SR :: Volume #14

#1346: Myriad Things Origin Qi Cauldron a magnificence of lineage/vein

In the Chu Feng heart has an anger to upwell, the angry flame is surging, not because of World of the Living's Nine-Headed Bird Race and golden wings Yaksha Race wait/etc., but stems from another two influences. 楚风心中有一股火气在上涌,有一股怒焰在激荡,不是因为阳间的九头鸟族金翅夜叉族等,而是源于另外两股势力。 Heaven's Above some envoy clan people came, has the formidable inside story, defends mountain protecting gate ferocious beast continually is Heavenly Venerate Level, the aura that fills has conducted to Mystic Realm. 天之上的使者一族有人来了,有强大的底蕴,连守护山门的凶兽都是天尊级的,弥漫出的气息已都传导到秘境中。 Naturally, this has not let his most startled anger, although came from the Heaven's Above family to be very extremely arrogant, is very overbearing, a designation surname makes him comply with the order, obeys the summon, but then a matter, his people have also killed, has killed two including the messengers, but also has something to care. 当然,这还不是让他最为惊怒的,尽管来自天之上的家族很狂妄,很霸道,指名点姓让他遵从命令,听从召唤,但也就那么回事,他连人都杀了,连使者都干掉了两个,还有什么可在意的。 Those who most make his state of mind fluctuating and angry blood rush, that fearful and secretive and formidable appeared with the monster evil family, a Yaoyao clan that once harmed is very pitiful. 最为让他心绪起伏、怒血澎湃的是,那个可怕而诡秘又强大与妖邪的家族出现了,曾害得的妖妖一族无比凄惨。 When World of the Living, if no present him without Yaoyao, when Earth, Yaoyao shelters him, gives him to grow the time. 阳间时,如果没有妖妖就没有现在的他,在地球时,妖妖庇护他,给他成长时间。 But in Great Abyss, the final time, was Yaoyao disintegrates only the he as well as stone jar of remaining blood and soul holds to deliver with both hands the body, but she forever will fall the Great Abyss dark deep place, has not come out again. 而在大渊内,最后的时刻,是妖妖将身体瓦解到只剩下血与魂的他以及石罐用双手托着送了出来,而她自己则永坠大渊黑暗深处,再也没有出来。 Perhaps, if at that moment Yaoyao the final strength will leave her, she can live, she can come out, but, that flash, she has rescued Chu Feng, has delivered him, but oneself have not appeared again. 或许,那一刻如果妖妖将最后的力量留给她自己,她能活着,她自己能出来,但是,那一瞬间,她救了楚风,将他送了出来,而自己却再也没有出现。 Whenever thinks about these, in the Chu Feng heart is very painful, was seized likely generally, therefore, so long as with Yaoyao related all, he cares, must revenge for it, is forever consistent with her standpoint. 每当想起这些,楚风心中就很痛,像是被揪住了一般,因此,只要同妖妖有关的一切,他就在意,要为其报仇,永远与她立场一致。 Today, he did not have such strength, if formidable enough, he must return to Little World of the Dead, enters Great Abyss again, regardless of Yaoyao is returns alive dies, he must seek. 今天,他还没有那样的实力,如果足够强大,他一定要重返小阴间,再进大渊,无论妖妖是生还是死,他都要寻找出来。 In his heart trembles, is hoping also for, earnestly seeks the miracle, hopes that Yaoyao can also present world again, but can also come back! 他心中颤栗,同时也在希冀,渴求奇迹,希望妖妖还能够再出现世间,还能够回来! Today, at this moment, he heard outside some people to say such words with one's own ears, that was a Yaoyao lineage/vein old enemy, was their clan pitiful incomparable prime culprit clan of evil, unexpectedly came, he got angry the flame to bloom, the sympathize, must for it, but take action. 今天,此刻,他亲耳听到了外面有人说出那样的话,那是妖妖一脉的宿敌,是害的他们一族凄惨无比的元凶一族,居然现身了,他跟着怒焰绽放,感同身受,要为之而出手 From Still Feather old man to Yaoyao, this lineage/vein was too pitiful! 羽尚老人妖妖,这一脉太凄惨了! Only for that mark, Still Feather Heavenly Venerate two son females, as well as grandchild, died a tragic death, had the accident/surprise, is in respective Realm ranked the first several shocking talents, finally actually falls is so miserable. 只为了那个印记,羽尚天尊的两儿一女,以及孙儿,就都惨死,都发生了意外,原本都是各自境界中排名前几的惊世天才,最终却落的那么惨。 Arrived afterward, this clan only had a posthumous child, was imprisoned by a prime culprit clan, and multiplies by this bloodlines, but also and pitiful, incomparable misery. 到了后来,该族只有一个遗腹子,被元凶一族囚禁,并以此血脉繁衍下去,但也和可悲,无比的凄凉。 Finally the limited several bloodlines were taken away the death that does the experiment, dying, remnant remnants. 最后有限的几条血脉都被拿去做实验,死的死,残的残。 Arrived finally, only remaining Yaoyao grandfather, but actually suffers the incomparably virulent method, becomes the test piece of some great person, under within the body plants special Origin Metal, has been doomed to lose the natural disposition to late stage, loses, is similar to the good-for-nothing. 到了最后,也只剩下妖妖的爷爷一人了,但却遭受无比恶毒的手段,成为某位大人物的试验品,体内栽种下特殊的母金,到了后期注定要迷失本性,失去自我,如同行尸走肉般。 This is the what kind of cruelty, to compel Still Feather old man hands over about that with Myriad Things Origin Qi Cauldron related mark clue, a prime culprit clan stops at nothing. 这是何等的残忍,为了逼羽尚老人交出关于那个与“万物母气鼎”有关的印记线索,元凶一族无所不用其极。 They make Still Feather old man never recurring directly, several shocking children and later generation were on the wane and death, was extremely pitiful. 他们直接让羽尚老人绝后,几个惊艳的子女与后人都凋零与死亡,太过可悲。 Does not need to think, Still Feather old man ancestor certain background is really big, can protect that origin qi cauldron, can have the only clue, can say that has the unimaginable blood relationship. 不用多想,羽尚老人的祖上一定来头甚大,能够守护那个母气鼎,能够掌握唯一线索,可以说拥有不可想象的血统。 Because of something, their inheritance, had the accident/surprise, gradually declines, therefore stared, became the pitiful prey. 只是因为一些事,他们的传承断了,发生意外,逐渐没落,所以才被人盯上,成为了可悲的猎物。 According to Still Feather old man how many their this clan actually also has, but went on an expedition, if also in World of the Living, if comes back in this, they will be humiliated this step, to get close to thorough extermination of the clan? 依照羽尚老人所说,他们这一族其实还有几支,但都去征战了,若是还在阳间,若是在这一世回来,他们又怎么会被人欺凌到这一步,接近彻底灭族? Arrived the present, Still Feather will die, few month of good work, but Yaoyao forever will also fall in Great Abyss, two people have the obligation to Chu Feng, falls to this paddies, making in the Chu Feng's heart feel better? 到了如今,羽尚将死,没几个月好活了,而妖妖也永坠大渊中,两人都对楚风有大恩,落到这步田地,让楚风的心中怎么会好受? Especially, the outside, the person of prime culprit that clan came, shakes unexpectedly injures Still Feather old man, making his big mouth cough up blood, its limited several months of life might unable to withstand, cannot live for several days. 尤其是,外界,元凶那一族的人来了,竟震伤羽尚老人,让他大口咳血,其有限几个月的生命有可能更加不堪,活不了几天了。 When Chu Feng turns around, stands when Mystic Realm entrance there, the eye somewhat blushes, bristles with anger, wishes one could to kill a prime culprit clan immediately! 楚风转身回来,站在秘境入口那里时,眼睛都有些发红,怒发冲冠,恨不得立刻干掉元凶一族! He thinks the Still Feather old man air vent, is a Yaoyao lineage/vein revenge! 他想羽尚老人出气,为妖妖一脉复仇! „!” “咳!” The outside, the Still Feather old man surface like golden paper, does not have the blood-color, then becomes even more wax yellow, this is a person life deterioration, the indication that the body dries up. 外界,羽尚老人面如金纸,没有血色,而后变得越发蜡黄,这是一个人生命衰败,身体枯竭的征兆。 That striking makes him be seriously battered, was even more weak. 那一击让他遭受重创,越发的不支了。 Thinks that my clan, glistens All Heavens, past ancestor bird's eye view Between Heaven and Earth, above unique Myriad Worlds famous, finally his later generation was actually humiliated, my shame to the ancestor, the invincible name of shame to ancestor, I am a criminal.” “想我一族,辉耀诸天,当年的祖先俯瞰天地间,超脱万界之上都有名,结果他的后人却被人欺凌,我愧对先祖,愧对祖上的无敌名,我是罪人。” The Still Feather sound is not high, is very weak, he is the indignation and humiliation of the heart, the ancestor keeps the cauldron, overawes from all walks of life, but their this lineage/vein actually must cut off, declines to this step. 羽尚声音不高,很虚弱,他是发自内心的愤慨与屈辱,祖上留鼎,威震各界,而他们这一脉却要断绝了,没落到这一步。 In some key scripture book with the inheritance vanishes related, once encountered accident/surprise Great Calamity to be related with the calamity with this clan. 与传承中某一部关键经书消失有关,也与该族曾遭遇过意外大劫与厄难有关。 The distant place, Chu Feng fights the blood to be turbulent, the eye has stood, sees the Still Feather old man last years of life, the hoary-headed, both eyes pollution, he even more thinks pitiful, for him, but not indignation. 远处,楚风战血汹涌,眼睛都立了起来,看到羽尚老人风烛残年,白发苍苍,双目浑浊,他越发觉得可怜,为他而不忿。 He realized, the Still Feather ancestor, should be once one of the that several Celestial Emperor. 他意识到,羽尚的祖上,应该是曾经那几位天帝之一。 He experienced the owner of big black dog, on the corpse on the ground remnant clock, now has to feel the ups and downs of another clan passing, so the prosperity and decline alternated, making him feel that the heart had the resonance sadly, the innermost feelings with. 他见识到了大黑狗的主人,伏尸残钟上,如今有又感受到另外一族的沉浮过往,如此兴衰更迭,让他感觉心有共鸣,内心同悲。 I here, who want the mark, who can take away, to come!” Chu Feng shouts. “我就在这里,谁想要印记,谁能拿走,过来!”楚风喊道。 He somewhat is afraid, worried that whole body is Origin Metal gloss creature launches an attack, starts to Still Feather old man again, in that case, he will go crazy. 他有些害怕,担心那个浑身都是母金光泽的生灵发难,再对羽尚老人下手,那样的话,他会发狂。 However, that whole body is the metallic luster creature, does not plan to begin, in their opinion, Still Feather is that lineage/vein only living the person, needed his blood, needed his life, how otherwise to go to that mysterious and grand mountains and rivers in the future seeks for that Emperor Artifact? 不过,那位浑身都是金属光泽的的生灵,并不打算动手,在他们看来,羽尚是那一脉唯一的活着的人了,需要他的血,需要他的命,不然将来何以去那神秘而壮丽的山河中寻找那口帝器 That person has opened the mouth, is similar to his metal exoskeleton equally ice-cold, and is bringing sneering of ridicule: „, The past legend, world who also believes? Many people thought, actually to have that person also two to say. Naturally, my clan knows, he once had existed, but in the person, the clue, stays behind all? Had been buried including Emperor Artifact. We are also the good intentions, must help you find that thing, making origin qi crack again All Heavens, making it reappear, in that case, that person magnificent will also be remembered.” 那个人开口了,如同他身上的金属外甲一样冰冷,并带着嘲弄的冷笑:“呵,当年的传说,世间谁还相信?许多人都觉得,究竟有没有那个人还两说呢。当然,我族知道,他曾存在过,但是人内,线索呢,留下的一切的呢?连帝器都已经被埋葬。我们也是好意,要帮你们找到那东西,让母气再裂诸天,让它重现出来,那样的话,那个人的辉煌也会被人记忆起啊。” After Still Feather old man hears these words, the body is shivering, lives the anger and helplessness, he even more thinks pitiful, the ancestor is so dazzling invincibly, a drop of blood punctures eternally, now, they are actually not able to continue that magnificence. 羽尚老人听到这些话后,身体都在颤抖,生怒而又无奈,他越发觉得可悲,祖上那么耀眼无敌,一滴血就打穿万古,现在,他们却无法延续那种辉煌。 Air/Qi bursts oneself greatly, you are living well, but must use you, is final making use of waste, your blood, your meat, a little uses, is the sacrificial offerings, without you, we enters the mysterious mountains and rivers, takes origin qi? Hehe......” that person is smiling, the ice-cold metal once was covering his True Body, he even more appears calm and indifferent, ridicules Still Feather old man, heartless attack and ridicule. “气大伤身,你好好的活着,还要用到你呢,也算是最后的废物利用,你的血,你的肉,都还有点用,都是祭品啊,没有你,我们怎么进神秘山河,怎么取母气?呵呵……”那个人在笑,冰冷的金属曾覆盖着他的真身,他越发显得淡定与冷漠,揶揄羽尚老人,无情的打击与嘲笑。 Then, he adds: Be not thinking alienating oneself, before you die, we will collect your blood, in addition, my clan also stockpiles to have the massive blood of your descendants, these many years are also retaining, un, even are preserving their heads, their hearts, their remnant bodies, do you want to look?” 接着,他又补充道:“别想着自绝,在你死前,我们会收集到你的血,此外,我族也储备有你的那些儿孙的大量的血,这么多年都还保留着,嗯,甚至是保存着他们的头颅,他们的心脏,他们的残体,你要不要去看一看?” Still Feather old man item of zi wants to crack, the muddy old eyes is red, the body is shivering, almost must fall down on the ground. 羽尚老人目眦欲裂,浑浊的老眼通红,身体颤抖着,几乎要栽倒在地上。 His heart pain, the incomparable discomfort, oneself two sons, the There is still one daughter, the past years was what kind of outstanding, the what kind of uncommonness, the whole family in the same place, the happy talks and laughters, the kinship wound around at that time, was, finally actually such misery, now hears this words, how can withstand? 他心痛,无比的难受,自己的两个儿子,还有一个女儿,当年是何等的出类拔萃,何等的不凡,那时一家人在一起,欢声笑语,亲情缭绕,可是,最后却那样的凄凉,现在又听到这种话,怎能承受? Chu Feng must explode, after hearing this words, incomparable wants to kill people. 楚风也要炸了,听到这种话后,无比的想杀人。 In the tripartite battlefield, many people are looking, the complete silence, very much shocks, in the heart the ideological trend is inexplicable, had realized something, are looking at Still Feather, looked that to that by creature that Origin Metal wraps. 三方战场上,许多人都在看着,鸦雀无声,都很震撼,心中思潮莫名,都意识到了一些事,望着羽尚,又看向那个被母金包裹的生灵 Evolver of some most top, some Heavenly Venerate had realized, who the future is, takes Origin Metal as Full-Body Armor, this ethnic group was too fearful in the history, in the World of the Living disappearance endless years, has little been born, today unexpectedly is entering the scene like this! 有些最顶级的进化者,有些天尊已经意识到,来者是何人,以母金甲胄,这一族群在历史中太可怕了,在阳间消失无尽岁月,已经很少出世,今天居然这样登场! This indicated anything, in their hearts confident, all in the control of this clan. 这说明了什么,他们心中有底,一切都在该族的掌控中。 With the family that Celestial Emperor competes!” In a envoy clan heart of Heaven's Above is startled, draws such conclusion, guessed that is whose which influence was taken to the threshing ground. “与天帝竞逐的家族!”天之上的使者一族都心中吃惊,得出这样的结论,猜测出是谁哪股势力登场了。 Some ethnic groups, some families, not only has continued several eras, but also once had competed with the emperor in the past, although is the loser. 有的族群,有的家族,不仅延续了几个纪元,而且当年曾与帝竞逐过,尽管是失败者。 Their some people live, and recedes Other Realm, licks to lick the wound outside Myriad Worlds, in the end, some day, they came back! 他们有人活下来,并远走异界,在万界外舔舐伤口,到头来,有朝一日,他们又回来了! That person is very strong, but, can be what kind, other people where? The strongest supreme ancestors of my clan recovered, hehe, haha......” “那个人很强,但是,又能怎样,他人在哪里?我族的最强无上祖先复苏了,呵呵,哈哈……” That whole body covers the Origin Metal person to smile, makes widely known to be overbearing, not covers up. 那个浑身都覆盖母金的人在笑,张扬而霸道,不加掩饰。 What?!” Some people from Heaven's Above creature call out in alarm, in the heart shocks inexplicably. “什么?!”来自天之上生灵中有人惊叫,心中震撼莫名。 In World of the Living? Not in the words, do not compare, roll, withers you!” Chu Feng has opened the mouth, to the malice of this clan to the pinnacle, he thought that listens again, do not say Still Feather Heavenly Venerate, cannot bear including him. “在阳间吗?没在的话,别比比,滚过来,干死你!”楚风开口了,对这一族的恶感到了极致,他觉得再听下去,不要说羽尚天尊,连他都受不了。 He thought, can realize the Still Feather old man present mood, the heart is bleeding, certainly uncomfortable incomparable, he wants to make the person of this clan enter Small World, finding the way to kill. 他觉得,能体会到羽尚老人现在的情绪,心都在流血,一定难受无比,他想引该族的人进小世界,想办法弄死。 Therefore, the Chu Feng speech is very boorish, wants to enrage this person, making him come, at present had nothing saying that only had to kill this person, can be Still Feather old man leaves foul odor temporarily. 所以,楚风说话都很粗野,就是想激怒这个人,让他进来,眼下没什么可多说的,唯有弄死此人,才能为羽尚老人暂时出一口恶气。 You are any thing, Still Feather looks upon with favor unexpectedly. Great Saint, extraordinary, but lives the scattered time pitifully, this year.” That person taunted, then also said: This time, shines to send the color opportunity without you, has not grown to Divine King and Heavenly Venerate time, it is estimated that must be cranked up the mud a palm of the hand, steps on becomes one group of smelly blood in the under foot, you said that is?” “你又算什么东西,竟得羽尚垂青。哦,大圣啊,了不得,但可惜生错落时代,这个年头。”那个人嘲讽,接着又道:“这个时代,没有你发光发彩的机会,还没有成长到神王天尊期呢,估计就要被人一巴掌拍成烂泥,踩在脚下成为一团臭血,你说是不是?” He brings to smile pale, careless, very calm carefully examining Chu Feng, beckons to him afterward, said: Any accident/surprise, you had not been dying quickly, or you pledge allegiance to us, goes on living the opportunity to you and growing.” 他带着淡笑,漫不经心,很从容的审视楚风,随后又对他招了招手,道:“没什么意外,你很快就要死了,要不你过来归顺我们吧,给你活下去并成长起来的机会。” My @#¥!” “我@#¥!” Chu Feng direct simple a few words to it, from little such resented that a person, he thought, spoke any truth not to pass with such ethnic group, only most direct sent regards that” matched on them. 楚风直接简单的一句话对之,从很少这么愤恨一个人,他觉得,同这样的族群讲什么道理都不通,唯有一句最直接的“问候”才配的上他们。 That person of facial color is desolate, said: Ok, that first takes you, the mark needs to return to the correct person hand is right. Naturally, must need you and Still Feather coordinates, I thought, you do not want self to explode, does not want the self matchless talent to be good, otherwise, the Still Feather situation is not wonderful.” 那人面色冷淡,道:“行,那就先拿下你,印记需要回归到正确的人手中才对。当然,得需要你与羽尚配合,我觉得,你不要自爆,不要自绝才好,不然的话,羽尚的处境可不妙。” Chu Feng cold sound said: Your grandfather here, waits for you! Has to plant you to come, I extinguish you completely!” 楚风寒声道:“你爷爷就在这里,等你!有种你进来,我灭你们全部!” Hehe, family of decline, but can also have anything, that person will not come back, haha, laughable pitiful, once magnificent.” On that person the Origin Metal ray blooms, he in happy laughing. “呵呵,没落的家族,还能有什么,那个人不会回来了,哈哈,可笑可悲,曾经的辉煌啊。”那个人身上母金光芒绽放,他在痛快的大笑。 However, at this moment, wisp of origin qi crosses the world! 然而,就在这时,一缕母气横贯天地! It thunders unceasingly, Great Dao rumble, has frightened All Heavens! 它不断轰鸣,大道隆隆,震慑了诸天 Emperor, whose shame?!” At this time, accompanied the world to tremble, is accompanying the giant bellow, this piece of dark green space was rustlinging shaking, as if must crash. “帝,谁可辱?!”这时,伴着天地颤栗,伴着巨大的轰鸣声,这片苍宇都在瑟瑟摇动,仿佛要坠落了下来。 At this moment, all living things are trembling, must kneel to bend down, must lie prostrate in worship! 这一刻,众生都在发抖,都要跪伏下去,要顶礼膜拜! The both eyes of Still Feather old man pollution, have the tears to tumble in a flash, once their this clan, how radiant, in the past was so! Whose shame? 羽尚老人浑浊的双目,一瞬间有热泪滚落下来,曾经他们这一族,何其的璀璨,当年本是如此!谁可辱? Who dares the shame? 谁又敢辱? Now, sees that wisp of origin qi, as well as instantaneous Great Dao thunders with big change, Still Feather wants to cry very much, wants to face upward the long and loud cry. 现在,见到那一缕母气,以及瞬间的大道轰鸣与剧震,羽尚很想大哭,想仰天长啸。 Trembles, felt that must be killed, does not want always to ask for leave, recently but, truly wrote insufficient smooth, therefore broke, is not good to write the book to late stage, but I began for these days high have arrived at the ending, should not have the issue, receives to come to see me to display, you decide again whether starts to me, trembles. Cry! 瑟瑟发抖,感觉要被人干掉,不想总是请假,可是,最近确实写的不够顺畅,所以就断了,书到后期不好写,但这几天我从从开头过到结尾,应该没有问题了,接下来看我表现,你们再决定是否对我下手吧,瑟瑟发抖去。哭! Please remember this book first round domain name:.. Three leader cell phone version reading websites: m. 请记住本书首发域名:.。三掌门手机版阅读网址:m.
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