SR :: Volume #15

#1405: Must see the empress

Chu Feng heart fiery, three seeds have had not seen you for a long time, he wants to start the super evolution very much once more, making own physique bring the qualitative leap. 楚风心头一片火热,三颗种子真的久违了,他很想再次开启超级进化,让自身体质实现质的飞跃。 Nowadays the foundation rams, can the stride lead the way! 现如今根基夯实,可以大步前行了! After Little World of the Dead Dao Fruit quenchings, again promotes, Everlasting King reveals itself, looking disdainfully world! 小阴间道果淬炼后再一次提升,恒王出世,睥睨天下! But World of the Living Dao Fruit whets from Saint Dominion to the Golden Body level, Realm seems like the drop, but the strength was stronger. A view, this tempering is ascetic practices, is called Buddha walks in the present age, fleshly body like Buddha. 阳间道果则是从圣者领域磨砺成到金身层次,境界看似下降,但是实力却更强了。有一种说法,这种磨砺是一种苦行,被称作佛陀于当世行走,肉身如佛。 So condition, if still in a fire Golden Core, nine revolutions boil down, now the dust completely photoproduction, will illuminate broken mountains and rivers ten thousand. 如此状态,也犹若一颗火中金丹,九转熬炼,现在尘尽光生,将照破山河万朵。 At this time, the Chu Feng body and mind is tranquil, although in the stone furnace, was burnt down by the Supreme Eight Trigrams (gossip) fire, but currently has the spatial bright and cool feeling. 此时,楚风身心宁静,虽然在石炉中,被太上八卦火焚烧,但是现在却有种空明与清凉的感觉。 The present flame is no longer fatal, on the contrary nourishes him unceasingly, making its whole body sparkling shining, if all over the body still the gold casts, blooms the fearful brilliance. 现在的火焰不再致命,相反不断滋养他,让其周身莹莹灿灿,通体犹若黄金铸成,绽放出慑人的光辉。 He likely is the Golden Body Buddha body, the dustlessness stainless, high and low just like god glass, has to plant the tone and stance that the dust and god Buddha pick flowers. 他像是金身佛体,无尘无垢,上下宛若神璃般,有种出尘与神佛拈花的气韵与姿态。 When but, his Discerning Eyes opens and closes, the swift and fierce light beam projects, the aura is fearful, makes a great show of one's talents! 可是,当他的火眼金睛开阖时,凌厉光束射出,气息慑人,锋芒毕露! Bang! 轰隆! At this moment, the change occurred again, the golden blood of his within the body vanished thoroughly, one silver blood spreads, is the thunder and lightning surges likely. 这一刻,变化再次发生,他体内的金色血液彻底消失了,一种银色血液蔓延,像是雷电般激荡而起。 In this instant, a Chu Feng's round of silk also in a twinkling turns into silver light, interweaves just like the lightning, silver white blooms, sends silk radiantly and rises suddenly. 于此刹那,楚风的发丝也都霎时间化成银光,宛若闪电交织,银白绽放,发丝根根璀璨而又齐腰暴涨。 A formidable aura, fearful secret power surges crazily, this was his Human King Blood transforms once more, turned into the blood like lightning. 一股强大的气息,一股慑人的秘力疯狂涌动而出,这是他的人王血再次蜕变,化成了闪电般的血液。 Chu Feng realizes from experience silently, own strength has really realized a jump, this is with the blood that Everlasting King matches, otherwise is not enough to support his fleshly body. 楚风默默体悟,自身的实力果然实现了一次跃迁,这是与恒王相匹配的血液,不然的话不足以支撑他的肉身 Only has this fearful and formidable physique, can make him unscrupulous, the release permanent king level energy heartily, sweeps away all Kings! 唯有这种可怕而强大的体质,才能让他肆无忌惮,尽情的释放恒王级的能量,横扫诸王 This occasion, his outside the body reappearing vortex, the silver energy interweaves, if still the thunder takes possession, likely is silver vastly presents, attaches on his body. 此际,他的体外浮现漩涡,银色的能量交织,犹若雷霆附体,又像是一片银色汪洋呈现,附着在他的身上。 Chu Feng, emptied clear(ly) and nature, he felt that the body and soul were especially happy, this experience was very wonderful, was intimate with the world, the Daoist magic nature, the whole person was similar to wanders about vastly in Order. 楚风举手投足间,空明而自然,他感觉身与魂尤为舒畅,这种体验很美妙,与天地亲近,道法自然,整个人如同徜徉在秩序汪洋中。 „The Human King Blood third recovery!” 人王血第三次复苏!” His light language, this is with the blood that the Everlasting King strength corresponds, evolves very fearful physique. 他轻语,这是与恒王实力相对应的血液,进化出非常可怕的体质。 In the past, when Human King Blood initially recovered was the blue color, afterward transformed into the golden color, now becomes the silver like lightning, perhaps may also call the platinum luster. 当年,人王血初复苏时为蓝色,后来转变为金色,现在又成为闪电般的银色,或许也可称之为白金色泽。 Bang! 轰隆! Chu Feng slightly makes a fist, the surrounding space then twisted, the willful release energy, flows secret power, the whole body in elusive is fearful with the domineering transforms continues. 楚风只是稍微握拳而已,周围的空间便都扭曲了,恣意释放能量,流淌秘力,全身在空灵与强势慑人间变换不止。 Sends the silk to dance in the air like lightning, flutters, blooms just like the platinum light beam, Chu Feng whole body is stirring the fearful aura, frightens this stretch of world. 闪电般的发丝飞舞,轻扬起来,宛若白金光束绽放,楚风全身上下都在鼓荡着可怕的气息,震慑这片天地。 He realizes from experience unceasingly, this super Human King Physique nature by far formerly, making him feel that unprecedented great strength, yielded the way , then the fragment was resonating, surrounded him to dance in the air. 他不断体悟,这种超级人王体质远胜从前,让他感觉前所未有的强大,让道则碎片都在共振,环绕着他飞舞。 Meanwhile, Vajra Cutter that in his wrist/skill, that mixed iron-smelting becomes is trembling lightly, with his resonance, various Origin Metal melts in a furnace, if still Great Dao's carrier! 与此同时,他的手腕上,那混炼而成的金刚琢在轻颤,与他共鸣,各种母金熔于一炉,犹若大道的载体! Really is a strange feeling, as if a fist can puncture Firmament!” “真是一种奇怪的感觉,仿佛一拳可以打穿上苍!” Chu Feng talked to oneself, his knows this naturally is an misconception, Firmament that place has the strangeness , the impossible bang to put on it depending on him now, this is only strength enough formidable one brand-new experience that surmounts the reality. 楚风自语,他知道这自然是一种错觉,上苍那个地方有古怪,凭他现在还不可能轰穿之,这只是力量足够强大的一种超越现实的全新体验而已。 Chī! 哧! The fearful light beam blooms, Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique locks the trapped/sleepy universe, in this special stone furnace, he is outspoken, falls in torrents wonderful technique heartily, shocks everybody simply! 可怕光束绽放,七宝妙术锁困乾坤,在这座特殊的石炉中,他毫无保留,尽情倾泻妙术,简直是惊世骇俗! The Heavenly Chart formation, moves around him, Order lets fall, if still the ninth heaven/day Milky Way bedding gets down, he becomes only of field center, stands is in the innate invincible position. 天图形成,围绕他旋转,秩序垂落,犹若九天银河铺盖下来,他成为场中心的唯一,立身在先天不败之地。 Chu Feng realizes from experience unceasingly, pupil light bright as snow like lightning glow, said: Extreme Martial, I very much want to kill you now!” 楚风不断体悟,眸光雪亮如电芒,道:“太武,我现在很想去杀你!” He arrived at World of the Living from Little World of the Dead, in heart once had obsession, must kill Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, was he has killed many old friends, was that person of institute kills including his parents. 他从小阴间来到阳间,心中曾有执念,要杀太武天尊,是他害死了许多故人,连他的父母都是那人所杀。 Little World of the Dead, the Great Abyss previous war, Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng, Yaoyao and the others all die because of Extreme Martial, perishes because of him, how can forget? 小阴间,大渊前一战,大黑牛黄牛欧阳风妖妖等人全都因为太武而死,因他而亡,怎能忘记? Although some people live are appearing in World of the Living, crossed Reincarnation painstakingly, is also some people, Yaoyao, will forever sink the Great Abyss deep place, is soundless! 尽管有些人活着在阳间出现,渡过了轮回苦,可是还有人呢,妖妖呢,永沉大渊深处,再无声息! In addition, small Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng, where they, these many years had not appeared, Reincarnation Road is too dangerous, is the First Ancestor level characters not necessarily can guarantee that certainly can be reincarnated successfully. 此外,小黄牛呢,欧阳风呢,至今他们都在哪里,这么多年了都没有出现,轮回路太危险,便是鼻祖级人物都不见得能够保证一定能够转世成功。 His parents disappear, thinks that is the heart trembles, his son-- Little Daoist Priest, then small also joins in Reincarnation Road, loses all news. 他的父母更是不见踪影,想到就是心颤,还有他的那个儿子——小道士,那么小就也投身轮回路,失去一切音信。 Breaks up a family, the parents double perish, old friend all perishes, all are the Extreme Martial behavior, Chu Feng arrive at World of the Living to hold a faith, must find these people, must kill Extreme Martial! 妻离子散,父母双亡,故友皆殒,一切都是太武所为,楚风来到阳间就是抱着一股信念,要找到那些人,更要杀太武 He must take revenge for these people! 他要为那些人复仇! Now, I was formidable enough, the body of Everlasting King, I think that can strike Heavenly Venerate horizontally? Extreme Martial, you well? Do not die is too early!” “如今,我足够强大了,恒王之身,我想可以横击天尊了吧?太武,你‘安好’吗?不要死的太早!” The Chu Feng sound is very low and deep, but, but spoke of finally was not finally gentle, but had the vibrato. 楚风声音很低沉,但是,但是说到最后却终于不是那么的平缓了,而是有了颤音。 Of bang, his double fist pinches tightly, in the fingers the space has the black crack, the terrifying energy is falling in torrents, extremely fearful, the light of principle erupts, causes surrounding endless Star Sea Shining Upon, the big stars crash, the fearful phenomenon appears! 轰的一声,他双拳捏紧间,手指间空间都出现黑色的裂缝,恐怖的能量在倾泻,极其的可怕,法则之光爆发,导致周围无尽星海映照,一颗又一颗大星坠落,可怕异象浮现出来! Yaoyao, could not see for a long time again, I hope really you are also living. Will not be remote, I will go to Great Abyss to seek you...... Comes back!” 妖妖,好久了,再也见不到,我真的希望你还活着。不会太久远,我会去大渊寻你……回来!” Chu Feng voice tremble, because, that is the death result that he witnesses, what does he go also to change? The hope found her body. 楚风声音发抖,因为,那是他亲眼目睹的死亡结局,他去还能改变什么吗?只是希望找到她的遗体。 Has too many regrets, was known as that the Number One Under the Starry Sky Heaven-Blessed female, such falls into the boundless darkness unexpectedly, world is difficult to see her appearance. 有太多的遗憾,号称星空下第一天纵女子,竟那样堕入无边的黑暗中,世间再难见她的容颜。 Chu Feng closed eyes, senses Daoist magic, cultivates wonderful technique, then revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, he here carries on final Nirvana and improvement, will go out! 楚风闭目,感悟道法,修炼妙术,接着又运转盗引呼吸法,他在这里进行最后的涅槃与完善,将出关! The matter that the outside, in no one knows stone furnace has, does not understand that Chu Feng broke the myth in myth, surmounts the common sense, the body of achievement Everlasting King! 外界,谁都不知道石炉中发生的事,不明白楚风已经打破神话中的神话,远超越常理,成就恒王之身! Now, many people also think him more unfortunate than fortunate, came from the World of the Living edge end five Great Divine King to cut to massacre by that. 现在,许多人还以为他凶多吉少,被那来自阳间边缘尽头的五位大神王斩杀掉了呢。 The Jiang Luoshen pressed beautiful woman, the seeming to have met before swallow returns, always thought that person is somewhat familiar, worries for the person in stone furnace. 姜洛神蹙娥眉,似曾相识燕归来,总觉得那个人有些熟悉,为石炉中的人而忧。 The Black-Yellow Human King Race person also sighed, shook the head, no longer thinks, because was they also thinks nobody to be able under five Great Divine King collaborated to live. 玄黄人王族的人也是叹息,摇了摇头,不再多想,因为就是他们这些人也都认为没人可以在五位大神王联手下活下来。 In the Supreme topography, various clans all discuss spiritedly, all thought that Zhou Zhengde is more unfortunate than fortunate. 太上地势中,各族皆议论纷纷,全都觉得周正德凶多吉少。 Carriage bells sound, restricted area outsider! 銮铃声响,禁地外来人了! That is a mildew camel, comes leisurely, one step vanishes, from vanishes same place, then every step will fall will appear in the front several li (0.5 km) far beside. 那是一头白毛骆驼,悠悠而来,一步一幻灭,自原地消失,而后每一步落下都会出现在前方数里远之外。 Sits an old man in its carrying on the back, looks like very auspicious, but induces carefully actually discovered, he blends with the world, whole body implication world Great Dao's aura. 在它的背上坐着一个老者,看起来很祥和,但是仔细感应却发现,他与天地交融,周身蕴含天地大道的气息。 “Wú, the time was similar, not in knows later generation descendants whether some people realize the super transformation. ” He smiles the light language. “唔,时间差不多了,不知道后世子孙中是否有人实现超级蜕变。”他微笑轻语。 Not far away, silent, purple Suan'ni appears, the very overwhelming power, above also sits well an old man, the crane is sending the young face, grasps the walking stick, melts with. 不远处,无声无息,一头紫色的狻猊出现,非常的威猛,上面也端坐着一位老者,鹤发童颜,手持拐杖,与道相融。 "hē hē, my Yuan Clan juniors now where? Also should come out. ” He hehe smiling. “呵呵,我沅族子弟今何在?也该出来了。”他呵呵的笑着。 In fact, beyond the restricted area, presented multi-channel silhouette unexpectedly, is quietly, can cause resonating of world rule, they are Heavenly Venerate! 事实上,在禁地外,竟出现了多道身影,都悄无声息,都能够引起天地规则的共振,他们都是天尊 Various clan some Heavenly Venerate characters came, must aid in the clan disciple to return. 各族一些天尊人物来了,要接应族中弟子回归。 Yuan Clan Dao Brother, congratulated ahead of time, by the strength of your clan bloodlines, naturally can evolve extremely fearful youth powerhouse, one generation strong one generation.” Some people congratulate, are having happy expression. 沅族道兄,提前恭贺了,以你族血脉之力,自然可以进化出极其可怕的青年强者,一代强过一代。”有人恭喜,带着笑意。 Quick, some Mo Family also people came, they are Human King Race, the energy are very naturally full, expected that the clansman brings the purple mansion Origin Metal Human King furnace to go, when may be well, is doomed to transform, realizes the super evolution. Moreover, in Mo Family has previous life great person to go, who with fighting? 很快,莫家也有人来了,他们是人王族,底气自然很足,料想族人带着紫府母金人王炉进去,当可无恙,注定要蜕变,实现超级进化。另外,莫家中更是有前世大贤跟着进去,谁与争锋? Human King lineage/vein, the posture of Heaven-Blessed, the bloodlines are noble, can this most present Human King in 1-2 Human King?” Has Heavenly Venerate of other clans to congratulate. 人王一脉,天纵之姿,血脉高贵无匹,这次多半要出现一两个人王中的人王吧?”有其他族的天尊恭贺。 “Wú, Dao Brother chatted, where Human King in Human King has that easy appearance, since ancient times can several people? ” Mo Family Heavenly Venerate said humbly, but in fact, his eyeground deep place has fiery, hopes in very much the clan presents that and other really the peerless rare talents, Nirvana in Supreme Eight Trigrams Furnace succeeds. “唔,道兄说笑了,人王中的人王哪里有那么容易出现,古来能几人?”莫家天尊谦逊地说道,但事实上,他的眼底深处却有火热,很希望族中真的出现那等绝世奇才,在太上八卦炉涅槃成功。 However, they do not think, Yuan Clan or Human King Mo Family, their seeds, even is their Quasi-Heavenly Venerate, was executed by Chu Feng! 然而,他们不会想到,无论是沅族还是人王莫家,他们的种子,甚至是他们的准天尊,都被楚风格杀了! When they witnessed when who will come out finally, its expression is doomed very splendidly. 当他们目睹谁最终会出来时,其表情注定会很“精彩”。 Chu Feng went out, walks toward stone furnace outside! 楚风出关了,向着石炉外走去! He walks along not smooth bottom, the whole body essence winds around, the raging flames, his within the body the silver blood like lightning in the flame are turbulent, attacks and baptism whole body unceasingly. 他沿着并不平坦的底部行走,周身精气缭绕,烈焰腾腾,于火光中他体内闪电般的银色血液汹涌,不断冲击与洗礼全身上下。 Until he leaves stone Luqian, his blood is tranquil, by like lightning is been radiantly honored and temperate, changes into once more bright red clear. 直到他离开石炉前,其血液才平静,由闪电般的璀璨光彩而温和,再次化为鲜红晶莹起来。 Human King Blood when the habit as before is dark red, only has the activation, in he erupts, will glow eye-catching fearful radiance, to stand out from the masses. 人王血在常态时依旧是殷红色,唯有激活,在他爆发时,才会焕发出夺目的可怕光华,与众不同 The full head white golden hair silk returns to black hair, Chu Feng exchanges one set of brand-new battlesuit, goes out of Supreme Eight Trigrams Furnace! 满头的白金发丝重归乌发,楚风换上一套崭新的战衣,走出太上八卦炉 What, yes...... Zhou Zhengde lived to walk!?” “什么,是……周正德活着走出来了!?” When a Chu Feng beginning appearance, stone furnace outside noise, all people are astonished, felt that shock extremely, to be how possible, five Great Divine King go, states clearly wants the halfway to pick the peach to strike to kill him, intercepts his good fortune, finally was actually he walks? 楚风始一出现,石炉外面一片嘈杂声,所有人都惊愕,感觉极其的震惊,怎么可能啊,五位大神王进去,明说要半路摘桃子去击杀他,截取他的造化,结果却是他走出来了? That five Great Divine King? 那五位大神王呢? What had on his body? How is he to transform successfully, don't tell me that five people were stranded in the furnace, suddenly is hard to get out of trouble?” “在他的身上发生了什么?怎么是他成功蜕变而出,难道那五人被困在炉中,一时间难以脱困?” Outside the furnace, all people were vibrated. 炉外,所有人都被震动了。 As for restricted area beyond, some Heavenly Venerate, even if away from the terrifying Domain, there is a faint trace to induce, said: “Wú, as if some people went out, hehe, should not be my family/home later generation descendants? ” 至于禁地外,有些天尊哪怕隔着恐怖的场域,也有丝丝感应,道:“唔,似乎有人出关了,呵呵,该不会是吾家后辈子孙吧?” ...... …… At this moment, Chu Feng has not paid attention to the people, but opens Discerning Eyes directly, looks into Supreme restricted area most deep place. 此时此刻,楚风没有理会众人,而是直接睁开火眼金睛,眺望太上禁地最深处。 Because, a fire essence clan once some commitments, who can grasp the profound Domain deep meaning, then can cooperate with them, shares the good fortune of restricted area most deep place. 因为,火精一族曾有承诺,谁能掌握高深的场域奥义,便可以与他们合作,共享禁地最深处的造化。 At this moment, the Chu Feng's in the eyes golden color symbol was too brilliant, just like two hung golden Star River to fly, direct link terrifying topography front region. 这一刻,楚风的双目中金色符号太绚烂了,宛若两挂金色的星河飞出去了,直达恐怖地势前沿地带。 In Nirvana after stone furnace, present Chu Feng, his both eyes had big divine ability, cultivate successfully super Discerning Eyes , before knows is not powerful, many times! 经过石炉中的涅槃,现在的楚风,他的双目拥有了大神通,修成了超级火眼金睛,也不知道强盛以前多少倍! Even if the dense fog and flame in restricted area is also hard to tunnel his vision now completely, he saw the truth! 即便是禁地中的迷雾与火光现在也难以全部挡住他的视线,他看到了真相! That is......” “那是……” Chu Feng has shocked, whom did he see? 楚风震撼了,他看到了谁? He saw the remnant bell fragment, saw Emperor Blood, saw Three Lives Medicine in big black dog mouth, in addition he also saw female who a snow clothes dances in the breeze, is that...... Empresses?! 他看到了残钟碎片,看到了帝血,看到了大黑狗口中的三生药,此外他还看到一个雪衣飘舞的女子,是那位……女帝?! That is together stone gate, appears the moon shape, unceasingly the outward diffusion silver ripple, likely is the special ultrasonic wave that visible and can see, but the world after gate was too profound, just like linking Floating Land of the Four Poles, is linking Firmament likely, is linking the ancient hell before true Emperor's Fall Era likely, in addition, that empress also there?! 那是一道石门,呈月亮形,不断向外扩散银色波纹,像是有形并可以看到的特殊超声波,而门后的世界太深邃了,宛若连着四极浮土,又像是连着上苍,也像是连着真正的帝落时代前的古老地府,此外,那位女帝亦在那里?! In Great Universe Level Medicinal Herb as for legend, naturally also has! 至于传说中的大宇级药草,自然也有! Chu Feng shock, is this place that in the Supreme restricted area a fire essence clan must ask him to cooperate to go to? Must go to that Dao Sect back, can penetrate?! 楚风震惊,这是太上禁地中火精一族要找他合作而去的地方?要去那道门的背后,要深入进去?! Three leaders 三掌门
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