation to appear, hemp Elder was not worried, Lin Yi secretly mechanical memorizing remembers many Cultivation Manual Martial Skill. 所以才会有这样的规定出现,麻长老丝毫不担心,林逸会偷偷死记硬背的记住多少功法武技 The hemp Elder mouth speaks, has brushed on the ruby with the Lin Yi's status token, then discovers the integral in Lin Yi really is very many! 长老嘴里说着话,拿林逸的身份令牌在红玉上刷了一下,然后发现林逸手里的积分还真挺不少! Although is somewhat astonished, but hemp Elder is also insufficient, because this matter makes much ado about nothing, is very calm after brushing, opens the door to hint Lin Yi to enter! 虽然有些惊异,但麻长老也不至于因为这点事就大惊小怪,很是淡定的刷完之后,就开门示意林逸进入! „A 2nd floor double-hour, three building double-hour, total 60 integrals, the time to must come out, so long as overtime, even if flickers, must pay expenses! Naturally, ahead of time come out will not return the integral!” 二楼一个时辰,三楼一个时辰,共计60积分,时间到了必须出来,只要超时,哪怕是一瞬,也必须重新缴费!当然,提前出来也不会退还积分!” Hemp Elder icy reminder Lin Yi, after waiting for Lin Yi to cup one hand in the other across the chest to comply, waves saying: Goes!” 长老冷冰冰的提醒林逸,等林逸拱手答应之后,才挥手道:“去吧!” The Lin Yi then steps enter 2nd floor Hidden Book Pavilion. 林逸这才踏步进入二楼藏书阁 This inside and secular world library is also similar, is rows of bookshelves, above is placing notebook ancient book books neatly. 这里面和世俗界的图书馆也差不多,都是一排排的书架,上面整齐摆放着一本本典籍书册。 Catches the eye to look, above the bookshelf hangs is having the sign, has been divided into the different regions. 抬眼望去,书架上方都挂着有牌子,分成了不同的区域。 For example hot attribute Cultivation Manual area, hot attribute Martial Skill area, metallicity Cultivation Manual area wait wait/etc. etc.. 比如火属性功法区,火属性武技区,金属性功法区等等等等。 Besides Cultivation Manual and Martial Skill, some special regions, for example alchemy area and refiner area and so on mixed study, moreover geography about vice- island, custom and other kind of regions. 除了功法武技之外,还有一些特殊的区域,比如炼丹区、炼器区之类的杂学,另外就是关于副岛的地理、风俗等其他类区域。 Lin Yi grasps the chin, has not thought of book collection range such broad of this 2nd floor actually, although here is the knowledge of most foundation, but glances through words completely, will have very big help to oneself! 林逸抓了抓下巴,倒是没想到这二楼的藏书范围如此之广,虽然这里都是最基础的知识,但全部翻阅一遍的话,对自己也会有很大的帮助! What a pity, a double-hour wants to leaf through all book collections to be not quite realistic, is good only needs ten integrals to have double-hour time because of 2nd floor, will wait to come to have a look next time again carefully. 可惜,一个时辰想要翻遍所有藏书不太现实,好在二楼只需要十个积分就有一个时辰时间,等下回再来仔细看看。 Today main purpose, Cultivation Manual and Martial Skill that the sword spring sends, other back can place first. 今天来的主要目的,还是剑春派的功法武技,其他的可以先放在后边。 Therefore Lin Yi first arrives at the Cultivation Manual region, starts to glance through different attribute Cultivation Manual. 所以林逸首先走到功法区域,开始翻阅不同属性的功法 2nd floor depositing was quenching body Cultivation Manual of basic rank, Lin Yi has spent several minutes, glanced through has quenched other attribute Cultivation Manual outside body Cultivation Manual besides the hot attribute, the preparation later has the opportunity words, complete cultivate. 二楼存放的都是入门级别的淬体功法,林逸花了十几分钟,就翻阅了除火属性淬体功法之外的其他属性功法,准备以后有机会的话,全部修炼一遍。 Then, the Lin Yi's body was equal to that repeatedly quenchings in present stage many, compared with only quenchings with the hot attribute, naturally stronger many times. 如此一来,林逸的身体等于在现阶段重复淬炼许多遍,比起只用火属性淬炼一遍,自然要强出好多倍。 To achieve this point, said that is not really difficult, quenching body Cultivation Manual of basic rank, actually mostly the same except for minor differences, is guides into the attribute aura of body to be different merely! 想要做到这一点,说真的并不困难,入门级别的淬体功法,其实都大同小异,仅仅是引导入体的属性气息不同! Some methods of quenching, basic same, Lin Yi thought that the only difficulty, how does enter in other attribute cultivate rooms cultivate? 一些淬炼的法门,基本相同,林逸觉得唯一的难点,是如何进入其他属性的修炼室中修炼 Obviously is the hot attribute physique, if went to other attribute cultivate rooms, moreover is not one two, is the entire attribute cultivate room, did not cause the suspicion that the sword spring sent to be fishy! 明明是火属性体质,要是一直去其他属性的修炼室,而且不是一个两个,是全属性修炼室,不引起剑春派的怀疑才有鬼了! If not enter the cultivate room, in residence cultivate, the progress was too merely slow, before the completely entire attribute quenches the body basically, Lin Yi did not plan that cultivate enters the step to quench body Cultivation Manual. 要是不进入修炼室,仅仅是在居所修炼的话,进度就太慢了一些,而在完全全属性入门淬体之前,林逸不打算修炼进阶淬体功法 Formerly cultivate time, Lin Yi is the person who took seriously the foundation relatively, but still destroyed finally in the foundation not steadily above, therefore the body of this freshman, must fight steadily, every step walked incomparable solid! 从前修炼的时候,林逸已经算是比较重视基础的人了,但最后依然毁在根基不稳上边,所以这一次新生的身体,更是要稳扎稳打,每一步都走的无比坚实! After looking at Cultivation Manual, Lin Yi changes the primary Martial Skill region, starts fast glances through various species primary Martial Skill. 看完功法之后,林逸转向初级武技区域,又开始快速的翻阅各种属性的初级武技 These might small and weak Martial Skill, merely are the gadget of better than nothing, does not need to remember specially, looked similar that can understand. 这些威力弱小的武技,仅仅是聊胜于无的玩意儿罢了,根本不需要特意记忆,看一眼就能了解的差不多。 Deduces in the heart at will, Lin Yi can use come out basically. 随意在心中推演一下,林逸基本就能使用出来 Back then, he can duplicate Martial Skill of match in the fight, then directly used come out, presently looks at the graphic solution , if not have used, that should look for bean curd one to kill really then forget about it. 想当年,他可是在战斗中就能复制对手的武技,然后直接使用出来,现在看着图解要是还不会用,那真该找块豆腐一头撞死算了。 Hemp Elder after Lin Yi enters Hidden Book Pavilion, opened the monitoring method. 门外的麻长老林逸进入藏书阁之后,就已经开启了监控法门。 Although inside book collection is not precious, but some people go , must be monitored, so as to avoid has damaged inside thing. 里面的藏书虽然不算珍贵,但有人进去,也必须受到监视,免得损坏了里面的东西。 Any person! Does not study diligently oneself suitable Cultivation Manual Martial Skill well, has run back and forth in confusion everywhere looked randomly, is really the rotten wood cannot carve!” “什么人啊!不好好钻研自己适合的功法武技,一直到处乱晃乱看,真是朽木不可雕也!” Hemp Elder saw that Lin Yi moves in each region unceasingly, in the surface reveals the ridicule that disdains extremely immediately: Unexpectedly the entire attribute ancient book is reading, is it possible that is thinks can oneself be skilled in entire attribute Cultivation Manual Martial Skill? Really funny!” 长老看到林逸不断在各个区域移动,面上顿时露出极为不屑的讥笑:“居然全属性典籍都在翻看,莫非是以为自己能精通全属性功法武技?真是笑死人!” Hemp Elder, what were you alone whispering to think aloud?” “麻长老,你一个人在嘀嘀咕咕自言自语些什么啊?” In the steps transmits a hearty laughter suddenly, hemp Elder turns the head to look, originally is that side cultivate room black robe elderly man. 阶梯上忽然传来一阵朗笑,麻长老转头看去,原来是修炼室那边的黑袍老者 Haha, originally was Qin Elder, today has the free time here? First reaches an agreement, the tea has, thinks drinking, that may a drop not have!” “哈哈,原来是秦长老,今天怎么有暇来我这里?先说好,茶有,想喝酒,那可一滴都没有!” Hemp Elder sets out to receive a guest with a smile, obviously and black robe elderly man Qin Elder related extremely good. 长老笑着起身迎客,显然和黑袍老者长老关系极好。 Mean-spirited Para! Drinks you to select the liquor not to be glad, next time will have the good thing, looked that the old man will give back does not bring to you!” “小气巴拉的!喝你点酒都不乐意,下回有好东西,看老夫还给不给你带来!” Qin Elder ridiculed one, look changes hemp Elder not to have the surveillance picture of closure: Well, saw this little fellow! Really diligent!” 长老笑骂一句,眼神转向了麻长老没有关闭的监视画面:“咦,又见到这小家伙了!真是勤奋啊!” Qin Elder, did you know this boy?” “秦长老,你认识这小子?” Hemp Elder is startled slightly, has not thought actually Lin Yi this new person disciple also had the relations with Qin Elder. 长老微微一怔,倒是没有想到林逸这新人弟子还和秦长老有关系。 Has seen one time, he is this time new person disciple, is good, First day First came cultivate room cultivate of old man, the talent to be also equal......” “见过一次,他是这次的新人弟子,性格不错,第一第一个来老夫的修炼修炼,天赋也相当了得……” How many Qin Elder could not bear wants to acclaim, he most liked was Lin Yi this diligent disciple, how long this time just left cultivate room? Came Hidden Book Pavilion to glance through Cultivation Manual Martial Skill! 长老忍不住就想要赞叹几句,他最喜欢的就是林逸这种勤奋的弟子,这次刚离开修炼室多久啊?就来藏书阁翻阅功法武技了! If Lin Yi comes to exchange Cultivation Manual Martial Skill according to the recommendation, Qin Elder was also not necessarily able to think what kind, but the expenditure integral entered the choice personally, must seek most suits own Cultivation Manual Martial Skill, this made him to the Lin Yi's sense even more good several points. 如果林逸只是过来根据推荐兑换功法武技,秦长老也未必会觉得怎样,但花费积分亲自进入挑选,显然是要寻找最适合自己的功法武技,这令他对林逸的感官越发好了几分。 Such person, so long as halfway does not fall from the sky, in the future will certainly have the astonishing achievement! 这样的人,只要不半途陨落,将来一定会有惊人的成就! What? Embroidering pillow! Diligent is also only the false appearance, Qin Elder you by the representation of this boy deceiving!” “了得什么啊?绣花枕头而已!勤奋也只是假象而已,秦长老你别被这小子的表象给骗了!” Hemp Elder disdains to curl the lip, has broken Qin Elder thread of conversation directly: You have a look, what is this boy doing?” 长老不屑撇嘴,直接打断了秦长老的话头:“你看看,这小子在干些什么?”
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