SR :: Volume #13

#1220: Who can keep off me

Collects is not concerned about face, this facial skin was also too thick, the axe chops motionless! 凑不要脸,这脸皮也太厚了,斧子都砍不动! Unexpectedly feels all right such appraises itself? Many people want to beat his! 居然好意思这么评价自己?许多人都想捶他一顿! When this boy kills! This is Kun Long most wants to be put into action the matter. 这小子当杀!这是鲲龙最想付诸行动的事。 Jin Lin is indignant, said: Pure? Really is shame word, pure good, his such belt/bring wicked belches smoke, cannot look for several, where touches on slightly with the good character!” 金琳愤愤,道:“纯洁?实在是羞辱这个词,纯善,他这么缺德带冒烟,找不出来几个,哪里跟善字沾边!” One group of people nod, really cannot bear this appraisal, this Cao De since arrives at the battlefield not to stop, chastely purely to be how friendly? 一群人跟着点头,实在受不了这种评价,这曹德自从来到战场就没有消停过,怎么就纯洁纯善了? Did not say other, was some time ago, whom he also catches to nip , the mouthful spittle splash, spurts the person everywhere, can this also be claimed as to the pure person? 不说其他,就是不久前,他还逮谁咬谁呢,满嘴唾沫星子飞溅,到处喷人,这样也能被评价为至纯之人? In fact, is monkey, Peng Wanli and the others in the unstated criticism, cannot bear. 事实上,就是猴子鹏万里等人都在腹诽,都受不了。 monkey wants to say very much, this violent temperament, fucking, first day entered in Brigade to beat his, causing him to be black and blue, finally also robbed his Wolf Fang Stick, still does not have also! 猴子很想说,这个暴脾气的,特么的,第一天进入连营中就殴打了他一顿,导致他鼻青脸肿,最后还抢走他的狼牙棒,至今没还呢! Xiao Yao also wants saying that in a moment ago, Cao De also kept thinking about his paternal aunt, thinks, when his little uncle, pure good yarn! 萧遥也想说,就在刚才,曹德还惦记他姑姑呢,想当他小姑夫,纯善个毛线! The Peng Wanli heart has intimately, before the moment, Cao De still in his elder sister's situation, thinks, when his brother-in-law, and full house recognizes elder brother-in-law, the facial skin does not want! 鹏万里心有戚戚焉,片刻前,曹德还在他姐姐的情况,想当他姐夫,并且满场认大舅哥,脸皮都不要了! Then, here piece of rebound, all does not believe Chu Feng to be pure. 然后,这里一片反弹,全都不信楚风纯善。 The distant place, protection Quasi - Divine King Hong Yunhai here wants to say very much, Cao De this little bastard, can a day hits my two grandchild three, retaliated the heart to be too strong, be beside with the good character? 远处,守护在这里的准神王洪云海很想说,曹德这个小王八羔子,一天打我两个孙儿三顿,报复心太强了,也能跟善字挨边? Thinks that these he is annoyed, he plans Chu Feng to be inadequate, causing his two grandchild Hong Yu and Hong Sheng to be very miserable, is lying still down on the bed. 想到这些他就恼火,他算计楚风不成,致使他的两个孙儿洪宇洪盛很惨,至今还在床榻上躺着呢。 Moreover, injured the body just to change for the better each time, will be hit by that virtue character generation of bastard, once more half remnant. 而且,每次伤体刚好转,就会被那个德字辈的混蛋打一顿,再次半残。 Therefore, old Heavenly Venerate appraisal, did not say that the seething discontent among the people were also similar, one crowd of person not indignation. 所以,老天尊的评价一出,不说天怒人怨也差不多了,一群人都不忿。 Naturally, is the standpoint is mainly different, counted on that Kun Long, Yun Tuo and Nine-Headed Bird Race look at Cao De to be pleasing to the eyes, that is impossible. 当然,主要也是立场不同,指望鲲龙云拓九头鸟族曹德顺眼,那根本不可能。 Even if in the place of this grasping principles, some people cannot bear the opens the mouth, said that Cao De is not the kindhearted generation. 即便是在这片悟道之地,也有人忍不住开口,说曹德不是良善之辈。 Chu Feng does not like listening immediately, immediately refuted, said: You do not understand!” 楚风顿时不爱听,立即反驳,道:“你们不懂!” What meaning? Many people look at him with the supercilious look. 什么意思?许多人拿白眼看他。 My that is the might as well, but is, the pure feelings, are in your opinion absurd, actually this is deferring to the conscience, by pure True Self mentality conduct, therefore had the sincere feeling truehearted nature appraisal of old Heavenly Venerate!” “我那是率性而为,赤子之心,在你们看来荒唐,其实这是在依照本心,以纯粹的‘真我’心态行事,所以才有了老天尊的至情至性的评价!” Can this be good? One group of people even more want to kill him. 这都能行?一群人越发想干掉他了。 Especially some murder victim's families, complexion even more ugly. 尤其是一些苦主,脸色愈发的难看。 However at this moment, Li Jiuxiao sighed lightly, said: I approve, Cao De indeed is the real personality, the heart like the crystal, is sincere, indeed is the pure feelings.” 然而就在这时,黎九霄却轻叹,道:“我认可,曹德的确是真性情,心如水晶,性情率真,的确是赤子之心。” I go! 我去! One group of people cannot bear, this Divine King Li, was known as at the present the outstanding person in Divine King, same level few creature is his match, unexpectedly for this insensitive Cao De speech, supports like this. 一群人都受不了,这黎神王,而今号称神王中的佼佼者,同级中没有几个生灵是其对手,居然为这个厚脸皮的曹德说话,这样力挺。 Chu Feng is expresses thanks to the Li Jiuxiao nod first, looks to Six-eared Macaque, said: „Did monkey, you say?” 楚风先是对黎九霄点头致谢,又看向六耳猕猴,道:“猴啊,你说呢?” The monkey cheek twitch, wants to say very much, your pure heart...... Black shone, has had my younger sister idea, I want to chop you, in addition my Wolf Fang Stick! 猴子面皮抽动,很想说,你纯净的心……都黑的发亮了,一直打我妹主意,我想剁了你,另外还我狼牙棒 However, finally he is false smile, said: You are naturally pure good!” 不过,最后他还是皮笑肉不笑,道:“你自然纯善!” Does not have the means that now in a trench, they belongs to the ally relations. 没办法,如今在一个战壕里,他们属于盟友关系。 monkey said that these words, he thought that conscience difficult secure, these words to violate the conscience. 猴子说完这些话,他自己都觉得良心难安,那些话太违背本心了。 Then, he draws Xiao Yao to launch, making him also take a stand, supports ally Cao De. 然后,他拉萧遥下水,让他也表态,力挺盟友曹德 Xiao Yao saw his little paternal aunt, looked at Chu Feng, said: Brother Cao, might as well, but is, is the real personality.” 萧遥看了一眼他小姑姑,又看了一眼楚风,道:“曹兄,率性而为,乃是真性情。” Then, he thinks the chest cavity to be depressed, this words too against one's conscience. 然后,他就觉得胸腔发闷,这种话太昧着良心了。 However, although not indignation, although was whispering to discuss, but all people have not stopped, in whole-heartedly competed for Merging Dao Herb Concise Essence. 不过,虽然不忿,虽然在低语议论,但是所有人都没有停下来,都在全力以赴的争夺融道草精粹 These good fortune materials, obtain one wisp are the chances, can develop their this to live the ultimate achievement upper limit! 这些造化物质,得到一缕就是机缘,能够拓展他们此生终极成就的上限! This is equal to raising the ceiling, making their lives highly brighter and astonishing! 这等于是将天花板抬高,让他们的人生高度更加灿烂与惊人! Therefore, in everyone heart is freely uncomfortable, but is racing against time as before, strengthens oneself, comprehends to fly to approach own Order chain link. 所以,每一个人尽管心中不舒服,但依旧在争分夺秒,强化自身,参悟飞向自己的秩序链条等。 But, Kun Long, Yun Tuo, Jin Lié and the others somewhat could not sit still, they limit the Chu Feng failure, own chance also repeatedly is robbed at the present. 可是,鲲龙云拓金烈等人有些坐不住了,他们限制楚风失败,而今自身的机缘还多次被抢走。 In this region, Chu Feng outside the body presents many eddy currents, the ash throws, but middle the sparkle golden color symbol, he likely is a bottomless pit, absorbs the good fortune material crazily. 在这片区域,楚风体外出现许多漩涡,灰扑扑,但当中闪耀金色符号,他像是一个无底洞,疯狂吸收造化物质。 The people discovered, the gray vortex of Chu Feng outside the body continually Large expanse, dense and numerous, the effect is too astonishing, grabs the chances of these people, virtually impossible to guard against. 人们发现,楚风体外的灰色漩涡连成片,密密麻麻,效果太惊人,劫掠身边那些人的机缘,防不胜防。 At this time, Jin Lié wants to cry but have no tears, his ten chances have wasted seven times, was robbed several wisps of source materials by Cao De. 此时,金烈欲哭无泪,他十次机缘浪费了七次,被曹德抢劫走几缕本源物质。 His full head golden color sends a chaotic dance, the pupil sharp like cold lightning, wants to begin to kill Cao De, he thought that choked with rage. 满头金色发丝乱舞,眸子犀利如冷电,真想动手去干掉曹德,他觉得太窝火了。 Kun Long is the finger is trembling, is holding the long blade, several times wants to brandish a sword, he by grabbing, had also been contained the Cao De failure, oneself instead is damaged. 鲲龙更是手指头都在哆嗦,抱着长刀,数次都想挥刀出去,他也被“劫掠”了,遏制曹德失败,自身反而受损。 Everybody, take action, cannot to the space that he grows, today strangles him!” Some person of cold sound tracks, are uniting the people to block as before together. “各位,出手啊,不能给他成长的空间,今天扼杀他!”有人寒声道,依旧在联合众人一同阻击。 The single person could not limit Cao De, how wizard knows he to the pure ultimate good, matched with that Merging Dao Herb, had the invisible channel to be connected between both, he was demanding crazily! 单个的人限制不了曹德,鬼才知道他怎么就至纯至善了,跟那融道草相匹配,宛若两者间有无形通道相连,他在疯狂索取! At this time, nobody spoke, Qing Yin, Mi Qing, Li Jiuxiao, monkey, Xiao Shiyun and the others treasure portrait is dignified, comprehends Great Dao earnestly. 此时,没人说话了,青音弥清黎九霄猴子萧诗韵等人都宝相庄严,认真参悟大道 They leave Chu Feng to be far, not affected. 他们离楚风较远,不受影响。 At this moment, do not say that Jin Lié, Kun Long and the others, is the Divine King Chi Feng face darken of Nine-Headed Bird Race, he take action, has disturbed Chu Feng, blocks his road ahead. 这一刻,不要说金烈鲲龙等人,就是九头鸟族神王赤峰都脸色阴沉,他已经出手,干扰楚风,阻他前路。 However, the effect is not big, has not struck off the Cao De present transformation advancement, he is harvesting the Merging Dao Herb essence as before, the physique is getting stronger and stronger. 但是,效果却不大,并未击断曹德现在的蜕变进程,他依旧在收割融道草精华,体质越来越强。 This fruit flavor not, does not have any taste.” “这果实味道不咋地,没什么滋味。” At this time, Chu Feng opens the mouth. 这时,楚风开口。 Merging Dao Herb altogether has nine leaves, on each leaf nine fruits, his body already absorbed several fruits. 融道草共有九片叶子,每片叶子上都有九颗果实,他的身体早就吸收走几颗果实了。 This is his Golden Body is also radiant, is similar to reason that the gold casts, is even more formidable. 这也是他金身璀璨,如同黄金铸成的原因,越发强大。 But now he opens mouth, unexpectedly two fruits were attracted by the gray vortex, enters in his mouth, he directly is similar to the Ox chewing the peony chewing, and is appraising. 而现在他张嘴间,居然有两颗果实被灰色漩涡吸过来,进入他的口中,他直接如同牛嚼牡丹般咀嚼,并在评价。 His nearby person hates root itchy, he compared with many, making person who others obtain be jealous, but also spoke the wind discouraging talk. 他附近的人恨得牙根都痒痒,他比别人得到的都多,让身边的人眼红不已,还这么说风凉话。 Also, that thing was eats? Needs refining, needs to comprehend, realizes from experience attentively. 再说,那东西是吃的吗?需要炼化,需要参悟,用心去体悟。 Buzz! 嗡! Indeed, that fruit is the Order rune combination, submerges in the Chu Feng's mouth, enters its within the body fast, by the grey Little Millstone crush, was ground. 的确,那果实是秩序符文组合而成,没入楚风的口腔中,又快速进入其体内,被灰色小磨盘碾压,磨碎。 Bang! 轰隆! At this moment, a terrifying thunder sound explosive, that is Nine-Headed Race Divine King displays mystique method, he uses the fiercest method, contains the Chu Feng's space! 就在这时,一声恐怖的雷音爆响,那是九头族神王施展秘法,他施展最厉害的手段,遏制楚风的空间! Although under he does not dare the extreme methods, but, uses some unspoken rules here, plans the competitor is not completely not. 虽然他不敢下死手,但是,在这里利用一些潜规则,算计竞争者也不是完全不可以。 He wants to block Cao De, isolates with it all around space, making Cao De lose the contact with that Merging Dao Herb. 他想封死曹德,将四周的空间与之隔绝,使曹德与那融道草失去联系。 Snort! 哼! The Nine-Headed Bird Race Divine King Chi Feng complexion is callous, after snort/hum, he constructs a king by psychic energy, sieges around Chu Feng's. 九头鸟族神王赤峰脸色冷酷,哼了一声后,他以精神能量构建一张王,围困在楚风的四周。 Nine heads, you are making anything, went too far!” At this time, the Li Jiuxiao opens the mouth, the Divine King pupil projected the terrifying ray, must tear the space. “九头,你在做什么,太过分了!”这时,黎九霄开口,神王眸子射出恐怖的光芒,要撕裂空间。 Peaceful, can not harass other people to grasp principles!” “安静,不得扰他人悟道!” At this time, the cold sound resounded together, as before was Heavenly Venerate, but was not that old man a moment ago, sounded likely is the scolding sound that the middle-aged man exuded. 这时,一道冷冽的声音响起,依旧是一位天尊,但绝不是刚才那个老者,听起来像是个中年男子发出的呵斥声。 He was warning Li Jiuxiao unexpectedly, did not let his many languages. 他居然在警告黎九霄,不让他多语。 This is unfair, why so, is this must break a future of good seedling? Extinguishes its future Dao Fruit, waits, if destroys the person foundation, exceeds to kill hate!” “这不公平,凭什么如此,这是要断一个好苗子的前程?灭其未来的道果,等若毁人根基,胜过杀身之恨!” At this time, Six-eared Macaque Race big brother-- Mi Hong, he also opened the mouth, the white clothing won the snow, was handsome, the complexion was cold, is unable to continue watching. 这时,六耳猕猴族的大兄——弥鸿,他也开口,白衣胜雪,非常英俊,脸色寒冷无比,看不下去了。 Nine-Headed Bird Race Divine King Chi Feng is indifferent, said: Your which eye looks at me to destroy the person foundation, extinguished the person future? Ten thousand spirit evolutions, compete callously, all depending on the respective method, I uses Divine King Order, is catching Merging Dao Herb sending out the good fortune material, what has not to be possible? Can don't tell me on own initiative give Cao De to be inadequate the chance?” 九头鸟族神王赤峰冷漠无比,道:“你哪只眼睛看我毁人根基,灭人前程了?万灵进化,冷酷竞逐,全凭各自的手段,我利用神王秩序,在捕捉融道草散发的造化物质,有什么不可?难道非要将机缘都主动送给曹德不成?” He said some truth, but obviously crossed the border, because he uses Divine King Order almost Chu Feng there complete coverage, like this swallows the Merging Dao Herb escape the material, increases own capture Dominion, indeed in others' foundation. 他说有些道理,但还是明显越界了,因为他用神王秩序几乎将楚风那里完全覆盖,这样吞噬融道草逸散的物质,增加自身的捕捉领域,也的确在断别人的根基。 Shuts up!” “都闭嘴!” In secret, that the sound that is similar to middle-aged man makes resounds once more, has the big dignity as before coldly, deters all people. 暗中,那位如同中年男子发出的声音再次响起,依旧冷冽而有大威严,震慑所有人。 Without a doubt, his some deviation, have not managed Nine-Headed Bird Race Divine King Chi Feng, appointed its motion. 毫无疑问,他有些偏向性,没有管九头鸟族神王赤峰,任其行动。 If this way, were then equal to destroying the Chu Feng's road ahead. 若是再这样下去,便等于毁了楚风的前路。 In fact, that old Heavenly Venerate did not agree in secret, had the dispute, but that Heavenly Venerate that is similar to the middle-aged man voices actually recognized, Cao De previously also had grabbed others' good fortune, therefore does not pay attention now. 事实上,暗中那位老天尊不同意,有了争执,不过那位如同中年男子发声的天尊却认定,曹德早先也劫掠了别人的造化,所以现在不予理会。 At first, is because these people aim at him, goes for wool and comes back shorn, now Nine-headed Bird in his road ahead, cannot really so!” “起初,也是因为那些人针对他,偷鸡不成蚀把米,现在九头鸟着实是在断他前路,不能如此!” Old Heavenly Venerate opens the mouth in secret. 天尊暗中开口。 Pecking and sipping, all has the fate. He seizes man-made in first, loses the chance now, is very balanced.” The voice of that middle-aged man is very callous. “一饮一啄,皆有定数。他夺人造化在先,现在失去机缘在后,很平衡。”那中年男子的声音很冷酷。 Obviously, he is partial to Nine-headed Bird, Kun Long and the others, this character, the conduct stops at nothing. 显然,他偏向九头鸟鲲龙等人,这种人物更加的自我,行事无所顾忌。 He and Nine-Headed Bird Race is on good terms, naturally can speak this words. 他与九头鸟族交好,自然会说这种话。 When two Heavenly Venerate disputed in secret, nearby Merging Dao Herb was also the undercurrent surges. 两位天尊暗中争执时,融道草附近也是暗流涌动。 Nine-headed Bird saw that Mi Hong and Li Jiuxiao were suppressed by Heavenly Venerate, is unable to rescue Chu Feng, on his face brings to smile pale, but the eyeground deep place is actually very callous, further seals off this place, does not give the Chu Feng opportunity. 九头鸟见到弥鸿黎九霄天尊压制,无法救援楚风,他脸上带着淡笑,不过眼底深处其实很冷酷,更进一步封堵此地,不给楚风机会。 Three-Headed Divine Dragon Yun Tuo sees that reveals the happy expression, and pale smile opens the mouth, said: „The resolution of Heavenly Venerate is very fair, I and others were unobjectionable.” 三头神龙云拓见状,露出喜色,并且淡微笑开口,道:“天尊的决断很公平,我等无异议。” By rights ought to so!” Kun Long nods, Blade Qi circles the body, he is absorbing Merging Dao Herb Concise Essence crazily. “理当如此!”鲲龙点头,刀气绕体,他在疯狂吸收融道草精粹 "hē hē...... ” “呵呵……” Their this Faction many people have smiled, Nine-Headed Bird Race Divine King take action, is really extraordinary, limited Cao De directly, keeping him from evolving again! 他们这个阵营许多人都笑了,九头鸟族神王出手,果然非凡,直接限制住了曹德,让他无法再进化! The Jin Lié smile, he thinks in heart now happy. 金烈微笑,现在他觉得心中舒畅。 This Faction also two Divine King, not take action, is having the callous happy expression, the Evolver talent of Golden Body level again how? To limit you, then directly breaks your foundation! 这个阵营还有两个神王,还未出手,也都带着冷酷的笑意,金身层次的进化者天赋再强又如何?想限制你,便直接断你根基! Strangles the talent, is very simple!” Nine-Headed Bird Race Divine King said lightly. “扼杀天才,很简单!”九头鸟族神王淡淡地说道。 But, a Chu Feng point is also anxious, sits cross-legged there, said: „To surround me, clutches my road ahead? Thinks oneself infallible Divine King to succeed, actually, you are...... Fart!” 可是,楚风却一点也焦躁,盘坐在那里,道:“想围堵我,扼断我的前路?自以为是神王就能成功吗,其实,你算个……屁啊!” On the Chu Feng face has anger, because this Nine-Headed Bird Race Divine King is very virulent, wants to cover this place by its formidable Divine King Level rule, suppresses him crudely, extinguishes completely its chance! 楚风脸上有一丝怒意,因为这九头鸟族神王很恶毒,想凭借其强大的神王级规则覆盖此地,粗暴的镇压他,灭尽其机缘! However, he fearless, at this time stimulates to movement Little Millstone on own initiative, further activates that line of golden characters. 但是,他无惧,此时主动催动小磨盘,进一步激活那一行金色的字符。 Of bang, this region, Chu Feng outside the body all gray eddy currents turned into the golden color, extremely brilliant eye-catching. 轰的一声,这片区域,楚风体外所有灰色漩涡都变成了金色,极其绚烂夺目。 „Is Divine King extraordinary? To keep off my footsteps, I am in front of your to transform here, first step breaks existing Realm first, Transcend the Mortal to become Saint! I looked that who can keep off me?!” 神王了不起啊?想挡我脚步,我就当着你们的面在这里蜕变,第一步先打破现有的境界,超凡入圣!我看谁能挡我?!” Chu Feng cold sound said, here is fearless, speaks the last words directly, faces one group of enemies and enemies. 楚风冷声说道,在这里无所畏惧,直接叫板,只身面对一群对头与敌人。 Couple of days ago little, today always thought that were not many writes a whole body not to be comfortable, that...... Writes again, diligent is not proud. 前两天少更,今天总觉得不多写点浑身不自在,那就……再去写一点,勤奋不骄傲。
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