SR :: Volume #13

#1298: Attending a funeral

Wipes the rosy-colored clouds at dawn to drive completely dark, the world is bright, fresh auspicious. 一抹朝霞驱尽黑暗,天地灿烂,清新祥和。 But, the powerhouse from restricted area actually feels the piercing chill in the air, from the beginning as cool as foot. 可是,来自禁地的强者却都感觉到刺骨的寒意,从头凉到脚。 In the static cross section world, that gloomy and full is the fissure, only then in the slits passes the light gloss exquisite stone to leave slowly, it is the only activity object. 静止的断面世界中,那块灰暗、满是裂痕、只有缝隙间透着淡淡光泽的玲珑石缓缓离开,它是唯一的活动物体。 No.9 and the others are very peaceful, but the body in trembles slightly lightly, on the face already had the tears to tumble, many time, peerless creature appeared from generation to generation, shows their soars to the heavens the talent and radiance, but world did not have his name to spread again. 九号等人很安静,只是身体在略微轻颤,脸上早已有热泪滚落,多少个时代了,一代又一代绝世生灵出现,展现他们的冲天才情与璀璨,而世间再也没有他的名流传。 Nobody knows he had made anything, has paid anything, how also to start off, in silent and lonely takes a long journey solitarily, once the whole world all summoned, cannot get his response again. 没有人知道他曾经做过什么,付出了什么,又是怎样上路的,在沉默与孤独中只身远行,曾经举世皆呼唤,却再也得不到他的回应。 Passes along with the years, the time alternates, world does not have his name finally again, did not have his trace. 随岁月流逝,时代更迭,世间终于再也没有他的名,没有了他的痕迹。 Today, actually here, finally once more hears his sound, in this silent world, long and loud. 今天,却在这里,终于再次听到他的声音,在这寂静的世界中,悠悠而响。 No.9 and the others can't tears appear? 九号等人怎么不能热泪浮现? Although no longer is he personally says, but a past mark reverberated, but so was as before irreversible, just like the past, swept away. 虽然不再是他亲口所言,只是昔日的一段印记回响,但依旧这么不可挡,正如昔日,横扫而过。 A voice of person can pass through several eras unexpectedly, grinds kills that rotten ominous and fearsome lifeforms, lets powerhouse chill down the spine from forbidden area. 一个人的声音竟然可以贯穿几个纪元,碾杀那腐烂不祥而又可怖之极的生物,让来自禁区的强者都毛骨发寒 They sprout to draw back intent, but, has the sound in the sound. 他们萌生退意,但是,身后却有声音在响。 Elapses has elapsed eventually, is not reproducible, that is the special exquisite stone, it has checked the aura and sound of that person, now releases, then anything did not have, wants to reverberate again, does not know that must pass many years.” “逝去的终究逝去了,不可再现,那是特殊的玲珑石,它寄存了那个人的气息与声音,如今释放出来,便什么都没有了,想要再回响,不知又要过去多少年。” Some people inform, making all powerhouses do not fear, does not need to be worried about anything. 有人告知,让所有强者都不要怕,没有必要担心什么。 And, restricted area creature on the scene, body suddenly big change of some people, have the inexplicable material to inject in the body and spirit, lets their magical skills in rapid raising. 并且,在场的禁地生灵,有些人的身体突然剧震,有莫名物质注入体魄中,让他们的道行在迅速拔高中。 The strengths of some people grew one section! 有些人的实力增长了一截! Exquisite stone, should be the final relic that he leaves behind, that final trace also dissipates at the present, today can wipe to extinguish cleanly, the intravenous drip do not stay behind!” “玲珑石,应该是他留下的最后遗物,那最后的痕迹而今也消散,今日可以抹灭干净,点滴都不要留下!” Some sounds in the sound, precisely previously misled that creature of half rotten face in secret. 暗中有声音在响,正是早先蛊惑半张腐烂面孔的那个生灵 Now, he in the inspiration morale, making the top powerhouse from restricted area continue take action, explores this place final secret. 现在,他在鼓舞士气,让来自禁地的顶尖强者继续出手,探索此地最后的秘密。 No.9 and the others are gazing after the stone that ash throws to go far away, submerge the static world most deep place. 九号等人都在目送灰扑扑的石头远去,没入静止世界的最深处。 How their knows exquisite stone forms probably, before is the infinite years, rock waste spiritual wisdom, after finally becomes the outstanding powerhouse, losing exuviate that leaves behind. 他们大概知道玲珑石是如何形成的,乃是无穷岁月前,顽石通灵,最终成为盖代强者后留下的遗蜕。 What stone otherwise under has to carve a reproduction the Great Dao's trace? 不然的话有什么石头可以摹刻下大道的痕迹? The stone that unslaked lime throws also has certainly the big origin, otherwise is unable to enter in this static world. 那块灰扑扑的石头亦有绝大的来历,不然也无法进入这片静止的世界中。 No.9 they gaze after it to go far away, until vanishing does not see. 九号他们目送它远去,直至消失不见。 Then, they have turned around, is staring at one group of enemies, is better than No.9 and temperament irritably like No.2, although oneself is very strong, may not dare to belittle the world. 然后,他们转过身,重新盯着一群敌人,强如九号、脾气火爆如二号,尽管自身都很强,可也从来没有敢小觑天下。 Because, their knows time changed, this World of the Living is not once, some paths are linking unknown distressed earth old, some uncertain lifeforms appears, can understand. 因为,他们知道时代变了,这阳间已不是曾经的旧地,有些道路连着未知的厄土,有些不可预测的生物出现,也可以理解。 Was good, death path of that person, First Mountain was no longer fearful, together begins, to certainly the method erase here all traces, opens that cross section world!” “行了,那个人的痕迹消失了,第一山不再可怕,都一起动手吧,以强绝手段抹除这里所有的痕迹,打开那个断面世界!” Some people said indifferently, its soul light is rising suddenly, leaps silver white glowing flame since the forehead, its strength in unusual growth. 有人冷漠地说道,其魂光在暴涨,从额头腾起银白光焰,其实力在非正常的增长中。 This is very strange, these lifeforms that comes can communicate with the restricted area likely, can summon the strength of ancestor, even is soul light, is extremely fearful. 这很诡异,来的这些生物像是可以与禁地沟通,能够召唤来祖先之力,甚至是魂光,极其可怕。 Incessantly so, every holds special Artifact, that is the variation crystal in magnetic marrow, is filling Primal Chaos Qi, was regarded as to arrange Domain one of the best several materials. 不止如此,还有人手持特殊的器物,那是磁髓中的变异结晶体,弥漫着混沌气,被视作布置场域的最好的几种材料之一。 "hē hē, has not thought, you also dare to act rashly, Won't shed tears till you have seen your coffin. ” No.6 opens the mouth. “呵,没有想到,你们还敢妄动,不见棺材不落泪。”六号开口。 No.9 said coldly faintly: Does not want to be serious, can here the blood sacrifice? But, don't you match, force?” 九号冷幽幽说道:“原本不想过于郑重,非要在这里血祭吗?可是,你们真的不配,勉强为之吗?” Words do not say is too full, this world you are not always understandable exist, have creature that you need to look up to and awe, the restricted area back are linking anything, you are very difficult to imagine, is that legend reappears, that person returns again, not necessarily the Jinan matter, the time is alternating, the years in the change, many changed, somewhat magnificently are doomed to be gloomy, forever decline.” “话不要说的太满,这个世间总你不可理解的存在,有你需要仰望与敬畏的生灵,禁地背后连着什么,你很难想象,就是那段传说再现,那个人再归来,都不见得济事,时代在更迭,岁月在变迁,许多都改变了,有些辉煌注定要暗淡,永远没落下去。” At this time, the Four Tribulation Bird side, had a crack, then evolved the a ray of light gate, the incomplete souls arrived, the aura was too terrifying, making the world cave, void comprehensive crack. 这时,四劫雀的身边,出现一道裂缝,而后演化成一道光门,有一个残缺的灵魂降临,气息太恐怖了,让天地塌陷,虚空则全面龟裂。 As soon as then, he moved sideways to enter in the body of Four Tribulation Bird. 而后,他一闪身进入了四劫雀的躯体中。 Suddenly, the Four Tribulation Bird collapsing by pressure world, in 4th layer divine ring of its outside the body, the thorough materialization, makes noise sonorously, was known as that experiences four world Great Calamity, passes through four eras the races, now manifests they extremely fearful side. 瞬息间,四劫雀压塌天地,在其体外的四重神环,彻底实体化,铿锵作响,号称经历四次天地大劫,贯穿四个纪元的种族,如今体现出他们极其可怕的一面。 This is a older Four Tribulation Bird remnant soul, was summoned, takes possession, in that originally is very formidable, but looks like is also on mature Four Tribulation Bird. 这是更老的一头四劫雀的残魂,被召唤过来,附体在那个原本就很强大、但看起来还算是壮年的四劫雀身上。 Previously he once borrowed the strength to give Four Tribulation Bird! 早先他就曾借力给四劫雀 Everybody, do not retain!” He has opened the mouth, its sound shattering expansive sky, rumble thunders, vibrates First Mountain. “各位,不要保留!”他开口了,其音震裂长空,隆隆轰鸣,震动第一山 Meanwhile, Artifact of his took out piece of illumination, the variation crystal in precisely that magnetism marrow, is known as and Origin Metal is equally hard, and contains the special mark to wind inborn, can add holds Domain. 与此同时,他祭出一片发光的器物,正是那磁髓中的变异结晶体,号称跟母金一样坚硬,且天生蕴含特殊纹络,可以加持场域 This was already carved the good variation magnetism marrow crystal, the Primal Chaos Qi circulation, was hit, arranged the special design, submerged under the First Mountain earth. 这是早已雕刻好的变异磁髓晶,混沌气流转,被打了出去,排列成特殊的图案,没入第一山的大地下。 Four Tribulation Bird quick inconceivable, instantaneous arrangement is completed. 四劫雀快的不可思议,瞬间布置完成。 Has been OK, Nine Tunes Void River Kills Myriad Immortals Domain lay out, everybody together take action!” “可以了,九曲空河万仙杀场域布下了,各位一起出手吧!” His sound is low and deep, but is makes No.9 and the others the look enforce. 他的声音低沉,但却是让九号等人都神色严肃起来。 Four Tribulation Bird, although there is Starting Heaven Four Swords, has the is One Sword cuts Myriad Immortals, but, present age Four Tribulation Bird cannot achieve, now holds using the Domain in addition, must show the true prestige energy of peerless sword! 四劫雀,虽然有开天四剑,起手式就是一剑斩万仙,但是,当世的四劫雀根本做不到,现在利用场域加持,要展现出绝世一剑的真正威能! Strongest trump card-- Starting Heaven Four Swords that the ethnic group that passes through four eras, accumulates, has the ghosts and gods not to measure the energy, the key is can withstand backlash, oneself is formidable enough, can display! 贯穿四个纪元的族群,积淀下来的最强杀手锏——开天四剑,有鬼神莫测之能,关键是施法者能承受住反噬,自身足够强大,才能施展! My Primal Chaos Abyss also comes to be First Mountain delivers a death knell, hehe......” “我混沌渊也来为第一山送上一口丧钟,呵呵……” The powerhouse from Primal Chaos Abyss, wears yellow golden armor zhou, sets up nearby a place to be very dark, but his oneself is very radiant, his took out is not the real bell. 来自混沌渊的强者,身穿黄金甲胄,立身之地附近很黑暗,但他自身却很璀璨,他祭出的可不是真实的大钟。 But is a piece of magnetic marrow flag, finally arranges the death knell design, submerges under the earth, changes the world directly, here remoulds the First Mountain topography. 而是一片磁髓大旗,最终排列成丧钟图案,没入大地下,直接改天换地,在这里重塑第一山的地势。 The flash, the earth shivers, the death knell plays, the ding rumble, is really stirring, after making the person as if hear the hell opened, summons ten thousand to go to the Yellow Springs sound spirit. 一刹那,大地颤动,丧钟奏响,钟声隆隆,实在是震撼人心,让人仿佛听到了地狱开启后召唤万灵赴黄泉的声音。 lifeforms in restricted area, brought the variation magnetocrystalline, has killed Domain that the lay out ethnic group grasped certainly, coordinated own take action, it can be imagined how serious. 禁地中的生物,都带来了变异磁晶,布下自己族群所掌握的绝杀场域,配合自身出手,可想而知多么的郑重。 My Nirvana Ridge also delivers one in this, today buries First Mountain, obliterates here all traces, any magnificence, that person of any legend, this dissipation makes him dissipate!” “我寂灭岭在此也送上一曲,今天葬下第一山,磨灭这里的一切痕迹,什么辉煌,什么传说的那个人,该消逝的就让他消逝吧!” A qu flute sound gets up, is very fearful, incomparable fearful, the rhythm is very at first slow, to finally, having made person soul light lightly tremble, was being received and instructed, wants to have the exsomatize to go. 一曲笛音响起,很可怕,无比的慑人,起初节奏很慢,到了最后,让人魂光都在轻颤,在被接引,想要带着离体而去。 Nirvana Ridge, lifeforms of this restricted area the tune of playing is in history one of the strongest wonderful technique, ranks in first three-- Primal Chaos Myriad Spritis Transcending Tribulation Tune. 寂灭岭,这个禁地的生物所奏之曲乃是史上最强妙术之一,排位在前三——混沌万灵渡劫曲 Some time ago, when he came once had blown a prelude. 不久前,他现身时就曾吹了一个前奏。 Now, he coordinates Four Tribulation Bird and Primal Chaos Abyss powerhouse, with that Domain conjunction, has sounded officially, in a flash, the world must disintegrate! 现在,他配合四劫雀混沌渊的强者,同那场域契合,正式吹响了,一瞬间,天地都要瓦解了! This is very terrifying, the Primal Chaos Myriad Spritis Transcending Tribulation Tune fearful place not only manifests in the direct strength, can affect Great Influence. 这很恐怖,混沌万灵渡劫曲的可怕之处不仅体现在直接的战力上,还有能影响“大势”。 According to the ancient statistics, this, once resounds, which side stands , the victory surface of which side in 90% above, this very monster is then evil, but also is very real. 据古人统计,此曲一旦响起,站在哪一方,哪一方的胜面便在九成以上,这很妖邪,但却也很真实。 Since the ancient times campaign, these magnificent life and death great war, will not say the vacation, the data after the strict statistics. 自古以来的战役,那些辉煌生死大战,不会说假,数据经过严格统计。 This is insufficient, I also come a fire!” Also there is a creature opens the mouth. “这样还不够啊,我也来一把火!”又有生灵开口。 At this moment, the remnant soul appears together, same position restricted area lifeforms fleshly body fuses, time blood energy is dreadful, then his strength increases sharply. 此时此刻,一道残魂浮现出来,同一位禁地生物肉身相融合,顿时间血气滔天,而后他的实力激增。 This is restricted area Star Feather Heaven creature, some ancestor remnant soul of this clan was also summoned to come, helping him display strongest mystique method together. 这是禁地星羽天生灵,该族的某位祖先残魂也被召唤而来,帮助他一起施展最强秘法 Bang, in his, opened a crack, appears all of a sudden everywhere star, many big stars rolling are rotating, oppression. 轰隆一声,在他的身后,开启了一道裂缝,一下子浮现出漫天的星斗,许多大星在滚滚转动,压迫而来。 The black hole appears, turns toward First Mountain to get close to. 还有黑洞浮现,亦向着第一山内部接近。 Taking advantage of ancient universe Star Sea that ruins, I level that static world, looked that it can receive completely!” The Star Feather Heaven powerhouse shouted. “借那毁掉的古宇宙星海,我来填平那个静止的世界,看它能不能全部接下!”星羽天的强者喝道。 Bang! 轰! At this moment, the scene is extremely fearful, the Star Feather Heaven powerhouse was equal to that the first substantiality launches an attack, behind him the big crack is boundless, the endless big star rotation, has the black hole to arrive. 这一刻,景象极其可怕,星羽天的强者等于是第一个实质性发难,他背后的大裂缝无边大,无尽的大星转动,亦有黑洞降临。 Arrived finally, starry skies has fallen in torrents, must stuff in that static world. 到了最后,一片星空倾泻下来,要填进那静止的世界中。 This shocks everybody seriously, is Illusory Territory real?! 这当真是惊世骇俗,幻境还是真实的?! Today, is First Mountain attended a funeral!” Their shouts out said. “今天,为第一山送丧!”他们大喝道。 Do not dislike late, has written two chapters, inspects another chapter, quick will upload. 不要嫌晚,一口气写了两章,去检查另外一章,很快就会上传。
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