SBPE :: Volume #15 重塑金身

#7163: Chapter 7163

The pollen that moreover, fills scatters in airborne, lingers, in addition in the valley does not know when becomes rich poison mist, Lin Yi unexpectedly is some pitch-dark feelings. 不仅如此,弥漫开来的花粉更是飘散在空中,经久不散,加上谷中不知何时变得浓郁起来的毒雾,林逸竟是有些伸手不见五指的感觉。 …… …… All people concentrate, do not lose the direction, do not disperse!” “所有人集中起来,不要迷失了方向,也不要走散!” In the Lin Yi heart somewhat is slightly improper, drinks lowly at the same time puts out a hand to grasp the arm of nearby black wild flower, however has actually grasped spatial, immediately is surprised: Black wild big sister, you where?” 林逸心中略有些不妥,低喝的同时伸手去抓旁边黑野花的手臂,然而却抓了一个空,顿时大吃一惊:“黑野姐姐,你在哪儿?” All around sounds of people are remote, nobody replied Lin Yi radically, the black wild flower or to approach/insult Lingfa, or remaining several subordinates of survivals, all probably disappeared generally. 四周人声渺渺,根本没人回答林逸,无论是黑野花还是凌翎发,或是剩下的几个幸存的部下,全都好像消失了一般。 The Lin Yi personal appearance flashes, fast in several people of positions toward the impression has walked randomly, had not actually discovered that black wild flower several people of probably sudden into thin air generally! 林逸身形闪动,快速的往印象中几人的方位游走了一圈,却没有丝毫发现,黑野花几人就好像突然人间蒸发了一般! Black wild big sister, to approach/insult Lingfa! You where?” “黑野姐姐,凌翎发!你们在哪儿?” The Lin Yi heart is secretly imposing, speaker shouted loudly, while raised extremely vigilantly, guarded against under this environment the sudden sneak attack! 林逸心头暗自凛然,一边扬声高呼,一边提起了十二万分的警惕,防备这种环境下突然的偷袭! He still unceasingly is thinking meanwhile, present aspect what's the matter? 同时他还在不断思索,眼前的局面是怎么回事? Unknowingly entered the illusion? Because of these influence of pollen and poison mist? 难道是不知不觉进入了幻境?是因为那些花粉和毒雾的影响? But the origin spirit body does not fear various toxin in valley, should be insufficient to be poisoned is right, let alone also has gas mask and other equipment to be auxiliary, groundless! 可是元神体并不惧怕谷中的各种毒素,应该不至于中毒才对,何况还有防毒面具等装备辅助,完全没有道理啊! Imaginary? 幻阵? The Lin Yi many guesses, actually throughout miss the point, in the process that the surroundings walk randomly has also gone see, had not actually discovered that has the imaginary mark. 林逸多番猜测,却始终不得要领,周围游走的过程中也探看了一番,却并没有发现存在幻阵的迹。 Naturally, if falls into illusion , is also very difficult to discover issue. 当然,若是真的陷入幻境之中,也很难发现其中的问题。 Continues to wait for same place meaningless, Lin Yi looked for a while not to find the person, recognized a direction, tried to find out unceasingly forward. 继续原地等待毫无意义,林逸找了一会儿没有找到人,也认准了一个方向,不断向前摸索。 Because the line of sight is blocked, Lin Yi cannot affirm can oneself circle same place, but also can only place hopes in this means to be able at present to go out of the dense fog. 因为视线受阻,林逸也不能肯定自己会不会一直在原地兜圈子,但眼下也只能寄希望于这种本办法能走出迷雾。 After a little while, Lin Yi felt finally the present dense fog becomes thin, the vision also gradually will become clear, will turn head to look again, actually was still formerly appearance. 少顷之后,林逸终于感觉眼前的迷雾变得稀薄,视力也逐渐变得清晰起来,再回头看,却依然是先前的样子。 Luck is good, probably walks right the direction!” “运气不错,好像是走对了方向!” Lin Yi chuckle, enhances the sound to shout immediately: Black wild big sister! to approach/insult Lingfa! You where?” 林逸轻笑一声,随即提高声音喊道:“黑野姐姐!凌翎发!你们在哪儿?” The sound spreads, reverberated in the valley unceasingly, produces intermittent echo, Lin Yi has remembered suddenly, formerly in the dense fog yelled, simply did not have this phenomenon! 声音扩散开去,在谷中不断回荡,产生了阵阵回声,林逸突然想起,先前在迷雾中喊叫的时候,根本没有这种现象! Perhaps at that time his scream, cannot transmit! 说不定那时候他的喊叫声,根本就没能传递出去! Perhaps at that time black wild flower they, even if in, cannot hear the Lin Yi's cry but they yelled loudly, others cannot hear. 恐怕那时候黑野花他们即便在附近,也听不到林逸的叫声而他们放声大叫,别人也听不到。 When Lin Yi's echo subsides gradually, black wild flower and the others have not appeared, has actually brought in one flock of black apes and monkeys. 林逸的回声渐渐平息的时候,黑野花等人没有出现,却引来了一群黑色猿猴。 About 15-16 appearances, several randomly say on the precipice, then the stones of some innumerable fist sizes depart from their hands, gust of wind suddenly Yu Yi attack Lin Yi! 大约有十五六只的样子,在山岩上几哇乱叫,然后就有无数拳头大小的石块从它们手中飞出,疾风骤雨一般袭击林逸 Lin Yi complexion one black, who said especially dark Spirit Beast will be quite law-abiding in the daytime, especially those live in groups the lifeform, daytime will not appear basically? 林逸脸色一黑,谁特么说黑暗灵兽在白天的时候会比较安分,尤其是那些群居生物,白天基本不会出现的啊? This in groups launched attacks, if to the evening, were difficult to be inadequate must all over? 这都成群结队的发动攻击了,要是到了晚上,难不成还要漫山遍野? Although Lin Yi does not fear the attack of stone, but to avoid troubling, used the thirty six strategies to walk for on counts. 虽说林逸不怕石块的攻击,但为了避免麻烦,还是采用了三十六计走为上计。 The Lin Yi's personal appearance flashes goes far away rapidly, the black apes and monkeys on dike threw a stone, sees Lin Yi to go far away, has not pursued unexpectedly. 林逸的身形闪动间迅速远去,岩壁上的黑色猿猴丢了一阵石头,见林逸远去,竟是没有追赶。 Quick Lin Yi again cannot hear the cries of these apes and monkeys, is only then, wanted to find the black wild flower and to approach/insult Lingfa even more is not too possible. 很快林逸就再也听不到那些猿猴的叫声,只是如此一来,想要找到黑野花和凌翎发就越发不太可能了。 However this is also good, Lin Yi is thinking take advantage of this opportunity, searches for alone, if can find the purple fog evil lotus too to be good. 不过这样也好,林逸想着自己趁此机会,单独搜寻一番,要是能找到紫雾邪莲就太好了。 Also walked a regulation, the middle has not encountered the danger actually, instead had found some good raw materials for medicine, naturally these good regarding vice- island, to the Lin Yi not too big use. 又走了一程,中间倒是没有遇到危险,反而找到了一些不错的药材,当然这些都是对于副岛而言的不错,对林逸并没有太大用处。 Does not have Spiritual Qi to moisten, these merely are quenching the mortal body the thing, Lin Yi at present is only the origin spirit body, takes is working as a reserve. 没有灵气滋润,这些都仅仅是淬炼肉身的东西,林逸目前只是个元神体,拿着当个储备。 At this time Lin Yi stands in a not too high precipice, poison mist in valley became extremely thin, basically does not affect the line of sight, therefore looks all around on the cliff, can look actually quite far. 此时林逸站在一处不算太高的断崖边,谷中的毒雾已经变得极为稀薄,基本上不影响视线,所以在断崖上环顾四周,倒是可以看得比较远。 Lin Yi wants to have a look to find black wild flower and the others the positions, however the person has not seen, actually saw a plant to scurry about in the distant place bit runs all over the place! 林逸原本是想看看有没有可能找到黑野花等人的位置,然而人没看见,却看见了一株植物在远处上蹿下跳的叮咣乱跑! Right, is not the animal, but is the plant! 没错,不是动物,而是植物! Clever senior...... come out has a look, is that the purple fog evil lotus?” “鬼前辈……出来看看,那是不是紫雾邪莲?” Lin Yi some cannot believe that own look, before the luck was not much . Moreover the entire deep green demon valley is passing a strangeness, he has been psychologically prepared, this time possibly could not find the purple fog evil lotus, has not thought that will see such a gadget suddenly! 林逸有些不敢相信自己的眼神儿,之前一路都运气不怎么样,而且整个碧绿魔谷都透着一股诡异,他已经做好了心理准备,这次可能找不到紫雾邪莲,没想到会突然看到这么个玩意儿! ghost bastard hears Lin Yi's to call, come out from the Jade Pendant space, looks immediately following the Lin Yi's direction. 鬼东西听到林逸的招呼,立马从玉佩空间中出来,顺着林逸的指点看去。 „It looks like...... Also somewhat resembles!” “看起来……还真有点像!” ghost bastard somewhat is slightly pleasantly surprised excitedly, so long as Lin Yi recover the mortal body, he has been able to continue to stay in the Jade Pendant space. 鬼东西略微有些惊喜激动,林逸只要恢复了肉身,他就可以继续呆在玉佩空间中。 „Is dumb kid, you here also in a daze? Hurries to pursue!” “傻小子,你还在这里发什么呆?赶紧去追啊!” ghost bastard has the feeling of expecting too much greatly, when this, unexpectedly also has poked here motionless! 鬼东西大有恨铁不成钢的感觉,这都什么时候了,居然还杵在这里不动! Lin Yi awakens immediately, looks at the plant of doubtful purple fog evil lotus the distant place is and out, immediately plunders from the cliff, fast pursued. 林逸顿时惊醒,看着远处忽隐忽现的疑似紫雾邪莲的植物,当即从断崖上一掠而下,飞快的追了过去。 First whether or not, since can walk to run, is a plant, that absolutely is also the good thing of becoming a ghost, cannot let off! 先不管是不是,既然能走能跑,又是个植物,那绝对也是成了精的好东西,万万不能放过! When Lin Yi approaches to that plant hundred meter/rice distances, has been able clear sees clearly its appearance, really and purple fog snow lotus is quite similar, but the stem and lotus flower are not white, but is having some purple! 林逸接近到那株植物百来米距离的时候,已经可以清晰的看清楚它的样子,果然和紫雾雪莲极为相似,只不过茎干和莲花并非白色,而是带着些紫色! Simultaneously leaf blade below rhizome branched out two small short legs, at this time hopping along is running all over the place. 同时叶片下方的根茎分出了两条小短腿,此时正一蹦一跳的乱跑着。 Really is purple fog evil lotus! 真的是紫雾邪莲! In the Lin Yi heart the great happiness, had 90% assurances at this time, caught on later has a look to have the purple fog to overflow come out! 林逸心中大喜,此时已经有了九成的把握,就等抓到之后看看有没有紫雾溢出来 However the front little thing as if realized that Lin Yi's approached, the small short leg is similar to the windmill rotates immediately generally rapidly, the entire speed rose dramatically the several fold to continue all of a sudden, spread out both sides to more than 300 meters instantaneously. 然而前面的小东西似乎察觉到了林逸的靠近,小短腿顿时如同风车一般飞速转动起来,整个速度一下子就飙升了数倍都不止,瞬间将双方的距离拉开到300多米。 Where runs!” “哪里跑!” Lin Yi gives a loud shout, limit Butterfly Small Step also promoted peak, the speed to rise dramatically similarly, quick pulled closer the distance between both sides to hundred meters. 林逸大喝一声,极限蝴蝶微步也提升到巅峰,速度同样飙升了许多,很快就将双方之间的距离拉近到百米之内。 Arrived this distance time, seems the front that little thing sensation keenest range, therefore its no longer straight line escapes, but showed the snake skin to walk the skill of position. 到这个距离的时候,似乎是前边那小东西感知最敏锐的范围,所以它不再直线逃跑,而是展现出了蛇皮走位的技巧。 In east in west, tries to mislead the Lin Yi's judgment by this suddenly suddenly, simultaneously delays the Lin Yi's tracing speed. 忽而在东忽而在西,试图以此来误导林逸的判断,同时延缓林逸的追踪速度。 What a pity Lin Yi's limit Butterfly Small Step most is fastidious fluctuates cleverly, this small range sharply stops changes, is the Lin Yi most adept skill, therefore not only has not cast off Lin Yi, instead further pulled closer the distance! 可惜林逸的极限蝴蝶微步最是讲究灵巧变幻,这种小范围的急停变向,正是林逸最拿手的技巧,所以不但没有甩开林逸,反而进一步被拉近了距离! Told everybody a good news, this baby No. 19 Birthday, to thank everybody these years support, erupted in addition on the 19 th! Not only so, 8 : 00 pm, this baby Fishman The Second will come up a time to draw activity in vx Duke. 告诉大家一个好消息,本宝宝19号生日,为了答谢大家这些年的支持,19日将加更爆发!不但如此,晚上8点,本宝宝将在vx公号“鱼人二代”上来一次抽奖活动
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