ROD :: Volume #38

#3708: Two degrees persecution of Sarah

**************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************** Good farce, but has not wasted the too much time, is quite anxious, first day registration, but must the hurrying back familiar work, after mixing a face was ripe, everyone also leaves immediately, the walk goes to leave the cafe not far apartment. 好一出闹剧,不过并没有浪费太多的时间,塔莫雅比较急,第一天报到,还得赶回去熟悉工作,混了个脸熟之后,大家也就立刻动身,步行前往离咖啡屋不远的公寓。 Remembers the time, Lina took several types of keys, but met neatly, who also rushes to time, in looking at the first place, after having felt very satisfied, immediately makes a final decision, Lina puts out to prepare the good contract template, duplicate, signature, delivery house rent deposit key. 记得来的时候,琳娅拿了好几种不同房型的钥匙,只不过遇到了性格干脆利落,又赶时间的塔莫雅,在看过第一处地方,觉得很满意后,立刻就敲定下来,琳娅拿出准备好的合同模板,一式两份,签名,交付房租押金钥匙。 Short less than one hour decided that smooth inconceivable, traded to make the past, the guest who particularly met the character hesitant ink marks, must spend the last most of the day time, is not necessarily able to sign immediately, but must compare goods. 短短不到一个小时的时间就定下来了,顺利的不可思议,换做以往,尤其是遇到性格犹豫墨迹的客人,得花上大半天时间,未必能立刻签下来,还要货比三家。 In this short time, Lina and has mixed thoroughly ripe, when must hurry back, three people have made to drink the coffee to watch the movie to stroll the time of avenue next time, worthily is hundred clan princess Rafel's biological granddaughters, the interpersonal skills terrifying of being resourceful in a dishonest way in this way. 在这短短的时间里,琳娅和塔莫雅就已经彻底混熟了,等塔莫雅要赶回去的时候,三人已经约好了下次去喝咖啡看电影逛大街的时间,不愧是百族公主拉斐尔的亲孙女,长袖善舞的交际能力恐怖如斯。 Mr. Wu.” Just before leaving time, Jaath proposed my one, she puts out a hand, shows the harmless gentle smile. 先生。”临走的时候,塔莫雅特地提了我一声,她伸出手,露出无害的柔和笑容。 Anticipation with your next meeting, did not mind that I go to your family to be a guest.” “期待与你的下次会面,不介意我去你家做客吧。” Did not mind, momentarily welcome.” “不介意,随时欢迎。” Two hands grasped grasping in the midair lightly, she nods toward Lina smiles, then leaves with Lucia together. 两只手在半空轻握了握,她朝琳娅颔首笑了笑,便和露西亚一同离开。 I will also go, certainly will uncover in your room to hide any shameful thing.” This small fox, has turned head, twists the mouth sidewise two small canine teeth to me, the language the threat. “我也会去的,一定会揪出你屋子里到底藏了什么见不得人的东西。”这小狐狸,回过头,冲我咧开两只小虎牙,语出威胁。 Did not fear that told you, my family truly hid two small just demoness. 不怕跟你说,我家确实藏了两只小小的正义魔女 My resigned-looking beckons to say goodbye to the beast mother group, gazes after two people of hood race car that got up liquor red, disappearance speedily in corner. 我一脸无奈的冲兽娘组招手道别,目送二人上了辆酒红色的敞篷跑车,一溜烟的消失在街角。 That...... Lina?” “那个……琳娅?” „It is not good.” “不行。” My anything had not said.” “我什么都还没说。” Race car, this does not consider for the Big Brother Wu security.” “跑车不可以,这也是为了吴大哥的安全着想。” Is it possible that had I had/left what matter before?” “莫非我以前出过什么事?” Considers this.” “就当是这样吧。” That two round battery-powered bicycle was always OK!” I back off. “那两个轮的电动自行车总可以了吧!”我退而求其次。 Sometimes Big Brother Wu, I really thought that...... your oxygen consumption capacity is very low, but also very well supports.” 吴大哥,有时候我真就觉得……你这人耗氧量忒低,还挺好养活的。” This calculates that is praising me?” “这算在夸我吗?” Right, praising the Big Brother Wu life strength to be very tenacious.” “对的,夸吴大哥生命力很顽强。” „The cockroach life strength is also very tenacious!” “蟑螂生命力也很顽强啊!” Shut up, Big Brother Wu, I do not allow you to take the cockroach to come and compare!” “住口,吴大哥,我不允许你拿蟑螂来和自己比!” Therefore your is praising the cockroach to praise me?!” “所以你这到底是在夸蟑螂还是在夸我?!” „, This time had selected, came, was inferior that we go to another shop to take a look again, has a lunch while convenient.” “啊,都已经这个时间点了,来都来了,不如我们再去另外一家店瞧瞧,顺便吃个午饭吧。” Lina, you said that in this world, likes really existing?” 琳娅,你说在这个世界上,爱真的存在吗?” „Do you ride me to ride?” “你骑还是我骑?” Good I ride.” “好的我骑。” Another shop in Lina mouth, is actually away from the grilled fish shop to be not far, in street one in the appearance of outskirt, I do not know why initially can select, takes the complete implication? 琳娅口中的另外一家店铺,其实隔着烤鱼店不算远,一个在街头一个在街尾的样子,我也不知道当初为什么要这么挑,取有头有尾的寓意么? As for is any shop...... 至于是啥店嘛…… Looks up, my goodness, authentic Persia grasp the mutton food, this taste a little flushed. 抬头一看,好家伙,正宗波斯手抓羊肉饭,这味儿就有点冲了。 No problem that however the in any case name takes, does not suture does not do strangely, conforms to the aesthetic level of food street very much, is only what thing Persian? Tang had perished my dear fire-worship Brad. 不过好歹店名取的没啥毛病,不缝合不搞怪,很符合美食街的审美水平,只是波斯啥玩意?大唐早就亡了我亲爱的拜火教布拉德。 The feeling is a little strange, particularly the door repair, the foreign land character and style, appearance seldom and some coconut tree juice advertisement archives some spell, conversion is I, meets this shop certainly to think then...... 感觉还是有点怪,尤其是店门装修,就有一股浓浓的异域风情,煞有其事的样子和某椰汁广告文案有的一拼,换成是我,遇到这种店肯定要三思而后…… This irritable team length what's the matter?!!! 这火爆的队伍长度是怎么回事?!!! Just now wants to criticize, I discovered suddenly, team left three right three of entrance lining up, really circled motionless, was stopped up including the entrances of nearby several shops unexpectedly, I also think from the beginning nearby several shop business were good, carefully looked, originally was a god brings four dogs, the person to own shop. 才刚想批判一番,我猛然发现,门口排队的队伍左三圈右三圈,实在绕不动了,竟然连附近几家店的门口都被堵住了,我一开始还以为附近几家店生意都好,仔细一看,原来是一神带四狗,人都是冲着自家店去的。 This was stranger, does not know that inside has what crisis to wait for itself, thinks that does not know when wants the beast mother group of Charge family visit, enough had had a headache, today slow one slow, so as to avoid collects on the time comes together, the scene of carnage comes extremely intense. 这就更加诡异了,也不知道里面有什么危机在等着自己,想到不知道什么时候要突击家访的兽娘组,已经够头疼了,今天还是缓一缓,免得到时候凑一块上,修罗场来的太过激烈。 I swallowed saliva, the heel scratched came slam on the brakes, has turned head to clash Lina to persuade. 我吞了一口口水,脚跟擦地来了一个急刹车,回过头冲琳娅劝说起来。 Lina, you looked that the person were too many, we will be next time.” 琳娅,你看人实在太多了,我们还是下次吧。” The girls are also the headaches pats the forehead: I almost forgot, this time the point wants the door is not easy, does not compare the special quirk amateur the grilled fish shop that likes going.” 小妮子也是头疼的一拍额头:“我都差点忘了,这个时间点想要进店门可不容易,可不比只有特殊性癖爱好者才喜欢去的烤鱼店。” The special quirk amateur who you said that our Dark Continent person calls it to shake M generally. 你说的这个特殊性癖爱好者,我们暗黑大陆人一般称之为抖M。 Her rumor another revolution: Has not related, we can go through the motions to enter, doesn't Big Brother Wu really want to go to have a look?” 只是,她口风又一转:“不过没有关系,我们可以走后门进入,吴大哥真的不想进去看看?” „, Your viewer person so many, inside definitely busy bustling, we did not go in must eat meal, must audit, made what trouble.” “不了不了,你看客人那么多,里面肯定忙的热火朝天,我们进去又要吃饭,又要查账的,添什么乱子。” Said is also, we go back, tomorrow will come is not late again.” Perhaps does not think in the shop that is clamoring crowded dines, Lina these time is quite good to speak. “说的也是,那我们回去吧,明天再来也不迟。”或许是不想在拥挤喧哗的店里用餐,琳娅这一次相当好说话。 Good good, goes back.” I cheer loudly. “好的好的,回去回去。”我内心大声欢呼。 On the way how went back to have a look at your small Sarah, like this big hot days may not suffer heat-stroke are good.” “顺道回去看看你的小莎拉怎么样了,这样的大热天可千万别中暑才好。” Good good, on the way on the way.” “好的好的,顺道顺道。” Groans ~~ ~ “哼哼~~~” I: „......” 我:“……” Is...... is a motor, by this girl fishing law enforcement! 系……系马达,被这小妮子钓鱼执法了! On gone back road, did not have the accident/surprise to see Sarah, was in that place, a blue work clothes clothing/taking, the yellow big safety helmet, to the vehicles of communication, is jumping and jumping, the flag indicator in hand wielded to keep, the whistle in mouth kept doing, the big hot days, the sweat stuck wet the bright and clean forehead, the temple that the powder sent, such as the neck of jade, looks that loved dearly. 回去的路上,不出意外又看到了莎拉,还是在那个地方,一身蓝色工装服,黄色大安全帽,对着来往的车辆,又蹦又跳,手中的旗语挥个不停,口中的哨子吹个不停,大热天的,汗水粘湿了光洁的额头,粉发的鬓角,如玉的颈项,看着让人心疼。 I hesitate must pass, at this moment, happened accidentally/surprisingly. 我正犹豫着要不要过去,就在这时,发生了一点意外。 Is riding the yellow electric car goes the little elder brother, rides from the Sarah rear area, the eye has not been looking at the road, but is staring at the cell phone stubbornly, had not discovered that the Sarah flag indicator, ignores to the whistling sound. 一位骑着黄色电动车的外卖小哥,从莎拉的后方一路骑来,眼睛没在看路,而是死死盯着手机,没有发现莎拉的旗语,对哨声也置若罔闻。 The electric car crooked vanguard, bypassed the warning sign unexpectedly, is rushing the gap that lacked the well shutter goes. 电动车歪歪扭扭的前行,竟然绕过了警示牌,一路奔着缺了井盖的缺口而去。 Waits for Sarah has turned around to see this time, the electric car has left the gap to be very near, at this time, went the little elder brother as if also to respond, raised the head fiercely, discovered that the front crisis, rushed to abandon the cell phone in hand, the making an effort brake that the hands and feet used. 莎拉转过身看到这一幕的时候,电动车已经离缺口很近,这时候,外卖小哥似乎也反应过来,猛地抬起头,发现前方的危机,赶忙扔下手中的手机,手脚并用的使劲刹车。 At this moment! 就在这时! Has no time to think, only listens to Sarah one to drink tenderly, abandons the flag in hand fast, 2-3 approach back leg numerous treads, the petite body flies high to jump, the left leg first is accurate stepping in the car(riage) front bumper of electric car, jumps taking advantage of strength one two, the whole person has leapt the front high, then to is going little elder brother —— 无暇多想,只听莎拉一声娇喝,飞快扔下手中的旗子,2-3步助跑后脚重重一蹬,娇小的身子凌空跃起,左脚先是精准的踩在电动车的车前挡上,借力一个二段跳,整个人高高跃过车头,然后对着外卖小哥—— Is one flies to trample! 就是一记飞踹! The entire process highlighted Mang character, looked I and Lina are dumbfounded. 整个过程突出了一个莽字,看的我和琳娅是目瞪口呆。 Seemingly......, when Sarah kicks the opposite party, the car(riage) has stopped completely, has enough one meter many distance to the gap. 貌似……在莎拉踢中对方的时候,车已经完全停下来了,离着缺口还有足足一米多的距离。 Those images and scenes, regards the feeling is intense. 此情此景,既视感是何等强烈。 Goes the little elder brother smooth was trampled, good Sarah, taking advantage of the reacting force that flying to kick, her upper part, by the waist strength, at a midair clever backward somersault, must with letting me in the future shortly regenerates intensely regards the feeling the day to fall the justice, falls to the ground calmly and steadily...... 外卖小哥顺利的被踹了下去,好一个莎拉,借着飞踢的反作用力,她上半身往后一挺,凭借腰力,在半空一个灵巧的后空翻,眼看就要用让我再生强烈既视感的天降正义,安稳落地…… Natural natural natural...... fell to the well in went to ahh!!! 落落落落落落……落到井里去了啊啊啊!!! Whiz, the Sarah foothold is located in the well head, looks from afar, seems her whole person to press the water splash perfectly, drills into the water, silent. 嗖一下,莎拉的落脚点恰好位于井口,远远看去,就好像她整个人完美的压着水花,钻入水中,无声无息。 Also the screw looked for right the nut probably, gently one group, accurate, but the silk slippery invagination went. 又好像螺丝找对了螺母,轻轻一拨,精准而丝滑的套入进去。 All these happen is too quick, too the silk slides...... not, I meant am too sudden, absolutely did not have the meaning that a wee bit well heads and Sarah matched very much. 这一切发生的太快,太丝滑……不,我的意思是说太突然,绝对没有一丁点井口和莎拉很配的意思。 Startled we vehicle toward a roadside swayed, dash to go to hastily, arrive at the well head to search downward. 惊的我们连忙把车子往路边一摆,飞奔而去,来到井口往下一探。 Fortunately under is not very deep, roughly 1.1 Sarah altitudes, under shiny black cave entrance, see Sarah to sit below indistinctly, is rubbing the buttocks to be in a daze. 还好底下不是很深,约莫一点一个莎拉的高度,黑黝黝的洞口下,隐约看到莎拉坐在下面,正在揉着屁股发愣。 Sarah, are you good?” I put out a hand to Sarah. 莎拉,你还好吧?”我冲莎拉伸出手。 Well......, is big elder brother, why you can...... Sarah be good, this thinks that must fall a tumble ruthlessly, now, doesn't seem to fall the sore appearance?” “咦……啊,是大哥哥,为什么你会……莎拉还好,本以为要狠狠摔上一跤,现在来看,似乎没有摔疼的样子?” Sarah also a little hoodwinks, subconscious stood up, two soft the small hand grabs my hand, one was instead grasped by me, hoists, from bottom of the well drawing. 莎拉还有点蒙,下意识的站了起来,两只软乎乎的小手抓着我的手,被我一把反握,扯起,从井底拉了出来。 Makes me have a look quickly, you are not how careful.” “快让我看看,你怎么那么不小心。” The Lina tone were also many several points of anxiety, teased to turn over to tease, was so attractive the lovable girl like Sarah, who can not like. 琳娅语气也多了几分焦急,打趣归打趣,像莎拉这么漂亮可爱的女孩子,又有谁能不喜欢。 Inspects carefully, inquired, discovered Sarah unexpectedly really...... the appearance of real returning safe and sound? 仔仔细细检查一番,询问一番,发现莎拉居然真的……真的毫发无损的样子? This altitude, can fall the well accurate, can return safe and sound, can only say that was the life miracle, as long as fell the well time scratched, must delaminate the skin at least, serious, the bone fracture stock crack had the possibility, and what is more, if cracking with the teeth the head, but cannot talk clearly in a few words. 这种高度,能精准落井,能毫发无损,只能说是生命的奇迹了,但凡落井的时候擦到一点,起码都得脱层皮,严重点,骨折股裂都有可能,更甚者,万一嗑着了脑袋,可就不是三言两语能说清了。 Also Lina is so no wonder anxious, is pinching the small arm calf of Sarah, inspected several. 也难怪琳娅那么紧张,捏着莎拉的小胳膊小腿,检查了好几遍。 I am really all right, was......” Sarah hesitant, opened the mouth slowly. “我真的没事,就是……”莎拉犹豫了一下,缓缓开口。 Feeling...... feeling, when falls the well, that flash of landing, probably bewildered strength, held a I appearance.” “感觉……感觉在落井的时候,还有落地的那一瞬间,都好像有一股莫名其妙的力量,托了我一下的样子。” She light crooked tilting the head, visible question mark Monarch braves from the forehead, this strange view is very absurd, is unbelievable including oneself. 她轻歪了歪头,肉眼可见的问号君从脑门上冒出来,这种奇奇怪怪的说法很荒谬,连自己都难以置信。 Perhaps, should, possibly, be own misconception? 或许,应该,可能,是自己的错觉? You were fall ignorant, but also bewildered strength, was all right well, later do not handle such dangerous matter.” Looks at Sarah bemused to sprout/moe the dull appearance, Lina air/Qi and funny. “你是摔懵了吧,还莫名其妙的力量,没事就好,以后千万别做这么危险的事情了。”瞧着莎拉一脸问号的萌呆样子,琳娅又气又好笑。 No, I believe you.” I patted the shoulder of Sarah, gives the thumbs-up high, smiles a snow white tooth. “不,我相信你。”我拍了拍莎拉的肩膀,高高竖起大拇指,笑出一口雪白牙齿。 This certainly is mysterious strength from East.” “这一定是来自东方的神秘力量。” Has the possibility very much!” The Sarah tiger body shakes, the whole person was enlightened probably generally, is suddenly enlighted. “很有可能!”莎拉虎躯一震,整个人好像被醍醐灌顶了一般,恍然大悟。 Certainly is, certainly is this, is cards of eight soul strength, is protecting itself in secret! 一定是,一定是这样,是八魂之卡的力量,在暗中保护自己! Is looking at our two, said seldom, awakened seriously anything, Lina covered the volume heart. 瞧着我们两个,一个说的煞有其事,一个一本正经的醒悟了什么,琳娅捂起了额心。 Felt appearance that inexplicably the two fool matches very much. 莫名感觉两个傻瓜很相配的样子。 Sorry, sudden, haven't you been injured?” “抱歉,事发突然,你没受伤吧?” Sarah remembered went the little elder brother, the opposite party, although suffered the unexpected misfortune, fortunately has not been injured, the electric car also blew spent a point, saw the Sarah bitter experience, thinks that she was also a good intention, in addition was such good lovable, the little girl of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman(?). 莎拉想起了外卖小哥,对方虽然遭遇了无妄之灾,所幸没有受伤,电动车也只是刮花了一点,又看到了莎拉的遭遇,想到她也是一片好心,再加上又是这样善良可爱,倾国倾城的小女孩(?)。 Under the contrast, goes small elder brother that softened heart, can forgive all, shakes the head hastily, has the shy simple and honest smile , helping up the electric car, quickly vanishes under our gazing in the path end. 对比之下,外卖小哥那颗被软化的心,可以原谅一切,连忙摇头,带着羞涩憨厚的笑容,扶起电动车,在我们的目送下急急忙忙消失在道路尽头。 Recovers, Sarah just took the footsteps, suddenly eats sorely squatted. 回过神来,莎拉刚迈出脚步,忽然就吃疼的蹲了下去。 What's wrong, where hurts?” I have a scare, should be all right. “怎么,是哪里疼吗?”我吓了一大跳,应该没事才对的呀。 I said that a moment ago such condition how possibly not injured.” Lina is also the hurried extraction cell phone, wants to hire a vehicle. “我就说,刚才那样的状况怎么可能不受伤。”琳娅也是急急忙忙的取出手机,就想叫车。 All right, Elder Sister Lina, I am all right, is not breaks.” Sarah jumps stood up that again, on the smooth fresh-faced cheeks appears several to wipe blushes to blush bashfully. “没事,琳娅姐姐,我没事,不是摔伤的。”莎拉一跳一跳的重新站了起来,光滑粉嫩的脸颊上浮现出几抹羞赧红晕。 Was...... that foot...... kicked a moment ago a moment ago...... kicks out...... catches up...... that...... as if...... a little to pull to the leg probably fiercely.” “是刚才……刚才那一脚……踢……踢出去……好像发力过猛……那个……似乎……有点扯到腿了。” I and Lina: „......” 我和琳娅:“……” Are those images and scenes, how similar? 此情此景,何其相似? Lina squats, after helping Sarah inspect one, said: Should be the slight muscle pulling injury, wanted more serious than yesterday, suggested that went to the hospital to make an inspection.” 琳娅蹲下去,帮莎拉检查了一番后,道:“应该是轻微的肌肉拉伤,比昨天要严重一些,建议去医院做个检查。” Yesterday this phrase, but also deliberately bit heavily, bashful Sarah was entire face blushed, was really bad mind friends from childhood. 昨天这个字眼,还刻意咬重了一些,羞的莎拉又是满脸通红,真是个坏心眼的青梅竹马。 What to do can that?” “那可怎么办?” Sarah somewhat awkward looks at that well, has a look at itself, under such condition, surely did not have the means to continue the justice. 莎拉有些为难的看着那口井,又看看自己,这样的状态下,肯定是没办法继续维护正义了。 „Should you not want to continue like this?” “你该不会这样了还想继续吧?” But......” Sarah somewhat is in a dilemma. “可是……”莎拉有些左右为难。 I may take you, relieved, I will help you handle, some quick people will service . Moreover, I want to ask early, where do your items come?” “我可真是服了你,安心吧,我会帮你搞定,很快就会有人过来维修了,另外,我老早就想问了,你这些道具是从哪里来的?” Is...... takes secretly from father's warehouse.” Sarah embarrassed lowering the head. “是……是从爸爸的仓库里偷偷拿出来的。”莎拉难为情的低下头。 Will give me the address, I processed while convenient.” The Lina good person achieves the bottom, careful was Sarah arranged good all. “等会给我地址,我顺便处理了吧。”琳娅好人做到底,细心为莎拉安排了好一切。 Really was too thanks you, Elder Sister Lina, big elder brother was also.” Sarah rhythmical bows to Lina seriously, said: „After and other leg good, please must visit to express gratitude one time the opportunity that to me.” “真是太感谢你了,琳娅姐姐,还有大哥哥也是。”莎拉有板有眼的郑重向琳娅鞠了一躬,说道:“等我的腿好了之后,请务必给我一次登门道谢的机会。” Let alone is so estranged, comes my family...... not, comes to his home, is regarded as among the friends dropped around.” “别说的那么生分,来我家……不,来他家,就当做是朋友之间的串门好了。” Sarah smiles beautifully, finally swept the well head and item one: Then here asked Elder Sister Lina, the hospital I went to be good.” 莎拉明媚一笑,最后扫了井口和道具一眼:“那么这里就拜托琳娅姐姐了,医院我自己去就好了。” Then, she has really turned around, is standing on tiptoes the injured leg, jumps the plan that to depart. 说完,她真的转过身,踮着受伤的腿,一跳一跳的打算离去。 I signal with the eyes to Lina. 我冲琳娅使了个眼色。 Big Brother Wu, what you had to say?” The girls play the fool. 吴大哥,你有什么想说的吗?”小妮子装傻。 „The black custom car......” at this time, do not hide again is covering, you looked that small Sarah is pitiful, really does being cruel enough make her own jump the hospital? 黑色高级轿车……”这种时候,就别再藏着掩着了吧,你看小莎拉多可怜,真的忍心让她自己跳着去医院? No, really does not have, the bicycle to is also.” The Lina vision falls to lying down on the bicycle of roadside, rigid. “没有的呢,真的没有,自行车到是还在。”琳娅的目光落到躺在路边的自行车上,执着的很。 Also come? Aren't you will come real?” “还来?你不会是来真的吧?” „Did you say?” “你说呢?” After the moment, is riding the bicycle, caught up had not walked far Sarah, a tip of the toe point, in same place brake, I smiled to her, said with the popular elementary student saying something to smooth things over tone immediately. 片刻后,骑着自行车,赶上了没走多远的莎拉,脚尖一点,原地刹车,我冲她爽朗一笑,用当下流行的小学生搭讪口吻道。 Yo, that side that lovable small does beauty, want to come on the big elder brother Barbie powder snow and ice irony of fate princess bicycle to sit looks?” “哟,那边那位可爱的小美女,想来大哥哥的芭比粉冰雪奇缘公主自行车上坐坐看吗?” Sarah has a look at me, has a look to sit in the car(riage) tailstock, Lina that smiles wear a look of smartly, has a look again emptily, seems specially before the car(riage) that her figure builds the bar, by the kindness, the rejection words was just hard saying that a familiar sense of shame well ups. 莎拉看看我,又看看坐在车尾座,面带俏笑的琳娅,再看看空荡荡的,好似专为她的身形打造的车前杠,刚受完恩惠,拒绝的话难以说出口,一股熟悉的羞耻感涌上心头。 Is this, the demoness fate?! 这,难道就是魔女的宿命?! ... 。。。
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