SFMW :: Volume #4 神盾局特工小队篇

#423: 423. Initiates Ragnarök

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of momentarily reading «the Salt fish latest chapter of novel Marvel World»... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《漫威世界的咸鱼》最新章节... Hela walks slowly from the distant place, is stepping on the sexy cat step, let alone...... This curve is very energetic, has been a pity that face. 海拉自远处缓缓走来,踩着性感的猫步,别说……这曲线还真挺带劲的,就是可惜了那张脸了。 She coldly looks at three people, both hands is taking the sharp thorn at present, slowly, is step by step ordinary just like the cat play mouse, does not pay attention to three people completely. She must playing well, until their fighting spirit attrition completely. 她冷冷的望着眼前三人,双手拿着尖刺,一步步缓缓的,宛如猫戏老鼠一般,完全不将三人放在眼里。她要好好的玩,直到将他们的斗志磨损殆尽。 Loki has scratched the blood of corners of the mouth: Hits her with the lightning.” 洛基擦了擦嘴角的血:“用闪电打她。” I just in strongest the lightning with history hit her, does not affect.” Thor is somewhat weak. “我刚用史上最强的闪电打她了,毫无作用。”托尔有些无力。 He is thinking, if Kino comes, can chop her? 他在想,如果是奇诺来的话,会不会劈死她呢? We must block her, embarked until everybody.” Female martial God shouts. “我们得挡住她,直到大家都上了船。”女武神喊道。 That is not ends. Hela treats for a long time in Asgard, she is more formidable, she will find our. We must prevent her in this time this place!” “那也不是个完。海拉阿斯加德待得越久,她就越强大,她会找到我们的。我们得在此时此地阻止她!” Therefore, what to do we should?” Female martial God asked. “所以,我们该怎么办?”女武神问。 Looked at behind Asgard people, if wants before Hela arrives on escapes to the giant universe ship on, hehe...... Perhaps quite difficult. 看了一眼身后的阿斯加德人民,要想在海拉到来之前上到巨大宇宙船上逃生,呵呵……恐怕会相当的难。 Thor deep sigh: Asgard is never a place, but is the people are.” 托尔深深的叹息了一声:“阿斯加德从来就不是一个地方,而是人民的所在。” He is making a difficult decision. 他在做一个艰难的决定。 Loki. We do not prevent Ragnarök, we must initiate Ragnarök. Sur Turle's royal crown in the bunker, can only so.” 洛基。我们根本不是要阻止诸神黄昏,我们要引发诸神黄昏。苏尔特尔的王冠在地堡里,只能如此。” They have been shocked, comes really? 两人都震惊了,来真的? Really bold, Elder Brother, I cannot think.” “真大胆,哥哥,我都不敢相想。” As always, runs by Loki to the mausoleum chamber. 还是一如既往的,由洛基跑向地宫。 In prevents on the Hela road, Thor snatched his mother Frigga successfully. Looks by the dead souls magic heart spatial mother, Thor grievedly, but also can only knock down it, then bundles temporary gives the Heimdall belt to embark nursing. 在来阻止海拉的路上,托尔已经成功抢到了他母亲弗丽嘉。看着被死灵魔法心空的母亲,托尔心痛不已,但无奈之下也只能将其打晕,然后捆起来暂时的交给海姆达尔带上船看护。 She is different from Sif, Sif comes under the doom magic attack to corrode directly, even if Hela died...... Her wound will not convalesce, can only look for other methods. But Frigga is different, she by the Hela indirect control, so long as Hela died...... The control magic arts will expire. 她跟希芙不同,希芙是直接受到死命魔法攻击侵蚀,就算海拉死了……她的伤也不会痊愈,只能找其他法子。但弗丽嘉不同,她是被海拉间接操控的,只要海拉死了……操控法术就会失效。 Therefore Hela must die. 所以海拉必死。 What a pity, two people cooperation were doomed unable to kill Hela, Thor and female martial God were stopping. 可惜,两人的合作注定了是杀不死海拉的,托尔与女武神只是在阻拦罢了。 The giant spaceship lifted off. 巨大飞船升空了。 Hela, sufficed! You want Asgard, it was your.” Thor shouted. 海拉,够了!你想要阿斯加德,它是你的了。”托尔大喊。 No matter you are playing any trick, will not succeed, you gave up any idea of that defeats me.” Hela grins fiendishly. “不管你在玩什么把戏,都不会成功的,你休想打败我。”海拉狞笑。 I know, but he can.” “我知道,但他能。” Thor points at behind was smiling, falls along with his voice, the royal palace shone innumerable sparks/Mars. The spark can set the prairie afire, almost blinks, the entire royal palace was lit. Along with the flaming combustion of flame, top royal palace was exploded loudly, a great antiquity huge form...... Is accompanying the Death roaring sound, fled. 托尔指着身后笑了笑,随着他的话音落下,王宫亮起了无数的火星。星星之火可以燎原,几乎眨眼之间,整座王宫被点燃了。随着火焰的熊熊燃烧,王宫顶部被轰然爆开,一个洪荒般的巨大身影……伴着死亡的咆哮声,窜了出来。 The day and place, turn into flame instantaneously. 天与地,瞬间变成火焰。 Roar--” “吼——” Shivers in my, Asgard, I am your end!” “在我脚下颤抖吧,阿斯加德,我是你的末日!” The hot giant acted crazy, is brandishing 400 meters giant long sword, cutting ruthlessly to all around. Asgard people on giant spaceship, are nerve-racking all safely, close one's eyes...... The corner of the eye tears drop. They lived homeland for a lifetime, must such...... Ended. 火巨人发飙了,挥舞着400米巨大长剑,狠狠的斩向四周。远在巨大飞船上的阿斯加德人民,无不安然伤神,闭着眼……眼角泪水滴落。他们生活了一辈子的家园,就要这么的……完了。 The family/home, did not have. 家,没了。 Heimdall is gazing at the present all just like the eye of starry sky, as if like camera, firmly this under record. 海姆达尔宛如星空的眼睛注视着眼前的一切,似乎如相机般,在牢牢的记录下这一幕。 I hate this prediction.” Although female martial God left, here as before is her family/home. “我恨这则预言。”女武神虽然离开了,这里依旧是她的家。 I am also! But only Gensoul Turle ruins Asgard, can ruin Hela, our people can be safe.” “我也是!但只有让苏尔特尔毁掉阿斯加德,才能毁掉海拉,我们的人民才能安全。” Un. These time did not have the Hulk halfway to jump to hit the monster. 嗯。这一次没有绿巨人半路跳出来打怪兽了。 hulk as if has become specialized has hit the monster the candidate. 浩克似乎已经成了专业打怪兽的人选了。 The plot one such as like that Hela only poked a fire the giant, but the stamina seemed to be insufficient, was held the Asgard center of the earth by a hot giant sword. 剧情一如原本那般,海拉单挑火巨人,但似乎后劲不足了,被火巨人一剑捅进了阿斯加德地心。 Immediately, the large explosion erupts. 随即,大爆炸爆发。 Bang-- 轰—— The Asgard flame erupts, earthquake! 阿斯加德火焰爆发,大地震! A numerous Asgard resident on giant universe ship, is gazing at the present this moment, is gazing at the hometown ruin at the last minute. 巨大宇宙船上的一众阿斯加德居民,注视着眼前的这一刻,注视着家乡被毁掉的这最后一刻。 The stone person spits the trough once more: „, Destroys is not serious. So long as the ground can also support, we can also reconstruct, it can become...... The refuge shelter of entire universe people and alien.” 石头人再次吐槽:“哦,毁的还不算严重。只要地基还撑得住,我们还能重建,它可以成为……全宇宙人民和外星人的避难所。” The words said why he can solely carry from the entire universe alien? 话说,他为何要单单把‘外星人’从全宇宙里拎出来呢? As his voice falls, a more violent explosion transmits, Bang Asgard turned into the powder powder. Shakes after the white light, changes makes the stars...... Scatters in the universes. 随着他的话音落下,更加猛烈的爆炸传来,嘭——阿斯加德变成了齑粉。一震白光过后,变作星辰……散落于宇宙之间。 Then the ground did not have, sorry.” Stone person crow mouth. “这下地基是没了,抱歉。”石头人乌鸦嘴。 On the plot, everyone is inferior to Loki. 论阴谋,谁也不及洛基 Good, this going against heaven's will. 好吧,这个逆天。 Raffy: Was assassinated by the Loki sneak attack. 劳菲:被洛基偷袭刺死。 Odin: By Loki seal strength feeble lethal. 奥丁:被洛基封印力量衰弱致死。 Hela: Is killed by hot giant who Loki resurrects. 海拉:被洛基所复活的火巨人杀死。 Hot giant: Is done after by Loki resurrects. 火巨人:被洛基复活后自己作死。 Really has not done does not die. 还真是不作不死啊。 Numerous Asgard people start for oneself future destiny, but worried, where they do not know in the future, where can also go to? 一众阿斯加德人民开始为自己未来的命运,而担忧了,他们不知道未来在何方,又要去哪里? Looks at young new king, in the heart full is confused. 看着‘年轻’的新王,心中满是迷茫。 In the future where? 未来在何方呢? You make us avoid to exterminate, Asgard is not a place, is the people are.” Heimdall gives the final word. “你让我们免遭灭绝,阿斯加德不是一个地方,是人民所在。”海姆达尔一锤定音。 At this moment, a painful shout transmits, Frigga awoke. 就在这时,一声痛苦的喊声传来,弗丽嘉醒了。 Queen mother!” Thor ran hastily. “母后!”托尔连忙跑了过去。 „......” Loki also wants to pass, but he has thought suddenly the Thor words, hesitant one walked to go forward. “……”洛基也想过去,但他忽然想到了托尔的话,犹豫了一下还是走上前了。 „-- what I have made, what have I made?” After Frigga wakes up, both hands hold on the facial countenance all are being the lamentation. “啊——我都做了什么,我都做了些什么?”弗丽嘉醒来后,双手抱着头脸上全是悔恨。 Mother, mother, listening to me saying that was not your mistake, was Hela...... She obtained the proper penalty.” Thor grasps mother hastily, comforts to say. “母亲,母亲,听我说,不是你的错,是海拉……她已经获得了应有的惩罚了。”托尔连忙抱住母亲,安慰道。 Yes, Queen, I do not blame you.” Sif smiled. “是啊,王后,我并不怪您。”希芙笑了笑。 Sif, are you all right? The day, I have killed once the guard my soldier, I......” in Frigga or heart are unassuageable. “希芙,你没事吧?天,我杀了曾经护卫我的战士,我……”弗丽嘉还是心中难以平静。 Although she was controlled by the Hela magic, matter that but in fact she handles, as before she looks, but the body is unable to listen to itself to direct. Why this is, when at that time under her killer, murder while class tears. She is unable to control oneself body, she does not want to begin, but...... 她虽然被海拉的魔法控制住了,但实际上她所做的事情,她依旧看的到,只是身体无法听自己指挥罢了。这就是为何,在当时她下杀手的时候,一边杀人一边流眼泪了。她无法掌控自己的身体,她不想动手,但…… Passed, mother, passed.” Thor can only comfort. “都过去了,母亲,都过去了。”托尔只能安慰了。 Was right, we where?” Frigga then confused looks toward all around. “对了,我们在哪里?”弗丽嘉这才迷茫的朝四周看去。 Thor silent, shakes the head: Asgard already not, Hela...... Also died in Asgard, we...... Is preparing to hurry to toward Earth. Is Earth, our native places not?” 托尔沉默了一下,摇头:“阿斯加德已经不在了,海拉……也死在了阿斯加德,我们……正准备往地球赶去。地球,是我们的老家不是么?” Until this time, an numerous Asgard talented person suddenly, yes, Earth was the Asgard place of origin. In early is very very early beforehand Norwegian one generation, there is ancestors' hometown. 直到这时,一众阿斯加德人才恍然,是啊,地球是阿斯加德的发源地。在很早很早之前的挪威一代,那里便是祖先们的家乡。 Although Asgard did not have, but native place also , is also not considered as that the headless fly. 阿斯加德虽然没了,但‘老家’还在,也不算是无头苍蝇了。 Here, a not too harmonious sound appeared. 就在这里,一个不太和谐的声音出现了。 Dear Elder Brother, we should calculate...... Formerly matter?” “亲爱的哥哥,我们该算一下……先前的事情了吧?” Loki...... 洛基……
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