SR :: Volume #13

#1300: One language to become prophecy/omen

The world is boundless, the length and breadth is boundless, however does not have that sword light to be grand in this moment, Sword Qi is broad and boundless, pressed and covered world, not! 天地茫茫,广袤无垠,但是在这一刻却没有那剑光壮阔,剑气恢宏而磅礴,压盖世间,无远弗届! Sword connectig to heaven and penetrating the earth, cuts broken eternal, nobody may keep off! 一剑通天彻地,斩破永恒,无人可挡! A sword passes through the All Heavens enemy, cuts in certain secret land, kills the enemy endless, the blood dyes a territory! 一剑贯穿诸天敌,斩进某些密土内,杀敌无尽,血染一域! A sword traverses the past and present in the future, but there is impedance, instantaneously is blasting out, cannot be left over including the ashes, was cut the nihility! 一剑横断古今未来,但有阻抗者,都在瞬间炸开,连灰烬都剩不下,被斩成虚无! Such overbearing incomparable. 就是这么的霸道无匹。 Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, only has the sword light, radiant, but magnificently intense, boundless boundless, a sword cuts, traverses eternally! 天上地下,唯有剑光,璀璨而盛烈,茫茫无边,一剑斩出,横断万古! The old monsters that World of the Living, in famed scenery awakens are all frightened, the fine body hair rustle sets upright but actually, the body of deterioration tightened instantaneously, incomparably shocks. 阳间,名山大川中惊醒的老怪物们全都惊悚,寒毛簌簌的倒竖起来,衰败的身体瞬间绷紧了,都无比震撼。 In fact, the situation compared with serious that also they imagine! 事实上,事态比他们想象的还严重! First Mountain, after this sword light sweeps, not only extinguishes completely the group enemy, cuts to kill all invades here lifeforms, but also implicates their back Ancestral Hall. 第一山内部,这道剑光扫出后,不仅灭尽群敌,斩杀所有侵入这里的生物,还牵连到他们背后的祖庭 For example Star Feather Heaven, this clan powerhouse displays wonderful technique, use strongest Mysterious Law, summoned broken ancient universe Star River directly, inundated the Heavenly Star bucket to fall in torrents, together arrived including the black hole, must level the cross section world, the bang extinguishes First Mountain! 比如星羽天,该族强者施展妙术,动用最强玄功,直接召唤残破的古宇宙星河,漫天星斗倾泻,连黑洞都跟着一起降临,要填平断面世界,轰灭第一山 All these stars, encroaches upon through their Ancestral Hall there, thus uses for him, summoned, energy that in addition held, bang to First Mountain. 所有这些星斗等,都是通过他们的祖庭那里借道而过,从而为他所用,召唤过来,加持的能量,轰向第一山 Now, that sword light not only cuts to kill this person, his back Star Feather Heaven restricted area was also being passed through by a sword! 现在,那剑光不仅斩杀此人,连带着他背后的星羽天禁地也被一剑贯穿! This is separated by trillion li (0.5 km) strikes seriously, is great and radiant, the sword light is inexhaustible, such as a Jianghai turned into the grand boundless waterfall, beyond to rush forth toward day. 这当真是相隔亿万里的一击,宏大而璀璨,剑光无穷无尽,如一片江海化成了壮阔无边的瀑布,向着天外奔涌 Star Feather Heaven this restricted area is very mystical, is situated beyond the day, bird's eye view world ups and downs, status quite aloof. 星羽天这一禁地很神秘,坐落在天外,俯瞰人间沉浮,地位相当的超然。 But now, this restricted area blasts out, was passed through a giant incomparable hole, Ancestral Hall of this clan is dwelling direct descendant and core bloodlines! 可是现在,这一禁地炸开,被贯穿出一个巨大无比的窟窿,该族的祖庭栖居着嫡系与核心血脉! A sword has swept, here withers and falls! 一剑扫过,这里凋落! Fringing field also, but central region, but also remaining what? A darkness, become big hole. 边缘区域还在,但是中央区域,还剩下了什么?一片黑暗,成为“大窟窿”。 Here crowd of stars sparkled, Star River flows, is extremely radiant, is the present is gloomy and fearful. 原本这里群星闪耀,星河流淌,极其璀璨,可是如今却暗淡而可怕。 This, only had the topest powerhouse to induce, outside many people have not known! 这一幕,唯有最顶尖的强者感应到了,外界很多人还不知呢! Similar matter also has Primal Chaos Abyss and Nirvana Ridge. 类似的事也发生混沌渊寂灭岭 These two place most deep places, including strange secret land, are opening cutting the alley, to lead to other fearful Ancient Boundary. 这两地最深处,连着诡异的密土,都开凿出小路,通向其他可怕的古界 Today, two places suffer a disaster, the sword light drops from the clouds, passes through, torrential Sword Qi, if vast to rush forth, attacks in that strange and fearful Ancient Boundary. 今日,两地遭劫,剑光从天而降,贯穿而过,滔滔剑气,若汪洋奔涌,冲击进那诡异而可怕的古界中。 The sword light , the place of head/number of people darkness is billowing, bleeds the floating scull. 剑光所向,黑暗之地人头滚滚,流血漂橹。 ...... …… World big change, most powerhouse is all startled, only has them to feel clearly, other person knows had not had anything, is very difficult to imagine First Mountain startled will change will implicate each region! 天地剧震,最强者皆惊,唯有他们感受最清晰,其他人还不知道发生了什么呢,很难想象第一山的惊变会牵连各地! Until finally, that exceedingly high Sword Qi vanishes, that radiant restraining in First Mountain, is not peaceful. 直到最后,那通天的剑气消失,那无远弗届的璀璨收敛在第一山内部,一切都才安静下来。 No.9 and the others stood in same place, is shivering, the lip trembled, is saying anything. 九号等人站在原地,都颤抖着,嘴唇哆嗦着,在说着一些什么。 In that boundless boundless Sword Qi, in that illuminates in the eternal grand sword light, they heard one to bellow likely. 恍惚间,在那磅礴无边的剑气中,在那照亮永恒的壮阔剑光内,他们像是听到了一声大吼。 Is that person, is that years and legend, when he chops last sword, appears fuzzy silhouette. 是那个人,是那段岁月与传说,他劈出最后一剑时,映现出模糊的身影 No.9 their mood fluctuation is all fierce, in trembling, when that sword light, they as if saw that person left in the past back, is somewhat miserable, lonely starting off, solitarily long journey. 九号他们全都情绪波动剧烈,在发抖,在那剑光中,他们似乎看到了那个人当年离开时的背影,有些凄凉,孤独的上路,只身远行。 Who and I in?!” “谁与我同在?!” When that sword light is enormous and powerful, No.9 they resembled heard like this big roar, transmitted from the keeping aloof vault of heaven likely, a sword traversed eternally! 在那剑光浩荡时,九号他们似是听到了这样的大吼声,像是从高高在上的天穹传来,一剑横断万古而过! He is the person who needs him to walk side-by-side to go on an expedition, is missing some people? 他是需要他并肩而行去征战的人,还是在思念着一些人? Then, all vanish thoroughly, as if anything has not occurred, even makes the memory of person blur, saw a moment ago must get down from the heart in gloomily. 然后,一切彻底消失,仿佛什么都没有发生过,甚至让人的记忆都模糊,刚才所见都要自心中暗淡下去。 Likely is...... Does not exist.” “像是……不存在于古史中。” But he has existed really!” “可他真实存在过!” No.9 they were yelling, the old tears tumble, to day noisy wail. 九号他们都在大叫,老泪滚落,对天长嚎。 Finally, they each other face one another, was asking, heard that to shake the world the roar. 最后,他们彼此相望,都在问,是否听到了那震世的吼声。 In the past......” “当年……” Do not say! I believe that he is also living, certainly also will reappear, will happen one day will come back!” “不要说了!我相信他还活着,一定还会再现,终有一天会回来!” Finally, they decide to close off a mountain area, this service influence is huge, they must rally this place, must inquire about some past events. 最后,他们决定封山,这一役影响巨大,他们要重整此地,更要去探寻一些旧事。 No.4, No.5 and No.8 have not turned over, is seeking for the trails of certain people, must reveal some fearful truth of past years. 四号五号八号至今未归,便是在寻找某些人的足迹,要揭开当年的一些可怕的真相。 The tripartite battlefield, several hundred more than ten million Evolver, witnessed various heaven shaking phenomenon of First Mountain direction fully from afar, the soul has been trembling. 三方战场,足有数百上千万进化者,远远地目睹了第一山方向的各种惊天异象,灵魂都在发颤。 Even if distanced very remotely, can see that position a while everywhere Star River falls in torrents, a while Sword Qi soars to the heavens, a while covers Above the Heavens and Under the Earth dark. 即便相距非常遥远,也能看到,那个方位一会儿漫天星河倾泻,一会儿剑气冲霄,一会儿黑暗笼罩天上地下 All sorts of scenes, the circulations of various energies, although has not affected here, may also make many Evolver double strands fight the war, the small calf cramps, thorough falls down softly. 种种景象,各种能量的流转,尽管没有波及这里,可也让许多进化者双股战战,小腿肚子转筋,彻底软倒在地上。 And furthermore, in the sky thunder, occasionally is also accompanied by the blood rain pouring phenomenon, shocks everybody, shocks various clans. 更兼且,天空中电闪雷鸣,偶尔还伴有血雨倾盆的异象,着实惊世骇俗,震撼各族。 Finally, thorough was peaceful, that fought the final result. 终于,彻底安静了,那一战有了最终的结果。 Ended, all had finished, First Mountain removes since then!” “落幕了,一切都结束了,第一山从此除名!” That driver Jie Ming from Four Tribulations Bird Clan, as Divine King, such bellows, the expansive sky that shakes thunders, both ears buzzes. 来自四劫雀族的那个驾车者劫铭,身为神王,这样一声大吼,震的长空轰鸣,让人双耳都嗡嗡作响。 Yes, all finished. First Mountain has many secrets, there conceals a World of the Living most important road, although probably does not need now, there are other roads to seek, but that stretch of region is burying many past events eventually, some pile biggest involved legal matter, needs to open.” “是啊,一切都结束了。第一山有很多的秘密,那里藏着阳间最重要的一条路,尽管现在可能不需要了,也有其他路可寻,但那片地带终究埋藏着不少旧事,还有某桩最大的公案,需要揭开了。” Some people echo, walks to here. 有人附和,向这边走来。 That is the master and servant two people, is the Nirvana Ridge core bloodlines later generation. 那是主仆二人,是寂灭岭的核心血脉后人。 „The First Mountain destruction, henceforth became the dust of history!” At this moment, is Primal Chaos Abyss successor Yi Yu was also sighing, the outstandingly beautiful face reveals very complex look. 第一山覆灭了,从此成为历史的尘埃!”此刻,就是混沌渊传人伊玉也在感叹,绝色面孔流露出很复杂的神色。 This clan and First Mountain once gratitude and grudges pestered, her ancestor, a peerless beautiful woman once had the dispute with prehistoric sinister hand Li Da. 这一族与第一山曾恩怨纠缠,她的祖上,一位绝代丽人曾与史前黑手黎龘有纠葛。 In a flash, the vision of many people go to Chu Feng there, approaches substantializing, is cold. 一瞬间,许多人的目光都投向楚风那里,都接近实质化,非常冷冽。 The trim battlefield was peaceful, after First Mountain destruction, does Cao De also base? The atmosphere is very subtle! 整片战场都安静了,第一山覆灭后,曹德还怎么立足?现场的气氛十分微妙! Today the star light is especially bright!” Also some people open the mouth, takes a step to come, that is a man and a woman, is the juniors who came from the restricted area. “今日星光格外灿烂!”又有人开口,迈步而来,那是一男一女,亦是来自禁地的子弟。 The core bloodlines of Star Feather Heaven came two people, the man is fine-looking, the female is elegantly beautiful, they show disdain for the outstanding heroes, looks disdainfully all people. 星羽天的核心血脉来了两人,男子英挺,女子冷艳,他们傲视群雄,睥睨所有人。 Some time ago, Star Feather Heaven fearful secret technique once showed that space Star River fell in torrents, submerges First Mountain, extremely grand. 不久前,星羽天的可怕秘术曾展现,天上星河倾泻,淹没第一山,极其的壮阔。 What a pity, their knows that dazzling ray does not go against heaven's will finally on, is actually together the sword light, cut to extinguish all, was passed through including their Ancestral Hall. 可惜,他们不知道最后那刺目的光芒逆天而上时,其实是一道剑光,斩灭了一切,连他们的祖庭都被贯穿了。 Here person, even if Divine King, or Heavenly Venerate is hard to understand thoroughly the truth, knows that is actually not a heaven shaking sword, goes against the flow on, cuts to kill all enemies! 这里的人,即便是神王,亦或是天尊都难以洞彻真相,不知道那其实是惊天一剑,逆行而上,斩杀一切敌! Many people believe that is the Star River irrigation, has passed through Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, then burns down, the light beam is exceedingly high! 许多人都认为,那是星河浇灌,贯穿了天上地下,而后焚烧起来,光束通天! Afterward, although also many people induced Sword Qi, Four Tribulations Bird Clan creature was proud, smiles not to speak. 后来,虽然也有许多人感应到剑气,四劫雀族生灵却是自傲,笑而不语。 Because, they believe, this is the Starting Heaven Four Swords eruption of their family, has swept away Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, not having the thing may keep off, is the genuine town world technique! 因为,他们认为,这是他们家族的开天四剑爆发,横扫了天上地下,无物可挡,是真正的镇世术! The Star Feather Heaven person came, the Nirvana Ridge later generation arrived, creature from restricted area, making the person realize that actually this is the how terrifying alliance! 星羽天的人来了,寂灭岭的后人到了,都是来自禁地的生灵,让人意识到这究竟是何其恐怖的联盟! In the Chu Feng heart sends painstakingly, feels big, is somewhat helpless, his not knows First Mountain great war true result, but, saw that the restricted area later generation appears one after another, his heart naturally sank. 楚风心中发苦,感觉头大,有些无奈,他并不知道第一山大战的真正结果,但是,看到禁地后人接连出现,他的心自然沉了下去。 The restricted area that collaborates are more, normal, can indeed destroy completely First Mountain that he imagines. 联手的禁地比他想象的还要多,正常来说,的确可以灭掉第一山 Now great war drops the curtain, who thinks that First Mountain ended! 现在大战落下帷幕,谁都认为第一山完了! But Chu Feng also think bitter and astringent, infers by the common sense, he is thinks more unfortunate than fortunate, is No.9 injures, sighed for once mountain. 楚风自己也觉得苦涩,以常理来推断,他自是认为凶多吉少,为九号而伤,为曾经的第山而叹息。 But he now at this moment, Chu Feng, regardless of not to be how impossible to lower the head, loses the potential not to lose the person, he looks like very calm, said: You believe firmly that your powerhouse did win? I looked, you can ferment, prepares to cry, the sorrowful cry makes noise, nobody can laugh at you.” 但他现在这一刻,楚风无论如何也不可能低头,输势不输人,他看起来很镇定,道:“你们确信自家的强者赢了?我看,你们可以酝酿一下,准备大哭吧,恸哭出声,没人会笑话你们。” You were saying anything!” Jie Ming from Four Tribulations Bird Clan scolds, although is the driving a cart person, but as Divine King, after he is hard to endure the First Mountain destruction, their disciple also dare so to make widely known. “你在说什么!”来自四劫雀族劫铭呵斥,虽为赶车人,但是身为神王,他难以忍受第一山覆灭后,他们的弟子还敢如此张扬。 Chu Feng shoulders both hands, at this moment he is supporting by hard and stubborn effort, does not recognize absolutely instigated, said: Cannot understand my meaning, your elders died, was extinguished kills in First Mountain, clean, suffers extreme penalty completely, you can sorrow to cry.” 楚风背负双手,这一刻他真是硬撑着,绝对不认怂,道:“听不懂我的意思吗,你们的长辈都死了,被灭杀在第一山中,干干净净,全部伏诛,你们可以哀哭了。” On the spot, a silence. 现场,一片寂静。 In trim battlefield millions Evolver, in peaceful listening respectfully, after hearing this, revealed the look of surprise, felt that is startled inconceivable with. 整片战场上数以百万计的进化者,都在安静的聆听,闻言后都露出异色,感觉吃惊与不可思议。 Is Cao De this is supporting by hard and stubborn effort? Said, he does have energy really? Some person doubt. 曹德这是硬撑着吗?还是说,他真有底气?一些人狐疑。 "hē hē, haha...... ” Nirvana Ridge creature sneers, shook the head, said: „The First Mountain thorough destruction, you also in dream of a fool, were really laughable.” “呵呵,哈哈……”寂灭岭生灵冷笑,摇了摇头,道:“第一山彻底覆灭了,你还在痴人说梦,真是可笑。” The people of other restricted areas have also smiled, in this case, does First Mountain make a comeback with what?! 其他禁地的人也都笑了,在这种情况下,第一山拿什么翻盘?! A restricted area can the blood put together there, several restricted areas collaborate, does the world have a clan that cannot extinguish? Especially, they know, the elder has various subsequent hands, even jointly has other lifeforms soul light to arrive. 一个禁地就可以血拼那里,数个禁地联手,天下还有灭不了的一族吗?尤其是,他们知晓,长辈有各种后手,甚至联合有其他界的生物魂光降临。 Chu Feng shot a look at their one eyes, said: „Haven't you felt supreme sword intent that my First Mountain fills?” 楚风瞥了他们一眼,道:“你们没有感受到我第一山弥漫出的无上剑意吗?” At this time, including was always gentle, very steady Four Tribulations Bird Clan juniors-- Jie Wuliang, showed a faint smile, said: My clan strongest scrip­tures are Starting Heaven Four Swords, never heard that First Mountain is good at offering a sacrifice to the sword, Li Da never holds the sword.” 这时,连一向平和、非常稳重的四劫雀族子弟——劫无量,都微微一笑,道:“我族最强经文便是开天四剑,从未听说第一山擅长祭剑,黎龘从不持剑。” Haha......” “哈哈……” The men and women from restricted area, hearing this could not bear smile, some people revealed the ridicule the facial expression, cast a sidelong glance slantingly Chu Feng, despises, disdained, each and every one relied on very much. 来自禁地的男女,闻言都忍不住笑了出来,有些人露出嘲弄的神情,斜睨楚风,有鄙夷,也有不屑,一个个很自恃。 First Mountain was finished! 第一山完蛋了! This is the mutual recognition of young powerhouse these come from the restricted area at present, has nothing to suspect. 这是眼前这些来自禁地的年轻强者的共识,没有什么可怀疑的。 If collaborated unable to extinguish First Mountain like this, that could not really be justified, was not normal. 若是这样联手都灭不了第一山,那实在说不过去,根本不正常。 They are sneering, does not know one have hardship changes. 他们都在冷笑,根本不知自家发生厄变。 Outside the abatement peripheral zone, the Star Feather Heaven, Nirvana Ridge and other length and breadth of the restricted area central regions, already became the big holes. 除却边缘地带外,星羽天寂灭岭等广袤的禁地中央区域,都早已成为大窟窿。 Chu Feng is ready in secret, prepares to attack at any time, uses own trump card. 楚风暗中做好准备,随时准备出击,动用自身的杀手锏 However, now his as before stubborn to admit mistakes, will not lower the head, said: You by your powerhouse pit, ripe are not known, they have suffered a defeat and fled, how to your this confidence, to say over and over again, your several are the big holes!” 不过,现在他依旧嘴硬,绝不会低头,道:“你们都被自家的强者坑了,熟不知,他们都已败亡,怎么会给你们这种信心,说来说去,你们几家都是大坑啊!” shit, you have dared when to be so rampant, the core bloodlines successor indignation of several clans, very much do not want to say that your family is the big hole! 玛德,什么时候了,你还敢这么嚣张,几族的核心血脉传人都不忿,都很想说,你家才是大坑! They are very difficult to imagine, Chu Feng dies to support, finally is actually language to become prophecy/omen! 他们很难想象,楚风死撑着,结果却是一语成谶! “Wú, that relation clansman, assembles First Mountain to be trampled flat, the conquered by killing picture, today asks this place battlefield all people to appraise. ” “唔,那就联系族人,调集来第一山被踏平、被血洗后的画面吧,今天请此地战场所有人共品鉴。” The core bloodlines successor smile of Star Feather Heaven, sends out such suggestion there, is worried to death Cao De, wants to suffer him slowly. 星羽天的核心血脉传人微笑,在那里发出这样的建议,不着急杀曹德,想要慢慢折磨他。 Ok, that hurries to relate.” Chu Feng nods, things have gotten to this point, he toughs it out, but in secret was actually ready Reincarnation Soil and little wooden spear, he is inducing the surrounding all, thinks whether knows has the Heavenly Venerate Level enemy to peep in secret. “可以啊,那就赶紧联系。”楚风点头,事已至此,他硬挺到底,但暗中却将轮回土小木矛都预备好了,他在感应周围的一切,想知道是否有天尊级敌人在暗中窥视。 Then, Chu Feng also said: I have saying that what clever faith your did establish for you? Sometimes self-confident excessive also will cheat, in brief, your are the big holes!” 接着,楚风又道:“我不得不说,你们各家为你们树立了什么鬼信念?有时候自信过头也会坑人的,总而言之,你们各家都是大坑!” Some person of cold sound tracks: Reassignment personnel go to First Mountain to have an audience with Old Ancestor, brings the there conquered by killing picture!” 有人冷声道:“调动人员去第一山觐见老祖,取来那里被血洗的画面!” They have not known, oneself Ancestral Hall turned into the big hole, the pit is very very deep! 他们还不知,自家祖庭都变成了大窟窿,坑很大很深! The clansman of survival is sobbing, is wailing, few people have thought of the clansman of going out, has thought of them, wants to relate urgently, informs the truth, fast escape. 幸存的族人在哭泣,在哀嚎,个别人想到了外出的族人,也想到了他们,想要紧急联系,告知真相,速速逃命。 In fact, each region has many Evolver to move, thinks the first knows First Mountain great war result. 事实上,各地有不少进化者都在行动,都想第一时间知道第一山大战的结果。 Even if some peerless powerhouses already sensation to having anything, but is investigating similarly, expression grave, does not want to miss the tiny bit information. 即便有的绝世强者早已感知到发生了什么,但同样在探查,神色凝重,不想错过一丝一毫的信息。 Next chapter of noon. 下一章中午。
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