SFMW :: Volume #4 神盾局特工小队篇

#421: 421. Hits flying Lear

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of momentarily reading «the Salt fish latest chapter of novel Marvel World»... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《漫威世界的咸鱼》最新章节... Damn, that smelly dog cannot kill.” “该死的,那条臭狗干不掉。” Gatling shell cannot rumble Lear, the artillery hits on it, only splashed innumerable sparks/Mars, did not have p to use. 加特林炮弹轰不掉芬里尔,火炮打在它身上,只溅起了无数的火星子,没p用。 Golden commander number hovering. 金色司令号悬停着。 It is fortunate that also Lear will not fly, or does not have the hulk jump strength like that otherwise the commander number early was pounded. 也得亏芬里尔不会飞,或者没有浩克那般的跳跃力,否则司令号早被砸下来了。 Situation is not quite wonderful......” “情况不太妙啊……” Evidently, Thor tied down. By his strength, possibly has not killed temporarily Hela. In Rainbow Bridge Asgard people, by converging attack. First has great wolf Lear, latter and boundless dead souls army. 看样子,托尔被缠住了。以他的力量,暂时还没可能干掉海拉的。彩虹桥上阿斯加德的人民,被前后夹击。前有巨狼芬里尔,后又无边的死灵大军。 The situation is less optimistic. 情况不容乐观。 But in the crowd can hit also on Heimdall, what a pity, Heimdall is only gatekeeper, the millenniums have not fought. Surplus...... It seems was also injured, the battle efficiency reduces greatly. 而人群里面能打的也就一个海姆达尔,可惜,海姆达尔只是个守门人,千年没有战斗过了。剩余一个……看上去还受了伤,战斗力大减。 Left Asgard very much long time ago, she did not recognize Sif. 很早就离开阿斯加德了,她可不认得希芙。 According to female martial God with the dialogue of Thor, she, when early was very very early left, because Thor very small time is thinking doing female military God was coming, afterward knows...... Others is a woman. 照女武神跟托尔的对话来看,她在很早很早的时候就已经离开了,因为托尔很小的时候就想着做‘女武神’来着,后来才知道……人家都是女人。 If makes Lear crash in the crowd, will have anything, clearly! 如果让芬里尔冲进人群,会发生什么,很明显! Damn!” “该死的!” Female martial God clenches teeth, as if stated decisively the idea. 女武神咬咬牙,似乎咬定了主意。 Butcher young married woman,-- bet.” “屠夫婆娘,——赌了。” After falling the accurate position, female martial God turned the steering wheel, the commander number wū wū was flying. 掉准方位后,女武神一扭方向盘,司令号呜呜着飞了下去。 But at this time, great wolf Lear also started the Death charge. 而此时,巨狼芬里尔也发动了死亡冲锋。 Sees with own eyes the fire to be invalid, a Heimdall life and death war. 眼见炮火无效,海姆达尔决死一战。 In that flash of engaging in hand-to-hand combat, the commander number wū wū was flushing, hit on Lear, hit Rainbow Bridge it. 就在短兵相接的那一刹那,司令号呜呜着冲了下来,一头撞在了芬里尔身上,将其撞下了彩虹桥。 Naturally, commander number also because of the huge momentum, causing the direction not to be steady, falls toward the sea that in circles. 当然,司令号也因为巨大的冲力,导致方向不稳,打着旋的朝海中下坠。 Damn, supports to me.” The female martial God doom is controlling the steering wheel. “该死的,给我撑住。”女武神死命的控制着方向盘。 Heimdall somewhat gawks, 海姆达尔有些楞, Hit? 撞下去了? He has deliberately considered without enough time, another side dead souls soldier flushed, he could not attend to diverting attention. 他来不及寻思了,另一边的死灵战士冲了上来,他也顾不上分心了。 Asgard is a very mysterious place, its whole is islands, the float island and sky island anything. Very mysterious place is, it has the water. The edge of sea water in islands falls in torrents, flows in the endless space, does not know where the Daoist believers did go to? Therefore what is very mysterious, where are these water born? 阿斯加德是一个很神奇的地方,它整体上来看是一座岛屿,浮游岛、天空岛什么的。很神奇的地方是,它是有水的。海水在岛屿的边缘倾泻而下,流入无尽的宇宙空间,不知道流去了哪里?所以很神奇的是,这些水从哪里诞生的? If born from the center of islands, that...... Why also will be continuous? 若是从岛屿的中心处诞生,那么……又为何会绵绵不绝? Kino does not know why nobody does know to be able? 奇诺不知道,没人知道会为何? But, so long as falls down from the edge, basically with is the same in the outer space, percentage hundred belch fart. 但,只要从边缘掉下去的,基本上就跟掉在太空一样,百分百嗝屁的。 The commander number was very with great difficulty steady, has not waited for female martial God to judge the direction, the hull has heard the giant bellow. She knows, Lear threw, is worrying crazily. Although the commander number guard/shield is very strong, but when passes through the devil consumed was similar. According to her sentences in advance , can also support 35 minutes. 司令号好不容易挺稳了,还没等女武神判断方向的,船身传来了巨大的轰鸣声。她知道,芬里尔扑了上来,正在疯狂的撕咬。司令号护罩虽然很强,但在穿越魔鬼的时候就已经消耗的差不多了。照她的预判,也就还能撑个35分钟。 Must go all out. 必须拼命了。 „The executioner mount of butcher young married woman,...... Killed you is also I exported foul odor.---- you give the old lady me dead.” “屠夫婆娘的刽子手坐骑,呵……干掉你也算是我出了口恶气了。啊啊啊啊————你给老娘我去死吧。” A female martial God revolution of steering wheel, commander number sobbing rushed over toward the Asgard edge fiercely. 女武神猛地一转方向盘,司令号‘呜咽’一声朝着阿斯加德边缘冲了过去。 Does not want!” “不要!” Heimdall has a big shock, after reducing a dead souls soldier head, calls out in alarm greatly. 海姆达尔大惊失色,砍掉一头死灵战士脑袋后,大为惊呼。 Although does not know the one who pilots the airplane is, but does not need to want also to know that is the friend side, looks that friend body dies...... Very uncomfortable. 虽然不知道驾驶飞机的是谁,但不用想也知道是友方啊,看着朋友‘身死’……很难受。 Lear as if realized that the intention of opposite party, had jumped down fiercely, in the shorewards runs. But unfortunately, it is not an aquatic organism, moves in the sea water is very difficult. Moreover the sea water flows toward outside edge from the center, the appearance of the water is very fierce. On it hit with Hulk, involuntary to/clashes. 芬里尔似乎察觉到了对方的用意,猛地跳了下来,朝着岸上跑去。但可惜的是,它并非水生生物,在海水里行动很困难的。而且海水是自中心往外边边缘处流淌,水势很猛。原本上它就是跟绿巨人打的时候,身不由己的冲下去的。 hulk also has the hand to grasp the steady stone firmly, Lear is not good, it is very difficult to grip. 浩克还有手可以牢牢的抓稳石头,芬里尔不行啊,它很难抓牢的。 Finally sad Cui, falling down belch fart. 结果悲催了,掉了下去嗝屁。 „To walk?” Female martial God clenched teeth, sways from side to side steering wheel to fold once again, hit once more to Lear. “想走?”女武神咬牙,扭动方向盘再度折了回去,再次撞向芬里尔。 Although she is very clear, after Lear falls in the water, finally has been doomed, cocktail party most likely drops the Milky Way body dead. But she cannot stay behind by some chance, the old lady assigned has spelled, how could to make it run away? 尽管她很清楚,芬里尔落水后结果注定了,十之八九的酒会跌落银河身死。可她不能留下‘万一’,老娘命都拼了,岂能让它逃了? Lear as if realized that the situation did not have to reverse, started to make a determined effort, bit toward the commander number crazily grasps-- 芬里尔似乎察觉到局势无可逆转了,也开始发狠,朝着司令号疯狂咬啊抓啊的—— Finally, commander number with its remnant body, hit the Milky Way edge. 最终,司令号用它的残躯,撞下了银河边缘。 Lear calls out in grief, drops. 芬里尔悲鸣一声,跌落下去。 No--” Heimdall shouted, in the eye is flashing the tears. “no——”海姆达尔大喊,眼中闪着泪。 Similarly with Sif who dead souls soldier battles, was the affected eye socket is red. 同样跟死灵战士作战的希芙,也是感动的眼眶红了。 Rises above self, unselfish. 舍己为人,大公无私。 Friends, although I do not know that who you are, has not seen your appearance, but you forever live in me. 朋友,虽然我不知道你是谁,也没看到你的样子,但你永远住在我心里。 Unknown hero. 无名英雄。 Bah-- old lady guest is not the unknown hero.” “呸——老娘客不做无名英雄。” Near the cliff, female martial God grips with dragon Yajian ruthlessly in the crevice, bit by bit the son crawled difficultly. The innermost scolded Sansan, has drunk many sea water. 悬崖边上,女武神用龙牙剑狠狠的扎在石缝里,一点一点儿艰难的爬了上来。最里面骂骂桑桑的,喝了不少的海水。 What what a pity is, walks with difficulty. 可惜的是,步履维艰啊。 Sea water impulse is very big, she can only bit by bit crawls toward the ashore with dragon Yajian. She is not Hulk, does not have that formidable spring. Reason that she Lear is lucky, is only because of her the hand, facilitates to grasp grasps. 海水的冲击力是很大的,她只能一点一点的用龙牙剑往岸上爬。她可不是绿巨人,没那么强大的弹跳力。她之所以比芬里尔幸运,只是因为她又手,方便抓握而已。 Then may be difficult, how to come up?” “这下可困难了,怎么上去?” Crawls to a reef of protruding on with great difficulty, female martial God watches the war in Rainbow Bridge, sighed with regret, cannot participate. The impulse of this sea water is really big, incautiously must clash. 好不容易爬到一块凸出的礁石上,女武神看着彩虹桥上的大战,扼腕叹息,参与不了了呢。这海水的冲击力是真大啊,一不小心就得冲下去。 It seems like was careful, or and the others rescue. 看来得小心着点儿,或者等人来救。 „Won't damn your majesty, die?” Female martial God sat, said with a sigh. “该死的陛下,不会死掉了吧?”女武神坐了下来,叹息道。 ---- ———— This time Thor has not died, but is also very miserable and that's the end, un, a little advantage is...... His eye has not fallen blindly. 此时的托尔还没死,不过也很惨就是了,嗯,有一点儿好处就是……他的眼睛没有瞎掉。 This is also the reason that Kino has not talked about, if others hit, eye not blind? 这也是奇诺没有说的原因,万一人家打的时候,眼睛没有瞎呢? Cheeks that fan predict? 岂不是扇自己预言的嘴巴子? She at this moment was being pressed hitting by Hela. 此刻的她正被海拉压着打。 In Rainbow Bridge, Sif is injured after all too heavily, after solving several dead souls soldiers, then gradually lost the strength. Does not pay attention, was sneak attacked to knock down. 彩虹桥上,希芙毕竟是受伤太重,在解决了几个死灵战士后,便渐渐的失去力量了。一个不留神,被偷袭打倒在地。 That dead souls soldier just about to under killer, suddenly bang one exploded. 那个死灵战士刚要下杀手的,突然‘嘭’的一下爆掉了。 Heh, the beautiful woman, I am Kou Ge, this is Mick. We must jump up that spaceship to leave here, can come together?” Broken mouthpiece stone person Kou Ge rushed. “嘿,美女,我是寇格,这是米克。我们要跳上那艘飞船离开这里,要一起来吗?”碎嘴子石头人寇格赶到了。 Not far away, in the dense fog has transmitted greatly buzz reputation, bang rumble rumble...... 不远处,迷雾中传来了巨大的嗡名声,轰隆隆隆隆隆的…… Sound little approaching, the giant shadow hit the dense fog, attire bi such as the form of wind stood in front. 声音一点点的逼近,巨大的黑影撞开了迷雾,一个装哔如风的身影站在前头。 Your saving arrived.” “你们的拯救者到了。” With this sound, the giant spaceship arrives at Rainbow Bridge. 伴随着这道声音,巨大的飞船降临彩虹桥。 Thor that in the distant place palace stockade, was being pressed hitting, blows out a frightened roar suddenly: No----” 远处宫殿栅栏上,正被压着打的托尔,突然爆出一声恐惧的吼声:“no————” Sound exceptionally pitiful, Hela that makes somewhat is bewildered. 声音异常的凄惨,弄的海拉都有些莫名其妙的。 Little brother your meaning? 小老弟你怎么个意思? Some people saved you, you also shouted no, you hit being insane insanely? 有人来救你们了,你还喊‘no’,你是被打的失心疯了吧?
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