RLM :: Volume #6 全金属狂潮

#414: Double child is acting

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Zhao. 赵。 A name only has a man of character. 一个名字只有一个字的男人。 No one knows that what his full name is, because he does not know that what oneself full name is? 没有人知道他的全名是什么,因为他自己本身也不知道自己的全名到底是什么? That moment of him being born, his name only then this character, until after three years ago that the civil war that lives that captured countless people ended, welcomed like wild dog Zhao Zhongyu the opportunity of chains that gets rid of starting from the hour then it firmly in dire straits in the lower class. 从他出生的那一刻开始,他的名字就只有这个字,直到在三年前那场夺取了无数人的生命的内战结束后,如同野狗般的赵终于迎来了摆脱从小时开始便将其牢牢困死在社会底层的锁链的机会。 Common, but actually on behalf of thriving business, banknotes that even can also attract internationally these blindingly rich busybodies, is makes Zhao bring back to life, thus leaps from the wild dog of social lowest level, changes to become the dignified person in many residential eyes. 一张毫不起眼,但却代表日进斗金,甚至还能够将国际上那些富得流油的好事者吸引过来的纸票,便是让赵起死回生,从而一跃从社会最底层的野狗,摇身一变成为了众多市民眼中的体面人。 Zhao! You came. Today's harvest how?” “赵!你又来了。今天的收获怎么样?” This is an illegal broker who trades the arena admission ticket was seeing, even if wears a precious suit, when man who still reveals the rude aura, then beckons to shout again and again. 这是一名贩卖竞技场门票的二道贩子在看到哪怕是穿着一身名贵西装,都依然流露出粗莽气息的男人时,便连连招手喊道。 Tch! Baku! Did your boy look to pull out?” !巴库!你小子又来找抽了吗?” Zhao bah, will hold in the mouth to spit in the toothpick of mouth, is staring toward the opposite party shouts deep and gruff voice. 赵“呸”地一声,将叼在嘴边的牙签吐掉,朝着对方瞪着眼睛粗声粗气地喊道。 At present this fellow with Zhao originally is a sworn enemy, without existence of this fellow, Zhao estimated that now can monopolize this arena the business of illegal broker. 眼前这家伙跟赵本来就是死对头,要是没有这家伙的存在,赵估计现在都能垄断这座竞技场的二道贩子的生意了。 No, no, leaves this! Zhao! Today I have the big business to introduce to you!” “不,不,别这样啊!赵!今天我可是有大生意想要介绍给你啊!” Faces Zhao's threat, Baku is shaking the head to beckon with the hand again and again, in many hint itself not after the evil intention, then arrives at Zhao's side, lowers the sound slightly. 面对着赵的恐吓,巴库连连摇头摆手,更在多番示意自己并没与恶意后,便走到赵的身边,微微压低声音。 Zhao, you know me never with your doing against idea. I just am live hand to mouth to eat. Moreover, I also know my skill in that.” “赵,你知道我从来没有跟你对着干想法。我只不过是混口饭吃而已。而且,我也知道我的本事在那。” But, this nearly was the words of begging for mercy actually by a Zhao palm of the hand breaking. 可是,这近乎是求饶的话语却被赵一巴掌给打断了。 Baku! Do not pull some not to me. Said! Do you want to do today?” “巴库!别给我扯这些有的没的。说吧!你今天想干啥?” Was hit a Baku of palm of the hand is not angry by Zhao forcefully, instead ridicules saying: 硬生生地被赵打了一巴掌的巴库并没有生气,反而讪笑道: No! No! Zhao Boss. I know your skill. Therefore, I hand over to introduce the guest who I run into today to you.” “别!别!赵老大。我知道你的本事。所以,我将我今天遇到的客人转手介绍给你。” Guest?” Zhao hears the words, frowns slightly, on the face shows the facial expression that did not trust. “客人?”赵闻言,微微皱起了眉头,脸上更是露出了一丝不信任的神情。 Right! Guests.” Baku nods again and again, the sound presses lowly, is for fear that heard by the third person. “对!客人。”巴库连连点头,声音压得更低,生怕被第三个人听到。 Zhao Boss. That is a big fish! Although I think to monopolize very much, but you know that I have not known many AS wrestling teams.” “赵老大。那可是一条大鱼啊!虽然我很想自己独占,但是你知道的,我并没有认识多少支AS摔跤队。” AS wrestling team?” “AS摔跤队?” Hears this name, Zhao's eyes shone immediately. 一听到这个名字,赵的双眼顿时亮了起来。 Clearly, he had guessed correctly Baku then wanted to say was anything. 很明显,他已经猜到了巴库接下来想要说的到底是什么。 In this was ruled in the middle of the city of mainstream entertainment way by the AS Wrestling match, can inquire that the people of AS wrestling team nothing but only have three types. 在这座被AS摔跤赛统治了主流娱乐方式的城市当中,能够打听AS摔跤队的人无非只有三种。 The first type, wants to throw the entire net worth on some AS wrestling team, absurd missing homeland that attempts to soar. 第一种,就是想将自己全幅身家投在某支AS摔跤队身上,企图一飞冲天的妄想家。 The second type, is this wish uses the fame of certain famous AS wrestling teams, bids up high the admission ticket on hand, thus gains the speculator of sudden and huge profits. 第二种,就是自己这种想要利用某些有名的AS摔跤队的名气,将手上的门票炒高,从而获取暴利的投机者。 But the final that type, is affluent, wanting the innumerable money to pound on the AS wrestling team, making them the subordinate team, will seek money for oneself. 而最后的那一种,便是腰缠万贯,想要将无数的金钱砸在AS摔跤队身上,让他们成为自己麾下的队伍,为自己牟利。 Therefore, big fish that in the Baku words refers, without doubt is the last type. 因此,巴库话中所指的大鱼,无疑就是最后一种。 After thoughts even more clear Zhao Shangxia sized up a Baku, nods slowly. 心思越发清晰的赵上下打量了一番巴库之后,缓缓地点了点头。 Said! I am listening.” “说吧!我听着。” Yes! Yes!” Baku rubbed rubbed hands this is this fellow when bargaining, unique petty action. “是!是!”巴库搓了搓手这是这家伙在讨价还价时,特有的小动作。 5000.” Zhao Mianse invariably sent out a price. “五千。”赵面色不变地报出了一个价钱。 20,000!” Baku directly also four times of prices. “两万!”巴库直接还了四倍的价格。 10,000!” Zhao Yanjing did not wink cut half. “一万!”赵眼睛都不眨地砍了一半。 9000!” Baku clenches teeth, obviously, he wants to bite to death in this price. “九千!”巴库咬了咬牙,显然,他想要咬死在这个价格上。 However, Zhao Zhishi lifted the view slightly. 然而,赵只是微微抬了抬眼帘。 8000! Many sees again again! I am busy!” “八千!再多就再见!我可是忙着呢!” In the Baku surface revealed one to struggle, the jaw bit again and again, finally, he made an effort to nod. 巴库面上露出了一丝挣扎,牙关更是连连咬动,最终,他还是用力地点了点头。 Deal!” “成交!” Zhao Shenshou touches toward the bosom, pulls out one pack of paper money, looked that did not look loses to Baku. 赵伸手往怀里一摸,掏出一叠纸币,看也不看地丢给了巴库。 This was your. Said!” “这是你的了。说吧!” After Baku is thrown into confusion caught the Zhao lose past paper money, raised the hand referred to that sedan of not far away. 巴库手忙脚乱地接住了赵丢过去的纸币后,抬手指了指不远处的那辆轿车。 Zhao looked at one, throws down Baku, no matter arrived at side of that sedan, knocked the windshield of sedan gently. 赵看了一眼,就丢下巴库不管走到了那辆轿车的旁边,轻轻地敲了敲轿车的挡风玻璃。 May let Zhao has not thought that with piloting place falling of windshield, appears at present his unexpectedly is elegantly beautiful, just like mountain flower face. 可让赵没有想到的时候,随着驾驶座的挡风玻璃的落下,出现在他眼前的竟然是一张冷艳,宛如高山之花般的脸孔。 Woman? Good pretty woman.” “女人?好漂亮的女人。” With the emergence of this idea, confessed that eyesight excellent Zhao Geng from sitting that women's the attire in piloting place judged this should be the female of wealthy family, likes playing with the female of exciting wealthy family. 随着这个想法的出现,自认眼力过人的赵更是从坐在驾驶座上的那名女子的衣着判断出了这应该就是富家之女,喜欢玩弄刺激的富家之女。 Really is the big fish!” “真是大鱼啊!” Does not need to think, starts to calculate to this kind of matter commonly seen Zhao Mashang in the middle of the arena can gain many benefits from the female of this wealthy family. 不用想,在竞技场当中对这类事情司空见惯的赵马上开始盘算到底能够从这富家之女身上获取多少利益。 !” !” During the thinking, flung money that to appear toward the face on a moment ago again. 思索间,刚才朝着人脸上甩钱的那一幕再次出现了。 This time by money cast off the face on is actually Zhao. 只是,这一次被钱甩脸上的却是赵自己。 At present is that colorful, paper money that everywhere dances in the air, 眼前是那花花绿绿,漫天飞舞的纸币, On the face was patted the pain on face by packs of paper money, 脸上更是被一叠叠纸币拍在脸上的痛楚, The ear resounds, is that is chilly seems like the young girl acoustic ray that no sentiment fluctuates. 耳边响起的,则是那清冷得像是毫无感情波动的少女声线。 Leads me to have a look at the AS wrestling team of this city. If there is a team of having a liking, these money are your.” “带我去看看这座城市的AS摔跤队。如果有看上的队伍的话,这些钱便是你的。” Rubbish, 没有废话, Also has not inquired, 也没有询问, Talks clearly the goal straightforwardly, 直截了当地说清楚目的, The packs of paper money of that racket on face, 还有那拍在脸上的一叠叠纸币, Let Zhao Diudiao the unnecessary suspicion, for this, should say that wholeheartedly was that to having the twin beautiful woman customer service of exactly the same face. 都让赵丢掉了不必要的怀疑,全心全意地为这名,应该说是那对有着一模一样的脸孔的双胞胎美女客户服务。 Two honored guests, please along with me come! I guide to you now!” “两位贵客,请随我来!我现在就给你们带路!” After one hour, Zhao of smiling brings that to come to the middle of some VIP suite in arena to the twin iceberg beautiful woman, aligns to the two teams of war directs on the field. 一小时后,满脸笑容的赵带着那对双胞胎冰山美人来到竞技场内的某个贵宾室当中,对正在场上对战的两支队伍指指点点。 But, in Zhao thought that under the outstanding eloquence, when this definitely will nod the team that to the iceberg twin sisters should under introduce, actually suffered should be younger sister's that iceberg young girl's denial. 可是,在赵满以为在自己杰出的口才之下,这对冰山双胞胎姐妹肯定会点头应下自己所介绍的队伍时,却遭受到了应该是妹妹的那名冰山少女的否定。 „It is not good. Too weak.” “不行。太弱了。” Good! 好吧! This is not good, that is next. 这个不行,那就是下一个。 Felt oneself are experienced Zhao has not cared, then starts the team of introduction next disbursement field. 觉得自己已经算是见多识广的赵并没有在意,转而开始介绍下一支出场的队伍。 Finally 结果・・・ „It is not good. Too weak!” “不行。太弱了!” Eh. Then, please look at this team, they experienced the old team about hundred wrestling to war “额。那么,请看这支队伍,他们可是经历了近百场摔跤对战的老队伍了・・・” Was too weak!” “太弱了!” Eh, please look at this team, they “额・・・那么,请看这支队伍,他们・・・” Was too weak!” “太弱了!” The ice-cold face, light sound places broke Zhao's boasting, almost let Zhao Xianru volcanic eruption. 冰冷的脸孔,平淡的声音一次次地打断了赵的吹牛皮,差一点让赵陷入了火山爆发的境地。 On Zhao face also remains by the pain words that packs of paper money whip, perhaps Zhao gets angry at the scene also perhaps. 要不是赵脸上还残留着被那一叠叠纸币拍打的痛楚的话,恐怕赵当场翻脸也说不定。 Considers to look in the share of money!” “就当是看在钱的份上吧!” Inflates to oneself secretly, was quite served this by oneself brightly to Zhao of iceberg twin beautiful woman is difficult to do suddenly at present one. 暗暗地给自己打气,好让自己伺候好这对难搞的冰山双胞胎美人的赵突然眼前一亮。 Two guests, look quickly! This is in the middle of our arena the most famous team. Their pilot names are called the ceramic.” “两位客人,快看!这是我们竞技场当中最有名气的队伍。他们的机师名字就叫做陶。” Ceramic?” “陶?” Boasting Zhao had not discovered when he sent out the given name of entering the stage that team, then to has been denying Zhao's the twin sisters of boasting to have the sound. 正在吹牛皮的赵并没有发现在他报出正在出场的那支队伍的名号时,那对一直都在否定赵的吹牛皮的双胞胎姐妹却有了动静。 Ceramic? Is Yufang, he? That person who the Sir said.” The young girl of short hair asked in a low voice. “陶?玉芳,是他吗?大人所说的那个人。”短发的少女低声问道。 Perhaps and that's the end. That put up the painting on robot, the characteristics says with the Sir was the same.” The long hair young girl nods slowly. “恐怕就是了。那架机体上的涂装,特征都与大人所说的一样。”长发少女缓缓地点了点头。 Then, after the twin looks at each other one, then looks together to also in Zhao of boasting. 然后,双胞胎对视一眼后,便齐齐地看向还在吹牛皮的赵。 Eh!!!” “额!!!” Although twin's line of sight does not have murderous aura, but that is unable to dissipate ice-cold made Zhao Buyou fight a cold war. 双胞胎的视线虽然并没有杀气,但那股始终无法消散的冰冷让赵不由地打了一个冷战。 Two guests, you what need do you have?” “两位客人,你・・・你们有什么需要吗?” For fear that oneself boasted to offend twin's Zhao Lianlian to ridicule for a while. 生怕自己一时的吹牛皮得罪了双胞胎的赵连连讪笑着。 Was he. The ceramic, his team we wanted.” “就是他了。陶,他的队伍我们要了。” As before is the straightforward approach. 依旧是直截了当的做法。 On Zhao's face was patted again painful by packs of paper money, but at this moment, in Zhao's heart actually jumps for joy. 赵的脸上再次被一叠叠纸币拍得生疼,但此刻,赵的心中却是雀跃的。 The business, became!! 生意,成了!! What?! Did the team of ceramic withdraw from this competition?” “什么?!陶的队伍退出这次比赛了?” The corner of arena, the beautiful that is surprised the sound that is unable to conceal to circle in Nacu's sky for a very long time. 竞技场的一角,娜美那惊讶得无法掩饰的声音久久地在格纳库的上空盘旋着。 „The beautiful, isn't this good? Although does not know why the ceramic can withdraw from the competition, but our fitting out time also obtained the liberation at least, not?” Brings the red kerchief, has the obese man of handlebar to spread out both hands , indicating oneself feel very happy about this situation. “娜美,这难道不好吗?虽然不知道为什么陶会退出比赛,但起码我们的整备时间也得到了解放,不是吗?”带着红色头巾,有着八字胡的肥胖男人摊开双手,表示自己对这突发情况感到很是愉快。 Leighly! Although said like this, but “莱利!虽然是这样说,但・・・” beautiful knitting the brows head. 娜美皱了皱眉头。 Ok! Young boss! This our luck is also good. Was inferior, we drink one cup to celebrate!” “好了!小老板!这次我们的运气也算不错。不如,我们去喝一杯庆祝一下吧!” AS pilot, is Ricker opens the mouth then unable to leave his most loves the liquor. AS机师,也就是利克一开口便离不开他的最爱酒。 Ricker! You stop to me! Now, I have the serious matter to announce. Our team welcomed the big donor.” “利克!你给我消停一下!现在,我有重大的事情要宣布。我们队伍迎来了大金主了。” What?” “什么?” The news of beautiful once were announced that everyone was shocked. 娜美的消息一经宣布,所有人都震惊了。 Originally had been done the squad badly battered suddenly to welcome the big donor by the limited budget? 本来已经被有限的预算搞得焦头烂额的小队在突然之间迎来了大金主? This news said that perhaps also did no one believe? 这个消息说出来,恐怕也没有人相信吧? Moreover, how whatever the beautiful flattered own team, did not have the means to change own team to be in arena the fact of middle and lower level. 而且,任凭娜美怎么吹捧自己的队伍,也没有办法改变自己的队伍还是处于竞技场的中下水平的事实。 Snort! Doesn't believe me? Then, I the big donor introduced that looks to you!” “哼!不信我吗?那么,我就把大金主介绍给你们看!” The beautiful looks that own team member simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform revealed did not trust the expression, immediately was enthusiastic. 娜美看着自己的队员齐齐露出了不信任表情,顿时来劲了。 in the next moment, has treated outside, has not disturbed beautiful and his party plan that to be invited by the beautiful to the big donor men and women. 下一刻,一直待在外面,并没有打扰娜美一行人的打算的那对大金主男女就被娜美请了进来。 Please look! This is Rey Mingkai, this is Euphy. South they are today arrive at a volume of city, and coincidence met with me. During exchanges with me, they also nodded to approve our strength, and proposed must provide the fund for us the idea. Therefore, has not seen our big donors quickly.” “请看!这位是雷明凯,这位是尤菲。他们是今天来到南册市,并且巧合地跟我遇上了。在和我交流当中,他们也点头认可了我们的实力,并提出了要为我们提供资金的想法。所以,还不快来见见我们的大金主。” In some people have under the card, the beautiful showed off before the team member. 在有人有证之下,娜美着实地在队员面前大出风头了。 After one is lively, then fell back on another side to the men and women, looks that was lit the warm team members to start the work for that frame obsolete barbarian thoroughly. 一番热闹过后,那对男女退到了另外一边,看着彻底被点燃热情的队员们为着那架老旧的野蛮人展开工作。 Kai. Do you really plan to want support and help team?” 。你真的打算要支助这支队伍吗?” On young girl that pretty face is the doubts expression. 少女那俏丽的脸孔上是疑惑的表情。 They arrive at the goal of this southern China city, not just plays, but by searching foothold of amalgam situated in this country, and its wiping out, in order to avoid makes secret silver arrange in the South Pacific direction foothold is attacked. 他们来到这座南国城市的目的,并不是只有游玩,而是以搜索汞合金位于这个国家的据点,并将其拔除,以免让秘银布置在南太平洋方向的据点受到袭击。 Un. This does not have nothing well. Moreover, my goal not this team, but is she.” “嗯。这并没有什么不好的。而且,我的目标并不是这支队伍,而是她。” Young people slightly nodded, raised the hand referred to pointed out mistakes wholly absorbed on the keyboard is striking the beautiful. 年轻人微微点了点头,抬手指了指正专心致志地在键盘上敲打着的娜美。 According to my speculation, the beautiful perhaps is Mila's their in which one.” “根据我的推测,娜美或许就是米拉她们的其中一员。” Oh? Kai, do you want to lead to go back her?” ,你是想要将她带回去吗?” Hears the idea of young people, the young girl does not seem to produce any eats the taste the idea. 听到年轻人的想法,少女似乎并没有产生任何吃味的想法。 Un. Perhaps the domain that the beautiful excels is procedure/program, might conduct supplementarily with Mila.” “嗯。或许娜美擅长的领域是程序方面,有可能会与米拉进行互补。” Young people, is Rey Mingkai shows a faint smile, said own idea broadly and level. 年轻人,也就是雷明凯微微一笑,坦荡荡地将自己的想法说出来了。 But, we have not known that the beautiful can promise us! Kai. Have you had confidence?” “可是,我们还不知道娜美会不会答应我们呢!。你难道已经有把握了?” The young girls knit the brows, look at that to concentrate on the work beautiful. 少女皱了皱眉,看着那专注工作的娜美。 It is not difficult to see, beautiful already own mind entire system maintenance that invested the barbarian. 不难看出,娜美已经将自己的心神全幅投入到了野蛮人的系统维护当中。 Perhaps a little grasps.” “或许有点把握。” Rey Mingkai searches in the mind carefully, remembered the related memory about beautiful. 雷明凯在脑海当中仔细搜索一下,就想起了关于娜美的相关记忆。 Is short of money, 缺钱, To reconstruct the village, 想要重建村庄, Even also wants to rebuild in the middle of the memory that to take to the Meimei good recollection the school. 甚至还想重建记忆当中那所带给娜美美好回忆的学校。 Such idea, is not difficult regarding Rey Mingkai. 这样的想法,对于雷明凯来说并不困难。 So long as Rey Mingkai said one to secret silver, the village and school will naturally reconstruct to complete in the short time. However, in the amalgam, before Leonard brings the threat that has not solved, these actions are meaningless. 只要雷明凯给秘银说一声,村庄和学校自然会在短短的时间当中重建完成。但是,在汞合金,雷纳德所带来的威胁未曾解决之前,这些举动都是毫无意义的。 Even, the life of Rianna US does not have the means to guarantee. 甚至,连娜美自己的生命都没有办法保证。 Even if, good sect Jie does not have the possibility that and beautiful had the contact now, but the wisperer status in US was the time bomb that can detonate momentarily. 哪怕,现在相良宗介已经没有了和娜美发生接触的可能性,但娜美本身的耳语者身份就是一个随时会引爆的定时炸弹。 Globally, more and more wisperer discovered results, is output of black technology product increases with inexpensive. Under the stimulation of huge profit similarly in the black technology product brings, capital, organization, will be the country will globally pursue existence of wisperer crazily. 在全球范围内,越来越多的耳语者被发现的结果,便是黑科技产品的产出增加和廉价化。同样在黑科技产品所带来的巨大利润的刺激下,资本,组织,甚至是国家都会疯狂地在全球范围内追逐耳语者的存在。 Therefore, the situation in beautiful will also be getting more and more stern, is getting more and more dangerous. 因此,娜美的处境也将会越来越严峻,越来越危险。 Although said like this, seems somewhat impudent and shameless. 虽然这样说,似乎有些厚颜无耻。 But thinks the means to bring back to Avalon the beautiful, indeed is a Jeanne beautiful far away from wisperer the good way of vortex. 但想办法将娜美带回阿瓦隆上,的确是一个让娜美远离耳语者的漩涡的好办法。 Money?” “钱吗?” Sits in the throne, the ruling for a long time young girl thinks carefully, thought of the Rey Mingkai's idea immediately. 坐在皇位,执政已久的少女仔细一想,就马上想到了雷明凯的想法。 Truly. 确实。
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