SR :: Volume #12

#1139: Chasing down

Was bad, you feel not to have, the rear area has heaven shaking murderous aura to surge, that Great Evil Spirit lived really!” Chu Feng cries out strangely. “糟了,你们感觉到没有,后方有惊天杀气激荡,那头大邪灵真的活过来了!”楚风怪叫。 This is the worst result, must pursue, wants do not think, Chu Feng will be miserable, suddenly, his face was green. 这可是最坏的结果,真要追上来,想都不要想,楚风会非常惨,一时间,他的脸都绿了。 Deceased people were mad by you lived, Brother, your this skill is even more deep, that Li Sanlong of prehistoric did not have you such to jump da.” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger called out. “死人都被你气活了,兄弟,你这功力越发深厚,那史前的黎三龙都没你这么能蹦跶。”东北虎叫道。 Spoke, damn donkey spirit! Aiyu, runs away quickly!” Old Gu shakes the coffin, blood mist fills the air, is anxious. “怎么说话呢,该死的驴精!哎呦,快逃!”老古震棺,血雾弥漫,非常焦急。 Greatly ominous, did mother, pursue?” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger called out, his creepy feeling. “大凶啊,娘诶,追上来了吧?”东北虎叫道,他头皮发麻。 Northeast donkey, shut up, do not frighten the person randomly!” Old Gu called out. “东北驴,闭嘴,别乱吓唬人!”老古叫道。 Evil spirit, whom you shouted, the this King childhood name called (Western) Siberian Tiger, given name Northeast King, you randomly called to me again, I have not ended with you!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger clenches jaws. “厉鬼,你喊谁呢,本王小名叫西伯利亚虎,大名东北王,你再对我乱叫,我跟你没完!”东北虎咬牙切齿。 Chu Feng looked back was the same, in Earth Vein the ray soared to the heavens, was too terrifying, that was black light transforms to the white light again, from the to terrify person to slightly holy, this was two clearly opposite energies. 楚风向后看了一样,地脉中光芒冲天,太恐怖了,那是乌光再向白光转变,由瘆人到略微圣洁,这是两种截然相反的能量。 Has not pursued, she has not moved same place!” Old Gu said. “没有追过来,她原地未动!”老古道。 This is makes Chu Feng be able only slightly the relieved place, that Evil Spirit as if same place is making, has not chased down. 这是唯一让楚风能够稍微安心的地方,那邪灵似乎在原地挣动,并未追杀。 Chu Feng naturally does not dare to stay, controls stone jar, crazily runs away. 楚风自然不敢停留,驾驭石罐,一路狂逃。 Behind, Great Evil Spirit has opened eye quickly, she wants to set out, but actually cannot succeed, the whole body black and white two light take turn, tends rotten fleshly body is rotating, becomes fair. 后方,大邪灵倏地睁开了眼睛,她想起身,但是却未能成功,周身黑白二光交替,趋于腐烂的肉身在回转,变得白皙。 However, this piece of Between Heaven and Earth has inexplicable Order is similar to the raging waves sweeps across to come generally, suppresses to her, the trim world is aiming at her, wants suppress and kill! 但是,这片天地间有莫名的秩序如同狂涛一般席卷而来,对她镇压,整片世界都在针对她,要镇杀 This is the resistance of different attribute energy rune! 这是不同属性的能量符文的对抗! Meanwhile, this is also the fierce conflict of different Great Realm rule. 同时,这也是不同大界规则的剧烈冲突。 Great Evil Spirit grace and talent peerless, but now, the look belt/bring ghost, murderous aura is dreadful, some time ago when her was looted, then initially had the induction, was mad to the limit. 大邪灵风华绝代,但是现在,眼神带煞,杀气滔天,不久前她被人洗劫时,便已经初步有感应,被气到极限。 Who is she? The status was too noble, unexpectedly has Human Tribulation to plunder her, moreover almost makes her thoroughly smooth, really may endure what else cannot be tolerated. 她是谁?身份太高贵了,居然有人劫掠她,而且差点让她彻底光溜溜,实在是是可忍孰不可忍。 If this passes on, completely is a joke, depending on her strength and status, to have how likely this matter? 这若是传出去,完全就是一个笑话,凭她的实力与地位,怎么可能会发生这种事? At this time, jade transition and transformation of broad cold fairy maiden in Great Evil Spirit by falling into coal mine to pure white such as, this side world is suppressing her, after spending in distress of several days, she passed the dead tribulation initially. 此时,大邪灵由掉进煤矿中的广寒仙子向洁白如玉过渡与转化,这方天地在压制她,经过数日的苦熬,她初步度过死劫。 In comes before the Heaven Linking Waterfall arrange/cloth, she has made too many preparations, otherwise fleshly body overcomes an obstacle to die without doubt. 在沿着通天瀑布过来之前,她做了太多的准备,不然的话肉身闯关必死无疑。 Even if so, she also has paid the huge price, currently also has the sorrow of life! 即便如此,她也付出了巨大代价,现在还有性命之忧呢! At present, reason that her whole person cannot move , because was given the suppression by this side world. 目前,她整个人之所以不能动,就是因为被这方天地给压制。 Greatly ominous cover, black foot, greatness out of generosity, black pearl......” “大凶之罩,黑脚丫子,有容乃大,黑珍珠……” These glossaries wind around in her ear bank as before, lets her simply is...... 这些词汇依旧在她耳畔缭绕,让她简直是…… Her such status, the holy busy blood relationship, one day so was appraised unexpectedly. 她这样的身份,圣洁无暇的血统,居然有一天被人如此评价。 Hateful, she wants to find out white hands, is away from void, pats that person! 可恨啊,她真想探出一只玉手,隔着虚空,将那人拍死! How hasn't been able to move?!” Her mood uneasy, wants to chase down immediately, because that small was too very hateful. “怎么还不能动?!”她情绪不宁,想立刻追杀下去,因为那小贼太可恶了。 ...... …… Chu Feng flies to run away, is similar to the urgent matter, was the rear fluctuation was too intense, making this piece of Earth Vein fiercely shake, making him restless. 楚风一路飞逃,如同火烧屁股般,实在是后方的波动太强烈了,让这片地脉都在剧烈摇动,令他不安。 Whiz!” “嗖!” Finally, he rushes out the Earth Vein crowded region, the fierce drilling surface, then starts to prepare Domain. 终于,他闯出地脉密集区域,猛的钻出地表,而后开始准备场域 This piece underground has the ancestor lineage/vein, the god magnetism is densely covered, the field energy is unusual, disturbs Domain, therefore he runs away to the place comes up. 这片地下有祖脉,神磁密布,场能异常,干扰场域,所以他逃到地上来施法。 Really is bad luck, looting a Evil Spirit corpse to have an accident.” Chu Feng wipes away sweat, took out piece of Divine Magnet, ahead of time carves. “真是倒霉,洗劫一个邪灵的尸体都会出事。”楚风擦汗,祭出一片神磁石,都是提前刻写好的。 Whiz, they from disappeared same place, were crossing void, same place Divine Magnet burning down, has not left behind the clue. 嗖的一身,他们从原地消失了,在横渡虚空,原地的神磁石焚烧,没有留下线索。 However, beyond several thousand li (0.5 km), Chu Feng bang drops, stone jar hit likely on any thing, rocked violently. 然而,在数千里外,楚风砰的一声跌落出来,石罐像是撞在了什么东西上,猛烈晃动不已。 fuck off, who is so unscrupulous, here lay out Domain, this has sieged the Heaven Linking Waterfall arrange/cloth region thoroughly?” Chu Feng is completely muddled, if not there is stone jar, he estimated that will be very miserable. 你大爷的,谁这么无道德,在这里布下场域,这是彻底围困了通天瀑布区域吗?”楚风晕头转向,若非有石罐,他估计会很惨。 Arrangement that this type intercepts Teleportation Domain, is the bad risk, was equal to that is void in the interruption! 这种拦截传送场域的布置,最是凶险,等于在截断虚空! After Chu Feng looks, expression grave, this is great generosity, this stretch of region is setting up some god magnetism flags, to seal/confer Tiansuo the place. 楚风看后,神色凝重,这是大手笔,这片地带插着一些神磁大旗,封天锁地。 His complexion is ugly, suspected that this perhaps is the Mo Family behavior, they died two core disciple, has sealed up this territories. 他脸色难看,猜想到这或许是莫家所为,他们死了两个核心弟子,封住了这片疆土。 In fact, indeed so, before the person in Mo Family supreme headquarters has not caught up, the elder who lets this place take action, the took out flag, has surrounded this region first. 事实上,的确如此,在莫家大本营的人没有赶来之前,就让此地的长老先出手了,祭出大旗,困住这片区域。 Afterward, had in addition of process clansman to hold, isolated this stretch of region and outside, preventing the murderer to run away, wants to catch a turtle in a jar. 后来,有经过该族人的加持,将这片地带与外界隔绝,防止凶手逃走,想要瓮中捉鳖。 Appeared as for afterward Evil Spirit, caused that the stone buddha and Hao Yuan, develop and the others permanently take action, seal and trap this place, do not say reinforcements that afterward caught up with, once had expert to arrange Domain. 至于后来邪灵出现,又引得石佛、昊源、恒拓等人出手,封困此地,就更不要说后来赶过来的援军了,也曾有高人布置场域 It can be said that this stretch of region were least is arranged over three large-scale Domain. 可以说,这片地带最少被人布置了三层以上的大型场域 „, The young master my magical skill is fortunately profound, understands Domain!” “还好,小爷我道行高深,懂得场域!” Chu Feng grows the one breath, the most essential card in a hand is, he has stone jar, has Reincarnation Soil, this rushes to the Domain sharp weapon! 楚风长出一口气,最为关键的底牌是,他有石罐,有轮回土,这是闯场域的利器! Walks!” “走!” In Chu Feng thorough Domain, forward walks, and starts to explain, naturally really cannot break, hides in stone jar goes to try hardly. 楚风深入场域中,一路向前走,并开始破解,当然实在破不了的,就躲在石罐中去硬试。 Bang! 轰隆! Several times after the large explosion, Chu Feng rushed. 数次大爆炸后,楚风闯出去了。 However, this sound is really a little big. 但是,这动静实在是有点大。 Mainly is, he runs away eagerly, feared that was overtaken by that Great Evil Spirit, therefore somewhat acts recklessly, does not want to spend the time to rack one's brains the law of more careful explaining here. 主要是,他急于逃走,怕被那大邪灵追上,故此有些蛮干,不想在这里花费时间苦思更细致的破解之法。 Sound one big, certain people had the induction! 动静一大,某些人就有了感应! Pursues!” “追!” Some Mo Family people wait for in this region, first kills. 莫家有人守候在这片区域,第一时间杀来。 Hey, bye!” Chu Feng sneers. “嘿,再见!”楚风冷笑。 He crosses void, the advantage thought the magnetic stage to run. 他横渡虚空,利用神磁台跑了。 Bang! 轰! Some people pound a flag, but, late, Chu Feng ahead of time has prepared too many god magnetism stage, already carved, that person including his back not to see clearly, made him flee, the flag bang was broken. 有人将一杆大旗砸来,但是,已经晚了,楚风提前准备了太多的神磁台,都早已刻写好,那人连他的背影都没有看清,就让他遁走了,大旗轰碎虚空。 However, smiles in Chu Feng corners of the mouth belt/bring, in void goes through, he suddenly thinks chill down the spine, gloomy and cold. 然而,就在楚风嘴角带笑,在虚空中穿行时,他忽然觉得毛骨发寒,一阵阴冷。 At the same time, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and Old Gu also feel uneasy. 同一时间,东北虎老古也感觉不安。 „It is not good, has the enemy to approach!” He called out. “不好,有敌人在临近!”他叫道。 Fellow Daoist, waits, you have misunderstood, is the person who we organize shelters you to run away.” Some people shout. 道友,等一等,你误会了,是我们组织的人来庇护你逃走。”有人喊道。 The Chu Feng speechless, turns head to watch, that is Divine King, on the clothes is embroidering a queer bird of soaring, this is a special mark, with selling the Grandma Meng's Soup old woman, as well as sells the middle-aged female of time furnace, should came from the same organization. 楚风哑然,回头观看,那是一位神王,衣服上绣着一头腾空的怪鸟,这是一种特殊印记,跟卖孟婆汤的老妪,以及卖时光炉的中年女子,应该是来自同一个组织。 Ampoule Gada!” Old Gu shouted strange words. “安瓿嘎达!”老古喊了一句古怪的话语。 Wood!” Rear that person responded, and revealed the look of surprise. “木哇露娜!”后方那人回应,并露出异色 Is the person of that organization, I have used their code word, confirmed his status.” “是那个组织的人,我用了他们的暗语,确认了他的身份。” Fellow Daoist, since you have bought our Grandma Meng's Soup, and is familiar with our organizations, should knows, you obtain our asylums, should not be worried!” That person approaches rapidly. 道友,既然你买过我们的孟婆汤,且对我们的组织较熟悉,应该知道,你们会得到我们的庇护,不要担心!”那人迅速逼近。 In his hands has token together, blooming five colors, precisely this token penetration was void, making him follow, speedy approach. 在他的手中持有一块令牌,绽放五色,正是这块令牌贯通虚空,让他跟了进来,正在迅速接近。 This is the void sign, may disturb the space, pursues in void channel that other people construct, refines a such token, the price is enormous.” Old Gu introduced. “这是虚空牌,可干扰空间,追进其他人构建的虚空通道内,炼制一枚这样的令牌,代价极大。”老古介绍。 However, was quick his complexion changed, even more ugly, previously had a premonition the crisis reappearing heart , the whole body ice was once more cold. 但是,很快他的脸色就变了,越发的难看,早先预感到的危机再次浮现心头,周身冰寒。 This person has the evil intention to come, wants to cope with us!” Chu Feng cold sound said. “这人带着恶意而来,想对付我们!”楚风寒声道。 Old Gu clenches teeth, said: Cannot think organization that the times change, this keeps one's word very much present unexpectedly so, not only has not sheltered their honored guests, but must intercept, degenerates thoroughly!” 老古咬牙,道:“想不到啊,时代变迁,这个很讲信用的组织到现在竟如此,不仅没有庇护他们的贵客,还要截杀,彻底堕落!” The Chu Feng face darken, does not have, when the Mo Family interception, actually waits till the evil intention of this organization, asylum of reaching an agreement? Not only has not cashed, but also under this virulent hand. 楚风脸色阴沉,没有等到莫家截杀,却等到这个组织的恶意,说好的庇护呢?不仅没有兑现,还下这种恶毒之手。 You halt to me!” Chu Feng shouted. “你给我站住!”楚风喝道。 In void, divine sense sound transmission is clearer. 在虚空中,神念传音更为清晰。 "hē hē, the little brother vigilance is very high, but, you were too tender, could not get away! Has bought our that many Grandma Meng's Soup, didn't the true status tell us one? Furthermore, I thought that your Heavenly Blood Starry Sky Origin Metal Sword is good, how might as well sell to us? ” “呵呵,小兄弟警觉性很高啊,不过,你们还是太嫩了,走不了了!买了我们那么多孟婆汤,连真正身份都不告诉我们一声吗?再有,我看你身上的天血星空母金剑不错,不如卖给我们如何?” That person said with a smile, extremely fast approached. 那人笑道,极速逼近。 In the Chu Feng heart the anger, this organization sells that many Grandma Meng's Soup, receives many advantage, is dissatisfied, thinks that he is the fat sheep, stared at Origin Metal Sword in his hand wait/etc., this was wants to intercept in secret. 楚风心中愤怒,这个组织卖出那么多孟婆汤,收到不少好处,却还不满足,认为他是肥羊,盯上了他手中的母金剑等,这是想暗中截杀。 On you Heavenly Gold Stone as if also has many, not with us how, if also exchanges?” That person is smiling. “你们身上天金石似乎也有不少,不若也同我们交换一些如何?”那人在笑。 This is the naked evil intention, thought that on them has Heavenly Gold Stone, then wants to kill the so-called honored guest, makes a bigger non- business directly. 这是赤裸裸的恶意,觉得他们身上有天金石,便想干掉所谓的贵客,直接做一笔更大的无本买卖。 You did not have the good faith, the commitment nonsense that does was not!” The Chu Feng anger said. “你们太没诚信了,所做的承诺狗屁都不是!”楚风怒道。 Little brother do not take offense.” That person shouts, on the face brings to perform in grasping the carefree happy expression. “小兄弟别动气。”那人喊道,脸上带着一切尽在掌握中的畅快笑意。 Preparation opens kills, Old Gu, goes to your took out, can be battered to death he?” Chu Feng asked. “准备开杀,老古,将你祭出去,能砸死他吗?”楚风问道。 Old Gu whispered: Only is he, should be able to fight, but is Divine King, who fears anyone, but, I always thought that the fine body hair is but actually vertical, possibly has more ruthless lifeforms.” 老古低语:“仅是他,应该可以一战,不过是神王而已,谁怕谁,可是,我总觉得寒毛倒竖,可能有更狠的生物在跟着。” Chu Feng said: That do not pound you, didn't obtain war chariot, hairpin and other rare treasures a moment ago? take action, pounds, kills him!” 楚风道:“那别砸你了,刚才不是得到了战车、簪子等秘宝吗?出手,砸出去,干掉他!” Too quick, that person will soon overtake. 太快了,那人即将追上。 Throws!” Chu Feng shouts. “扔!”楚风喊道。 They hid in stone jar, the whole body pasted up Reincarnation Soil. 他们都躲进石罐中了,浑身糊上轮回土 Finally, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is most flustered, direct first opens throws. 结果,东北虎最慌张,直接第一个开扔。 Bang! 砰! He has pounded boots, center that rushes to the present middle-aged man. 他将一只长靴砸了出去,正中那冲到眼前的中年男子身上。 Tiger brother, I make you throw war chariot and hairpin, do you pound the shoes to have the wool to use?!” Chu Feng was anxious, was pursued to such near distance, was too dangerous, he wants to brave death to summon strongest Divine King tribulation. “虎兄,我让你扔战车、簪子,你砸鞋有毛用?!”楚风急了,被追到这么近的距离内,太危险了,他都想冒死召唤最强神王劫了。 However, the result is unexpected, the delicate boots that bang, that doubtful Qilin skin refines the person will pound a body to shiver all over in the future, the blood scatters, the whole face is the blood, full is startled and panic-stricken color. 然而,结果出乎预料,砰的一声,那疑似麒麟皮炼制的秀气长靴将来人砸了个身体乱颤,血液四溅,满脸是血,满是愕然与惊骇之色。 Then, this Divine King half body was tattered. 接着,这位神王半截身子破烂了。 I go, what shoes this is, puts in such black foot, is the might so unexpectedly big?” Chu Feng exclaimed in surprise. “我去,这是什么鞋子,穿在那样的黑脚丫子上,威力居然这么大?”楚风惊叹。 Is roaring as for that Divine King, is too not resigned, he felt a moment ago oneself had run upon by a Qilin likely, the severe pain is hard to endure. 至于那位神王则在怒吼,太不甘心了,他刚才感觉自己像是被一头麒麟撞上了,剧痛难忍。 Waste!” “废物!” Behind, broadcasts the coldly sound, a shadow is approaching, was too terrifying, made void tremble, wants ruptured. 后方,传来冷冷的声音,一道黑影在逼近,太恐怖了,让虚空都在颤栗,要崩开了。 Really has big follows, but, does not have anything to be fearful, shoes could not solve, that again came shoes!” Old Gu shouts. “果然有‘大个的’跟随,但是,没什么可怕的,一只鞋解决不了,那就再来一只鞋!”老古喊道。 (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, the second boots have pounded, the Qilin roar is shocking! 东北虎二话没说,第二只长靴砸了出去,麒麟吼声震天! At the same time, Chu Feng angrily roars: Your this organizations did not have credit, the young master extinguished you!” 同一时间,楚风怒吼:“你们这个组织毫无信用,小爷灭了你们!”
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