SS :: Volume #12

#130: When stops the demolition

Newest website: Phoenix is also an intelligent construction to install the body essentially, although was molded the appearance of battleship, is actually the heavenly palace seven sisters' distant relatives. 最新网址:“凤凰号”本质上也属于一种智能构装体,虽然被塑造成战舰的模样,其实是天宫七姐妹的远亲。 The construction of battleship installs the core, is equivalent to a super wisdom brain, having to add more powerful than N magnitude operation strength Blue Star all supercomputers! 战舰的构装核心,相当于一台超级智脑,拥有比蓝星所有超级计算机加起来都更强大N个数量级的运算力! On this ship, the jurisdiction of soaring is next to day of authority Heyao light/only, can adopt the astrolabe direct and ship-borne wisdom brain networking. 在这艘船上,高飞的权限仅次于天权和瑶光,可以通过星盘直接与舰载智脑联网。 Soars with the aid of the operation strength and vast databank of wisdom brain, analyzes the physiological characteristics and gene mapping of gluttony insect, traces to the source in reverse, deducing insect group parent body- is also gluttony nest mother- appearance characteristics. 高飞借助智脑的运算力和庞大数据库,解析饕餮虫的生理特征和基因图谱,逆向溯源,推演出虫群母体-也就是饕餮巢母-的体貌特征。 The short two minutes, the wisdom brain described nest mother the side to write the picture, transmitted to the astrolabe screen of soaring on. 短短两分钟,智脑就描绘出巢母的侧写图片,发送到高飞的星盘屏幕上。 The insect group on island, can trace four independent gluttony nest mother, is the larva that these four big monsters give birth. 岛上的虫群,可以追溯到四只独立的饕餮巢母,都是这四只大怪物产下的幼虫。 Picture that the wisdom brain deduces, with the fitting of regular script, is not lower than 99.95. 智脑推演出的照片,与正体的拟合度,不低于99.95。 Soaring can display 8 points of predictions based on this is magic sensation position, locks position that nest mother is. 高飞据此可以施展八环预言系魔法“感知位置”,锁定巢母所在的位置。 He chose one from four nest mothers casually, as first goal of tracing. 他从四只巢母当中随便选了一个,作为首先追踪的目标。 The result pleasantly surprised discovery, four nest mother hides unexpectedly in same place- situated in islands north, in the middle of the secret insect nest in underground hundred meters deep place. 结果惊喜的发现,四只巢母居然都躲藏在同一个地方-位于岛屿北部,地下百米深处的隐秘虫巢当中。 Soars the satisfactory bringing back lip angle, turns on the astrolabe, receives a 3 A level duty that just renovated: Found and killed off gluttony nest mother in battlefield! 高飞满意的勾起唇角,打开星盘,接下刚刷新出来的一则3A级任务:找到并且杀光战场上的饕餮巢母! Soars the skilled racket various gains and protection magic arts, the form desalinates slowly, escapes into the spirit world, then direct transmission to underground insect nest deep place. 高飞熟练的拍上各种增益和防护法术,身影缓缓淡化,遁入灵界,而后直接传送到地下虫巢深处。 Four nest mother, each other to is not far, leaves behind small some insect groups to act as the security guard respectively. 四只巢母,彼此相距不远,各自留下一小部分虫群充当警卫。 Speaking of hunting and killing nest mother, soaring absolutely is the specialized level player. 说到猎杀巢母,高飞绝对是专业级选手。 The familiar and easy transmission, has not detected itself while the insect group, gives hand signal calmly. 轻车熟路的传送进来,趁着虫群还没发觉自己,从容打出施法手势。 Linta!” “Linta!” Read symbol in a soft voice time the incantation, soared to stimulate 9 points of magics time static, will accelerate to the pinnacle instantaneously, relative, the world outside body stagnated. 轻声念出象征“时间”的咒语,高飞激发九环魔法“时间静止”,瞬间将自身加速到了极致,相对的,身外的世界则陷入停滞。 The crackle of gunfire of distant place thundered to vanish. 远处的炮声轰鸣消失了。 In lair humming sound the insect called also disappears. 巢穴中的嗡嗡虫鸣也消失了。 The insect group solidification in the midair, four nest mother is maintaining the stance of dedicated remote control insect group, motionless, just like statue. 虫群凝固在半空中,四只巢母保持着专注遥控虫群的姿态,一动不动,宛如雕像。 In this time line relatively static world, only then soars a person to act on free will, the time limit is only 30 seconds. 在这个时间线相对静止的世界里,只有高飞一人可以自由行动,时限只有三十秒。 When stops for a half minute, enough he completes the task. 时停半分钟,足够他完成任务。 Soars to open the astrolabe storage space, pulls out four tactical nuclear bombs, cancels shrinks technique, the distinction stopper to four gluttony nest mother bellies, careful avoidance has the contact with it. 高飞打开星盘储物空间,掏出四颗战术核弹,取消“缩物术”,分别塞到四只饕餮巢母肚皮下面,小心的避免与之发生接触。 Placed the nuclear bomb, but also remained for six seconds. 安放好了核弹,还剩六秒时间。 Soars to grasp the remote control, stands in the nest female. 高飞握着遥控器,就站在巢母们正中间。 5 th, 4, 3 and 2...... 五、四、三、二…… From the bottom time, last second. 倒数计时,最后一秒。 Soars the unhurriedly pressing down remote control, simultaneously is instantaneous transforms spirit body, escapes floating into the spirit world. 高飞不慌不忙的按下遥控器,同时瞬发“幻化灵体”,飘然遁入灵界。 Next second, four nuclear bombs simultaneously detonation. 下一秒,四颗核弹同时起爆。 The entire underground insect nest was submerged in the middle of the intense flash. 整个地下虫巢被淹没在强烈的闪光当中。 Soaring stands in the spirit world edge, waits and sees nuclear explosion, at present bright as snow, anything cannot see clearly...... 高飞站在灵界边缘,观望核爆现场,眼前一片雪亮,根本啥都看不清…… The ear bank hears the strange fizz, is rumble thunders. 耳畔传来诡异的嘶嘶声,然后才是隆隆轰鸣。 Luckily he in spirit body shape, will otherwise be shaken two ears to lose one's hearing at the scene. 幸亏他处于灵体形态,否则当场就会被震得两耳失聪。 The tremendous damage strength that the nuclear explosion creates, thoroughly destroyed the underground insect nest. 核爆造成的巨大破坏力,彻底摧毁了地下虫巢。 Hundred-meter ground level, was exploded tears, the shock-wave promotes the roaring flame, spurts by the giant crater to the sky, as if volcanic eruption. 厚达百米的岩土层,也被爆炸生生撕裂,冲击波推动烈焰,透过巨大的弹坑喷向天空,仿佛火山爆发。 Four gluttony nest mother situated in nuclear explosion central zone, were endured compared with a solar center more than ten million degrees high temperature in an instant cremates, the skeleton not saves. 位于核爆中心地带的四只饕餮巢母,刹那间被堪比太阳中心的上千万度高温焚化,尸骨无存。 Soars has not stayed, direct transmission bridge hall. 高飞没有停留,直接传送回舰桥大厅。 Looks into inside and outside 50 from here the nuclear explosion region, appreciates grand and glare radiation of terrifying, the huge mushroom cloud, instead the ratio arrives at the scene time, has the vision to shock. 从这里眺望五十里外的核爆地带,欣赏壮丽而又恐怖的强光辐射,庞大的蘑菇云,反而比亲临现场的时候,更具视觉震撼。 Gluttony nest mother on island, had it all by the nuclear explosion. 岛上的饕餮巢母,都被核爆一锅端。 The gluttony insect group loses the female nest will, turns in a state of disunity, mostly the nuclear explosion starts swallows by the storm and roaring flame that survives also nothing to be worried. 饕餮虫群丧失母巢意志,变成一盘散沙,大多被核爆掀起的暴风与烈焰吞噬,残存下来的也不足为虑。 The battleship opens the fan to lock the guard/shield, resists shock-wave and fatal radiation that the nuclear explosion region conducts. 战舰撑开迷锁护罩,抵挡核爆地带传导过来的冲击波和致命辐射。 Goes out to hunt and kill the abyss demon scorpion the heavenly palace special police officer, has retreated, under asylum that the fan locks, looks out nuclear explosion, the innermost feelings are deeply amazed, all fall into for a while silent. 外出猎杀深渊魔蝎的天宫特警,早已撤退回来,在迷锁的庇护下,遥望核爆现场,内心深受震撼,一时全都陷入沉默。 Crossed for a long time, the special police officers recover, inquired mutually is who is so flagitious, crashes in the insect nest detonation nuclear bomb directly?! 过了许久,特警们才回过神来,相互打听是谁这么凶残,直接冲进虫巢引爆核弹?! Range estimate at least detonated three nuclear bombs.” “目测至少引爆了三颗核弹。” Is who does? Tete was exaggerating!” “是谁干的?太特么夸张了!” Heard that is red Brother Long.” “听说是红龙哥。” Oh... that was all right.” “噢…那没事了。” When everyone knew, the god operation of this simple and crude, stems from red Brother Long who” yesterday returned to the unit the hand, all shows really so expression, no one feels the accident/surprise. 当大家得知,这个简单粗暴的神操作,出自昨天才归队的“红龙哥”之手,全都露出“果然如此”的表情,没有一人觉得意外。 Bridge command hall. 舰桥指挥大厅。 Soars to turn on the astrolabe, receives the 3 A level duty reward. 高飞打开星盘,领取3A级任务奖励。 Astrolabe energy + 5. 星盘能量。 Special service overall 30,000. 特勤积分3万。 Duty empirical value 300,000. 任务经验值30万。 Very long has not received the duty to reward, the feeling of harvest is really good. 很久没有领取任务奖励了,丰收的感觉真好。 Hunts and kills four to challenge rank 20 gluttony nest mother, altogether obtains 100,000 fight empirical values, in addition the duty reward, soars the empirical value of reserve, exceeds 400,000, enough starts to rise the full 20 levels a vice- occupation from zero. 猎杀四只挑战等级20的饕餮巢母,总共获得10万点战斗经验值,再加上任务奖励,高飞储备的经验值,一举突破40万大关,足够把一门副职业从零开始升满20级。 The special service overall, brings to exchange the specialty as usual. 特勤积分,照例还是拿来兑换专长。 Soared first chose two legendary specialties, castle in the air and weapon grandmaster. 高飞先选了两个传奇专长,“空中楼阁”和“武器宗师”。 ...... …… Castle in the air: When studies the high rank specialty and special capability, is seen as satisfies all preconditions. 空中楼阁:学习和使用高阶专长与特殊能力时,视同满足一切先决条件。 Weapon grandmaster( prerequisite: Weapon Grandmaster): The use random weapon, the attack examination is preponderant, includes the double skilled revisions ; Weapon automatic penetration legend following any type reducing wound armor, and injury dice takes the maximum value automatically. 武器宗师(前置:武器大师):使用任意武器,攻击检定具有优势,算入双倍熟练修正;武器自动穿透传奇以下任何类型的减伤护甲,并且伤害骰自动取最大值。 ...... …… Weapon grandmaster this legendary specialty, is powerful, but wants to learn is not easy, must first grasp prerequisite specialty weapon Grandmaster. “武器宗师”这个传奇专长,非常给力,但是想要习得并不容易,先得掌握前置专长“武器大师”。 Weapon Grandmaster is an accurate legendary specialty, the prerequisite condition is higher weapon studies and higher weapon is expert. “武器大师”属于一个准传奇专长,前置条件是“高等武器专攻”和“高等武器专精”。 However higher weapon studies and higher weapon is expert, must study andweapon with weapon is expert inthese two foundation specialties as the prerequisite condition...... 然而“高等武器专攻”和“高等武器专精”,又要以“武器专攻”和“武器专精”这两个基础专长作为前置条件…… Visible trouble! 肉眼可见的麻烦! Soars first studies castle in the air, for the prerequisite condition that to avoid the above point of link wraps, learns weapon grandmaster directly. 高飞先学“空中楼阁”,就是为了免除上述环环相套的前置条件,直接习得“武器宗师”。 Also remains 10000 special service overalls, soars the jump legend specialty list, being used to exchange one to be suitable to slaughter the colony lifeform the myth specialty, is called death knell halo! 还剩10000点特勤积分,高飞跳过传奇专长列表,用来兑换一个非常适合屠杀集群生物的神话专长,叫做“丧钟光环”! Death knell halo( prerequisite condition: Blood sucking halo or blasphemed spiritual energy): The strength of expenditure myth( astrolabe energy), opens halo at most one hour together ; Suppresses in 300 chi (0.33 m) all hostile lifeform fast self-recovery and to cut off limb continually continues andregeneration againas well as similar special physique ; Every time kills a hostile lifeform, absorbs opposite party half HP for treating oneself, after full blood , to continue to hemophagia, can obtain is equivalent to oneself maximum HP temporary life value at most. 丧钟光环(前置条件:“吸血光环”或者“亵渎灵气”):花费一道神话之力(星盘能量),开启光环至多一小时;持续压制300尺内所有敌对生物“快速自愈”、“断肢重续”、“再生”以及类似的特殊体质;每杀死一个敌对生物,吸收对方半数HP用于治疗自身,满血后继续吸血,可以获得至多相当于自身最大HP的临时生命值。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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