SFMW :: Volume #4 神盾局特工小队篇

#419: 419. The journey of return ( 3 )

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of momentarily reading «the Salt fish latest chapter of novel Marvel World»... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《漫威世界的咸鱼》最新章节... Old iron ^ one second of ^ remembers 老铁^一秒钟^记住 . The writing renews ^ speed most kuai ..文字更新^速度最駃 „The obedient disc main engine of abattoir.” Stone person Kou Ge said. “角斗场的服从圆盘主机。”石头人寇格说道。 Where?” “在哪儿?” Does not know!” “不知道!” „......” Thor is scared, you said this was not equal to having not said. “……”托尔傻眼,靠,你说了这不等于没说么。 This simplicity, so long as grasped on the line that knew. Was right, the junkman definitely also knows on the 142 nd, she is also very special in grandmaster that side status.” The stone person spits the trough. “这个简单,只要抓一个知道的就行了。哦对了,拾荒者142号肯定也知道,她在宗师那边的地位也很特殊。”石头人吐槽。 Roves, to must look for female martial God finally. 转来转去的,到最后还是要找女武神啊。 Does not have the means. 没办法。 You want him to dive to be very simple, do the destruction is very simple, but stresses one to know where was actually a problem. After all knows the person who that thing are not definitely many, in order to the insurance only then the grandmaster person of knows. But, catches them is very possibly troublesome, words that starts casually...... Perhaps will cause unnecessary trouble. 你要他潜出去很简单,搞破坏也很简单,但抓一个知道在哪儿的却就成问题了。毕竟知道那东西的人肯定不多,保险起见只有宗师身边的人才会知道。但,抓他们可能会很麻烦,随随便便下手的话……恐怕会引起不必要的麻烦。 His goal must leave Saqqa star, hurrying back Asgard as soon as possible, but does not raise to overturn the heavens Saqqa star turns round. 他的目的是要离开萨卡星,尽快的赶回阿斯加德,而不是把萨卡星掀个翻天地覆。 The time does not wait for the person. 时间不等人。 He does not have that time to go to ink marks. 他没那个时间去墨迹。 Asgard in the deceased person, he must hurry back every time as soon as possible. 阿斯加德每时每刻都在死人,他得尽快赶回去。 Mother. 还有母亲。 Did not have the free time to continue to delay in Saqqa star. 没工夫在萨卡星继续耽搁了。 Otherwise, he killed the grandmaster to result in directly. 否则的话,他直接干掉宗师就得了。 Do not look at a grandmaster delicate appearance, dies with the ordinary mortal, came a soldier to his hand to rip casually, however he and not only had the old man of melted stick. 你也别看宗师一副弱不禁风的样子,跟个普通凡人死的,随随便便来个战士就能给丫手撕了,然而他并不只是有个融化棍的老头子。 The Grandmaster have the immortal life, to senile with all disease immunities, the physical attack is unable to injure its slightest, the grandmaster also has the formidable reproductive property. The Grandmaster can also his universe energy conversion float, the ability projection, the mind ability, the material reorganization, time and space jump and other superhuman abilities. 宗师拥有不朽的寿命,对衰老和所有疾病免疫,物理攻击无法伤其分毫,宗师也拥有强大的再生能力。宗师还可以将他的宇宙能量转换成悬浮、能力投射、心灵能力、物质重组、时间和空间跳跃等各种超人能力。 The Grandmaster have the formidable resurrecting ability, any life body Death over 30 hours, he almost cannot resurrect it. He also has exceptionally formidable mind sensation ability. Moreover, profound knowledge and game theory that he has, 宗师拥有强大的复活能力,任何生命体死亡不超过30小时,他几乎都可以将之复活。他也拥有异常强大的心灵感知能力。另外,他拥有的渊博知识和博弈论, Far exceeds nowadays the understanding range of human. 远远超出现今人类的理解范围。 On the knowledge richness, is not inferior to Iron Man, extinguishes the class of tyrant. 论知识丰富性,不次于钢铁侠、灭霸之流。 Thor has awakened initially, although he did not have the hammer, but electric discharge ability as in. 雷神已经初步觉醒了,他虽然没有了锤子,但放电能力依旧在。 He went to kill the wrestle champion of grandmaster secretly. 他去偷偷的干掉了宗师的格斗冠军。 In Spartacus does not have the hulk formidable defensive power, to restore, if not for the grandmaster intervenes, he was already given the belch fart by him. 斯巴达克没有浩克的强大防御力、恢复里,若不是宗师从中干预,丫早就被他给嗝屁了。 Thereupon, the entire Saqqa star was scared. 于是乎,整个萨卡星傻眼了。 The Grandmaster are very the vitality/angry, looked for with the junkman Loki on the 142 nd, one reproved. 宗师很是生气,把洛基跟拾荒者142号找了过来,一顿训斥。 The plot stepped onto the first edition, after leaving, two people each other were not feeling well, Loki when the battle has discovered the female martial God status. Finally, he has found out by secret inquiry the female martial God memory, was knocked down to bundle by a female martial God fist. 剧情走上原版了,离开后两人彼此不爽,在争斗之余洛基发现了女武神的身份。结果呢,他探知了女武神的记忆,也被女武神一拳头打晕捆了起来。 A little miserable. 有点儿惨。 The Thor action wants to bring a trouble to Loki, initiates the confusion while convenient, he also has the opportunity to investigate the obedient disc main engine is. 托尔的举动就是想给洛基带来点儿麻烦,顺便引发混乱,他也有机会探查到服从圆盘主机的所在。 However what is a pity, finally or was found by female martial God. 不过可惜的是,最终还是被女武神找到了。 Listening, these years I have been ignorant, wants to forget the past. Saqqa star as if drowns sorrow taking advantage of the liquor, forgot the past, mixes excellent place that ate to wait for death.” “听着,这些年来我一直浑浑噩噩,想忘记过去。萨卡星似乎是借酒消愁,忘记过去,混吃等死的绝佳之处。” I thought you drink were too many, may die therefore.” Thor said. “我是觉得你喝的太多了,可能会因此没命。”托尔说道。 I have not planned to stop drinking, but I do not want to forget, I cannot turn head not to manage again, therefore...... If I must die, that might as well to insert in the heart of that butcher young married woman my sword.” “我没打算停止喝酒,但我不想忘记,我不能再扭头不管了,所以……如果我要死,那不如是为了把我的剑插进那个屠夫婆娘的心脏里。” Good.” “good。” Uh-huh, therefore, I meant...... I want to join your team. Had the name?” Female martial God said. “嗯哼,所以,我是说……我想加入你的团队。有名字了么?”女武神说道。 Un, called the revenging alliance.” “嗯,叫报仇者联盟。” Revenging?” Female martial Shentiao under eyebrow, this name good low. “报仇者?”女武神挑了下眉,这个名字好low。 Because I must revenge...... Un, you want to revenge.” This time did not have Banner. “因为我要报仇……嗯,你要要报仇。”这次没有班纳了。 Moreover, I also brought to show with the gift.” “另外,我还带了示和礼物。” Opens the door, naturally is Loki. 嘛,打开门,自然是洛基啦。 Truly speaking, making female martial God strengthen the heart to hold that bastard young married woman, but must be lucky really Loki was. If not he female martial God, hides awakens in the memory of heart deep place, but also is unlikely. That surfaces the memory, looks like matter that yesterday had, is bright and translucent. 说实在的,让女武神坚定了心去捅死那王八蛋婆娘的,还真得多亏了洛基才是。如果不是他把女武神,潜藏在心底深处的记忆唤醒,还真不太可能。那重新浮出水面的记忆,就像是昨日发生的事情般,鲜活、透亮。 Also lit the flame in her heart once again. 也再度点燃了她心中的火焰。 Loki has done a good deed. 嘛,洛基还是做了件好事的。 Actually he can definitely be able to escape, chains anything, cannot surround from the start his. Reason that he stays in does not move, female martial God comes the Thor belt and other purely. Such, he can be convenient, picks up a bargain white/in vain. 其实他完全可以逃得掉,锁链什么的,压根困不住他的。他之所以呆在里面不动弹,纯粹是在等女武神把托尔带过来。那样子,他就可以省事了,白捡个便宜。 In fact on he also did, while the opportunity notice grandmaster, was only a pity...... Thor had been played had been inferior, changed intelligent many. 事实上原本上他也就是那么做的,趁着机会通知宗师,只可惜……托尔已经被耍过很多次了,变聪明了不少。 Is pleasantly surprised?” The gate opened, Loki one such as like that was being bundled. “惊不惊喜?”门开了,洛基一如原本那般被捆着。 Thor takes up the drinking glass, lost, bang. 托尔拿起水杯,丢了过去,嘭。 „.” “哦。” Must confirm.” “得确认一下。” So, between Saqqa star and Asgard left cannot be far, the best means were to walk a wormhole outside city. Supplements the fuel in mountain Dull, 18 months later can return to Asgard.” Female martial God said. “so,萨卡星跟阿斯加德之间离得不能再远了,最好的办法是走城外的一个虫洞。在山达尔补充燃料,18个月后就能回到阿斯加德了。”女武神说道。 Continual shuttle wormhole, «Protects with Silver 2» in like that resembles, the person distorted. 连续的穿梭虫洞,就跟《银护2》里面那般似的,人都变形了。 To the mammalia, one jumps over 50 times to be harmful to the body. 对哺乳类来说,一下跳跃50次以上对身体有害。 But they must jump 700 times. 而他们要跳700次了。 The young tree people distorted. 小树人都变形了。 Goes to mountain Dull, the montage technique. Must go to the mountain Dull's words, it is estimated that Thor again could not go back Asgard. Because of according to time originally, this time mountain Dull star...... Should destroy, or had been destroyed. If they took that road, is not one hits on extinguishing the tyrant, is permanent being stranded in mountain Dull. 去山达尔,蒙太奇手法。真要去山达尔的话,估计雷神就再也回不去阿斯加德了。因为按照原本的时间,此时的山达尔星……应该在毁灭中,或者已经被毁灭了。他们若真的走了那条路,不是一头撞在灭霸身上,就是永久的困在山达尔。 No, we must walk biggest that.” Thor is taking dragon Yajian, puts out a hand a finger/refers. “no,我们要走最大的那个。”托尔拿着龙牙剑,伸手一指。 Devil?” “魔鬼?” Stated, I elected does not know that it called this name.” “声明一下,我选的时候不知道它叫这个名字。” Female martial God shakes the head: We need to look for a ship in addition, it will rip the fragment my ship. We need one, can support the singular point short thread pulling force the ship.” 女武神摇头:“我们需要另找一艘船,它会把我的船撕成碎片的。我们需要一艘,撑得住奇点短线程拉力的船。” You cannot listen my......” “你们不非得听我的……” Female martial God is very angry, Loki just opened the mouth, a jar fell, the broken sediment and liquor water have spurted one. 女武神很愤怒,洛基刚开口,就一瓶子摔了过去,碎渣子、酒水喷了一身。 „...... The Grandmaster have many spaceships, I possibly also stole his safety system password.” “呃……宗师有很多飞船,我可能还偷到了他的安全系统密码。” You said, can allow us to enter the hangar, but wasn't realized?” Thor asked. “你是说,能让我们进入机库,而不被察觉到?”托尔问。 Yes, Elder Brother, I can.” “yes,哥哥,我可以。” If Banner, definitely will spit the trough, this fellow may not believe,...... Now he not. 如果班纳在的话,肯定会吐槽,这家伙不可信,嘛……现在他不在。 Thor nod of slowly: That...... Now looks like, we scored points the gait.” 托尔缓缓的点了点头:“那么……现在看来,我们得分两步走了。” „?” “哦?” You ruin to obey the main engine of disc, goes to the abattoir to look for stone person Kou Ge, it will raise one turmoil. But I with Loki, go to hangar, looks spaceship that can go through safely.” Thor said. “你去毁掉服从圆盘的主机,去角斗场找一个石头人寇格,它会掀起一场‘动乱’。而我跟洛基,去机库,找可以平安穿行的飞船。”托尔说道。 Makes the wrestler raise the turmoil, to attract the guard in guarding hangar? Good plan.” Female martial God selecting a to praise. “让角斗士掀起动乱,以吸引看守机库的守卫?好方案。”女武神给点了个赞。 On Kou Ge and the others also snatched whiz the spaceship, went to Asgard. 原本上寇格等人也抢了嗖飞船,去了阿斯加德 How to go? 怎么去的? It is not the road of Loki belt, is female martial God tells them. 嘛,不是洛基带的路,就是女武神告诉他们的。 m. Is worth collecting the non- advertisement novel m..值得收藏无广告ろろ小說
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