SFMW :: Volume #4 神盾局特工小队篇

#425: 425. Frigga body dies ( 1 )

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of momentarily reading «the Salt fish latest chapter of novel Marvel World»... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《漫威世界的咸鱼》最新章节... What a pity, finally, Thor was unable to knock down Loki, because extinguished the attack of tyrant steamship. Almost the flash, big ship main artillery their spaceships, rumbled two halves. Under the huge impact, has divided two people thoroughly. Afterward the crowded fire is attacking the spaceship unceasingly, made Thor not have the free time to manage Loki again. 可惜了,最终,托尔未能将洛基打晕,因为灭霸大船的攻击来了。几乎一瞬间的,大舰主炮就将他们的飞船,轰成了两半。巨大的冲击下,将两人彻底分了开来。随后密集的炮火不断的攻击着飞船,也让托尔再也没工夫去管洛基了。 Has not incurred! 没招! Only can sit waiting for death. 只能坐以待毙。 On the ability of fire, the match who the Thor spaceship does not extinguish Tyrant Dajian. How not to mention the firepower, only by the physique is not the others enemies of gathering. 论炮火的能力,托尔的飞船远不是灭霸大舰的对手。且不说火力如何了,单论块头就不是人家的一合之敌。 Others entire ship fire complete/even open/start, can make into the screen them instantaneously, but they...... Makes a small opening to others at the most, does not have the wound to obstruct greatly. 人家全舰炮火齐开,瞬间就能将他们打成筛子,而他们呢……顶天给人家打出一个小口子来,无伤大碍的。 --/ we have encountered the attack. / ——/我们遭遇了袭击。/ Redundant, we have encountered the attack. / 重复,我们遭遇了袭击。/ The engine flameout, the life-support system is on the verge of the collapse. / 引擎熄火,生命保障系统濒临崩溃。/ Requested nearby spaceship support. / 请求附近飞船支援。/ We are away from Asgard 22 jump points. / 我们距离阿斯加德22个跳跃点。/ On the ship the personnel are the Asgard families, here soldier is few. / 船上人员均是阿斯加德家庭,这里的士兵很少。/ This is not a battleship...... Redundant, this is not a battleship. / 这并非战舰……重复,这并非战舰。/ The ships have sent out the distress signal, but unfortunately, they could not wait to arrive at that moment. 舰船发出了求救信号,但可惜的是,他们等不到那一刻到来了。 Thor can only look helplessly, own ship hit pulp. He can not carry any equipment, but free entry deep sea and outer space, resistance 9000 degrees Fahrenheit superhigh temperature, and low temperature above the zero absolute temperature, but he cannot fight to play the thunder and lightning in the universe. 托尔只能眼睁睁的看着,自己的船被打的稀巴烂。他可以不携带任何装备而自由的进入深海和太空,抵抗华氏9000度的超高温,及绝对零度之上的低温,但他并不能只身在宇宙里战斗耍雷电。 The fight does not have the suspense. 战斗毫无悬念。 Extinguishes killing half that the tyrant always advocates, keeps half. 灭霸一向主张的杀一半,留一半。 In black luminary five under joint effort, do not need to extinguish the tyrant to make a move from the start personally, Thor was hit to not having the place of hitting back, Thor loses. 在黑曜五将的合力下,压根不需要灭霸亲自出手,托尔就被打至毫无还手之地,托尔输了。 50% people die, the other half person is forced to wander on half broken ship, where does not know the whereabouts, waited for that their results can be anything. 一半人身死,另一半人被迫漂流在半艘残破的船上,不知道去向何方,等待她们的结局又会是什么。 Now what enters the stage will be black luminary five, but non- black shining four, super-giant. 现在出场的是黑曜五将,而非黑耀四将,超巨星也在内。 In cartoon, 在漫画里, After extinguishing the tyrant to defeat the black bat king to destroy flatter raises the orchid, the super-giant uses oneself unstable mind control to control the black bat king to read the information, and controls the black bat king to attack the Earth heroes. What a pity, was transmitted by the pet big dog tetanus of crystal to the different space finally, was killed by the antimatter bomb. 灭霸击败黑蝠王毁灭阿提兰之后,超巨星利用自己不稳定的心灵控制能力控制黑蝠王读取信息,并操控黑蝠王攻击地球英雄们。可惜,最终被水晶的宠物大狗破伤风传送到异空间,被反物质炸弹炸死。 In movie did she die? 在电影里她死了么? Does not know. 不知道。 But now extinguishes tyrant one line of not to have the battle with Inhumans. 但现在灭霸一行人跟异人族还未有交战。 After all Inhumans and x fights the police not to appear in the Marvel movie, therefore super-giant type is bought the soy sauce in the cartoon the role, to combat echelon that in the movie she has not corresponded, definitely does not need to appear. 毕竟异人族和x战警都不会出现在漫威电影中,因此超巨星这种本来在漫画中就是打酱油的角色,到了电影中并没有她对应的战斗部分,也就完全没有必要出现了。 In mother hundred Cauri, super-giant did not have any material, was in five people the length are it may be said that least. 在度娘百科里,超巨星就没啥资料了,可谓是五人里篇幅最少的。 Moreover, were many super-giant, are many a motion capture role, the cost will enhance, budget budget. 而且,多了超巨星,就多了一个动作捕捉角色,成本会提高,预算啊预算。 Then the ability of super-giant is mind control, to a certain extent and ebony throat was redundant. 然后超巨星的能力是心灵控制,某种程度上和乌木喉重复了。 Therefore «Parallel-serie 3» in has erased the super-giant role, is not because she dies outside too space...... 所以《复联3》里面删掉了超巨星的角色,并不是因为她死在的外太空间…… The words will say black luminary five belch fart, except for ebony throat. 话说黑曜五将都嗝屁了,除了乌木喉。 Black dwarf star: Leads the cutting edge health/guard to invade Wakanda to reach, was defeated by the black leopard, returns meets pursuer Romania , Yugoslavia on the way, a hammer explodes the head. 黑矮星:带领先锋卫入侵瓦坎达,被黑豹击败,返回途中遇到控诉者罗南,一锤爆头。 Naturally, other perishing blade general and dark night proxima belch fart, the cartoon was also different from the movie. 当然,其余的亡刃将军、暗夜比邻星也嗝屁了,漫画跟电影不同。 Actually ebony throat a little meaning. 倒是乌木喉有点儿意思。 He instigated to extinguish tyrant's son thane to defeat extinguished the tyrant, and as assisting the minister controlled the thane becomes a side feudal lord, but they were held by the independent perishing blade general finally. But the ebony throat has shown the betrayal instinct once more, he took the thane to obtain the forgiveness of perishing blade general as the price, later vanished in the universe, did not have the message again. 他教唆灭霸之子塞恩击败了灭霸,并且作为辅佐大臣操控塞恩成为一方诸侯,但最终他们被独立的亡刃将军抓住。而乌木喉再次彰显了背叛的本能,他以塞恩为代价得到了亡刃将军的宽恕,之后消失在宇宙中,再无音讯。 In movie, was rumbled the spaceship...... The life and death does not know. 在电影里面,也是被轰出了飞船……生死不知。 Listened to me saying that you must be happy. You were saved by great Titan fortunately, perhaps you thought that this is suffers, not, this is to save. Because of your sacrifices, the universe balance can balance. Smiles, even if died, you also became child who extinguishes Tyrant.” The ebony throat talked over , to continue duty that was to poison people's minds. “听我说,你们应当开心。你们有幸被伟大泰坦所拯救,你们或许觉得这是折磨,不是的,这是拯救。因为你们的牺牲,宇宙的天平得以平衡。笑笑吧,即便是死了,你们也成为了灭霸的孩子。”乌木喉念念叨叨的,继续做着自己蛊惑人心的任务。 This saying, Kino thinks fan really his palm of the hand. 这话,奇诺真想扇他一巴掌。 Balanced? 平衡? The balance is two sides, the two sides have the thing to balance, you have massacred one side...... Another side will sink, balanced cake balanced! 天平是两边的,两边都有物才能平衡,你杀掉了一边的……另一边就会沉下去,平衡个粑粑啊平衡! I understand the feeling of failure.” Extinguished the tyrant to go on stage personally, big hand pinched the head of Thor to carry, knows obviously sincerely you were right, was actually defeated, was very fearful, making the leg of person become tender.” “我懂得失败的感觉。”灭霸亲自上场了,大手捏着托尔的脑袋拎了起来,“明明深切的知道你是对的,却还是失败了,是很可怕,让人的腿发软。” But I asked you, this why?” “但我问你,这又何必?” Fear, evades, destiny association arrives. Now it came, or I should say, I came!” Extinguished the tyrant to hold up on the Infinity glove a that only strength gem, its top on the Thor forehead, handed over the universe Rubik's cube, traded your elder brother's head, you should have choices.” “害怕,逃避,命运总会到来。现在它来了,或者我该说,我来了!”灭霸举起了无限手套上那唯一的一颗力量宝石,将其顶在托尔额头上,“交出宇宙魔方,换你哥哥的脑袋,你应该有所取舍吧。” Naturally, has killed him.” Loki suffices the unfeeling. “当然,杀了他吧。”洛基够绝情的。 Extinguishes the tyrant rubbish, the strength gem has gone against, when Thor Vung Tau presents the purple turtle crack, the pitiful yell sound again and again. 灭霸也不废话,力量宝石顶了过去,托尔的头顿时出现紫色的龟裂纹,惨叫声连连。 „----” “啊啊啊————” Was good, stop!” Loki shouted. “好了,住手!”洛基大喊。 In his heart the human nature is good, otherwise does not look that the Thor ache arrives to shout, but burst into tears. 他的心中还是有一丝人性善良,要不然也不会看着托尔疼痛到大喊,而流泪了。 Universe Rubik's cube here, it was not destroyed on Asgard.” Thor said. “宇宙魔方不在我们这里,它在阿斯加德上被毁了。”托尔说道。 Loki took the cube finally. 洛基最终还是将立方拿了出来。 You...... Really is the most disappointing younger brother.” “你……真是个最差劲的弟弟。” Thor wants to sneak attack to extinguish the tyrant, had actually been surrounded with the steel by the ebony throat, he looked at severely wounded Heimdall one silently. In another side, Sif injures on adds the wound, does not rescue...... On evening! 托尔想要偷袭灭霸,却被乌木喉用钢铁困住了,他默默的看了重伤的海姆达尔一眼。在另一边,希芙伤上加伤,再不救……就晚了! In the final time, Thor has thought suddenly the Kino words, that has accompanied in his female, has a deficit too! 在最后的时刻,托尔忽然想到了奇诺的话,那个一直陪在他身边的女子,亏欠太多! Delivers her to leave with Loki...... Loki, Loki...... / 送她跟洛基离开……洛基呢,洛基……/ Thor shouts in the mind, but he actually with amazement discovered, Loki does disappear? Damn, where did he go to? The queen mother had been forwarded to female martial God by Sif, female martial God took the other half to embark to leave. Now he most is in suspense is Sif with Loki, but, did Loki vanish? 托尔在脑海里呼喊,而他却惊讶的发现,洛基不见了?该死的,他去了哪里?母后已经被希芙转给了女武神,又女武神带上了另一半上船离开了。现在他最放心不下的就是希芙跟洛基,可是,洛基消失了? The super-giant shot a look at Sif one eyes, but has not acted finally, she looks comes out...... This woman oil lamp was completely dry, perhaps cannot insist to Earth. 超巨星瞥了希芙一眼,但最终还是没有动作,她看的出来……这女人油尽灯枯了,或许都坚持不到去往地球。 Also, this person was unimportant, the key was Loki...... Wonderful, does he disappear? 再说,这人也不重要,关键是洛基……奇了,他怎么不见了? The super-giant looks toward all around. 超巨星朝四周看去。 Extinguished the tyrant took the gem the time a moment ago loosened Thor, the Thor sneak attack, Loki then threw down the cube to avoid. 刚才灭霸去拿宝石的时候松开了托尔,托尔偷袭,洛基便丢下立方躲开了。 Here does not have Hulk. 这里没有绿巨人 The quite prominent ability of ebony throat in the movie is the thought moves to the thing also to have black tongue, but the super-giant was fiercer, does not need to talk to hide can steal your memory, and controls your spirit. «Parallel-serie 2» in Scarlet Witch had demonstrated steals the memory the ability, but the super-giant can steal, but can also control the spirit of opposite party to devote life to for oneself. 乌木喉在电影里比较突出的能力就是意念移物还有‘黑舌’,而超巨星就更厉害了,不需要动嘴皮子就能偷取你的记忆,并且控制你的精神。《复联2》里绯红女巫展示了偷取记忆的能力,而超巨星能偷取,还能控制对方的精神为自己效命。 Therefore she read out the Thor memory, but...... Has not made a move to stop, she is looking for the Loki form. 所以她读出了托尔的记忆,但……并没有出手阻拦,她在找洛基的身影。
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