SR :: Volume #14

#1387: The world altogether reveres Human King

Chu Feng changes to stream of light to run out of the strategic place, precisely, because the clock cauldron sounds together, vibrates the trim Supreme topography, he directly breaks through. 楚风化作一道流光冲出险地,正是因为钟鼎齐鸣,震动整片太上地势,他才直接突围出去。 Then, in his eyes reveals boundless cold killing intent, is staring at the Yuan Clan person, previously for the low key, does not want to stare prematurely, he has not started to the Yuan Family person, cannot think that they have first launched an attack, must drive him to commit suicide. 然后,他眼中露出无边冷冽的杀意,盯着沅族的人,早先为了低调,不想过早被人盯上,他才没有对沅家的人下手,想不到他们抢先发难了,要置他于死地。 Bang! 轰! The Yuan Clan person in take action, controls the magnetic marrow law clock, rumbled directly, piece of Domain rune blotted out the sky, this must puncture the world simply. 沅族的人在出手,控制磁髓法钟,直接轰了过来,一片场域符文铺天盖地,这简直是要打穿天地。 After being separated from that range, Chu Feng is like a fish in water, under foot rune Large expanse, crossed starry skies likely, entered Supreme topography Ultimate Land directly, must go to that immortal furnace body. 脱离那个范围后,楚风如鱼得水,脚下符文成片,像是横渡了一片星空,直接就进了太上地势终极地,要去那不朽的炉体。 He has avoided, is in that region, some strong clan actually suffers a disaster, several Divine King have not sent out including the pitiful yell, by the ray bang of that magnetic marrow law clock, destroy both body and soul, did not have remaining including the residual. 他躲开了,可是在那片区域,某一强族却遭劫,数位神王连惨叫都没有发出,就被那磁髓法钟的光芒轰中,形神俱灭,连残渣都没有剩下。 It can be imagined, by treasure that a great magnetic marrow mountain massif sacrifice refining up how fierce, rises above worldly affairs unusually, frightens the world. 可想而知,以一座宏大磁髓山体祭炼成的瑰宝多么的厉害,超凡绝俗,震慑人间。 Naturally, it can assume an awe-inspiring pose is mainly is also because this piece of Mountains and Rivers is special, is the Domain fearful place, its prestige can be stronger, is taking advantage of somebody's authority, taking advantage of world mighty force. 当然,它能够发威主要是也是因为这片山川特殊,越是场域可怕之地,它威能越强,在借势,借天地伟力。 You......” “你……” That clansman startled anger of suffering a disaster, has the endless indignation, the Yuan Clan person kills the heart to be too heavy, extinguished their promising youth unexpectedly. 遭劫的那一族人惊怒,有着无尽的怨愤,沅族的人杀心太重了,竟灭了他们的后起之秀。 Fellow Daoist, does not do right by, a moment ago was the accident/surprise, all were the result because of that Zhou Zhengde bringing trouble to others.” The Yuan Clan person opens the mouth, apologizes. 道友,对不住,刚才是意外,一切都是因那周正德祸水东引所致。”沅族的人开口,赔礼道歉。 Your a few words finished up, the elites of my clan died!” The old man of that clan shouted angrily. “你们一句话就完事了吗,我族的精英死了!”那一族的老者愤怒喝道。 What to do did you say?” Quasi-Heavenly Venerate smile of Yuan Clan, and suddenly goes forward, take action, vibrates that magnetic marrow law clock personally once more. “你说怎么办?”沅族准天尊微笑,并且突然上前,亲自出手,再次震动那磁髓法钟。 Bang! 轰! Opposite old man extremely fast retrocedes, wants to tear the space to run away, however he cannot avoid, by the anchorage, was then torn the body, was slaughtered miserably, the blood scatters, the soul flies away and scatters. 对面的老者极速后退,想要撕裂空间逃走,然而他根本躲不开,被定住了,接着被撕裂躯体,惨被屠杀,血液四溅,魂飞魄散 All people are startled, the Yuan Clan person was too overbearing, the cruel and merciless, direct under extreme methods, gave to extinguish in the people of this place that clan, was not reasonable. 所有人都吃惊,沅族的人太霸道了,心狠手辣,直接下死手,将那一族在此地的人都给灭了,毫不讲道理。 Already was the enemy, the enmity cannot melt, that might as well kill!” This is the Yuan Clan that Quasi-Heavenly Venerate words. “既已为敌,仇怨化解不了,那不如都杀了!”这是沅族那位准天尊的话语。 Bang! 砰! Almost is simultaneously, Chu Feng started, under foot sparkle radiance, departs compared with the lightning also dazzling light beam together, from the mountains, hits Yuan Clan disciple. 几乎是同时,楚风下手了,脚下闪耀光华,一道比闪电还刺目的光束飞出,从山川中冲起,将沅族的一名弟子击中。 He blasts out at the scene, the blood and bone splash, this is uses this piece of topography to kill people directly, moreover what kills is Divine King. 他当场炸开,血与骨都飞溅起来,这是利用这片地势直接杀人,而且杀的是一位神王 This was fearful, is distanced such far, he can write off Yuan Clan elite disciple directly. 这就可怕了,相距这么远,他都能直接抹杀沅族的一位精英弟子 You......” “你……” The when Quasi-Heavenly Venerate startled anger of Yuan Clan, his slightly negligence, using the law clock kills people, that Zhou Zhengde catches the opportunity slaughter to fall young Divine King of their clan. 沅族准天尊惊怒,他稍微一个疏忽,利用法钟杀人之际,那周正德就抓到机会屠掉了他们族的一位年轻神王 The next quarter, he shakes the magnetic marrow law clock, bell's sound wave was gentle, has covered in all clans disciple, sheltered all people, then they turned toward Chu Feng there to flush away together. 下一刻,他摇动磁髓法钟,钟波柔和,笼罩了所有族中弟子,庇护所有人,然后他们一起向着楚风那里冲去。 And, bell's sound wave is fearful, is the thunder one after another, melts likely unexpectedly forms the electro-optic, directly soars Chu Feng to go. 并且,钟波可怕,像是雷霆般一道又一道,居然化形成光电,直奔楚风而去。 This creates certain difficulty to Chu Feng, he turns around to walk, prepares to enter in the Supreme immortal furnace, launches the attack there, so long as wipes out that magnetic marrow law clock, he must slaughter, even if exposed the Great Divine King status and strength does not matter. 这对楚风造成一定的困扰,他转身就走,准备进太上不朽炉中去,在那里发动进攻,只要打掉那磁髓法钟,他就要大开杀戒了,即便暴露大神王的身份与实力也无所谓了。 Bang! 轰! The Yuan Clan person chases down, that Quasi-Heavenly Venerate old man grasps the law clock, is the bang kills to prevent seriously, quells the large expanse of topography, forms a piece of level road. 沅族的人在后追杀,那准天尊老者手持法钟,当真是轰杀一切阻挡,荡平成片的地势,形成一片坦途。 Can unexpectedly so?! 竟然能如此?! Was jealous including Chu Feng, this rare treasure heaven shaking, stems from Domain Dominion strong person the writing skill of extremely inevitably, what is most important is that material quality. 楚风都眼红了,这异宝惊天,必然是出自场域领域中的绝顶强人的手笔,不过最重要的还是那材质。 So long as seizes, he has confidence nourish to leave fiercer Domain treasure. 只要夺过来,他有信心温养出更厉害的场域瑰宝。 "Um, the Supreme topography cannot break, must approach nearby that immortal furnace body, I inspire the true Supreme fire, burns the dead Yuan Clan person directly! ” Chu Feng makes the plan secretly. “嗯,太上地势不可破,真要接近那不朽的炉体附近,我引动出真正的太上火,直接焚死沅族的人!”楚风暗自做打算。 The rare treasure is dies, the person is lives, even if the magnetic marrow law clock goes against heaven's will, there is a limitation, having the means can explain. 秘宝是死的,人是活的,即便是磁髓法钟非常逆天,也有局限性,有办法可以破解。 Chu Feng to/clashes to, here he cannot have one's wish, is unable in underground to go through, because here Domain is complex, fierce of suppression. 楚风向里冲,在这里他也不能随心所欲了,无法在地下穿行,因为这里场域复杂,压制的厉害。 Surrounding strange plants Large expanse, Hong Yan bai of cover, the flame winds around, that Baizhu forest, snow white like jade, but the winding around lightning, the fearless flame, the adult plant is dense and numerous. 周围各种奇异的植物成片,茂密的洪岩柏,火光缭绕,还有那白竹林,雪白如玉,但却缭绕闪电,无惧火光,植株密密麻麻。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 The Chu Feng hurricane advances, extremely fast runs, was in danger along the way several times. 楚风狂飙突进,极速奔跑间,沿途数次遇险。 Where walks!” “哪里走!” Yuan Clan person shouts out, but, they also restricted, that Quasi-Heavenly Venerate was almost swallowed by a piece of thunder, during that snow white bamboo grove shaking, the crazy thunder are innumerable, the blown sand walks the stone, the flame like the sea, surges crazily. 沅族的人大喝,但是,他们也受限了,那位准天尊都几乎被一片雷霆吞噬,那雪白的竹林摇动间,狂雷无数,飞沙走石,火光如海,疯狂涌动出来。 Chī! 哧! What is most fearful, in the Supreme furnace hikes up wisp of fireworks, hits the magnetic marrow law clock, making it stagnate short, cannot assume an awe-inspiring pose. 最为可怕的是,太上炉中飘起一缕焰火,击中磁髓法钟,让它短暂停滞,不能发威。 Kills!” “杀!” Chu Feng turns around to kill suddenly, uses the limited special node, realizes crossed the sea cross Heaven Realm such as the dream imaginary transverse shift once more difficultly. 楚风突然掉头杀回来,利用有限的特殊节点,再次艰难的实现了渡海跨天界般的如梦似幻的横移。 He behaves the body by the Domain in addition, temporarily gets rid of the imprisonment of topography, the towering appearance, kills the person of Yuan Clan greatly. 他以场域加持己身,暂时摆脱地势的禁锢,突兀出现,大杀沅族之人。 Puff! 噗噗! Two abnormal noises, he sets up Yuan Clan masculine Divine King one after another chops for two halves, goes through, head harvesting of female Divine King, raises the big piece the blood rain. 接连两声异响,他将沅族一位男性神王立劈为两半,穿行而过,将一位女性神王的头颅收割,身后扬起大片的血雨。 Strikes escapes, he disappeared instant. 一击远遁,他刹那就消失了。 The Quasi-Heavenly Venerate anger of Yuan Clan extremely, kills people under his nose, this clan has the damage unexpectedly, his look ice-cold like electricity, the magnetic marrow law clock in vibration hand, making it shine once more, the bang kills forward. 沅族准天尊怒极,在他的眼皮底下杀人,该族居然有损伤,他眼神冰冷如电,震动手中的磁髓法钟,使之再次发光,向前轰杀。 How, he does not dare to take a step in this place easily, only after can waits for the treasure to recover comprehensively, dare to chase down, therefore has missed the best opportunity. 奈何,在这片地方他不敢轻易迈步,只能等瑰宝全面复苏后才敢追杀,所以错过了最佳时机。 The Chu Feng to get close to Supreme immortal furnace body, is not very far, but, he is also knitting the brows, in this furnace body can not model the body of extinguishing really again? 楚风接近太上不朽炉体,已经不是很远了,不过,他也在皱眉,这炉体中真的可以再塑不灭之体吗? A moment ago, wisp of clouds and mist fluttered to disturb the magnetic marrow law clock, was really dangerous and fearful. 刚才,一缕烟霞飘出来就干扰了磁髓法钟,实在过于危险与可怕。 Behind, a troop person follows up, wants to arrive in the immortal furnace body, some people use the rare treasure in clan, some people try to prove carefully, watches path route that the strong clan passes through, in following slow with line. 后方,一大群人跟进,都想抵达不朽的炉体,有人利用族中的异宝,也有人小心求证,观看强族所走过的轨迹路线,在后面缓慢跟行。 Hands down, in the Supreme furnace then has the mutated fruit good fortune, may be Great Universe Level!” Some people whispered, the look was blazing. “相传,太上炉中便有异果造化,有可能是大宇级的!”一些人低语,眼神炽热。 The Yuan Clan person naturally is closing on, must lock Chu Feng, striking will kill. 沅族的人自然在进逼,要锁定楚风,将之击杀。 However, along with the advance, the Yuan Clan person heart is also heavy, even if there is a treasure in the hand, distance that furnace body was near at hand, they are trembling as before, fearful and apprehensive, feared that encounters Great Calamity! 不过,随着前进,沅族的人也心头沉重,即便有瑰宝在手,距离那炉体近在咫尺了,他们依旧在颤栗,胆战心惊,怕遭遇大劫 This place is uncertain, is world place of variable, is very fearful. 这地方不可预测,是天地中的一个变数之地,很慑人。 Report, the Six-eared Macaque Race interview, delivers letter paper one!” “报,六耳猕猴族求见,送上信笺一封!” At this moment, one group of flames appear, bypass this piece of topography, goes to the distant place, a master-- fire essence clan in to report this piece of Mountains and Rivers. 就在这时,一团火光浮现,绕过这片地势,向更远处而去,禀报片山川中的主人——火精一族。 After hearing to report, appeared including the ox head that full head sends green strangely, receives and instructs the letter paper personally. 听到禀报后,连那满头绿发的牛头怪又出现了,亲自接引信笺。 Then is Chu Feng is startled, previously Mi Tian and Mi Qing brother and sister all present, afterward withdrew, with, him had not been feeling strange that which went, now finally understands. 便是楚风都一怔,早先弥天弥清兄妹二人皆现,后来又退后了,没有跟进来,他还在奇怪哪去了,现在终于明白了。 The monkey brother and sister have not rushed hardly, but waited to be very long, after the outward appearance looked that all troops rushed distressed earth was in danger, they deliver letter paper, was true big move. 猴子兄妹没有硬闯,而是等了很久,在外观看各方人马闯厄土遇险后,他们才送上一封信笺,是真正的“大招”。 Cannot think the great seal that the beginning of era, that old monkey leaves behind still, covered on this letter paper!” “想不到啊,纪元之始,那个老猴子留下的大印还在,盖在了这张信笺上!” The restricted area deep place, has creature to whisper, in the speeches, the letter paper that a Six-eared Macaque clan delivers burns burn to ashes, is the void actually brand mark rune, does not condense loose, has the scary power and influence. 禁地深处,有生灵低语,在说话间,六耳猕猴一族送上的信笺焚烧成灰烬,可是虚空中却烙印着一个符文,凝聚不散,有着骇人的威势。 That is a brand mark of great seal, keeps on the letter paper, now carves in void! 那是一枚大印的烙印,留在信笺上,现在则刻在虚空中! Feasible, after permitting a Six-eared Macaque clan, takes into the Supreme hole, quota two, boils down True Self, the Nirvana regeneration!” “可行,允许六耳猕猴一族后代进太上洞,名额两个,熬炼真我,涅槃再生!” The restricted area deep place, has the terrifying fire essence opens the mouth, makes this resolution. 禁地深处,有恐怖火精开口,做出这种决断。 This words passed on, making all people be surprised, shocks secretly, a Six-eared Macaque lineage/vein inside story deep? That so-called old monkey is the person of any age, the great seal prestige that leaves behind can so be unexpectedly terrorist, the face was also too big. 这种话传了出来,让所有人都大吃一惊,暗自震撼,六耳猕猴一脉的底蕴有多深?那所谓的老猴子是什么年代的人,留下的大印威能竟这么恐怖,面子也太大了。 The ox head strange appearance, received and instructed to put the big move of monkey brother and sister personally, entered in special ancient cave, there shining, the distance immortal furnace was very near, was unexpectedly full of vitality, here gentle and safe were too more than it. 牛头怪出现,亲自去接引放了大招的猴子兄妹,进入一座特殊的古洞中,那里流光溢彩,距离不朽炉很近,竟生机勃勃,比之这里柔和与安全太多了。 This is by a fire essence clan has examined the associated furnace! 这是被火精一族检验过的伴生炉! The Supreme furnace, accompanying has several special small furnace bodies, same can boil down oneself body, relatively speaking, is safer, had been surrendered. 太上炉,相伴有十几个特殊的小炉体,一样可以熬炼己身,相对而言,更为安全,已经被降服了。 But true Supreme main furnace, is a fire essence clan does not dare to go in easily, frequently must burn the soul flies away and scatters, the ashes cannot stay behind. 而真正的太上主炉,则是连火精一族都不敢轻易进去,动辄就要烧个魂飞魄散,灰烬都留不下。 At this time, many people flew into a rage, after a Six-eared Macaque clan, sent first, unexpectedly had this friendship with fire essence in Supreme topography, first entered in the furnace body. 这时,许多人急眼,六耳猕猴一族后发先至,居然同太上地势中的火精有这种交情,先进入炉体中了。 Therefore, some people even more advance boldly with fiercely, wants to rush to Ultimate Land. 所以,一些人越发奋进与勇猛,想要冲到终极地 shuā! 刷! divine light flashes, some people have blocked the Yuan Clan person, the anti- road ahead, does not make them pursue Chu Feng. 神光一闪,有人挡住了沅族的人,阻前路,不让他们追击楚风 who, dares so!” The Yuan Clan person shouted. 什么人,竟敢如此!”沅族的人喝道。 Is the person of head is young, if the item the bright star, has an imposing appearance, a silver hair hangs loose, suitable has the makings, callous color. 为首的人非常年轻,目若朗星,气宇轩昂,一头银发披散,相当的有气质,略带冷酷之色。 Human King!” Some people open the mouth. 人王!”有人开口。 All people are shocked, unexpectedly is a Human King clan!? 所有人都震动,居然是人王一族!? World Human Race trillion, are the largest races, but was known as Human King's, only then several clans live, once controlled All Heavens, now according to old stock world are not many. 天下人族亿万,为数量最大的种族,而号称人王的只有几族活下来,曾经统驭诸天,现在依旧存世的不多了。 Which Human King Race?” Then is the Yuan Clan person vision concentrates. “哪一人王族?”便是沅族的人都目光一凝。 Black-Yellow!” Some people open the mouth, is the young people of head has not spoken as for that throughout, is callous and silent. 玄黄!”有人开口,至于那为首的年轻人始终没有说话,非常的冷酷与沉默。 Its blood does Black-Yellow, have strength of Heaven Mutant Desolation Human King Race?!” Nearby, many people are shocked, calls out in alarm makes noise. “其血玄黄,有开天之力异荒人王族?!”附近,许多人都震惊,都惊呼出声。 This is the Human King Race strong clan in top three, fearful boundless, his blood has the qualifications to realize over six revolutions. 这是人王族中的前三甲内的强族,可怕无边,其血有资格可实现六转以上。 Three revolutions of Human King were rare, once above six revolutions of Human King, that does not dare to imagine simply, went against heaven's will absolutely! 三转人王就罕见了,一旦六转人王以上,那简直不敢想象,绝对的逆天了! „The world altogether reveres Human King!” An old man opens the mouth, is Quasi-Heavenly Venerate of this clan, making the Yuan Clan people dread. “天下共尊人王!”一位老者开口,是该族的准天尊,让沅族的人都忌惮。 You...... Comes.” The Black-Yellow Human King Race silver-haired man opened the mouth finally, hints Chu Feng in the past. “你……过来。”玄黄人王族的银发男子终于开口,示意楚风过去。 Chu Feng pupil micro, he is also Human King, is only not the knows backward source words, which should be! 楚风瞳孔微缩,他也是人王,只是不知道追溯本源的话,该属于哪一支! World Human Race, from, when altogether reveres Human King, similarly, I and others may also shelter you.” The silver-haired man said calmly. “天下人族,自当共尊人王,同样,我等亦可庇护你。”银发男子平静地说道。 The Chu Feng pupil is profound, altogether reveres this Human King? He did not have this thought, oneself similarly is Human King, must lower the head to whom, who must revere who?! 楚风眸子深邃,共尊此人王?他还真没有这个念头,自身同样为人王,要向谁低头,谁要尊谁?! However, he has not displayed not to be quick, the look is as before light, regardless of first opposite party whether relies on, and first looks at them is the enemy is the friend. 不过,他也没有表现出来不快,依旧神色平淡,先不论对方是否过于自恃,且先看他们是敌是友。
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