SR :: Volume #14

#1302: The whole world all shakes

The chilly wind has delimited from grand battlefield, is having the sobbing sound, the flag flap flap, stands erect on this dark-red chilling lands, intermittent fog. 清冷的风从壮阔的战场上划过,带着呜咽声,大旗猎猎,矗立在这片暗红色的冷硬土地上,荡起阵阵云雾。 The tripartite battlefield has many people, but actually complete silence. 三方战场有很多人,但是却鸦雀无声。 The news is too fearful, did the restricted area make into the big hole? This in the myth with myth, shocks everybody, at the first people does not dare believe simply. 消息太慑人,禁地被人打成大坑?这跟神话中的神话般,惊世骇俗,起初人们简直不敢相信。 However, the act drop falls, this is the great war final result, lifeforms in restricted area personally acknowledged, relates various disciple to evacuate urgently. 但是,大幕落下,这就是大战的最后的结果,禁地中的生物亲口承认,紧急联系各家弟子撤离。 First Mountain is doomed to overawe the world! 第一山注定要威震天下! Strikes the breaking restrictions place, is this magnificent success? 破禁地,这是何等辉煌的战绩? At this time, Four Tribulations Bird Clan Jie Wuliang and Primal Chaos Abyss Yi Yu and Star Feather Heaven young men and women and others, the complexion was all pallid, does not have blood-color. 这时,四劫雀族劫无量混沌渊伊玉星羽天的一对年轻男女等,全都脸色煞白,没有一点血色。 In clan pass on message posthaste, making them shock, the body is trembling, restricted area heir who they keep aloof, clansman bird's eye view world, verbal command world. 族内十万火急的传讯,让他们震撼,身体都在打颤,他们可是高高在上的禁地子嗣,族人俯瞰人间,号令天下。 But today all changed, Ancestral Hall was punctured, only the remaining fringing fields remain, how many clansmen but can also the remaining? 可是今天一切都改变了,祖庭被打穿,只剩下边缘区域残留,还能剩下几个族人? This is the turning point that the clan transports, can the remaining clansmen also the running amuck world? 这是族运的转折点,剩下的族人还能横行天下吗? Jie Wuliang, Chu Xu and the others first want to flee, they lost all, this stretch of battlefield becomes the place of danger, walk that cannot have one's wish. 劫无量褚旭等人第一时间就是想遁走,他们失去了一切,这片战场成为危险之地,再也不能随心所欲的行走。 From now, they need the words and deeds to be discrete, is unable the looking disdainfully world, restricted area Ancestral Hall to make into the big hole, this is a clan deterioration most directly manifests. 从此以后,他们需要言行谨慎,无法睥睨天下了,禁地祖庭被打成大窟窿,这是一族衰败的的最直接体现。 Invited take action, took several people!” Chu Feng shouted. “请各位出手,拿下几人!”楚风喝道。 He wants to ask the person to strike restricted area lifeforms, leaves behind these people completely. 他想请人共击禁地生物,将这些人全部留下。 But, Qi Rong Heavenly Venerate wait/etc. actually the complexion changed, nobody dares to act rashly. 可是,齐嵘天尊等却都脸色变了,没有人敢轻举妄动。 After all, that is lifeforms from restricted area, for billion years are similar to big mountain-like press in the heart of people, various clans dreaded. 毕竟,那是来自禁地的生物,千百万年来如同大山般压在人们的心头,各族都忌惮。 Even if Nirvana Ridge, Star Feather Heaven and other places are passed through by exceedingly high Sword Qi today, but, other people do not dare to act rashly, this is the prestige that the long years leave behind is frightening. 即便今天寂灭岭星羽天等地被通天剑气贯穿,可是,其他人也都不敢妄动,这是漫长岁月留下的威名在震慑。 In addition, if there is a big fish of evading arrest, must jump top powerhouse, can conquer by killing the mountains and rivers as before, is inappropriate. 此外,万一有漏网的大鱼,真要跳出来一尊至强者,依旧可以血洗山河,让人受不了。 Moreover, the fearful fluctuation of energy ripples, has blood energy to be billowing, came from the battlefield restricted area, first sweeps across several restricted area juniors, then turns toward the Chu Feng impact on go. 不仅如此,还有可怕的能量波动荡漾,有血气滚滚,从战场禁地而来,先是席卷走几名禁地子弟,而后向着楚风冲击而去。 Bang! 轰隆! Still Feather Heavenly Venerate take action, the old person is sincerity stands Chu Feng, no matter , no matter how the situation pattern evolved, he is wholehearted, take action asylum. 羽尚天尊出手,老人是真心站在楚风这边,无论什么时候,不管事态格局等如何演变,他都是真心实意的,出手庇护。 During intense astral wind shakes, that billowing blood energy retreats, has not prolonged contact, does not dare the thorough below extreme methods, to strike really escapes! 激烈的罡风震荡间,那滚滚血气退走,并未恋战,也没有敢真个彻底的下死手,一击远遁! Disappeared from restricted area Jie Wuliang, Yi Yu, Chu Xu and the others, had Heavenly Venerate Level creature to save them! 来自禁地的劫无量伊玉褚旭等人消失了,有天尊级生灵救走了他们! The Still Feather Heavenly Venerate body shakes, the complexion is serious, has not pursued, his body sending out gentle halo, the Chu Feng asylum in middle. 羽尚天尊身体摇动,脸色严肃,并没有追击,他的身体散发柔和光环,将楚风庇护在当中。 All person hearts startled, this time, this moment, has banning Heavenly Venerate Level creature to rush as before, or near the battlefield, saved these juniors. 所有人都心惊,这种时刻,这种关头,依旧有禁的天尊级生灵赶到,或者说原本就在战场附近,救走那些子弟。 Some people rejoiced, has not gone to arrest restricted area lifeforms, has not offended them, in the heart palpitates, the insect of centipede dies, but is not stiff. 有人庆幸,没有去缉拿禁地生物,不曾得罪他们,心中悸动不已,百足之虫死而不僵。 However, the people also looked, Heavenly Venerate from restricted area did not dare the delaying time, has not crossed the rubicon the courage and having fought to the death, the contact, then fearfully escaped slightly. 但是,人们也看出来了,来自禁地的天尊根本不敢耽搁时间,没有破釜沉舟、决一死战的勇气,稍微接触,便惶惶而遁。 First Mountain in this Summer Province, with tripartite battlefield with a place state. 第一山就在这夏州,与三方战场同处一州。 Now can come to the life-saving, that Heavenly Venerate Level Evolver has beaten a drum in the heart, feared that has the First Mountain old monster in the surroundings, not knows whether to be living departure. 现在能够现身救人,那个天尊级进化者就已经在心中打鼓,怕有第一山的老怪物在周围,不知道能否活着离开。 Extremely to be a pity, Chu Feng thought that is really regrettable, cannot leave behind that several people. 殊为可惜,楚风觉得甚是遗憾,没有能将那几人留下。 Those present, today attacked heavy, shocks all inexplicably, Cao De becomes the final winner, making the restricted area lifeforms become a fugitive to go. 在场的人,今天被冲击的不轻,无不震撼莫名,曹德成为最后的赢家,让禁地的生物都逃亡而去。 Instantaneous, the thoughts of many people are detachable. 瞬间而已,许多人的心思都活络起来。 Cao Young Fellow Daoist, we responded a moment ago for a while......” Qi Rong Heavenly Venerate opens the mouth, the complexion is somewhat awkward, wants to ease up the atmosphere. “曹小道友,刚才我们一时反应不及……”齐嵘天尊开口,脸色有些尴尬,想缓和一下气氛。 Arrived this step, who has also been able unable to see that First Mountain must rise, is not the restricted area, is only one in famed scenery, finally so is unexpectedly fearful. 到了这一步,谁还能看不出第一山要崛起了,不是禁地,只是名山大川中的一座,结果居然这么可怕。 „Does senior, when open Mystic Realm?” Chu Feng asked light, the corners of the mouth ridicule, now No.9 they won, he has not cared about the Mystic Realm's matter really very much, but spoke thoughtlessly raises. “前辈,什么时候开启秘境?”楚风轻飘飘地问了一句,嘴角略带揶揄,现在九号他们打赢了,他还真不是很在意秘境的事了,只是随口一提。 He very much wants immediately to rush to First Mountain to go now, must find out the situation, avoids the restricted area lifeforms acting out of desperation, here also some people wander. 他现在很想立刻赶到第一山去,要了解情况,也避免禁地的生物狗急跳墙,在这里还有人徘徊。 Said, I arranged immediately!” Qi Rong Heavenly Venerate nods. “好说,我马上安排!”齐嵘天尊点头。 At this time, when other people looked to Chu Feng, look scorching, this was First Mountain disciple, moreover is only that present age knows at present! 这个时候,其他人看向楚风时,也都眼神火辣辣,这是第一山弟子,而且是当世目前所知的唯一的一个! If this character is on good terms, with own ethnic group binds together, after that what worried that is magnificent and radiant? 这种人物要是交好,跟自己的族群绑在一起,那以后何愁辉煌与璀璨? Some old fogies likely are staring at the beautiful jade, looks at Chu Feng in secret, what naturally does not dare to have motion out of the ordinary, who dares to act unreasonably? 一些老家伙们都像是在盯着美玉般,暗中看楚风,当然不敢有什么出格的行动,谁敢乱来? However, many people are rotating various thoughts, is thinking whether have the outstanding female of nubile, if can be related through marriage, all proper. 不过,许多人都在转动各种心思,都在想自家是否有适婚的出色女子,若能通婚,一切都妥了。 If not has scruples the Chu Feng's status, will perform under the list to seize son-in-law's one absolutely. 若非顾忌楚风的身份,绝对会上演榜下捉婿的一幕。 Many young beautiful women look to Chu Feng, all look scorching, no one has thought that Cao De Sect is so abnormal, No.9 wait/etc. defeated one crowd of monsters that attacks hand in hand unexpectedly! 许多年轻丽人看向楚风,全都眼神火辣辣,谁都没有想到曹德师门如此变态,九号等居然打败联袂出击的一群怪物! Naturally, some people are afraid, in frightened, for example Dragon Race and Nine-Headed Bird Race, all in shocking and frightened, in any event has not thought, First Mountain can make a comeback, Cao De smiles behind, Jie Wuliang, Yi Yu and the others suffered defeat and fled. 当然,也有人在害怕,在恐惧,比如龙族九头鸟族,全都在震撼而又惊悚,无论如何都没有想到,第一山能翻盘,曹德笑到后面,劫无量伊玉等人败走。 The change of this heaven and earth turning upside down, this fearful reversal, making them be at a loss, was scared. 这种天翻地覆的变化,这种可怕的逆转,让他们六神无主,都慌神了。 Even if Nine-Headed Bird Race Old Ancestor Chi Xu and Silver Dragon Race Old Ancestor and the others also the innermost feelings trembles, they have indeed flustered, how can be this result? 即便是九头鸟族老祖赤虚银龙族老祖等人也都内心颤栗,他们的确慌了,怎么会是这种结局? They do not dare to leave, because of big enterprise has lots of assets, the words that like this becomes a fugitive, that multi- clansmen what to do? 他们没有敢离开,因为家大业大,这样逃亡的话,那么的多族人怎么办? Moreover, they think that had been punished by No.9, experiences is regarded the blood food all sorts of deeply grieved, should not be more pitiful? 而且,他们认为已经被九号惩罚过,经历过被当成血食的种种惨痛,应该不会更凄惨了吧? Naturally, Nine-Headed Bird Race is also on nettles, after all once gave loyalty to Four Tribulations Bird Clan, some time ago during the spoken languages to the utmost thought highly, when facing Chu Feng, is another face, therefore they are now terrified. 当然,九头鸟族也是忐忑不安的,毕竟曾向四劫雀族效忠,不久前言语间极尽恭维,面对楚风时,则是另一幅面孔,所以现在他们惶恐了。 At this moment, the world vibrates! 这一刻,天下震动! All people have not expected, First Mountain hits to collapse several forbidden areas, initiates the great unrest. 所有人都没有料到,第一山打崩掉几个禁区,引发轩然大波。 Heavenly Hall Morning Newspaper, passes the ancient report periodical, first issues the news, the World of the Living network almost must paralyze, entire world big change. 天堂早报、通古报期刊,第一时间发布消息,阳间网络几乎要瘫痪,全天下剧震 First Mountain, unexpectedly such certainly, worthily is Li Da's Sect, makes the big hole several restricted areas unexpectedly!” 第一山,竟这么的强绝,不愧为黎龘的师门,竟然将几个禁地打出大窟窿!” The world discusses, the whole world all shakes. 天下热议,举世皆震。 Four Tribulation Bird, Star Feather Heaven, Nirvana Ridge wait/etc. killed First Mountain expert dead certainly, was killed by a sword horizontally, various clan Ancestral Hall are therefore ruptured. 四劫雀星羽天寂灭岭等杀到第一山高手都死绝,被一剑横杀,各族祖庭更是因此崩开 In addition, has the Lunatic Wu weapon incarnation to be incomplete, escapes directly. 此外,更有武疯子的兵器化身残缺,直接远遁。 Trim World of the Living cannot be tranquil, thorough ebullition. 整片阳间都不能平静了,彻底的沸腾。 This cannot imagine simply, the First Mountain foundation so is unexpectedly solid, we think that it is doomed to be destroyed completely!” “这简直不可想象,第一山的底蕴竟这么深厚,我们都以为它注定要被灭掉呢!” Some people sighed, the complexion is complex. 有人感叹,脸色复杂。 „Is this what kind of inside story? Among the world, which several places can with First Mountain side by side?” “这是何等的底蕴?天下间,还有哪几处地方可与第一山比肩?” Most also then the remaining 35 places?” “最多也就剩下35处地方了吧?” Some old monsters were discussing, by indefinite tone speech. 有老怪物在讨论,以不确定的语气说话。 First Mountain that said that Sword Qi really scares many people, the so peerless point, the world who may offend the front, perhaps only has other Evolutionary Civilization branch road nodes and other places. 第一山那道剑气实在吓坏许多人,如此绝世锋芒,天下谁可撄锋,或许唯有其他进化文明支路的节点等地。 That is only a swordsmanship remnant mark of old friend, does not belong to this stretch of world, real First Mountain does not have is actually so strong, after that sword sends out, First Mountain will close off a mountain area mostly, because cannot send out a such sword again!” “那只是一位故人的剑道残痕,不属于这片天地,真实的第一山其实没那么强,那一剑发出后,第一山多半会封山,因为再也发不出那样的一剑!” Also some people so open the mouth, is quite rational. 也有人这般开口,较为理性。 At this moment, various clans were discussing in private, was discussing this matter, entire world at the earthquake, was mainly First Mountain shows such inside story, has daunted many people. 此刻,各族都在密议,都在谈论这件事,全天下都在大地震,主要是第一山展现出这样的底蕴,吓住了不少人。 However, is not all people are dreading First Mountain, has Reincarnation Hunter, is having the dispute, some people request, to go to First Mountain to find out. 不过,也不是所有人都在忌惮第一山,其中就有轮回狩猎者,正在发生争执,有人要求,去第一山探个究竟。 Regardless of any inside story, fearful Taboo exists in any event, must be inspired to Reincarnation, we do not need to fear, who can Reincarnation this pass/test, our......” “无论什么底蕴,无论如何可怕的禁忌存在,对轮回都要心生敬畏,我们没有必要惧怕,谁能过轮回这一关,我们的身后……” Shut up, do not say, I suspected that First Mountain that said the Sword Qi master also somewhat implicates with Reincarnation more or less, in the past that person......” “闭嘴,不要说了,我怀疑第一山那道剑气的主人同轮回或多或少也有些牵连,当年那个人……” This type discussed in private the sound, the outside does not know, otherwise definitely will initiate big change. 这种密议声,外界不知,不然的话肯定会引发剧震 Has also dared to discuss First Mountain to this moment people, and some knows details, moreover fearless, this is the extremely fearful event! 到了这一刻还有人敢谈第一山,且知道部分底细,而且无惧,这是极其可怕的事件! Some people shock, some people of frightened, some people are excited and excited, on this day, across World of the Living is discussing, was discussing First Mountain Under the Heaven all. 有人震撼,有人恐惧,有人兴奋与激动,这一天,阳间各地都在热议,无不在谈论天下第一山 And, supposes the day of the Great Influence strength of gambling house to cry but have no tears, compensates is very pitiful. 其中,设下赌局的大势力这一日都欲哭无泪,赔的很凄惨。 Who can think that First Mountain can make a comeback? Moreover such fierce in a complete mess. 谁能想到第一山能翻盘?而且这么凶猛的一塌糊涂。 Cao De, I must marry you!” 曹德,我要嫁给你!” Clamored in each region, Chu Feng also has naturally become famous, as First Mountain only walks disciple now outside, thinks that did not make the person pay attention is not good. 在各地喧哗之际,楚风自然也出名了,身为第一山现在唯一行走在外的弟子,想不让人关注都不行。 Some brave young girls, various types in the World of the Living network create a disturbance, various voices, raise various topics. 一些胆大的少女,在阳间网络上各种起哄,各种发声,引发各种话题。 Cao De, I want to look at the rosy-colored clouds at dawn with you every morning together!” In the skyscrapers, some popularity extremely high country daughter God Level young girl shouts. 曹德,我愿意每天清晨一起与你共看朝霞!”有一座摩天大楼上,某位人气极高的国民女神级少女喊道。 Was explained that this in informing of literary arts, sleeps actually very much after every day, with waking up...... Looks at the rosy-colored clouds at dawn together. 被人解读,这其实是在很文艺的告知,每天共眠后同醒来……一起看朝霞。 Many people are speechless, there are other young girls to scold explanation to misinterpret, is not very concerned about face. 许多人无言,也有其他少女骂解读者曲解,忒不要脸。 My heart has broken to pieces, the witch flatters the goddess to take a stand unexpectedly like this, on this day First Mountain penetrated Ancestral Hall of several regions, but the national goddess witch Mei words bang collapsed my youth.” “我的心都碎了,巫媚女神居然这样表态,这一天第一山击穿了几个境地的祖庭,而国民女神巫媚的话语则轰塌了我的青春。” Some people wail. 有人哀嚎。 No matter sexually harasses intentionally also well, intends to create the topic for own web platform attraction popularity and current capacity, in brief the discussion about Cao De are really many. 不管是故意调戏也好,还是有意制造话题为自己的网络平台吸引人气与流量也罢,总之关于曹德的议论实在很多。 In the past First Mountain left Li Da, now goes out of Cao De, many people were guessing, he can walk far, which region can reach, some Major Sect were appraising, was coveting. 当年第一山出了个黎龘,现在又走出一个曹德,许多人都在猜测,他到底能够走多远,可以走到哪个境地,一些大教都在评估,都在眼热。 Sister-in-law/Little aunt, or you marry Cao De to consider as finished.” Including the tripartite battlefield, Xiao Yao with his paternal aunt in secret sound transmission, naturally is having the teasing flavor. “小姑,要不你嫁给曹德算了。”连三方战场上,萧遥都在跟他的姑姑暗中传音,当然带着调侃的味道。 Dao Race Female Divine King Xiao Shiyun white his eyes, then a hand pulls taut his ear, making him call out pitifully immediately. 道族女神王萧诗韵白了他一眼,然后一只手扯住他的耳朵,让他顿时惨叫。 Sister-in-law/Little aunt, my sincerity thought that you match very much, the advantage of being close to somebody the moon/month, considers first seriously!” Although Xiao Yao was calling out pitifully, but dead duck stubborn to admit mistakes, was suggesting in secret as before. “小姑,我真心觉得你们很配,近水楼台先得月,郑重考虑一下!”萧遥虽然在在惨叫,但死鸭子嘴硬,暗中依旧在建议。 Across the world was discussing, was discussing, the whole world can not be tranquil, in First Mountain, No.9, exceedingly high Sword Qi and legend that person, Cao De and others in different Dominion, respectively became the keyword! 天下各地都在谈论,都在热议,举世不得宁静,第一山九号、通天剑气、传说中那个人、曹德等在不同的领域中,各自成为关键词! Especially in certain Dominion, that traverses an eternal sword, as well as that person in legend, has triggered the 12 level earthquake. 尤其是在某些领域中,那横断万古的一剑,以及传说中的那个人,都引发了十二级大地震。 Somewhat lived the long years, how long Living Corpse was buried in famed scenery not knows, from sinking in the dormancy wakes up, sighed faintly, contacts with some similarly live incomparable remote old fogy, was discussing, was discussing in private. 有些活了漫长岁月,被埋在名山大川中不知道多久的活尸,从沉眠中醒来,幽幽而叹,联系一些同样活的无比的久远的老家伙,在商量,在密议。 Clamored in each region, Chu Feng left, he must hurry back to First Mountain, sees No.9. 在各地喧哗之际,楚风动身了,他要赶回第一山,去见九号 Because, regarding him, did not have any ratio there more attractive place, in addition outside the present is not mostly peaceful. 因为,对于他来说,没有什么比那里更具有吸引力的地方了,此外现在外面多半也不怎么太平。 This time he becomes the focal point, various clans are paying attention. 此时的他成为焦点,各族都在关注。 Some many matter Chu Feng want to No.9 to ask face to face understands! 有许多事情楚风都想当面向九号问个明白! Thought recently wrote is not quite satisfied, may always after the chapter say that this matter is not quite good, therefore over the two days was very silent has not said anything, broke, switched off the homepage, oneself considered how peacefully behind to write. I thought that behind is very grand, the fervor, will get rid of the ebb tide very much immediately, is soaring, then diligently! The second chapter immediately is good. 觉得最近写的不太满意,可总是在章节后说这种事也不太好,所以这两天就是很沉默的没说什么,断更了,关掉网页,自己安静的考虑后面怎么写。我觉得后面很壮阔,很激情,会马上摆脱低潮,高昂起来,接着努力吧!第二章马上好。
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