SR :: Volume #12

#1135: Unprecedented Evil Spirit

Chu Feng is rising as before, at this time, did not have the sheer precipice, he takeoffed knows not to be high. 楚风依旧在上升,此时,已经没有了悬崖峭壁,他离地也不知道多高了。 At this moment, he discovered very much with amazement, enters a special region unexpectedly, waterfall such as vast, was too broad, in arched transversal wave on this day. 此刻,他很惊讶的发现,竟进入一片特殊的区域,瀑布如汪洋,太广阔了,在这天穹上横波。 What is most essential, in this water has unexpectedly many giant stones float, appointed the waterfall impact, stands one's ground steadfastly, just like horizontal day stars, unsystematic arrangement. 最为关键的是,这水中有居然有很多巨石悬浮,任瀑布冲击,岿然不动,宛若一颗又一颗横天的星斗,无规则的排列。 I was not will enter outside territory, was this large expanse of meteor region?” His doubt. “我不会是进入域外了吧,这是成片的陨星区域?”他一阵狐疑。 However, he thinks is also insufficient, should not arrive at outside territory to be right. 但是,他又觉得还不至于,应该还未到域外才对。 When thinks of here, he stops here, stimulates to movement stone jar to arrive on a giant stone, he carefully observes very for a long time, this truly opens stone jar, and has carried from Reincarnation Soil Old Gu. 当想到这里,他在这里停下来,催动石罐降临在一块巨石上,他仔细观察很久,这才真正开启石罐,并将老古轮回土中拎了出来。 Felt stifled I, you so many Soul Flesh, Heaven, this way of the world is unexpectedly unfair, you where acquired?!” “憋死我了,你居然有这么多的魂肉,天啊,这世道太不公平了,你到底从哪里收集到的?!” Old Gu cries out strangely, the palm of the hand big sarcophagus illumination, red blood mist fills the air, he goes all out to induce all in stone jar. 老古怪叫,巴掌大的石棺发光,红色血雾弥漫,他拼命想去感应石罐中的一切。 His big brother looked that many years, had not discovered that Soul Flesh trail, today he sees these many unexpectedly. 他大哥找了那么多年,都没有发现魂肉的踪迹,今天他居然见到这么多。 However, Chu Feng also gives (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger entrains after Reincarnation Soil, directly fastens the cover. 然而,楚风东北虎也给从轮回土下拽出来后,直接扣上盖子。 „Does Old Gu, what situation look at this, in the waterfall how will have these many hanging giant stones?” 老古,看一看这什么情况,瀑布中怎么会有这么多悬空的巨石?” This should be blocks the evil stone that the prehistoric stayed behind, but abandoned evidently.” Old Gu informs. “这应该是史前留下的拦邪石,不过看样子都废弃了。”老古告知。 Before long years, some dreadful calamities that has are too scary, in the waterfall presents inexplicable Evil Spirit from this direct access to the highest authorities first, body possession succeeds, conquers by killing the earth, brings the huge disaster to various clans. 漫长岁月前,发生的一些惨祸太骇人,从这通天先瀑布中出现莫名的邪灵,夺舍成功,血洗大地,给各族带来天大的灾难。 Also has Evil Spirit not to extinguish, hides in the forbidden area, nobody dares to suppress kills. 至今还有邪灵未灭,躲在禁区中,无人敢去剿杀。 Also precisely by because of so, various clans once collaborated to arrange here, hopes that can block Evil Spirit, or forewarns ahead of time, lay out something. 正是以因为如此,各族曾经联手在这里布置,希望能挡住邪灵,或者提前预警,布下了一些东西。 But looking back now, the effect is not tangible, this stretch of region has abandoned. 但现在看来,效果不明显,这片地带都已经废弃了。 After Chu Feng watches nods, said: “Wú, has the magnet, has the special material, but also is really piece of ruined Domain, scattered about, looked awful. ” 楚风观看后点头,道:“唔,有磁石,有特殊的材料,还真是一片被毁掉的场域,七零八落,不成样子了。” Then, he thinks that carrion that saw a moment ago, said: I saw a remnant corpse a moment ago, the eyeball resemble.” 然后,他想到刚才看到的那具腐尸,道:“我刚才看到一具残尸,眼球好像动了一下,冲下去了。” "Ah, can you see this type of thing unexpectedly?! ” Old Gu had a scare. “啊,你居然能看到这种东西?!”老古吓了一大跳。 Evil Spirit, can below person be conquered by killing?” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger said in a low voice, listened to such a long time, his naturally also knows stern of issue. 邪灵啊,下方的人会不会被血洗?”东北虎低声道,听了这么长时间,他自然也知道了问题的严峻性。 Old Gu said: Has the possibility very much, if meets one cruelly, body possession succeeds, and own strength goes against heaven's will, must have the catastrophe, is doomed the bloody water to be dreadful.” 老古道:“很有可能,若是遇上一个残暴的,夺舍成功,且自身实力逆天的话,必有大祸,注定要血水滔天。” „If not cruel?” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger asked. “如果是不残暴的呢?”东北虎问道。 Is more troublesome, initially, had Evil Spirit to bear patiently many years, established a super organization, then destroyed completely World of the Living to rank the tenth ancient family, this was perceived, unexpectedly was Evil Spirit take action.” “更麻烦,当初,有邪灵隐忍很多年,成立一个超级组织,然后去灭掉了阳间排位第十的古老家族,这才被人觉察,竟是邪灵出手。” Chu Feng hearing this, thought that the back is sending coolly, this Evil Spirit really fearsome, destroys completely ranks the tenth ancient family, this with striking to kill some powerhouses of clan completely is two matters. 楚风闻言,觉得脊背都在发凉,这邪灵果然可怖,灭掉排名第十的古老家族,这跟击杀一族的部分强者完全是两码事。 Wants not to need to think, used expert of prehistoric tenth aristocratic family, that can be an unimaginable strength, started a World of the Living's earthquake sufficiently. 想都不用想,倾尽史前第十世家的高手,那会是一股不可想象的战力,足以掀起阳间的一场大地震。 But, that clan was extinguished as before, making Evil Spirit conquer by killing! 可是,那一族依旧被灭了,让一个邪灵血洗! That Evil Spirit?” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger asked. “那邪灵呢?”东北虎问道。 Ran up to some restricted area to go, moreover will obviously melt once for a while in certain ages, became one of the World of the Living big threats.” “跑到某一禁地里去了,而且时不时在某些年代还会显化出来,成为阳间一大威胁之一。” This makes Chu Feng be startled, that Evil Spirit has not died, but also is living!? 这让楚风吃惊,那个邪灵没死,还活着!? Chu Feng said: „Can nobody extinguish him? Heng Clan and Buddha Race should not allow this creature to exist are right, why regardless, various clans should also collaborate to kill, cannot encourage this cruel bad atmosphere.” 楚风道:“就没人能灭他吗?恒族佛族不应该允许这种生灵存在才对,无论出于什么原因,各族也应联手干掉,不能助长这种残暴的恶劣风气。” Does not have take action, quick that but he runs. Most serious one time, various clans must attack that restricted area, but he ran away as before.” “怎么没有出手,但他跑的很快。最为严重的一次,各族都要去攻打那个禁地了,但他依旧逃了。” Really is......” Chu Feng shakes the head, said: „Doesn't your big brother have take action?” “真是……”楚风摇头,又道:“你大哥没有出手?” take action, as far as I know, he has submerged in some restricted area quietly, has put dark Karma Fire in secret, has burnt the less than half restricted area, robs many Celestial Object, the harvest is huge.” 出手了,据我所知,他悄然潜入过某一禁地中,暗中放了一把黑暗业火,烧了小半个禁地,盗出来很多天物,收获巨大。” Chu Feng is speechless, this prehistoric great sinister hand style was really as always. 楚风无言,这史前大黑手的风格果然是一如既往。 Others knows?” “别人知道吗?” Some person of guesses are he do, in existence including that restricted area has gotten angry, but, how my big brother possibly acknowledged, was compelled anxiously, ran beyond that restricted area to put a fire secretly, finally the trim world was peaceful.” “有人猜测是他干的,连那禁地中的存在都怒了,但是,我大哥怎么可能承认,被逼急了,又跑那禁地外暗自放了一把火,最后整片世界都安静了。” Chu Feng is speechless. 楚风无语。 Naturally, in the words of prehistoric, these matter Old Gu was kills will not say, was unwarrantable, will otherwise annoy greatly troublesome, but his big brothers died now, said might also as well. 当然,在史前的话,这些事情老古是打死也不会说出来的,不能承认,不然会惹出大麻烦,但现在他大哥都死了,说出来也就无妨了。 „Will a while blood-color waterfall lay out surface have the dreadful calamity?” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger was worried very much, is very surprised, after all presents a corpse, after the long years, Evil Spirit must appear mostly. “一会儿血色瀑布下面会有惨祸吗?”东北虎很担心,也很吃惊,毕竟出现一具尸体,时隔漫长岁月,邪灵多半又要出现了。 Lets him do what he pleases, in any case we are the loners, at present outside the vortex, hides here, does not need to pay attention.” Old Gu said. “管他呢,反正我们都是孤家寡人,目前在漩涡外,躲在这里,不用理会。”老古道。 Can present Evil Spirit again?” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is afraid, asked low voice. “会不会再出现一个邪灵?”东北虎心虚,小声问道。 Old Gu said: Theoretically, Evil Spirit also will not appear generally, accompanies to rush.” 老古道:“理论上不会了,邪灵一般是同时出现,结伴闯过来。” Chu Feng hearing this felt relieved, sits cross-legged on giant stone, which suddenly does not want to go, thinks or waits quite be here safe. 楚风闻言放下心来,盘坐在巨石上,一时间哪也不想去了,觉得还是等在这里较为安全。 Suddenly, he discovered that fills blood mist ancient, wants to explore his stone jar. 忽然,他发现古老弥漫出血雾,想探索他的石罐 Peeps anything, dares to move heedlessly again, I suppress you hundred million years of years in Soul Flesh, always can not be reincarnated!” Chu Feng intimidation, said: Has not hurried to close up, already passing greater part of the night, after the dawn , the good fortune in blood waterfall must vanish.” “偷窥什么,再敢乱动,我将你镇压在魂肉中亿载岁月,永世不得超生!”楚风恫吓,又道:“还不赶紧闭关,都已经过去大半夜了,天明后血瀑中的造化就要消失了。” After hearing this words, Old Gu alerts, hurries to grasp principles in this, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is also so. 当听到这种话语后,老古警醒,赶忙在此悟道,东北虎也是如此。 As for Chu Feng, grasps wooden spear of that chopsticks child long/grows, starts to comprehend once more, suddenly in the blood-color waterfall many symbols appear, surges to here. 至于楚风,手持那支筷子长的木矛,也再次开始参悟,一时间血色瀑布中许多符号出现,向这边涌动而来。 Bang! 轰隆! Before daybreak, soon dawn the time, the place above of this waterfall suddenly will hear the depressed sound, just like the earthquake, the huge sound that this blood waterfall made slightly is suppressed. 黎明前,即将天亮时刻,这瀑布的上方突然传来沉闷的响声,宛若地震,这血瀑发出的巨大声音都被稍微压制下去了。 What situation? 什么情况? Chu Feng first awaking revolutions, and turned on the stone jar cover, prepares to hide. 楚风第一时间醒转,并打开了石罐的盖子,准备藏身。 Awful, this blocks the evil stone early warning, the past arrangement also a little use, had the extraordinary case, had mostly...... Evil Spirit appeared!” The Old Gu heart is startled. “糟糕,这是拦邪石预警,当年的布置还有点用处,出现非常情况,多半有……邪灵出现了!”老古心惊。 Chu Feng, raised and forces in (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger stone jar, Heavenly Gold Stone Coffin burying under Reincarnation Soil. 楚风二话没说,将东北虎提起并塞进石罐中,又将天金石棺给埋进轮回土下。 As for him, naturally also immediately enters stone jar, the whole body absorbs full Reincarnation Soil, this stretch of region thorough gets down peacefully. 至于他自己,自然也在第一时间进入石罐,浑身吸附满轮回土,这片地带彻底安静下去。 Shortly, broken golden war chariot appears, was it has cracked-up one after another giant stone, flushed from this waterfall, went to the downstream. 不久后,一辆残破的黄金战车出现,是它撞碎了一块又一块巨石,从这瀑布中一冲而过,前往下游。 Chu Feng is startled, he in stone jar, by the small slit, hurried glimpse silhouette, that is a graceful bearing peerless female, battlesuit dyes with blood, the side lies down in golden war chariot together. 楚风吃惊,他在石罐中,透过一道微小的缝隙,匆匆瞥见一道身影,那是一个丰姿绝世的女子,战衣染血,侧躺在黄金战车中。 She is also living! 她还活着! Because Chu Feng saw, when war chariot has gone through here, she sat unexpectedly. 因为楚风看到,战车穿行过这里时,她居然坐了起来。 She moves slightly, in this giant stone region, various huge stone bodies are all blasting out, turn into fine powder. 她稍微一动,这巨石区域内,各种庞大的石体全都在炸开,化成齑粉 Moreover, this Heaven Linking Waterfall arrange/cloth short was interrupted unexpectedly, the terrifying aura fills the air, bursts a dike just like Star Sea, then blasts open. 而且,这通天瀑布居然都短暂被截断,恐怖气息弥漫,宛若星海决堤,而后又炸裂。 Chu Feng believes firmly, if no stone jar protection, covers up own aura, he will definitely have the catastrophe. 楚风确信,如果不是有石罐保护,遮掩自己的气息,他必然会有大祸。 Unprecedented Evil Spirit, fleshly body also complete lifeforms, controls war chariot to rush to Heaven Connecting Immortal Waterfall, like this arrives at World of the Living! 前所未见的邪灵,一个肉身还完好的生物,驾驭战车闯过通天仙瀑,就这样降临阳间 Chu Feng creepy feeling, was this must present the huge root of trouble? 楚风头皮发麻,这是要出现天大的祸端了吗? Wants not to need to think, has fleshly body Evil Spirit of Evil Spirit with body possession regeneration to compare, that will be absolutely more terrorist time. 想都不用多想,有肉身邪灵夺舍再生的邪灵比起来,那绝对会恐怖许多倍。 Here is tranquil, after the past long time, the skylight is greatly bright, Chu Feng puts Old Gu and (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger. 这里平静下来,直到过去很长时间后,天光大亮,楚风才将老古东北虎放出来。 „Did boy, what you see?” “小子,你看到了什么?” Living Evil Spirit, fleshly body was lossless, controls war chariot to break through, arrives in World of the Living!” “一个活着的邪灵,肉身无损,驾驭一辆战车冲过,降临在阳间!” Is impossible, how to have such Evil Spirit born, theoretically, absolutely impossible!” Old Gu cries out strangely. “不可能,怎么会有这样的邪灵降世,理论上来说,绝无可能!”老古怪叫。
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