SR :: Volume #13

#1296: Who was calling invincibly?

Opposite, silhouette stands erect one after another, puts on ancient Full-Body Armor, silent motionless, each is sending out Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering blood energy, dyes dark red including the mountains and rivers! 对面,一道又一道身影屹立,都穿着古老的甲胄,寂静不动,每一尊都散发着惊天动地血气,连山河都染成殷红色 Although they have not moved, is similar to the ancient fossil, but is very fearful, the mountains and rivers in the crack, the starry sky tremble, tense atmosphere and constraining. 他们虽然未动,如同古老的化石,但是却无比慑人,山河都在龟裂,星空都颤栗,气氛紧张而压抑。 These lifeforms from restricted area refuse to accept, their looking disdainfully time, sit looks at the World of the Living big world ups and downs, these many years pass by, nobody dares to be so contemptuous they. 来自禁地的这些生物不服,他们睥睨一个又一个时代,坐看阳间大世沉浮,这么多年过去,就没有人敢这么轻蔑他们。 Blood sacrifice I and others, in saluting legend that person?” Some person of sounds are very cold, this time pupil turned into the fearful silver cross star symbol unexpectedly! “血祭我等,致敬传说中那个人?”有人声音很冷,此时的瞳孔竟化成了可怕的银色十字星符号! He smiled, reveals the mouthful snow white tooth, actually appears somewhat dense, said: I must look but actually, the past that early should elapse, buried passing in grave, can have any extraordinary, he why!” 他笑了笑,露出满嘴雪白的牙齿,却更显得有些森然,道:“我倒要看一看,早该逝去的过去,埋在坟地中的过往,能有什么了不起,他又凭什么!” In him behind, the starry sky appears, stretches to the horizon, this is a piece of great universe galactic space, the big star is radiant, exudes the rumble, slowly rotation, black hole Large expanse. 在他身后,星空浮现,一望无垠,这是一片宏大的宇宙星系空间,大星璀璨,发出隆隆声,缓缓转动,黑洞成片。 This scene appears, must suppress First Mountain! 这一景象真实浮现出来,要镇压第一山 In its side, some people stands is on a two meters long golden feather, overlooks blood-color plateau No.9 and the others on, is having the indifferent look, same being proud. 在其旁边,有人立身在一根两米多长的金色羽毛上,俯视血色高原上的九号等人,带着冷漠的神色,同样的自负。 Including world destruction over several times, having who can live in the eternal magnificence, elapses was eliminated finally, does not have his name to spread including this world, early should sweep into the ashes of remnant of destroyed building and in history! If there is left behind anything, if also has the trace, his name, erases and that's the end!” “连天地都覆灭过几次,有什么人可以活在永恒的辉煌中,逝去的终被淘汰,连这世间都没有他的名在流传,早该扫进断壁残垣、历史的灰烬中!若是留下了什么,若是还有痕迹,连带他的名,都抹除就是了!” One group of people are very cold and gloomy, they come from the restricted area, each one runs amuck a time, possibly to be blown how by No.9 several words. 一群人都很森冷,他们来自禁地,各自都横行一个时代,怎么可能会被九号的几句话镇住。 Now, these top lifeforms murderous intention reveal completely, must throw off this place, because they have the subsequent hand, the back has the formidable inside story, dies to knock words self-confidently, may destroy completely this place legend. 现在,这些顶尖生物杀机毕露,要掀翻此地,因为他们都有后手,背后有强大的底蕴,自信死磕到底的话,可灭掉此地传说。 No.9 is angry, he thinks that these people blasphemed this piece has traversed eternally old, has shamed that person, this made them be driven beyond the limits of forbearance! 九号大怒,他认为这些人亵渎了这片横断万古的旧地,更是羞辱了那个人,这让他们忍无可忍! Has killed completely, do not remain!” The No.2 temperament irritable enough to must blast open. “全部杀了,一个都不要留!”二号脾气火爆到要炸裂。 „Does the trace that but, that years stay behind, want to approach depending on them? They have not matched.” No.6 opens the mouth. “可是,那段岁月留下的痕迹,凭他们也想接近?他们都还不配啊。”六号开口。 His voice is not high, is somewhat low and deep, looks back to stare at that smooth cross section, slightly has moved, every time will open one time this place then to exhaust the tip remnant mark, gradually will be eventually gloomy. 他声音不高,有些低沉,回首凝视那平滑的断面,略有伤感,每开启一次此地便会耗去点滴残痕,终究会渐暗淡。 Opposite, the lifeforms all pupil contraction from restricted area, some people flies into a rage, actually said that they do not match! 对面,来自禁地的生物皆瞳孔收缩,有些人勃然大怒,竟然说他们不配! Also some people of fuzzy faces become very gloomy and cold, but also nobody dares to appraise them like this, what this place can have, various restricted areas collaborate, doesn't have the qualifications?! 也有人模糊的面部变得很阴冷,还没有人敢这样评价他们,此地能有什么,诸禁地联手,都没资格?! No.9 is nodding, said: Also is, we come take action, killed as far as possible is!” 九号在点头,道:“也是,我们自己来出手,尽量都杀了就是!” "hē hē, haha...... ” “呵呵,哈哈……” Four Tribulation Bird laughs, although some time ago his had been wounded, but now his aura was more dangerous, is any material injects into his within the body imperceptibly likely. 四劫雀大笑,虽然不久前他的负伤了,但是现在他的气息却更加危险了,无形中像是什么物质注入他的体内。 "Um, the back really has any thing! ” The No.3 look moves, reminded brothers in a soft voice. “嗯,背后果然有什么东西!”三号神色一动,轻声提醒身边的兄弟。 I, although does not eat meat, but also wants to conquer by killing them personally!” No.7 opens the mouth. “我虽然不吃荤,但也想亲手血洗他们!”七号开口。 You give a try!” lifeforms in restricted area, some people stand are in glowing flame, must burn down Thirty Three Layer Heaven simply, its temperament also very big scary. “你来试试看!”禁地中的生物,有人立身在光焰中,简直要焚烧三十三重天,其脾气也很大的吓人。 „The get out of the way, I have killed him!” At this time, since consciousness, has opened the mouth in silent No.1. “都闪开,我去杀了他!”这个时候,自从苏醒后就一直在沉默的一号开口了。 Of bang, he crosses, when the person the skin ballooning gets up, the full head grey sends the silk to hang loose, is similar to controls Above the Heavens and Under the Earth the Lord of Great Dao. 轰的一声,他横渡而起,人皮鼓胀起来时,满头灰色发丝披散,如同一个统驭天上地下大道之主。 His both hands evolve, the whole body is the Order symbol, is the Great Dao fragment, these marks wound to turn into supreme Full-Body Armor, covered on his body. 他双手演化间,全身都是秩序符号,都是大道碎片,这些纹络化成了无上甲胄,遮盖在其躯体上。 Kills!” “杀!” At this moment, take action that both sides rule by force, has launched the decisive battle. 这一刻,双方都霸道的出手了,展开决战。 From population, First Mountain has been short, at present after being many No.1 and No.7, only has six big expert. 从人数来说,第一山的少了一些,目前多了一号七号后,也只有六大高手 But the opposite comes has eight people, an average restricted area were least came 1-2 people! 而对面现身的就有八人,平均一个禁地最少都是来了一两人! Whether also has restricted area lifeforms in secret, at present unknown. 暗中是否还有禁地生物,目前未知。 Has saying that this fights too fearsome, was too intense, even if First Mountain is thundering, was shaking, turned into the blood-color world. 不得不说,这一战太可怖,也太激烈了,即便是第一山内部都在轰鸣,都在摇动,变成了血色世界。 Because, after all lifeforms blood spell, is releasing own exuberant vitality, respective blood energy simply is similar to vast general, is enormous and powerful in this. 因为,所有生物血拼后,都在释放自身的旺盛生机,各自的血气简直如同汪洋一般,在此浩荡。 Dark will cover the earth finally, covers eras.” “黑暗终将覆盖大地,笼罩一个又一个纪元。” The Primal Chaos Abyss powerhouse opens the mouth, boundless dark corroded this place, ice-cold becomes only of Between Heaven and Earth with the deathly stillness, he grasps all over the body the jet black jar, has aimed at No.9 and the others. 混沌渊的强者开口,无边的黑暗侵蚀此地,冰冷与死寂成为天地间的唯一,他手持通体漆黑的罐子,对准了九号等人。 Interesting, the restricted area back is linking did the path, present the clue finally? The dark return, reveals the tip of the iceberg.” No.9 cold sound said. “有意思,禁地背后连着的道路,终于出现端倪了吗?黑暗回归,显露冰山一角。”九号寒声道。 At this moment his no longer demonic nature, instead the bathing golden light, revolution breathing method, the turnover behind the energy substance of that piece surface region, he erupts the dazzling light. 这一刻他不再魔性,反而沐浴金光,运转呼吸法,吞吐身后那片断面区域的能量物质,他爆发出刺目的光明。 He is as before overbearing, killing in the past, crashed into the darkness solitarily. 他依旧霸道,扑杀过去,只身坠入黑暗中。 In the past, some people of bare-handed tearing darkness, and others also dare to come depending on you again!” The No.9 big eruption, his body golden light trillion wisps, puncture thoroughly the dark region. “当年,有人徒手撕裂黑暗,凭你等还敢再来!”九号大爆发,他的身体金光亿万缕,刺透黑暗地带。 And, he in bare-handed bombardment that jar, resists that is similar to the strength of black hole swallowing. 并且,他在徒手轰击那个罐子,对抗那如同黑洞般的吞噬之力。 Bang! 轰隆! This region blasts out, that powerhouse flying upside down from Primal Chaos Abyss, the jar in hand in the crack, falls in torrents the black fog, inexhaustible. 这片区域炸开,那个来自混沌渊的强者倒飞,手中的罐子都在龟裂,倾泻黑雾,无穷无尽。 "hē hē...... ”, however, jar after breaking to pieces, has exuded the gloomy and cold laughter unexpectedly, is smiling like the evil spirit of hundred million ten thousand years, by the black fog, reveals the outline of fierce fuzzy half face. “呵呵……”然而,罐子在碎掉后,竟发出了阴冷的笑声,像是有一个亿万载的厉鬼在笑,透过黑雾,露出狰狞的模糊的半张面孔的轮廓。 Dark Source docking?!” The No.9 heart has been startled, realized that the issue is serious. 黑暗源头对接?!”就连九号都心惊了,意识到问题非常严重。 This time, did not play a trick to fish dragon Sha the issue. 这一次,可不是设局钓龙鲨的问题了。 In jar has the Coordinate mark, has docked under Primal Chaos Abyss the most mystical that stretch of source, what thing wants to receive and instruct to come?!” At this moment, changes countenance including depressed No.1. “罐子内有坐标印记,对接了混沌渊下最神秘的那片源头,想要接引什么东西过来?!”这一刻,连沉闷的一号都动容。 Even, he suspected, there is connecting other. 甚至,他怀疑,那里连接着其他界。 "Ah...... ” in this moment, he bellows to make noise. “啊……”在这一刻,他大吼出声。 He delivers the heavy blows one after another, every time likely has punctured eternal, sets up front that is in the big mouth that the middle-aged man in dreadful glowing flame shakes to cough up blood. 他接连出重拳,每一次都像是打穿了永恒,将前方那个立身在滔天光焰中的中年男子震的大口咳血。 Finally, he is the domineering overbearing incomparable is similar to treading the time rivers, extremely fast is entering, in thump thump the sound, including knocking out nine fists, punctures that match, the blood scatters. 最后,他更是强势霸道无比的如同在踏着时光河流,极速而进,在咚咚声中,连出九拳,将那位对手打穿,血液四溅。 Then, No.1 urgent killing to No.9 there, the bang enters in the darkness, executes that half fuzzy face outline. 而后,一号紧急扑杀向九号那里,轰进黑暗中,去格杀那半张模糊的面孔轮廓。 At this time, No.9 also in overbearing take action, shook Primal Chaos Abyss that enemy draws back, fierce face in attack darkness. 这个时候,九号也在霸道出手,将混沌渊的那名敌人震退,亦在进攻黑暗中的狰狞面孔。 What a pity, this is invisible, the so-called docking Primal Chaos Abyss deep place, including to the dark source, just initially linked up now, that thing has not come. 可惜,这是无形的,所谓的对接混沌渊深处,连向黑暗的源头,现在不过是刚初步贯通而已,那个东西还未过来。 Now what sees is only his projection. 如今所见到的只是他的投影。 At this time, great war of other places even more were also intense. 这个时候,其他地方的大战也越发的激烈了。 The Four Tribulation Bird aura was completely different, his within the body has injected some material likely, from unknown place. 四劫雀气息完全不同了,他的体内像是注入了某种物质,从未知处而来。 I have Starting Heaven Four Swords, One Sword cuts Myriad Immortals!” Four Tribulation Bird once again shouts out. “我有开天四剑,一剑斩万仙!”四劫雀又一次大喝 Depends on you, displays 10,000 times not to be good again, this is not the law that you can stimulate to movement, is your ancestor's attack method.” No.3 shouted. “就凭你,再施展10000次也不行,这不是你能催动起来的法,是你祖先的进攻手段。”三号喝道。 He is preying on Four Tribulation Bird, fist intent is great, what he uses is Ultimate Fist, anything has not concealed, overbearing boundless, the fist light submerged this stretch of world. 他在搏杀四劫雀,举手投足间拳意宏大,他动用的是终极拳,没什么掩饰,霸道无边,拳光淹没了这片天地。 However, this time Four Tribulation Bird in the eyes, the silver pupil is extremely fearful, afterward was profound, just like changing a person, some will was recovering, was awakening. 不过,这一次的四劫雀双目中,银色瞳孔极其可怕,随后更是深邃了起来,宛若换了一个人,某种意志在复苏,在觉醒。 "hē hē, some people in talking over me, I am also a Four Tribulations Bird Clan in which ancestor, I in proximity. ” Four Tribulation Bird opens the mouth, such makes widely known to inform, although is the middle-aged person face, the sound that but makes now is very fearful, is very old. “呵,有人在念叨我吗,我也算是四劫雀族的其中一祖,我在接近中。”四劫雀开口,就这么的张扬告知,虽然是中年人面孔,但现在发出的声音很可怕,也很苍老。 This is uses fleshly body as the medium, is receiving and instructing an extremely ancient Four Tribulation Bird ancestor to arrive, where is this from summons? 这是以肉身为媒介,在接引一位极其古老的四劫雀祖先降临,这是从什么地方召唤而来? This has to be frightening. 这不得不让人心惊肉跳。 However, although this sword prestige can rise suddenly, but is absolutely impossible to carry on so-called One Sword cuts Myriad Immortals. 不过,虽然这一剑威能暴涨,但是绝对还不可能进行所谓的一剑斩万仙 Bang! 轰隆! The world blasts out, the Ultimate Fist fist intent hits with the light of that sword in the same place, void is annihilating, is extremely fearful, the chaos overflow, seethe, is similar to is opening the day. 天地炸开,终极拳的拳意与那一剑之光撞在一起,虚空都在湮灭,极其慑人,混沌四溢,翻腾起来,如同在开天般。 No.3 is imposing, under his suppression this sword, but indeed felt that extremely astonishing internal energy, sharp incomparable, as if must separate ten thousand Xian! 三号凛然,他压制下这一剑,但的确感觉到了一股极其惊人的气机,锋锐无匹,仿佛要割裂万仙! I have Starting Heaven Four Swords, asking the Heaven to lend an Era!” “我有开天四剑,向天借一纪元!” Four Tribulation Bird opens the mouth once more, sound even more indifferently with old, like has any thing to enter his within the body, in addition holds in his flesh, displays this sword for him. 四劫雀再次开口,声音越发的漠然与苍老,像是有什么东西进入他的体内,加持在他的血肉间,代他施展这一剑。 This frightened, Four Tribulations Bird Clan has been through repeatedly four world Great Calamity, his ancestor creates this Mysterious Law unexpectedly, the second sword, wants asking the Heaven to lend an Era unexpectedly. 这让人惊悚,四劫雀族历经四次天地大劫,其祖上竟创出这种玄功,第二剑而已,竟是要向天借一纪元 Although sword light not presently, but, has let some people chill down the spine, this second sword to the utmost will be mostly terrorist. 剑光虽然未现,但是,已经让人有些毛骨发寒,这第二剑多半会极尽恐怖。 Bang! 轰隆! The universe falls down, the time circulation, the universe in annihilations, is the great waves strikes to come likely, is this also the sword light? 天宇倾塌,时光流转,乾坤在溃灭间,像是浪涛般拍击而来,这还算是剑光吗? The Four Tribulations Bird Clan second sword, asking the Heaven to lend an Era! 四劫雀族的第二剑,向天借一纪元 That is shocking sword light, rouses the strength of world Great Calamity, sweeps across the dark green space, carries under the arm the time fragment, seems having a big world picture of era, blooms in this place. 那是一片惊世剑光,勾动天地大劫之力,席卷苍宇,挟带光阴碎片,仿佛真的带着一纪元的大世画面,在此地绽放。 However, the Four Tribulation Bird critical moment, the big mouth spits blood suddenly, his body presents the fissure, this sword is too fearful, the consumption is huge, his body intensity is insufficient, actually cannot support the second sword. 不过,四劫雀关键时刻,突然间大口吐血,他的身体出现裂痕,这一剑太可怕,消耗巨大无边,他的身体强度不够,竟然没有能够支撑起第二剑。 No.3 has not smiled, instead the heart is scared, if a moment ago this sword success took out, did not come to him, but to that smooth cross section world, the opposite party was ambitious, this really must unveil this place dust-laden veil. 三号没有笑,反而心头发毛,刚才这一剑若是成功祭出,不是冲他来的,而是冲着那平滑的断面世界,对方野心勃勃,这真是要揭开此地尘封的面纱。 Although looks like in No.3, the opposite party does not understand that this old places details, is really does, but he is frightened, cannot tolerate anybody to touch the static cross section world at will. 尽管在三号看来,对方不明白这片旧地的底细,实在算是作死,但他还是惊悚,不能容忍任何人随意触动静止的断面世界。 At this moment, No.9 and No.1 there had problems, in the darkness, that fuzzy outline shivers fiercely, finally turns into half face, appears. 就在这时,九号一号那里出了问题,黑暗中,那模糊的轮廓剧烈颤抖,最终化成半张脸,真实浮现出来。 Its corners of the mouth in the drop juice, bang, must swallow the trim world simply. 它嘴角在滴汁液,轰的一声,简直要吞掉整片天地。 Ominous evil thing, your daring brings this type of thing to blaspheme this place, did not fear that oneself was also corroded?!” No.9 shouts out. “不祥邪物,你们竟敢带这种东西来亵渎此地,就不怕自身也被侵蚀吗?!”九号大喝 At this moment, is he and No.1 also dreads. 这一刻,就是他与一号也忌惮不已。 In his, that flag flap flap makes noise, the flag surface drop blood, rolls up and pushes along suddenly, covers drops the juice rottenly to half the fearful face. 在他的身后,那杆大旗猎猎作响,旗面滴血,猛然卷动过来,覆盖向半张腐烂又滴汁液的可怕面孔。 Also once had eternal Star Sea, the invincible era......” this fearsome face is not obviously normal, is similar to the sleep talking, was saying anything in the unconsciousness. “也曾坐拥万古星海,无敌一个纪元……”这张可怖的面孔显然不正常,如同梦呓般,在无意识地说着什么。 Then is restricted area powerhouses is avoiding, does not dare to contaminate on his flesh. 便是禁地强者都在躲避,不敢沾染上他的血肉。 You were once invincible, sweep away Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, overlooks the past and present in the future, brings back you to belong to all your, your body, your weapon, in that cross section world.” “你曾无敌,横扫天上地下,俯视古今未来,去拿回你属于你的一切,你的身体,你的兵器,都在那断面世界中。” In secret, has the old sound to resound, is misleading these half face. 暗中,有苍老的声音响起,在蛊惑这半张面孔。 That half rotten face monster was too evil, flashes past, breaks through all prevents, avoids all blockades, is similar to counter the time is going through, shake years fragment. 那半张腐烂的面孔太妖邪了,一闪而过,突破所有阻挡,避开所有阻击,如同逆着时光穿行,震荡岁月碎片。 At this moment, No.1 or No.9, all heart startled, they realized that has encountered the big problem. 这一刻,无论是一号还是九号,全都心惊,他们意识到遇到了大麻烦。 Whiz! 嗖! Half rotten face, before death not knows formidable, at this moment as before such strange, had evaded broken flag, the goal is that cross section world. 半张腐烂的面孔,生前不知道有多强大,此刻依旧这么的邪乎,避过了残破的大旗,目标就是那断面世界。 It was too strange, likely is omnipresent, travels in the time of tearing likely, nobody can block. 它太诡异了,像是无所不在,像是在撕裂的光阴中旅行,没有人能挡住。 Brings back to belong to all your, is your magnificence, the past and present are all invincible!” In secret, that sound in sound, prompts that half face to go forward as before. “拿回属于你的一切,属于你的辉煌,古今皆无敌!”暗中,那声音依旧在响,提示那半张面孔前进。 Who was calling invincibly?” “谁在称无敌?” When then this rotten face to get close to cross section, without enough time has prevented including No.9 and the others, is in this moment, likely before that several eras transmits faintly sighs lightly, the sound is very light, the place that but, actually shakes must blast out, made all powerhouses probably explode loudly! 就这腐烂的面孔接近断面时,连九号等人都来不及阻止了,可是就在这一刻,像是从那数个纪元前传来幽幽轻叹,声音很轻,但是,却震的此地要炸开了,也让所有强者都要轰然爆开了! Several days Reincarnation, arrived at the adjustment to select, next chapter of noon. 几天一轮回,又到调节点了,下一章中午。
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