SR :: Volume #14

#1380: Heavenly Immortal Race

Chu Feng comprehends completely, almost becomes Heavenly Master! 楚风参悟圆满,几乎成为天师 Then how long? The free time of several days, he realized from experience being enlightened and in a hole China seven day world already millenniums the wonderland, progressed by leaps and bounds, shocks everybody! 这才多长时间?数日的工夫而已,他就体悟到了“醍醐灌顶”、“洞中方七日世上已千年”的妙境,突飞猛进,惊世骇俗! This is one endures with Realm that Heavenly Venerate are treated equally! 这是一个堪与天尊平起平坐的境界 Chu Feng then must visit now, but he many big age? 楚风如今便要踏足进去了,而他才多大年岁? Words that passes on, this absolute shock world. 传出去的话,这绝对的震撼世间。 He more walks on the Domain road is farther, from now not only studies thoroughly the predecessor road, but must explore oneself unique say/way way, will advance in unison. 他在场域的路上越走越远,从此以后不仅研习前人路,还要探索自己独特的道途,将齐头并进。 The wind has blown, the heat wave, in this piece of topography often leaps the flame. 风吹过,热浪袭人,这片地势中不时腾起火光。 Including the vegetation is the special varieties, such as the iron tight and loose old skin dehiscence, such as the golden purple cane takes root when the magma, all does not fear to burn down, the leaf blade all has metallic feel, drags hits in the same place, makes noise sonorously, the sound is clear. 连植被都是特殊品种,如铁线松老皮开裂,如紫金藤都扎根在岩浆中,全都不怕火烧,叶片皆有金属质感,摇曳起来时撞在一起,铿锵作响,声音清脆。 Chu Feng moved, prepares to take a step the Supreme topography deep place, he merit line of complete, have not needed to delay. 楚风动了,准备迈步进太上地势深处,他已经功行圆满,没有必要耽搁下去了。 All people are watching him, in fact, many people are paying attention to his every action and every movement, this can Zhou Zhengde start the Supreme topography? 所有人都在看着他,事实上,许多人都在关注他的一举一动,这个周正德要开始进太上地势了? The complexion of people changed, after arriving here, each other is the competitors, they realized, this Zhou Zhengde Domain talent was really abnormal, has far exceeded the imagination. 人们的脸色变了,来到这里后,彼此都是竞争对手,他们意识到,这个周正德场域天赋实在变态,远远超出了想象。 Was the wonderland that then how long, his unexpectedly affiliation that type of alternative grasps principles perfect? 这才多长时间,他居然藉那种另类悟道的妙境已经完满了? However, in many person hearts does not believe that he studied thoroughly one pile of Domain secret texts, thought nobody to be able like this Heaven-Blessed. 不过,也有许多人心中不相信他将一堆的场域秘典都研究透了,认为没有人可以这样天纵了得。 Studies the Domain path, walks Evolution Road also to want difficult ten times to continue compared with it! 研究场域的道路,比之走进化路还要艰难十倍不止! On this road, Heaven-Blessed Talent must worry white the head. 在这条路上,天纵奇才也得愁白了头。 The people thought, Zhou Zhengde was quite self-confident, has read through books, although has attained, but was also insufficient thoroughly to be steady, but must start to take risk ahead of time. 人们觉得,周正德只是比较自信,通读了一遍书册,虽有所获,但也不至于彻底“稳了”,而只是要提前开始冒险。 Naturally, this to them was the pressure, the competitor starts to take action similarly, can they follow up? 当然,这对他们同样是压力,竞争者开始行动了,他们要不要跟进? We also start off!” Some people said in a low voice. “我们也上路吧!”有人低声道。 Because delays not to have significance again, studies Domain, frequently is dozens over a hundred years of painstaking effort can have an achievement initially, who can consume? 因为再耽搁下去也没有意义,研究场域,动辄就是数十上百年苦功才能初步有所成就,谁耗得起? They read over cursorily, will glance over with some Supreme topography related ancient times literature several. 他们只是粗读,将与太上地势有关的一些古代文献浏览了几遍。 Not only in one bunch of books has Domain secret texts, various types of literature and personally written letters, similar annals old book. 一堆书籍中不仅有场域秘典,还有各种文献与手札,类似史册般的古籍。 We also walk.” “我们也走。” At this time, moved including the Buddha Race's people, team leader is white clothing Divine King, the appearance is outstanding, has an imposing appearance, could see that is a body has the powerhouse of buddha's bones. 这时,连佛族的人都动了,领队者是一个白衣神王,容貌出众,气宇轩昂,看得出是一个身具佛骨的强者。 He is very calm, is very calm, the white clothing white sock, the fine dust does not dye, pinches between Buddha seal, quite bright Buddha picks flowers the charm of smiling, seriously is unusual refined. 他很从容,也很镇静,白衣白袜,纤尘不染,捏佛印间,颇有神佛拈花一笑的神韵,当真是超凡脱俗。 But not far away, after being separated from Buddha Race, became an lineage/vein Mutant Desolation big thunder sound Buddha Race's person also moved, the leader was one wears the black cassock young man. 而不远处,脱离佛族后、自成一脉的异荒雷音佛族的人也动了,为首者是一个身披黑色袈裟的青年男子。 Now, he must collaborate with Buddha Race's white clothing Divine King, crosses the Supreme topography together. 现在,他要与佛族的白衣神王联手,一同渡进太上地势。 I brought the Great Thunderclap Temple ground mass.” Wears black cassock Bodhisattva saying that is very serious, treasure portrait is dignified, after the brain, has special Buddha link that black light flows. “我将大雷音寺的石基带来了。”身披黑色袈裟佛子说道,很严肃,宝相庄严,脑后有一层乌光流淌的特殊佛环。 All person hearing this suck in a cold breath! 所有人闻言倒吸冷气 Mutant Desolation big thunder sound Buddha Race was too famous, overawes World of the Living, is separated Buddha Race to strong lineage/vein, handed down had already exterminated the clan, until now present. 异荒雷音佛族实在太有名了,威震阳间,是佛族至强的一脉脱离出去的,相传早就灭族了,至今又现。 What is most essential, Buddha Race's supreme breathing method, its first half is the big thunder sound Buddha Race foundation! 最为关键的是,佛族的无上呼吸法,其前半部就是大雷音佛族开创的! But corresponds with it, big thunder sound stone Si in legend, is that founds the life of breathing method to hand over the thing of cultivating, is weapon that not measures, after it dies, buries in oneself body in Shisi. 而与之对应的,还有一座传说中的大雷音石寺,是那位开创呼吸法者的性命交修之物,是一件莫测的兵器,而在其死后,更是将己身葬于石寺中。 Now, Mutant Desolation big thunder sound Buddha Race is not only born, its has Bodhisattva also brought that legend the ground mass of ancient temple?! 如今,异荒雷音佛族不仅出世,其佛子还带来了那座传说中的古寺的石基?! This specially to suppress the Supreme topography comes, the preparation is sufficient! 这就是专为镇压太上地势而来,准备充足! Good, I also invited the Paramount Buddha parietal bone Buddhist relics, may with the stone temple resonance, be possible to cross Supreme.” The white clothing Bodhisattva smile said, is even more auspicious and tranquil. “好,我亦请来究极佛顶骨舍利,可与石寺共鸣,可渡太上。”白衣佛子微笑说道,越发的祥和与宁静。 How Supreme may cross, how could to cross?” Not far away, the Dao Race's person said with a smile, some people shook the head. 太上岂可渡,岂能渡?”不远处,道族的人笑道,有人摇头。 Obviously, they are also prepared, in the speeches, they also moved, walks toward the Supreme topography deep place. 显然,他们也有准备,在说话间,他们亦动了,向着太上地势深处走去。 We also walk.” A female opens the mouth, beautiful woman curved, the eye has the spiritual energy, the forehead red, beautiful appearance extremely, just like celestial fairy. “我们也走。”一个女子开口,娥眉弯弯,眼睛有灵气,眉心一点红,极其的美貌,宛若天仙子般。 In her side, There is still one graceful bearing very outstanding female, precisely Jiang Luoshen. 在她的旁边,还有一个风姿非常出众的女子,正是姜洛神 Their this pedestrians have initiated Buddha Race and Dao Race's attention unexpectedly, that Mutant Desolation big thunder sound Buddha Race's black clothes Bodhisattva asked in the indefinite tone: „The person in overseas Heavenly Immortal island?” 他们这行人竟引发了佛族道族的关注,那异荒雷音佛族的黑衣佛子以不确定的语气问道:“海外天仙岛的人?” When hears this words, people all change countenance, the complexion all changes, together then floats with World of the Living Continent vast boundless vast extremely mysterious. 当听到这种话,人们全都动容,脸色皆变,那与阳间大陆一起漂浮的浩瀚无垠的汪洋极其神秘。 It is reported that ocean most deep place has a Heavenly Immortal island, creature that above dwells is not weak in Buddha Race and Dao Race. 据悉,大洋最深处有一座天仙岛,上面栖居的生灵不弱于佛族道族 And what is more, some people said that World of the Living's Sub Immortal Clan is possibly related with them. 更有甚者,有人说阳间的亚仙族可能与他们有关。 Naturally, a rumor, said that should call is the Evil Spirit island is right, but non- Heavenly Immortal island! 当然,还有一种传言,说应该称呼为邪灵岛才对,而非天仙岛! All people are very serious, the legend of World of the Living about Great Evil Spirit were too many, some people said that they stem from another one, can come from Heaven Connecting Immortal Waterfall there. 所有人都很严肃,阳间关于大邪灵的传说实在太多了,有人说她们起源于另一界,可以自通天仙瀑那里过来。 As for the Evil Spirit island of overseas, that is Great Evil Spirit in the foothold of this world! 至于海外的邪灵岛,那是大邪灵在这个世界的据点! Also some people said, Heavenly Immortal Race is not Great Evil Spirit, but is primitive Immortal Race lineage/vein. 亦有人说,天仙族并非大邪灵,而是原始仙族一脉。 All are the legends, now is very difficult to confirm. 一切都是传说,现在很难证实。 Chu Feng is also astonished however, the past country's name goddess, present Jiang Luoshen, did she Heavenly Immortal island the person in World of the Living ocean deep place have the relations? 楚风也讶然,昔日的国名女神,如今的姜洛神,她怎么同阳间大洋深处的天仙岛的人有了关系? However, now does not think time, is more impossible to recognize each other, he started off solitarily, walked first. 不过,现在不是多想的时候,更不可能相认,他只身上路了,已经先行走了出去。 Some Supreme topography regions are not very smooth, bumpy, and along with the thorough, strong sulfur taste heads on, irritates the nose very much, the smoking fire burns, as if arrived in the craters of hell. 太上地势有些区域很不平坦,坑坑洼洼,并且随着深入,浓重的硫磺味儿扑面而来,很刺鼻,烟熏火灼,仿佛来到了地狱的火山口间。 The Chu Feng surprise, here should be supreme Danger Land, how also to be mediocre the sulfur taste? 楚风诧异,这里应该是无上绝地,怎么还有凡俗间的硫磺味儿? Front, gully Large expanse , the path is rugged, the magma appearance, vigorous iron tight and loose takes root in middle one after another, all over the body in flood flame. 前方,沟壑成片,道路崎岖,一块又一块岩浆地出现,许多苍劲的铁线松扎根在当中,通体都在泛火光。 ! 噗! The heat wave raises, has the magma wave to hit, splashes down in void, unexpectedly made the space twist. 热浪掀起,有岩浆浪头打起,溅落在虚空中,居然让空间都扭曲了。 The complexions of all people changed, where is any ordinary flame and sulfur, this clearly confuses the person, the front was too dangerous, in the flame is containing the Order symbol! 所有人的脸色都变了,哪里是什么普通火焰与硫磺等,这分明是迷惑人的,前方太危险了,火光中蕴含着秩序符号! The place of Chu Feng to get close to danger, under foot Domain rune emits, he prepares to use mystique method at any time, crosses to go in this stretch of region. 楚风接近危险之地,脚下场域符文冒出,他随时准备动用秘法,在这片地带横渡而去。 Buzz, the sound of fluttering conveys, a ladybug emits from the magma, comes toward him swayingly, is bright red and clear, has eight golden spots on the wing. 嗡的一声,振翅的声音传来,一只瓢虫从岩浆中冒出,向着他这边晃晃悠悠而来,鲜红而晶莹,在翅上有八颗黄金斑点。 Chu Feng is astonished, in this magma, in this piece of Supreme topography, has such insect to dwell unexpectedly? 楚风讶异,在这岩浆中,在这片太上地势内,居然也有这样的虫子栖居? However, the next quarter, his palpitation, the rapid leaning head, has avoided the past, that has the characteristics golden color spot ladybug to accelerate suddenly, and emits the tricolor flames. 然而,下一刻,他一阵心悸,迅速偏头,躲避了过去,那拥有特色金色斑点的瓢虫猛然加速,并且喷吐出三色火光。 Unexpectedly is a Divine King Level insect! 竟是一个神王级的虫子! Is my Heavenly Immortal Race had extinguished in the past one of the world hardship insects, cannot think that they also tracked down here, was looking for that person of clue!” “是我天仙族当年灭过的世间厄虫之一,想不到它们也追寻到了这里,也在寻找那人的线索!” Behind, the Heavenly Immortal Race person calls out in alarm. 后方,天仙族的人惊呼。 Difficult labor to being similar to by a blade, now has been suitable, the behind chapter, tomorrow once more will also start to rise spiritedly to start off. 难产到如同挨了一刀,现在顺了,后面还有一章,明天再次开始奋起上路。
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