Newestwebsite: After thatcontestended, KouNagave very highappraisaltoriverFeng'sstrength, but alsothinksmagnanimousstatement:
最新网址:那场较量结束后,寇娜对江枫的实力给予了很高的评价,还自认为大度的提出:„Iapproveyourstrength, so long asyoutoleratemeandsoaroccasionally the lover's rendezvous, turns a blind eye, Iam also willingto respectyourmain wifemadameposition, even ifshouted that your older sisteris also good!”
“我认可你的实力,只要你容忍我和高飞偶尔幽会,睁一只眼闭一只眼,我也愿意尊重你的正室夫人地位,哪怕喊你姐姐也行!”Listened toKouNa the words, riverFengaerobicalsofunnily, toldherfrankly:
听了寇娜的话,江枫好气又好笑,坦率地告诉她:„The seductress who wantsto enticemy husbandmust, howeverthey must install the green tea, likebadwoman who yougoes straight there and comes straight back, I first meet!”
“想勾引我老公的狐狸精多得很,然而她们好歹还要装一下绿茶,像你这样直来直去的坏女人,我还是头一回遇见!”KouNaimproper ambition, riverFengcannot certainlycomply. Howeverthinks the strength of opposite partyaboveoneself, after turning into the woman, growswithoneselflooks like, thisis the advantage that otherseductressesdo not have, starts the sense of crisis, was worried that was snatched the husbandbyher, wantsto becomeurgentlystronger!
寇娜的非分之想,江枫当然不能答应。然而一想到对方的实力在自己之上,变成女人之后还跟自己长得这么像,这是别的狐狸精都不具备的优势,不禁兴起危机感,担心被她抢了老公,迫切想要变得更强!Aftermartial arts contestexchange, riverFengstemming from the entertaining a guestetiquette, askingKouNato have the breakfastin the ship-bornerestaurant, made a veiled attackinquiredto her howcanbreak through the legendarybottleneck.
比武交流过后,江枫出于待客礼仪,请寇娜在舰载餐厅吃了顿早饭,旁敲侧击地向她打听,怎样才能突破传奇瓶颈。Althougheach otheris a love rival, butKouNaas if not dislikeher, but also is gladto share the martial skill and magicwithhervery much, cannot seesign that hides contraband.
虽说彼此是情敌,但是寇娜似乎并不讨厌她,还很乐意跟她分享武技和魔法,看不出藏私的迹象。„Arrived your stage, was unable through the purecultivationpromotionboundary, to challenge the powerful enemy, particularly the powerful enemy of legendaryrank, seeks the sensibilityin the actual combat, maybreak through the bottleneck.”
寇娜坦率地告诉江枫。„InitiallyIwasthis, braved the riskchallengelegenddevil of a narrow escape, struggles hardto striketo kill the opponentfrom now on, suddenlywonderfulsudden enlightenmentfeelings, thensuccessfullyentered the steplegendboundary!”
“当初我就是这样,冒着九死一生的风险挑战传奇恶魔,苦战过后击杀对手,忽然有一种妙不可言的顿悟感触,然后就成功进阶传奇境界了!”„Do not think that Iam flickeringyou! Ifyoudo not believeme, canasksoars, healsobreaks through!”
“别以为我是在忽悠你!如果你不相信我,可以去问高飞,他也是这么突破的!”riverFengknows certainly how soarsto break through the bottleneck, sinceKouNasaid not empty, oneselfas if can also draw on the experience that sheandsoared, throughchallenging the powerful enemybroke through the bottleneck, entered the legendaryboundary.
江枫当然知道高飞是怎么突破瓶颈的,既然寇娜所言非虚,自己似乎也可以借鉴她和高飞的经验,通过挑战强敌突破瓶颈,进入传奇境界。By that time, shehad the energyto expelto attemptto become the smallthreeblade edgeprincesses!
到那时候,她就有底气打跑妄图当小三的刀锋公主了!Withsuch thought that riverFengentered for the demonscorpionhunt-killer teamon own initiative.
怀着这样的念头,江枫主动报名参加了魔蝎猎杀队。Selects an abyssdemonscorpiononly, to heris too simple, cannot compelownlimit.
单挑一只深渊魔蝎,对她来说太简单,逼不出自己的极限。By an enemytwo, one has the test of pressureactually, couldobtainsomesensibility.
The teammatesare confidentto the strength of riverwoman, according toplanningto take the action.
队友都对江女侠的实力有信心,按照计划展开行动。„Bigscorpion! Young master'smyartillerytubeis very thick, youendure!”
The simultaneous/uniformdaylifts upfilling„mail carrier” the bazooka, towas comingoneroundto the demonscorpion that oneselfgrimaced!
齐天扛起装填“绿色天使”的火箭筒,冲着正在对自己呲牙咧嘴的魔蝎来了一发!Rests- Peng!!
The rocketsprings the chest cavity, is draggingtogether the white smokebangto the greatscorpion.
火箭弹出膛,拖着一道白烟轰向巨蝎。At this moment, the demonscorpionturns upwards the tailsuddenly, projectstogether the scarletlight beam, hits the rocket projectile in midairstraightly, will succeedto intercept.
就在这时,魔蝎突然翘起尾巴,射出一道猩红光束,笔直击中半空中的火箭弹,成功将之拦截下来。„Idepend!”simultaneous/uniformheavensees thatto be startled, „can also like this?!”
The explosionthundersstillreverberatesin the lair, the demonscorpionhas throwncourageous, raisestwoanchor the giantterminal segments of chelicera, poundsruthlesslytosimultaneous/uniformheaven.
The partly visiblebeautiful womanspider, suddenlyappearsinsimultaneous/uniformheavenbehind, stretches outpair of nakedwhite delicate arms, surrounds the master.
砰!!Twoscorpionpliers, poundlayer on layer/heavilyon the ground.
两只蝎钳,重重砸在地上。simultaneous/uniformheaven the form, onestephas first vanished, drew in the spirit worldby the spiderangel, avoids the scorpionpliersto beatthrillingly.
齐天的身影,已经先一步消失,被蛛天使拖入灵界,惊险避开蝎钳殴打。Oppositedirt wallblasts outsuddenly, a buildcompared withdemonscorpionsmall many greatalligatorflushed, twists the mouth sidewisebig mouth, bitesscorpionpliersruthlessly.
】Tied downby the alligatorangelwhile being bewitchedscorpion, simultaneous/uniformheavenrides the spiderangelto flutter the spirit world, appearsin the pile of stones.
The spiderangelraisesjust like the upper part of sexybeautiful woman, sends out a screamsuddenly, the goldencharmfluctuationsurges the proliferation.
蛛天使昂起宛如性感美女的上半身,陡然发出一声尖叫,金色魔力波动激荡扩散。All aroundbulkrock, was activatedby the spiderangel, turns into20large-scaleconstructionsto install the spider.
四周的大块岩石,被蛛天使活化,变成二十只大型构装蜘蛛。simultaneous/uniformheaven conducts the backineachrockspider, the skilledloadtime bomb, controls remotelythemto plunge the abyssdemonscorpionthrough the spiderangel.
齐天在每一只岩石蜘蛛背上,熟练的装上定时炸弹,通过蛛天使遥控它们扑向深渊魔蝎。Fourrockspiders, but alsowithoutapproachingpulled outby the tail of demonscorpionflies.
四只岩石蜘蛛,还没靠近就被魔蝎的尾巴抽飞。Other16spiders, crawlto the demonscorpiononsmoothly.
其余十六只蜘蛛,顺利爬到魔蝎身上。„big mouth, drops to the groundquickly!”
“大嘴,快卧倒!”simultaneous/uniformTianchong the alligatorangelshouted a throat.
The greatalligatorhears the masterto remind, immediatelyjumps in the middle ofnearbygulf, before two , the clawgrasps the headtightly, shrinksonegroup.
巨鳄听到主人提醒,立刻跳进附近的深坑当中,两只前爪紧抱住脑袋,缩成一团。Outside the pittransmits a loud soundmomentarily, the roaring flamesoars.
The bomb that 16rockspiders conduct the back the detonation, explodesonepile of rottenmeat the abyssdemonscorpionsimultaneouslydirectly, dies not entirecorpse.
十六只岩石蜘蛛背上的炸弹同时起爆,直接把深渊魔蝎炸成一堆烂肉,死无全尸。Another side, Wang Daqingluckis good, facing„scarletdeath ray that” the abyssdemonscorpionshoots, lifts the shieldstandardto keep off, succeedsto trigger„reflection”special effect.
The light beamlake that the demonscorpionwas reversedsuddenly a face, startedto petrifyfrom the headslowly.
魔蝎冷不防被反转回来的光束湖了一脸,从头部开始缓缓石化。„Thiscalledto ask for trouble!”
“这就叫自讨苦吃!”oldComradekinglaughs, lifts up the bazooka, projects a round of TNT equivalenthas1000tonstntfully„mail carrier”to being bewitchedscorpion, immediatelythrows down the bazooka, lifts the shieldstandardto keep off the shock-wave that the explosionproduces.
The demonscorpion that in the explosive sound, the halfbodyhas petrifiedwas killedby the bangat the scene, hashed meatandcrushed stoneblendingonegroup, red and whitemotley, shocking.
爆炸声中,半边身子已经石化的魔蝎被当场轰杀,碎肉与碎石混成了一团,红白斑驳,触目惊心。Thesetwomonths, horseYun the progressis biggest, has promoted17levels of special police officerand14levels of strangeXieshi, activatedtworockgiants, in additionbazooka.
这两个月,马芸的进步最大,已经晋升17级特警兼14级奇械师,一口气活化了两尊岩石巨人,外加一支火箭筒。Shemakes the rockgiantgo forwardto besiege the demonscorpion, oneselfhideinbehind, the remote controlfloats the bazookainmidair, locks the demonscorpionlaunchrocket projectile.
The demonscorpionperceives the danger, shoves open the rockgiantfuriously, raises the tail, fires the light beaminterceptionrocket projectile.
魔蝎觉察到危险,奋力推开岩石巨人,昂起尾巴,发射光束拦截火箭弹。Howeverithas not thought, the rocket projectilewas also activatedbyponyschoolmate, unexpectedlyturns roundin the midair, avoids the light beaminterception, from a verycunningangle, kisses the demonscorpionstartledbigmouth!
The thickrocket projectile, sneaks in the demonscorpionmouth, the thoroughthroat, followsdepressedthundering, from inside to outside, Menglieexplosion!
粗大的火箭弹,钻进魔蝎嘴里,深入喉咙,伴随一声沉闷的轰鸣,自内而外,勐烈爆炸!Whensubsidesto the explosive sound, smoke from guns vanishes, horseYuncancels the singleair-raid shelter that „tensionlawball”constructs, raised the headlooks, oppositethatdemonscorpiononlyhas the halfto be complete, the upper parthad been explodedby the rocket projectilecrushes.
待到爆炸声平息下来,硝烟散尽,马芸取消“弹力法球”构筑的单人防空洞,抬头一瞧,对面那只魔蝎只剩下半截还算完整,上半身已经被火箭弹炸得粉碎。horsebig waveputting forthas always„groupwolf”tactic, breaks through enemy linesusing the summonlifeform, oneselfhideinbehindkills by stealth.
马涛一如既往的使出“群狼”战术,利用召唤生物冲锋陷阵,自己躲在后面打黑枪。Just, with the promotion of rank, now his summonlifeformno longeris the commonwild animal.
The giantwindelementchanges to the tornado, surrounds an demonscorpion.
巨型风元素化作龙卷风,困住一只魔蝎。Meanwhile, by the giantearthelement that horsebig wavesummoned, snuckfrom the placebottomto the demonscorpionunder footquietly, the sturdyboth armsbroke out from the groundsuddenly, held the tail of demonscorpionnot to let gotightly.
与此同时,还有一尊被马涛召唤出来的巨型土元素,从地底悄然潜行到魔蝎脚下,粗壮的双臂突然破土而出,紧抓住魔蝎的尾巴不撒手。Aboveis the tornadohowls, the sharpwindbladebrutalcuttingflesh, belowwas caught the tailby the earthelement, cannot withdraw.
The abyssdemonscorpionencounters the high and lowconverging attack, is miserable beyond description.
深渊魔蝎遭到上下夹攻,苦不堪言。Supportedreluctantly for twominutes, carapacewas cut to piecesby the windblade, a bulkbulkpeeling, reveals the bloodytendermeat.
The demonscorpionknows,delaysagainlike this, oneselfwill be strangled to deathquicklywhile still alive.
Under has no recourse, has toendure sufferingfrombreaking the scorpiontail, gets rid of the earthelementimmobilization, breaks through the tornadofetterfuriously.
--Thisbookalsohas about tenchaptersto end the itself/Ben.
本书还有十章左右就完本。Yearlatersends the new book.
年后发新书。Thistimeleadis a master.
The type, shouldcalculate„sorcererflows” an anomalous form.
类型,应该算“巫师流”的一个变体。Has the dndelement, butnotso manyhypotheses and data, will concentrate on a lecture of story.
大体就是这样。WisheveryoneHappy New Year!
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