SS :: Volume #12

#139: Graduation

Newest website: The insect sovereign dies, insect clan odd/surplus evil on island did not have the pillar, is ill-disciplined, could not have attended to besieging Phoenix. 最新网址:虫皇一死,岛上的虫族余孽没了主心骨,军心涣散,已经顾不上围攻“凤凰号”。 Guards the special police officers pressure of battleship to reduce greatly, gradually transfers initiates an attack, to earn the empirical value struggles. 守卫战舰的特警们压力大减,逐步转为主动出击,正在为赚取更多经验值而奋斗。 Varnay swells that side insect clan army, at present has not received the news that the insect sovereign passed away, but also in resisting Tanneur thousandth devil and besieging of Baht ancestor devil, defends a city firmly the insect nest. 瓦内隆那边的虫族大军,目前还没有收到虫皇驾崩的消息,还在抵御塔纳厘恶魔和巴特祖魔鬼的围攻,坚守城中虫巢。 Soars thinks of a new tactic exactly, needs in the person many place tests, to squeeze own supernatural power limit, consumes 40 charms, summoned overlay magic arts strong effect and magic arts extremely effect insect group storm. 高飞恰好想到一个新战术,需要在人多的地方测试,就压榨出自己的法力极限,一口气消耗40点魔力,呼唤出叠加“法术强效”和“法术极效”的“虫群风暴”。 After insect group storm that” the ultra demon strengthens, in the hostile lifeform of each wheel causes 270 points to gnaw to hundred meters bites the injury, the in addition 27 physicals poison. 经过超魔强化的“虫群风暴”,每轮对百米之内的敌对生物造成270点啮咬伤害,外加27点体质毒害。 Even if insect sovereign Abaddon brings back to life, in extremely effect insect group storm under besieging, could not support for one minute. 就算“虫皇”亚巴顿起死回生,在“强极效虫群风暴”的围攻之下,也撑不了一分钟。 This has not calculated. 这还不算完。 Soars the extraction together astrolabe energy, opens the death knell halo. 高飞抽取一道星盘能量,开启丧钟光环。 The insect group storm + death knell halo, this set of brand-new combination, was named as blood sucking storm by him. 虫群风暴+丧钟光环,这套全新的组合,被他命名为“吸血风暴”。 Insect group storm wide scope kills the enemy at the same time, the vitality that the dead survives by death knell halo absorption, will also be transformed to soar own vitality, is just like slaughtering machine that will never stand still! “虫群风暴”大范围杀敌的同时,死者残存的生命力也将被“丧钟光环”吸取,转化为高飞自身的生命力,好比一台永不停歇的杀戮机器! Swells the soaring direct transmission to Varnay, the point of descent is located in the battlefield the Bilis insect clan most crowded region. 高飞直接传送到瓦内隆,落点位于战场上奥比里斯虫族最密集的地带。 Goes out of transmission, soars to open blood sucking storm, brutally slaughters insect sovereign odd/surplus evil, tests this move of actual combat effect. 走出传送阵,高飞张开“吸血风暴”,无情屠杀虫皇余孽,测试这一招的实战效果。 The place visited, destroys completely. 所过之处,寸草不留。 The test result made him very satisfied. 测试结果令他非常满意。 ...... …… Varnay swells, bloody battle position. 瓦内隆,血战阵地。 The blade edge princess's subordinate devil army corps, hide Bilis insect clan that wants Cery to resist stubbornly to surround one crowd, is conducting the final fortification fight. 刀锋公主麾下的恶魔兵团,将一群躲在要塞里负隅顽抗的奥比里斯虫族包围起来,正在进行最后的攻坚战。 ! 唰! Kou Na conducts the back to draw out the disaster hardship black blade from an demon scorpion, looks all around corpse battlefield everywhere, in the eye shows a weariness horizontally. 寇娜从一只魔蝎背上拔出灾厄黑刃,环顾尸横遍地的战场,眼中透出一丝疲倦。 Varnay's prosperous tactical situation, has been in her and under Bell Munk's control. 瓦内隆的战况,已经处于她和贝尔蒙克的掌控之下。 Only if insect sovereign Abaddon goes to return, otherwise remains behind Varnay prosperous insect clan army, is doomed to end up whole army has been annihilated. 除非“虫皇”亚巴顿去而复返,否则留守瓦内隆的虫族部队,注定落得个全军覆灭。 Now, Kou Nageng misses soaring that side situation, must disregard insistence that soars hesitant, the direct transmission to the insect nest island , the brat that helps that stubbornness copes with the insect sovereign. 现在,寇娜更挂念高飞那边的情况,犹豫要不要无视高飞的坚持,直接传送到虫巢岛上,帮那个倔脾气的臭小子对付虫皇。 At this moment, the battlefield center emits suddenly transmits the light beam together, arouses Kou Na the vigilance. 就在这时,战场中央突然冒出一道传送光柱,引起寇娜警觉。 One group of gray insect groups, like the thick mist, flow from transmission. 一团灰色虫群,如同浓稠的雾气,从传送阵中流淌出来。 The thick fog deep place that trillion poisonous insects compose, visibles faintly a form. 亿万条毒虫组成的浓雾深处,隐约可见一条身影。 „Is this...... the insect group storm?!” “这是……虫群风暴?!” Kou Na the nerve, ties tight immediately. 寇娜的神经,立刻紧绷起来。 Insect group storm, always appears along with the insect sovereign together. “虫群风暴”,总是伴随着虫皇一同出现。 Since Abaddon has returned to Varnay to swell, then soars the present situation...... perhaps is more unfortunate than fortunate! 既然亚巴顿已经回到了瓦内隆,那么高飞如今的处境……恐怕是凶多吉少! The blade edge princess's heart, Menglie twitched. 刀锋公主的心脏,勐烈抽搐了一下。 What to do? 怎么办? She clenches teeth, changes six arm snake demon shapes, soaks the palm of cold sweat, is gripping tightly six sickles, with resented filled with, moves toward the terrifying form under insect group storm encirclement. 她咬了咬牙,变回六臂蛇魔形态,浸透冷汗的手掌,紧握着六口弯刀,怀着满腔愤恨,走向虫群风暴环绕之下的恐怖身影。 However at this moment, inconceivable appeared. 然而就在这时,不可思议的一幕出现了。 The army that insect group storm has not attacked Kou Na, instead turns around to plunge Bilis insect clan, swallows the similar flesh crazily. “虫群风暴”没有攻击寇娜的部队,反而掉头扑向奥比里斯虫族,疯狂吞噬同类的血肉。 What's all this about?! 这是怎么回事?! Kou Na feels helpless. 寇娜不知所措。 Is wondering, the thick fog insect group disperses slowly, reveals an incomparably familiar form. 正纳闷的时候,浓雾般的虫群缓缓散开,显露出一条无比熟悉的身影。 Soars impressively! 赫然是高飞! Kou Na looks at dumbly startled, the shock must unable to speak. 寇娜愕然呆立,震惊得说不出话来。 ...... …… Same day that insect sovereign Abaddon falls from the sky, Varnay prosperous insect clan odd/surplus evil, the devil and devil who allied armies also leads by Kou Na and Bell Munk annihilate. “虫皇”亚巴顿陨落的同一天,瓦内隆的虫族余孽,也被寇娜和贝尔蒙克率领的恶魔与魔鬼联军歼灭。 The disputes of ten thousand deep pool plains, come to the end. 万渊平原的纷争,就此告一段落。 Shortly , the big wormhole on insect nest island, light/only and day power collaborates the seal by Yao, closed corridor of this bottomless trench thoroughly to Blue Star. 其后不久,虫巢岛上的大虫洞,被瑶光和天权联手封印,彻底关闭了这条无底深渊通往蓝星的走廊。 After one week. 一周过后。 Bilis insect clan odd/surplus evil who the heavenly palace police unit eliminates river of the netherworld both banks, this abyss battles, successfully finished. 天宫特警队肃清冥河两岸的奥比里斯虫族余孽,此次深渊作战,圆满结束。 Phoenix battleship will soon return , Kou Na and Bell Munk give to soar to see off especially. “凤凰号”战舰即将返航,皮皮、寇娜和贝尔蒙克特地来给高飞送行。 Soars hell chariot Vanguard, leaves Kou Na to make commemorating, gave back to Pipien to arrange a heavenly palace auxiliary police officer quota, awarded secondary astrolabe. 高飞把地狱战车“先锋号”,留给寇娜作纪念,还给皮皮安排了一个天宫辅警名额,授予“次级星盘”。 Before arriving at embarking time, river Feng suggested magnanimously the boyfriend said goodbye kiss to Kou Na one, she can pretend unable to see. 临到上船的时候,江枫大度地建议男友给寇娜一个道别kiss,她可以假装看不见。 Soars to the girlfriend magnanimous is very affected, actually shows very strong self-control ability, but shakes hand with Kou Na, appears the gentleman. 高飞对女友的大度很感动,却表现出很强的自我管理能力,只是与寇娜握了握手,显得很绅士。 Is river Feng appears him is on the contrary brighter, hugs with Kou Na says goodbye, mutual kiss cheeks, but also mentioned intimate conversation. 反倒是江枫显得比他更敞亮,与寇娜拥抱道别,互相亲吻脸颊,还说起了悄悄话。 Goes home to get married? Doesn't use such anxiously?” “回家就结婚?不用这么急吧?” I do not fear very steal, feared that very keeps thinking.” “我是不怕贼偷,就怕贼惦记。” You planned where is on one's honeymoon?” “你们打算去哪儿度蜜月?” Little inquired, waited to drink the celebration drink on the line.” “少打听,等着喝喜酒就行了。” Do not be first self-satisfied, I will not lose heart!” “先别得意,我是不会死心的!” Casual, defeats the dog not to miss your one in any case.” “随便,反正败犬不差你一个。” ...... …… Soars to see Kou Na and river Feng the hand shaking hand drop drop cluck, seems together is very harmonious, made him bewildered. 高飞看见寇娜和江枫手拉着手滴滴咕咕,似乎相处的挺融洽,着实令他莫名其妙。 Trades source app, simultaneously reads in the latest chapters of many sites. 】 换源app,同时查看本书在多个站点的最新章节。】 ...... …… The abyss task force returns to Blue Star, is in mid May. 深渊特遣队回到蓝星,已经是五月中旬。 Soars with river Feng, first pretends that becomes appearance that travels on official business from the overseas, goes home to visit the parents respectively, flickered, hurries to return to the school, prepares the graduation reply. 高飞和江枫,先假装成从国外出差回来的样子,各自回家探望爸妈,忽悠了一通,又赶紧返回学校,准备毕业答辩。 In an instant by the end of May, soared with river Feng smoothly through the reply, just took the graduation photo, receives a bad news. 转眼到了五月底,高飞和江枫顺利通过答辩,刚拍完毕业照,就收到一个坏消息。 Before river Feng such that is worried about, was affected by the disaster situation, Shu Universiade will really postpone in the summer of next year. 就像江枫之前担心的那样,受到灾情影响,蜀都大运会果然延期到了明年夏天。 The river women who the university will soon graduate miss to attend the Kick boxing competition, missing won for the motherland one time...... exactly said that is goes on stage to beat children's opportunity, is quite regrettable. 即将大学毕业的江女侠无缘参加散打比赛,错失了一次为国争光……确切的说是上场殴打各国小朋友的机会,颇为遗憾。 She can only capturing the long-cherished wish of gold medal, pins on by graduate student status participating best friend Gu thought recalls the body, pledged to bring to soar the Universiade arena to cheer when the time comes to her. 她只能把夺取金牌的夙愿,寄托在以研究生身份参赛的闺蜜顾思忆身上,承诺到时候带着高飞去大运会赛场给她加油助威。 Attained that day of diploma, river Feng decided to celebrate, bought the fresh flower and candle, prepared to do the candlelight dinner. 拿到毕业证的那天,江枫决定庆祝一下,买了鲜花和蜡烛,准备搞个烛光晚餐。 Soared also gives the girlfriend to prepare a small pleasant surprise. 高飞也给女友准备了一个小小的惊喜。 Under the romantic candlelight, turns on the jewelry box, takes out personally the manufacture bans the Lord of the Rings to refer to. 在浪漫的烛光下,打开首饰盒,取出亲手制作的“禁魔戒指”。 river Fengsai the mouthful cake, roused the cheeks live image hamster of drum, the cooking circle that black Liuliu the eye pupil stares, by a look that is mixing with the pleasant surprise and anticipation is looking at the boyfriend. 江枫塞了满嘴蛋糕,鼓鼓的脸颊活像一只仓鼠,乌熘熘的眼眸瞪的熘圆,以一种夹杂着惊喜与期待的眼神望着男友。 Soars coughs lightly, holds the ring, proposed to the girlfriend seriously. 高飞轻咳一声,捧起戒指,一本正经地向女友求婚。 Dear little Comrade river! Are you willing to become the revolutionary companion with me?” “亲爱的小江同志!你愿意与我结为革命伴侣吗?” intent! Was disgusting, hurried to bring you!” “意!肉麻死了,赶紧拿来吧你!” Under river woman seizing the ring, oneself wear in the hand, illuminates taking advantage of the candlelight, very happy appreciation for a long time. 江女侠一把夺下戒指,自己戴在手上,借着烛光照亮,美滋滋的欣赏了许久。 Suddenly thought of anything, turns around to throw to the boyfriend, on his face chirp, scratched the cream on mouth while convenient. 忽然想到了什么,转身扑到男友跟前,在他脸上啾了一下,顺带擦擦嘴上的奶油。 Husband, follows me quickly!” “老公,快跟我走!” Anxiously doing?” “急着干什么?” Gets the card!” “领证啊!” Civil administration bureau was about to get off work, another day no?” “民政局都快下班了,改天不行吗?” „It is not good!” The river women must stamp one's foot anxiously, today is in May/five months 21, lucky day and time!” “不行不行!”江女侠急得直跳脚,“今天是五月二十一,良辰吉日呀!” Soars awakens suddenly, 521 harmonics, are that three characters. 高飞恍然醒悟,521的谐音,就是那三个字。 What coincidence is, this number exactly is river Feng the special police officer serial number, no wonder she does not want to miss. 更巧合的是,这个数字恰好是江枫的特警编号,难怪她不想错过。 Two people race against time, putting on despicable airs of appearance, is pulling the hand direct transmission a civil administration bureau building...... the bathroom. 两人争分夺秒,打扮的人模狗样,挽着手直接传送到了民政局一楼……卫生间。 river Fengla the boyfriend, is going out of the ladies' room quickly. 江枫拉着男友,快步走出女厕所。 The front surface bumps into a middle-aged woman, is taking a look at them by the strange look. 迎面撞见一位中年妇女,正在以诡异的眼神打量他俩。 river Feng cheeks one red, lowers the head to avoid aunt's line of sight hastily, draws the boyfriend to run away in a hurry. 江枫脸颊一红,连忙低头避开大妈的视线,拉着男友匆匆逃走。 „! The present young people......” aunt looked at their back, the brain are making up big pile of limits and contents. “啧啧!现在的年轻人呐……”大妈望着他俩的背影,脑补出了一大堆限制及内容。 Catches up tightly catches up slowly, catches up finally before the civil administration bureau gets off work, completed the marriage registration flow, achieved wishes to receive two small red books. 紧赶慢赶,总算赶在民政局下班之前,完成了结婚登记的流程,如愿领到两张小红本。 river Fengkua the boyfriend crook of the elbow, is chatting while walking, discussed how to telephone to both parents reports to get card matter, what is more important is finds a beautiful scenery good place to spend together the honeymoon. 江枫挎着男友臂弯,边走边聊,商量如何打电话向双方父母汇报领证这件事,更要紧的是找个山清水秀的好地方共渡蜜月。 Is discussing, soars to receive Yao light/only women to come the electricity. 正商量的时候,高飞收到瑶光女士来电。 Stationmaster, has the new duty?” “站长,有新任务?” Yes, I and little Comrade river in the same place.” “是的,我和小江同志在一起。” Doesn't matter, has the matter you to tell although.” “没关系,有事儿您尽管吩咐。” river Feng notices the complexion gradation of boyfriend to be serious, cannot help but is also nervous, when he ended the telephone conversation, inquired hastily has an accident. 江枫注意到男友的脸色渐变严肃,心情也不由得紧张起来,等他结束通话,连忙打听出了什么事。 Day Ms. authority wants to be loaned out I to go to the 4 th the stand, carries out a special mission.” Soars to tell the girlfriend. “天权女士想借调我去四号站,执行一桩特殊任务。”高飞告诉女友。 Can travel on official business?” river Fengche the corners of the mouth, asked morosely: Where this time goes, how long wants?” “又要出差啊?”江枫扯扯嘴角,不高兴地问:“这次去哪里,要多久?” Time is undecided,...... soars strange smiling of as for the business trip place, you could not certainly guess correctly.” “时间未定,至于出差地点……”高飞古怪的笑了笑,“你一定猜不到。” „Very far?” Does asking that river Feng is worried about, go overseas?” “很远吗?”江枫担心的问,“去国外?” I must go to another world.” Soars replied in a soft voice, spans the potential surface to make a long journey, is going abroad.” “我要去另一个世界。”高飞轻声回答,“跨越位面长途旅行,也算是出国吧。” Initially to seek for soaring of wandering about destitute abyss, Yao light/only owed the sister a favor, was not good to reject her request. 当初为了寻找流落深渊的高飞,瑶光欠了四姐一份人情,不好拒绝她的请求。 Soars to understand that the difficulties of stationmaster, the agreement is then loaned out, tomorrow morning will go to the 4 th the stand registration. 高飞理解站长的苦衷,便同意借调,明天上午就去四号站报到。 Oh...... just got the card to travel on official business, this may really be......” “唉……刚领证就出差,这可真是……” The wedding journey has to yield in the official business of boyfriend, river Feng cannot bear sigh, is very disconsolate. 蜜月旅行不得不让位于男友的公务,江枫忍不住叹了口气,很是惆怅。 Right, a good news.” Soars to grip girlfriend's hand, said: This business trip, I can take the family member, dear, are you willing to accompany me to travel on official business with public money, while convenient wedding journey?” “对了,还有一个好消息。”高飞握住女友的手,笑着说:“这次出差,我可以带上家属,亲爱的,你愿不愿意陪我公费出差,顺带蜜月旅行?” Roar roar! Good!! You are quite repugnant! How to say early? Harms me white/in vain to be worried!” “吼吼!好耶!!你好讨厌!怎么不早说?害得我白担心!” The river women transfer sorrow to happily, held down to soar to beat a cat cat fist, hurried to go home to pack the baggage. 江女侠转忧为喜,按住高飞捶了一通猫猫拳,赶紧回家收拾行李。 The destination of this business trip, is heavenly palace source area Varetz universe, is the background world of «Savior Simulator» this game. 这次出差的目的地,就是天宫的起源地“瓦雷斯天宇”,同时也是《救世主模拟器》这款游戏的背景世界。 Before soaring, once as game player, short is risky in the Varetz world, deeply has been crazy. 高飞之前曾以游戏玩家的身份,短暂的在瓦雷斯世界冒险,就已经深深为之着迷。 Now, he will go to this magnificent multi- color fantasy world, even there is an opportunity to use own both hands and minds, changes the historical process of Varetz world, is hopeful to the travel of this different! 现在,他将亲身前往这个瑰丽多彩的奇幻世界,甚至有机会用自己的双手和头脑,改变瓦雷斯世界的历史进程,不禁对这趟异界之旅满怀期待! ( The book ends) (全书完) - -- New book «Gluttony Master» has sent, seeks the collection! 新书《饕餮术士》已发,求收藏!
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