RTDTH :: Volume #7

#667: Evil temple

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Yes! Queen Sir!” Because Clark outside palace, therefore Monica makes noise, he rushes to the palace. “是!女王大人!”因为克拉克就在殿外,所以莫妮卡一出声,他就冲上殿来。 Clark entered the main hall to trig Jiang Fei immediately, then built Jiang Fei to ask: Queen, where delivers to him goes?” 克拉克一进入大殿立刻就制住了蒋飞,然后架起蒋飞问道:“女王陛下,把他送到哪去?” „Didn't Mila Qi that lowly person fall in love with this Demon Race? Makes them serve the Sorlin big god together!” Monica tone ice-cold saying. “米拉琪那个小贱人不是爱上这个魔族了吗?就让他们一起去侍奉索兰大神吧!”莫妮卡语气冰冷的说道。 Compliant, my your majesty!” Clark is smiling replying. “遵命,我的陛下!”克拉克微笑着答道。 Originally Clark as one of the queen handsome men, new is very discontented with Jiang Fei this, the queen exerted to him far exceeded the attention of other handsome man, therefore in Clark heart ate the taste, now was good, the queen was sick this new, must take him to give to the Sorlin big god as the sacrificial offering, therefore after Clark built Jiang Fei, almost ran to escort to the temple Jiang Fei, probably for fear that the queen reneged on a promise to be the same. 本来克拉克作为女王的面首之一,对蒋飞这个“新来的”很不满,女王对他施加了远超别的面首的关注,所以克拉克心中本就吃味不已,现在好了,女王厌烦了这个“新来的”,要把他作为祭品献给索兰大神,所以克拉克架起蒋飞之后几乎是一路小跑着就把蒋飞送往了神殿,好像生怕女王反悔一样。 Yeah?” Jiang Fei stares, he must use the Offline big method, because in the city, player Offline is equal to vanishing immediately, when encounters the danger to be out of danger at any time. “哎?”蒋飞一愣,他本来都要施展下线大法了,因为是在城里,玩家下线就等于立即消失,所以在遇到危险的时候可以随时脱险。 However when he heard must be delivered to the temple, in Jiang Fei heart one happy, even Offline still obtains temple again Offline, such next time will get online stole the soul of Ka to be possible on the convenience to be many! 不过当他听说要被送到神殿的时候,蒋飞心中一喜,就算下线也得到神殿再下线啊,这样下回上线的时候偷娜迦之魂可就方便多了! Clark to kill Jiang Fei as soon as possible, therefore after having the Ka royal palace, is not slightly runs, but dashed about wildly, useless big time Jiang Fei delivering to the region of temple. 克拉克为了尽快弄死蒋飞,所以出了娜迦王宫之后就不是小跑而是狂奔了,没用多大的工夫就把蒋飞给送到了神殿的区域。 Yeah? Did you come?” At this time Ralph just handed over in Mila Qi the temple hand, has not come to walk sharply. “哎?你怎么也来了?”这个时候拉尔夫刚把米拉琪交到神殿手中,还没来得急走。 Queen has the command, offers sacrifices to give Sorlin him and Mila Qi together the big god!” Clark's happy saying. “女王陛下有令,把他和米拉琪一起献祭给索兰大神!”克拉克开心的说道。 Oh? That was good!” Ralph said with a smile, he was also one of the Monica's handsome men, same has the heart of envy with Clark to Jiang Fei, when the queen issued the order must capture alive Jiang Fei, Clark and Ralph feel discontented, now hears must offer sacrifices to give Sorlin Jiang Fei the big god, in the heart was very immediately carefree! ?那太好了!”拉尔夫笑道,他也是莫妮卡的面首之一,跟克拉克一样对蒋飞有着嫉妒之心,早在女王下达命令一定要活捉蒋飞的时候,克拉克和拉尔夫就心怀不满,现在一听说要把蒋飞献祭给索兰大神,当即心中无比畅快! „Does Clark, what you make?” At this time in the temple went out of a sacrificial offering, Clark and Ralph, although was the trusted subordinate of queen, but as male Ka, they have still not entered the right of temple. “克拉克,你来做什么?”这时候神殿内走出一名祭祀,克拉克和拉尔夫虽然是女王的亲信,但是作为男性娜迦,他们依然没有进入神殿的权利。 See sacrificial offering Sir!” Clark and Ralph kneel to bend down to salute, although thus it can be seen their strength strong Mila Qi, but as male Ka, their position must be low much. “参见祭祀大人!”克拉克和拉尔夫都跪伏下来行礼,由此可见他们实力虽然强过米拉琪,但是作为男性娜迦,他们的地位明显要低不少。 We are present queen's order to send under custody the criminal to come, the queen hopes that offers sacrifices to give Sorlin him and Mila Qi together the big god!” After Clark salutes, said. “我们是奉女王陛下的命令押送犯人过来的,女王陛下希望把他和米拉琪一起献祭给索兰大神!”克拉克行完礼之后才说道。 Un! Gives me him!” This female priest nod, then received Jiang Fei from the Clark hand. “嗯!把他交给我吧!”这名女祭司一点头,然后从克拉克手中接过了蒋飞 Yes! Sir!” Clark hurries to nod. “是!大人!”克拉克赶紧点头。 „!” The female priest just approached with Jiang Fei, the prestige promoted the respect instantaneously. “唰!”女祭司跟蒋飞刚一靠近,声望瞬间就提升到了崇敬。 The female priest brought Jiang Fei to enter in the middle of the temple, because of the prestigious respect, her movement may be gentler than neutral prestigious Clark. 女祭司带着蒋飞走进了神殿当中,不过因为声望崇敬,她的动作可比中立声望的克拉克轻柔多了。 Here is the evil Cinsault orchid temple......” in the Jiang Fei heart mutters. “这里就是邪神索兰的神殿啊……”蒋飞心中喃喃自语道。 To be honest although here compares outside holy city to be new . Moreover the architectural style is entirely different, but Jiang Fei can also see that constructed the craft of this temple also to compare outside holy city to differ too. 说实话这里虽然比外面的圣城要新,而且建筑风格截然不同,但是蒋飞也能看出建造这间神殿的工艺也比外面的圣城相差太多了。 Was cursed Ka who sinks to the seabed is higher Elf, among them may not have the Excellent artisan, therefore construction temple, although uses is the materials of high equivalent, but the technology and outside holy city differed too. 被诅咒沉入海底的娜迦都是高等精灵,他们当中可没有精良的工匠,所以建造神殿虽然使用的都是高等阶的材料,但是技术和外面的圣城相差太多了。 Well? How did you take to bring in him?” At this time, Jiang Fei also ran into an acquaintance in the temple. “咦?你怎么把他带进来了?”就在这个时候,蒋飞在神殿中还遇到了一个熟人。 See Sir Rebecca! The queen must offer sacrifices together him.” Be responsible for sending under custody the Jiang Fei female priest to salute to say to Rebecca, after all Rebecca is one of the 12 officiating. “参见丽贝卡大人!女王要把他一起献祭掉。”负责押送蒋飞的女祭司对丽贝卡行礼道,毕竟丽贝卡可是十二主祭之一。 Hehe, never expected that we are meet in this manner.” Jiang Fei smiles to Rebecca. “呵呵,没想到我们是以这种方式见面的。”蒋飞对丽贝卡笑了笑。 Although we chatted before very congenially, but was a pity very much, the custom of temple is immutable, enters the male in temple to be the sacrificial offering, this point I could not help you......” Rebecca shake the head, he and is all the way same as the female priest who Jiang Fei encountered, although the prestige was forced to promote the respect, but will still not violate the custom of temple for Jiang Fei. “虽然我们之前聊得很投机,但是很可惜,神殿的规矩不能变,进入神殿的男性必须是祭品,这一点我帮不了你……”丽贝卡摇了摇头,他和一路上跟蒋飞遭遇的女祭司一样,虽然声望都被强制提升到了崇敬,但是依然不会为了蒋飞违背神殿的规矩。 Hehe, is all right......” Jiang Fei to shake the head, he main goal was to find the soul of Ka now, after finding, he can Offline dodge the person momentarily! “呵呵,没事没事……”蒋飞摇了摇头,他现在主要的目的就是找到娜迦之魂,找到之后他就随时可以下线闪人了! Therefore Jiang Fei sent under custody on the way of unceasing looking around, regarding must offer sacrifices, he was not instead worried. 所以蒋飞在被押送的途中不断的东张西望,对于是不是要被献祭,他反而并不担心。 Quick, Jiang Fei was delivered to the middle of a hall, at this time Mila Qi was tying up on a pillar. 很快,蒋飞被送到了一间大厅当中,此时米拉琪正被绑在一根柱子上。 „...... Were you sent?” Mila Qi saw after Jiang Fei has a big shock, she has known own destiny, never expected that Jiang Fei was also sent, this makes her at heart uncomfortable. “啊……你怎么也被送来了?”米拉琪看到蒋飞之后大惊失色,她已经知道了自己的命运,没想到蒋飞也被送来了,这让她的心里更加的难受。 Hehe, comes!” Jiang Fei shrugs, because he had noticed that the main hall is positive ** on the spirit table that presents is having a familiar gem to send out the ray! “呵呵,来就来呗!”蒋飞耸了耸肩,因为他已经看到大殿正**奉的神台上正有一颗熟悉的宝石在散发着光芒! This gem and in Jiang Fei west that the cowrie shells are much longer, Jiang Fei is certain that certainly is the soul of Ka! 这枚宝石和蒋飞手里那颗西贝货长得一模一样,蒋飞可以肯定那一定就是娜迦之魂! Considered as finished...... can with you die together, was Luck......” Mila Qi sighs, since the prestige achieved the love, her truly heart put on Zhao Feng Ji . “算了……能和你死在一起,也是一种幸运吧……”米拉琪叹了口气,自从声望达到迷恋之后,她确实一颗心都扑在了蒋飞身上。 Quick, Jiang Fei also same tied up with Mila Qi on a stone column, here from consecrating the spirit table of gem is not very far, how Jiang Fei starts to calculate itself to rush to attain the gem , because Offline, gets online, in this main hall impossible not to have guarded, therefore he must result in quickly is enough good. 很快,蒋飞也跟米拉琪一样被绑在了一根石柱上,这里距离供奉宝石的神台并不是特别远,蒋飞开始盘算自己怎么才能冲上去拿到宝石,因为就算下线之后再上线,这个大殿内也不可能没有守卫,所以他必须得足够快才行。 Big priest!” At this time, the highest manager big priest in temple came. “大祭司到!”就在这个时候,神殿的最高管理者大祭司来了。 Jiang Fei then looks, is not only the big priest, other temple sacrificial offerings also came, because the offering sacrifices evil god is very grand matter, therefore the big or small priest must all arrive. 蒋飞回头一看,不仅是大祭司,其他的神殿祭祀也都来了,因为献祭邪神是非常隆重的事情,所以大小祭司必须全部到场。 Actually the entire temple does not have many sacrificial offerings, officiates beside also more than 20 young priests besides big priests and 12, altogether is less than 50 people. 其实整个神殿也没多少祭祀,除了一个大祭司和十二个主祭之外还有二十多个小祭司,一共都不到五十人。 However this 40 people of strengths may frighten Jiang Fei to jump, the most Ordinary young priests are preliminary Monarch, with Mila Qi Level, 12 officiates is mid rank Monarch, the big priest achieved high rank! 不过这四十来人的实力可吓了蒋飞一跳,最普通的小祭司都是初阶君主,跟米拉琪一个等级,十二主祭都是中阶君主,大祭司更是达到了高阶 Preparation sacrificial offering!” After the big priest came, starts to preside over the ceremony. “准备祭祀!”大祭司来了之后就开始主持祭祀仪式。 Holy water baptism!” Takes the lead by the big priest, all sacrificial offerings start to Jiang Fei and Mila Qi splash holy water. “圣水洗礼!”由大祭司带头,所有的祭祀开始向蒋飞和米拉琪泼洒圣水。 „......” Is lining up to give the Jiang Fei baptism with the priests, on Zhao Feng Ji the green light keeps doing, the quick this 40 sacrificial offerings all achieved the respect with his prestige. “唰唰唰……”随着祭司们一个个排着队给蒋飞洗礼,蒋飞身上绿光闪个不停,很快这四十来个祭祀跟他的声望全都达到了崇敬。 As the matter stands, including the big priest looked that has some not to endure to the Jiang Fei vision, however the prestige of respect is still not able to change the custom of temple, although they are not cruel enough, but still has not terminated sacrificial offering. 这样一来,包括大祭司看向蒋飞的目光中都有一些不忍了,但是崇敬的声望依然无法改变神殿的规矩,她们虽然不忍心,但是依然没有终止祭祀活动。 ( Yesterday cut power, this is bad meaning......) (昨天停电了,不好意思……)
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