SR :: Volume #15

#1408: Grace and talent peerless

Does she want to resurrect?! 她要复活了?! Died not knows many years, perhaps took for hundred million years as the unit, now she recovers unexpectedly, that long eyelash is trembling lightly. 长眠不知道多少岁月,或许以亿载为单位,现在她竟复苏了,那长长的睫毛在轻颤。 She is very beautiful, is inenarrable, like from not real creature that immortal end walks, perfect, cannot pick up a wee bit slight defects. 她很美,难以描述,如同自那仙道尽头走来的不真实的生灵,完美无缺,挑不出一丁点的瑕疵。 The white clothing dances in the breeze, flies high on, beautiful to the pinnacle, the graceful bearing is peerless! 白衣飘舞,凌空在上,美到极致,丰姿绝世! She is shutting both eyes, the eyelash is long, the beauty of oneself unique world, keenly intelligent of bell world, but is not simple the dust the beauty, is not delicate, how regardless to see that is the ice presses the past and present supreme! 她闭着双目,睫毛而长,自身超脱人间之美,钟天地之灵慧,但绝非简单出尘的美,并不柔弱,无论怎么看都是凌压古今的无上者! Even if a female of celestial or angelic appearance jade bone, clothes sleeve dances in the breeze, but is not the surging waves fairy maiden character, but is makings of one generation of empresses, looking disdainfully past and present in the future, supreme unparalleled. 即便为一仙姿玉骨的女子,衣袂飘舞,但也绝非凌波仙子般的人物,而是一代女帝的气质,睥睨古今未来,无上无双。 If world really has grace and talent peerless, that certainly is she! 如果世间真有风华绝代者,那一定是她! This is a peerless elegant demeanor, no matter what the eternity circulation, time River chaotic were also silent, she is always she, the graceful bearing does not reduce, one like past years. 这是一种绝世的风采,任千古流转,时光长河乱了又寂静,她始终是她,风姿不减,一如当年。 The black hair has the vigor, does not flee the capital in the years, clear and naturally hangs loose, body shining white, on slender immortal body, even if puts on because of leaning the world fights, but tattered Full-Body Armor, she is still clearly spatial unparalleled, no distress, but reveals the elegant demeanor, above dustlessness stainless, aloof past and present. 青丝有蓬勃生机,不在岁月中蒙尘,晶莹而自然披散,肌体莹白,修长仙躯上即便穿着因倾世一战而破烂的甲胄,她依旧空明无双,没有一丝的狼狈,而是更显风采,无尘无垢,超然古今之上。 Is this that empress? The black giant beast seeks for her not knows many years, in even/including dream is whooshing, but she unexpectedly here! 这就是那位女帝吗?黑色巨兽寻找她不知道多少年,连梦中都在嘶吼,而她竟在这里! The Chu Feng mind is trembling, because, not knows why, he actually felt that so kind, female who sees this supreme grace and talent, he will have a special feeling unexpectedly. 楚风心神都在颤,因为,不知道为何,他竟然感觉如此的亲切,看到这个无上风华的女子,他竟会有一种特殊的感觉。 In the past never saw, now will want to be close, why? 过去从未见到,现在怎会想要接近,为什么? However, a supreme incomparable say/way rhyme also spreads to come from that side, the white clothing female is peerless, even if restrains all aura, but some slightly people approach, outside the body still has white Immortal Vapours to fill the air, must tear All Heavens and Myriad Worlds unexpectedly! 不过,一种无上无匹的道韵也自那边蔓延而来,白衣女子绝世无匹,即便收敛所有的气息,可是稍微有人临近,体外也有白色仙雾弥漫,竟要撕裂诸天万界 Is this what kind of mighty force? 这是何等的伟力? Must pass through Firmament simply, the suppression extends now through ancient times! 简直要贯穿上苍,镇压亘古亘今! Her all aura are dormant, restrained, can unexpectedly so!” Chu Feng never looks like so has now shocked, he is very hard to imagine this female, once recovers thoroughly, to be actually strong, boundless unbounded, the pressed and covered past and present, are so a person! “她所有的气息都蛰伏,都收敛了,竟还能如此!”楚风从未像现在这般震撼过,他很难想象这个女子一旦彻底复苏,究竟有多么强,无边无界,压盖古今,就是这般人! Ultimate One?! 终极者?! Chu Feng believes firmly, this certainly is Ultimate One, even above! 楚风确信,这一定是终极者,甚至之上! Has had a view, World of the Living never has true Ultimate One, all are only the rumors, actually never has creature to arrive in this only in Realm that in the ancient people mouth spreads. 一直都有种说法,阳间从未有真正的终极者,一切都只是传言而已,其实从未有生灵抵达这等只在故老口中流传的境界 But now, Chu Feng believed firmly, this certainly is supreme Ultimate One, a living example! 可是现在,楚风确信了,这一定就是无上终极者,一个活生生的例子! Grace and talent peerless, shocking ancient Jing, she flies high on, no flaw dustlessness, just like in a magnificent picture scroll, appears such is not real. 风华绝代,惊艳了古惊,她凌空在上,无瑕无尘,宛若在一幅瑰丽画卷中,显得那么的不真实。 Emperor!” “帝者!” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, wants to awaken this in a soft voice shockingly Empress supreme of years. 楚风开口,想轻声唤醒这位惊艳了岁月的无上女帝。 In fact, the responses of some white clothing female instinct, her long eyelash has been trembling, the beautiful pupil as if must open momentarily, but has not actually reached one's goal instantly. 事实上,白衣女子一直有本能的反应,她那长长的睫毛在颤,美丽的眸子似乎随时要睁开,可是却并未一步到位。 In the Chu Feng heart big change, this definitely has the strangeness, this Empress peerless does not have first to wake up unexpectedly, what had on her body? 楚风心中剧震,这肯定有古怪,这位绝代女帝竟没有第一时间醒来,在她的身上发生了什么? In the past, what kind of great war did here experience? 当年,这里到底经历了怎样的一场大战 Wants not to need to ponder, certainly is unprecedented great war, among sidewise compression world Great Desolation, until now, the white clothing female cannot wake up unexpectedly. 想都不用去细想,一定是旷古大战,横压天地洪荒间,到现在为止,白衣女子居然都不能醒来。 However, she is certainly living! 不过,她一定活着! Her Origin Metal battle armour was shattered, but has not actually seen the wound, she does not have the obvious scar, ground some are only the enemy blood! 她身上的母金战甲破碎,但是却并未见到伤口,她没有明显的伤痕,地上有的只是敌血! Looks forward carefully, Chu Feng suck in a cold breath, in her below ground several beach Origin Metal melt unexpectedly the trace, is accompanying the lifeforms remnant mark, and sometimes the light dances in the air. 向前仔细望去,楚风不禁倒吸冷气,在她下方的地面上居然有几滩母金熔化后的痕迹,伴着生物的残痕,且有时光飞舞。 That is anything, several origin metal armor were rumbled to extinguish, after being smelted, keeps remnant bone, several clothing only leave behind the vestiges. 那是什么,几具母金甲胄被轰灭,被熔炼后所留残骨,几位穿戴者自身只留下残迹。 Chu Feng have one's hair stand on end, because, even that type of remnant mark, still wants collapsing by pressure universe Great Desolation, the world in the future, will be extremely fearful. 楚风毛骨悚然,因为,即便是那种残痕,也要压塌宇宙洪荒,天地未来,太过可怕了。 Can how many people be powerful? 那几人得多么强大? May look at its condition, as if by white clothing female suppress and kill! 可看其状态,似乎都是被白衣女子镇杀的! Can with her battle, probably be the same level, result several terrifying creature by such domineering steamroll, the skeleton is not saved, even after origin metal armor smelts evaporates, only has the fragment! 能与她厮杀者,必是同级者,结果数位恐怖的生灵被那样强势的碾压,尸骨无存,连母金甲胄都熔炼后蒸发,唯有残片! That stretch of region simply is an ancient and modern most terrifying history book, recorded once the most brutal and terrible war. 那片地带简直是古今最恐怖的一部史书,记载了曾经最为残酷与可怕的一战。 Between Heaven and Earth, unexpectedly few people know this war! 天地间,竟没有几人得知这一战! Chu Feng calls lightly, hopes that she can wake up fast, is he is sudden the whole body to be cold and gloomy at this moment, such as falls among the Soul River end icy cold rivers and lakes, resembles in the true hell darkness that drops to exist forever through ancient times. 楚风轻唤,希望她能快速醒来,可是这一刻他自己却突然浑身森冷,如坠魂河尽头冰凉水泽间,又似堕进亘古长存的真正地府黑暗中。 Whole body chill down the spine, the marrow must be iced to freeze, Chu Feng was being attacked, oneself have problems! 浑身毛骨发寒,骨髓都要被冰封冻住了,楚风在被侵袭,自身出了问题! He first alerts, knows the ominous source, is that Great Universe Level flower bud! 他第一时间警醒,知道了不祥的源头,是那大宇级花蕾! That thing exhaust ability was repelled by him a moment ago, uses bestowed by heaven Full-Body Armor and other isolation, does not pay attention slightly, it starts to corrode unexpectedly on own initiative. 那东西刚才被他竭尽所能的排斥,利用天赐甲胄等隔绝,没有想到,稍微一个不留神,它居然开始主动侵蚀。 Is this pollen? Unexpectedly can penetrate protects body rune, the crazy impact comes, that is blue clouds and mist, pollen everywhere spurts! 这还是花粉吗?居然能够穿透护体符文,疯狂冲击而来,那是一片蓝色的烟霞,花粉漫天飞洒! The Chu Feng pupil contraction, this thing was too weird, too fearsome, even Order can't rune defend? 楚风瞳孔收缩,这东西太邪门了,也太可怖了,连秩序符文都防不住吗? This has never had the matter, in the past, he has absorbed the super pollen, has taken rare mutated fruit, but, has not met just like having the life will pollen. 这是从未有过的事,过去,他吸收过超级花粉,服食过罕见异果,但是,从来都没有遇到过宛若有生命意志的花粉。 Is this strange scene that the Great Universe Level flower bud blooms to cause? 这就是大宇级的花蕾绽放导致的诡异景象吗? Rumble! 轰隆隆! The world is trembling lightly, the immortal thunder one after another, chops to fall in that plant bank, its branches and leaves rhizome look very ordinary, only has the flower bud bright blue, dragging, the delicate fragrance is sending out, dances in the air just like everywhere blue multi-colored sunlight, was too brilliant. 天地都在轻颤,仙雷一道又一道,在那株植物畔劈落,它的枝叶根茎等看起来很普通,唯有花蕾蓝汪汪,摇曳着,清香送出,宛若漫天的蓝色霞光飞舞,太绚烂了。 The Great Universe Level flower bud, true world absolute grade, many time is very difficulty to seek 32, making countless people crazy, lets all previous talent compete to bow. 大宇级花蕾,真正的世间绝品,多少个时代都很难寻到三两株,让无数人疯狂,让历代天骄竞折腰。 Once contacts this type of pollen to mean the step, the transformation, exceeds world some limit, becomes Paramount who World of the Living keeps aloof. 一旦接触这种花粉就意味着进阶,蜕变,超过世间的某种极限,成为阳间高高在上的究极者。 Many people go crazy to search, many heroic white hair are late in life, is inaudible, cannot see, but now Chu Feng actually, but he is actually moving aside, wishes one could to run away immediately the ends of the earth. 多少人发疯寻觅,多少英雄白发迟暮,都不可闻,都不能见到,而现在楚风近前却有一株,可他却在躲闪,恨不得立刻逃到天涯海角。 He has a premonition, really wants now in the fragrance on absorption blue color flower bud, then he must happen mostly craftily changes, dies without the burial ground. 他预感到,真要现在就吸收蓝色花蕾中的芬芳,那么他多半要发生诡变,死无葬身之地。 Buzz! 嗡! Void is trembling! 虚空都在颤栗! Full-Body Armor of Chu Feng whole body is thundering, is shining, day armor, is all blooming incessantly dazzling radiance, prevents the corrosion of pollen. 楚风浑身的甲胄都在轰鸣,都在发光,不止一件天甲,全都在绽放刺目的光华,阻挡花粉的侵蚀。 But several Domain Artifact thing are the resonance, the mark wind innumerably, interwines, forms the protection light screen, protects him is not corroded. 而几件场域器物更是共鸣,纹络无数,交织在一起,形成守护光幕,保护他不被侵蚀。 However, was, the faint trace flower fragrance that he smelled previously submerged his mouth and nose end eventually slightly late, entered among his bottom of one's heart, submerged in his flesh pore, making his bloodlines fall prostrate opens, the blood surged fiercely, even the marrow was radiant, sent out extremely beautiful radiance, even if were wisp of aura also makes him probably transform! 然而,终究是稍微晚了一些,早先他闻到的丝丝花香没入他的口鼻端,进入他的肺腑间,没入他的肌肤毛孔中,让他血脉偾张,鲜血剧烈涌动,连骨髓都璀璨起来,发出极其妖艳的光华,哪怕是一缕气息也让他要蜕变! Perhaps, exactly said that wants the mutation! 或许,确切的说是要异变! „It is not good, I have not arrived in this Realm, was unable to evolve, otherwise I will die!” “不行,我还没有抵达这个境界,还不能进化,不然我自己会死!” Chu Feng goes all out to prevent, he does not think that accidental death, Great Universe Level flower bud that is the priceless treasure, but must have the life to enjoy is right! 楚风拼命阻止,他不想自己意外死亡,大宇级花蕾那是无价瑰宝,可是也要有命享受才对! Does not arrive at that threshold, the absorption, is doomed dead rashly, will not have any accident/surprise. 不到那个门槛,贸然吸收,必死无疑,不会有什么意外。 Even, to that level, many heroes, many prehistoric giants, as before because cannot withstand Great Universe Level craftily changed died a tragic death. 甚至,到了那个层次,多少英雄,多少史前巨擘,依旧会因为承受不了大宇级的诡变而惨死。 Even if lives is still the monster, its shape is indescribable. 即便活下来也是怪物,其形态不可名状。 Since time immemorial can enter the step not to have mutation lifeforms is too rare smoothly, several not obvious. 古来能够顺利进阶不发生异变的生物太稀有,几不可见。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Chu Feng called out pitifully, too the severe pain, the skeleton is really tearing, the marrow in spring wells up, silver luster Human King blood was being made crazily, attacks to various whole body places. 楚风惨叫,真的太剧痛了,骨骼在撕裂,骨髓在泉涌,白银色泽的人王血液在被疯狂造出,冲击向全身各处。 „Can I evolve?” “我要进化了?” „Can I become the Great Universe Level powerhouse?” “我要成为大宇级强者?” Chu Feng asked the heaven speechless, if he really took this step, died inevitably, will be very pitiful. 楚风无语问苍天,他要是真迈出这一步,必然死定了,会无比凄惨。 Little friend you how?!” “小友你怎么了?!” Outside, how many old men of fire essence clan exclaimed, this was a rare seedling, is pinning their hope, making him explore, how to go in leaves accidentally/surprisingly? 外面,火精族的几位老者吼道,这是难得的一个苗子,寄托着他们的希望,让他去探险,怎么才进去就出意外了? Is the Great Universe Level flower bud is the result!” An old man saw the essence of issue is. “是大宇级花蕾所致!”一位老者看到了问题的本质所在。 How possibly? Can isolate!” fire essence clan another silver hair old man loses the sound said. “怎么可能?可以隔绝啊!”火精族另一位银发老者失声道。 Because since, all previous dynasties, they are attempting, some people have gone, although encountered the fatal danger, but wants to isolate the corrosion of Great Universe Level pollen to achieve. 因为,历代以来,他们都在尝试,也有人进去过,虽然遇到了致命的危险,可是想要隔绝大宇级花粉的侵蚀还是能做到的。 Today the situation is unusual, that pollen dances in the air like the immortal thunder, thunders unceasingly, you looked, the blue light and fog blend, the thunder, has the consciousness to attack toward him probably on own initiative, even Order rune is hard to prevent!” “今天情况异常,那花粉如同仙雷飞舞,轰鸣不断,你们看,蓝光与雾霭交融,电闪雷鸣,像是有意识般向着他主动冲击,连秩序符文都难阻挡!” How this was, Great Universe Level flower bud don't tell me wants the monster that we imagined more evil, cannot be close, before was my clan, was lucky, is he is unfortunate today?” “这是怎么了,大宇级花蕾难道比我们想象的还要妖邪,不能接近吗,是我族以前过于幸运,还是今日他过于不幸?” A person of fire essence clan was shocked, is staring at the front, does the explorer who this seeks want dead unexpectedly rapidly? Their bestowed by heaven Full-Body Armor, various sacred artifact in Domain Dominion still on his body, must follow to lose in this, that was really a pity, the loss is huge! 火精一族的人惊呆了,全都盯着前方,这个寻来的探险者居然就要迅速死掉了?他们的天赐甲胄,还有场域领域中的各种神圣器物都还在他的身上呢,都要跟着失落在此吗,那实在太可惜了,损失巨大! Little friend what do you feel, how can?!” Several old men of fire essence clan in shouts out. “小友你感觉如何,要怎样了?!”火精一族的几位老者都在大喝 Their knows, this youngster must end, now like this shouts out also thinks that knows his feeling, understood after touching the Great Universe Level flower bud, actually to have what kind of crafty anomalous form meeting, is the fire essence clan gains in many experiences. 他们知道,这个少年要完了,现在这样呼喝也只是想知道他的感受,了解触及大宇级花蕾后究竟会有怎样的诡变体会,为火精族积累更多的经验。 The Chu Feng lips trembles, in the opens the mouth the whole body ray is brilliant, the marrow in the crazy hemopoiesis, must replace blood essence of whole body, this was conducting a death transformation, moved toward the life the end point. 楚风双唇发抖,开口间浑身光芒绚烂,骨髓在疯狂造血,要替换掉全身的精血,这是在进行一种死亡蜕变,走向自身生命的终点。 I thought that......” the Chu Feng sound shivers, his knows were dying, raised the head to see the white clothing empress in not far away, seeing her graceful bearing is peerless, looks at itself again, cannot bear shouts to a fire essence clan: I thought that...... I wanted grace and talent peerless!” “我觉得……”楚风声音颤抖,他知道自己要死了,抬头看到不远处的白衣女帝,见她丰姿绝世,再看自己,忍不住对火精一族喊道:“我觉得……我要风华绝代了!” A fire essence clan: „......” 火精一族:“……” Must craftily change, happened ominous, then the cuns (2.5 cm) break tragic death, does his also narcissism meet grace and talent peerless? It seems like insane, was in the mutation! 都要诡变了,发生不祥,而后寸寸断裂惨死,他还自恋会风华绝代?看来是疯了,正在异变中! Little friend you insists, could live!” A fire essence clan old man shouted. “小友你坚持住,说不定可以活下来!”火精族一位老者喝道。 Other person of hearing this are startled, then reveals the startled color, perhaps really has the strange condition to happen also perhaps, because of Divine King, does not have craftily to become lethal now unexpectedly, but also living, this is the miracle! 其他人闻言都是一怔,而后露出惊色,或许真有奇异状况发生也说不定,因为一个神王而已,现在居然还没有诡变致死,还活着,这本身就是奇迹! Lives, must live, leaves there, walks!” A person of fire essence clan exclaimed, this is concerning their interest. “活下来,一定要活下来,离开那里,走出来!”火精一族的人吼道,这关乎着他们的利益。 Once Chu Feng lives, is living, his blood, his fleshly body one step had first purified that type of pollen, perhaps his body stamina suffices to provide quite safe evolution material for the successor! 一旦楚风活下来,活着走出来,他的血液,他的肉身已经先一步净化了那种花粉,说不定他的身体能够为后来者提供较为安全的进化物质! I naturally must live, was ready for any sacrifice, I must evolve today to become the Great Universe Level powerhouse, marches forward courageously, hits breaking restrictions to run metal into cracks, achievement supreme myth!” “我自然要活着,豁出去了,我今天要进化成为大宇级强者,勇往直前,打破禁锢,成就无上神话!” Chu Feng shouts, no longer reduces and solves passively, but starts crazy revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, starts refining, starts to coordinate this evolution, he wants to break through, breaks the world to limit, the cross step realizes the jump of life, wants to realize the real super evolution! 楚风嘶吼,不再被动化解,而是开始疯狂运转盗引呼吸法,开始炼化,开始配合这一进化过程,他想要突破,打破天地限制,跨阶实现生命的跃迁,欲实现真正的超级进化! Although the knows road ahead is gloomy, the life and death is obvious, he is going all out. 尽管知道前路暗淡,生死明显,他还是在拼命。 I want grace and talent peerless!” Chu Feng shouts out. “我要风华绝代!”楚风大喝 Then, a fire essence clan dumbfounded, because the Chu Feng's body is really transforming intensely, the appearance is changing. 然后,火精一族就呆住了,因为楚风的身体果然在激烈蜕变,样子在变化。 This grace and talent really wanted...... peerless!” Old men of fire essence clan muttered. “这风华真要……绝代了!”一位火精族的老者喃喃。 Because, the Chu Feng's appearance changes violently, is too astonishing. 因为,楚风的样子猛烈变化,实在太惊人。 The Chu Feng's top of the head blood light soars to the heavens, then bang, the left shoulder head grows a head, blood-covered, does not look clearly. 楚风的头顶血光冲霄,而后砰的一声,左肩头上长出一颗脑袋,血糊糊,看不真切。 Then, his mouth grows two fangs, is more than one foot to be long, snow white, but to terrify person. 接着,他嘴里长出两根獠牙,都有一尺多长,雪白而瘆人。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Everywhere blood-color sends the silk to hang loose, then the snow white ray flashes before, his sending silk rises suddenly, one piece is the blood sends, one piece is a silver hair, one piece is the ash sends, is divided tricolor! 漫天血色发丝披散,接着雪白光芒闪现,他的发丝暴涨,有一片是血发,有一片是银发,还有一片是灰发,共分三色! Terrifying aura emits in the heads! 一股恐怖的气息在头颅间冒出! But he had not known that even the fang grows had not felt, only thought the whole body energy such as the river is torrential, he looks at the front white clothing female, oneself unexpectedly also floating, felt one really wanted in graceful bearing aloof this mortal world. 而他还不自知呢,甚至连獠牙长出都没有感觉,只觉得浑身能量如大河滔滔,他看着前方的白衣女子,自己竟也飘飘然,觉得自身真的要风姿超然尘世上了。 I really am changing, wanted grace and talent peerless.” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “我真的在变,要风华绝代了。”楚风开口。 Little friend, you currently have anything to realize from experience, said quickly, you had two heads!” A fire essence clan reminded, and bellowed, lets realizing from experience that he said himself to change, gained in the experience for them. “小友,你现在有什么体悟,快说出来,你有两颗头颅了!”火精一族提醒,并大吼,让他说出自身变化的体悟,为他们积累经验。 Two heads?!” Until this time, Chu Feng felt that the unusuality of shoulder, then bellows: Goes back to me!” His palm racket to the shoulder, suppresses unexpectedly the head, vanishes there. “两颗头颅?!”直到这时,楚风才感觉到肩头的异常,而后一声大吼:“给我回去!”他一掌拍向肩头,竟生生将头颅压制回去,消失在那里。 A fire essence clan shocked thoroughly, can this be good? 火精一族彻底震惊了,这都能行? Then, some people reminded him rapidly: Fang!” 接着,有人迅速提醒他:“还有獠牙!” Bang bang!” “砰砰!” Chu Feng gave itself the fang two fists, that two one foot long fearful length teeth shortened a big truncation rapidly, the effect is tangible. 楚风给了自己獠牙两拳,那两根一尺多长的可怕长牙迅速变短了一大截,效果明显。 How is this possible?!” Outside, person feeling scalp tingles of fire essence clan, all loses one's voice. “这怎么可能?!”外面,火精一族的人感觉头皮发麻,全都失声。 Six arms, eight legs!” Some people shout. “六条手臂了,八条腿了!”有人喊道。 Chu Feng lowers the head, discovered that own leg and foot were many several pairs, god spider that this somewhat looked like the prehistoric, but he did not want this appearance! 楚风低头,发现自己的腿脚多了几对,这有些像史前的神蛛,而他绝不想要这个样子! He uses the original both hands bang to these arms and big long legs, rumble, the blood light and silver light interweave, the dark-red blood soars to the heavens on, his leg and foot was suppressed. 他用原本的双手轰向那些手臂与大长腿,轰隆隆,血光与银光交织,还有暗红色的血液冲霄而上,他的腿脚被压制了回去。 Then, he looks between two legs, directly is two palms, said: My grace and talent peerless!” 接着,他又看向两腿间,直接就是两掌,道:“我风华绝代!” Outside, a person of fire essence clan shocked, then feels wooden, this also grace and talent peerless? Quick was scary, the intense mutation is fully performing at this moment. 外面,火精一族的人震撼了,而后又觉得一阵木然,这还风华绝代?都快吓死人了,激烈异变这一刻正在全面上演。 In a flash, the Chu Feng's shape is indescribable! 一瞬间,楚风的形态不可名状! However, he has not actually died as before, he while scared with being scared, woods cold realizing from experience, perhaps he was close to some essences of evolution. 然而,他却依旧没有死,他在胆寒与发毛的同时,有一种森寒的体悟,或许他接近了进化的部分本质。 Exactly said is, he could contact some truth of Great Universe Level evolution, why craftily changes, in which perhaps ultimate secret was opening an corner/horn slowly! 确切的说是,他或许能接触到大宇级进化的部分真相,为何诡变,其中的终极隐秘也许正在慢慢揭开一角!
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