RTDTH :: Volume #31

#3037: Unexpected relaxed victory

Good! Please remember your choice!” A exile leader nod under city wall, then must turn around to return to the transport aircraft. “好吧!请记住您的选择!”城墙下的流放者首领一点头,然后就要转身回到运输机里面。 Makes him!” But at the same time, Su Zhe also ordered. “弄他!”但于此同时,苏辙也下令了。 Elder Brother? This this is bad?” Su is a little sharply stodgy, he thought that both armies battle not to cut to cause, let alone others took the lead to put forward the proposal of peace. “哥?这不好吧?”苏锐有点死板,他觉得两军交战都不斩来使,何况人家还是率先提出了和平的建议。 Snort! The opposite party strength is much stronger than us, if did not take advantage that this opportunity, kills their high level, later wants to massacre him, that does not know the pays big price!” Su Zhe cold sound said, simultaneously he hints soldier to begin. “哼!对方实力比我们强得多,如果不趁这个机会,干掉他们一个高层的话,以后想要杀掉他,那不知道得付出多大的代价!”苏辙冷声说道,同时他示意身边的士兵动手。 Whiz!” Light beam directly soars the vest of exile leader to go, this light beam weapons almost sends, that exile leader slight protection, had not been shot through the heart immediately! “嗖!”一道光束直奔流放者首领的背心而去,这种光束武器几乎是即发即中的,那流放者首领没有丝毫的防备,当即就被射穿了心脏! Whiz whiz whiz......” the soldiers on top opened fire, these exile under light beam directly shoots cities. “嗖嗖嗖……”城头上的士兵们纷纷开火了,一道道光束直射城下的那些流放者。 This time travels by the transport aircraft the exile altogether five people who come to question, besides is the fellow of head at the scene instant kill, other person had not run, they were all hit the success screen by the chaotic spear/gun. 这次搭乘运输机前来问话的流放者一共五个人,除了为首的家伙被当场秒杀之外,其他人也一个都没跑了,他们全都被乱枪打成了筛子。 Buzz!” The transport aircraft looks at situation this is bad, inside pilot starts urgently pull-up, but at this time already late, since Su Zhe issued the attack order, God clan Warrior possibly do let off this transport aircraft? “嗡!”运输机一看情况不好,里面的驾驶员紧急开始拉升,但这个时候已经晚了,既然苏辙都下达了攻击命令,神族战士们又怎么可能放过这家运输机呢? „!” The thigh thick or thin light beam directly shoots comes together that transport aircraft, although opened shield, but still had no way to resist the attack of this individual energy artillery. “唰!”一道大腿粗细的光束直射过来那运输机虽然开启了护盾,但仍旧没法抵御住这单兵能量炮的攻击。 This ten thousand years ago the individual weapons might that leaves behind is peerless, although that frame civil transport opened shield, definitely is unable to resist, immediately was penetrated shield, then penetrated the fuselage. 这种万年前遗留的单兵武器威力绝伦,那架民用运输机虽然开启了护盾,也完全无法抵御,当即被击穿了护盾,然后又击穿了机身。 However this artillery did not have the strategic point of Hit transport aircraft, the airplane still to climb upwardly, attempts to return to the in the air star ship. 不过这一炮并没有命中运输机的要害,飞机仍旧向上爬升,企图返回空中的星舰。 Whiz whiz whiz......” was several light beams, the transport aircraft cannot successfully return to the star ship eventually, it flew high to hit to explode to the ground more than 200 meters distances! “嗖嗖嗖……”又是几道光束射来,运输机终究还是没能顺利返回星舰,它在离地面两百多米的距离被凌空打爆! General attack!” Su Zhe big hand wielded, follows close on various ground weapons to start to turn toward the star ship in midair to open fire! “全面进攻!”苏辙大手一挥,紧跟着各种地面武器就开始向着半空中的星舰开火了! Although mostly is individual weapons, few light energy artillery, but these Equipment after all are energy weapons, its firing distance is far, but at this time star ship from ground also several hundred meters, therefore light beams all hit the star ship. 虽然大多都是单兵武器,只有少量的轻型能量炮,但这些装备毕竟都是能量武器,其射程非常远,而此时星舰距离地面也不过才几百米,所以一道道光束全都击中了星舰。 However these attacks were all prevented by energy shield of star ship, in the midair appears ripple, after this is shield by energy weapons attacks the stress effect, but the star ship is still safe and sound. 不过这些攻击全都被星舰的能量护盾所阻挡,半空中显现出一道道波纹,这是护盾被能量武器攻击后的应激效应,但星舰依旧安然无恙。 Whiz whiz whiz......” fighter aircraft lifted off, the pilots of these fighter aircraft only underwent the simple training, how among them has few people even not to have the learned to descend, the driving fighter aircraft took off to meet the enemy. “嗖嗖嗖……”一架架战机升空了,这些战机的驾驶员都只接受了简单的训练,他们当中有一部分人甚至都没学会如何降落,就驾驶战机起飞迎敌了。 These combat pilots are the player of having insufficient knowledge or skill, after several fighter aircraft take off, sways, nearly hits with the companion plane in the same place, but they still welcomed in the sky the giant star ship to fly even. 这些战机驾驶员都属于二把刀的选手,好几家战机起飞之后都摇摇晃晃的,险些跟僚机撞在一起,但就算如此它们也都迎着天空中巨大的星舰飞了过去。 Whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖……” Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” These fighter aircraft unceasing attacks the star ship with the energy artillery, is also releasing its all missiles of carrying, 10,000 years ago the phase technology of Planet Namek person is developed, on their missiles even Equipment small-scale phase engine. 这些战机不断的用能量炮对星舰进行攻击,同时也在释放其挂载的所有导弹,一万年前那美克星人的相位技术非常发达,他们的导弹上甚至都装备的小型相位引擎。 This means the phase missile to be able, when will soon contact enemy shield, temporarily plunges into the phase space, after waiting to pass through shield, is coming out from the phase space, the hull of direct attack enemy warship. 这就意味着相位导弹可以在即将接触敌方护盾的时候,暂时跳入相位空间,等穿越了护盾之后,在从相位空间出来,直接攻击敌舰的舰体。 Disregards the shield ability to make these missiles be able in the energy weapons extremely developed time, still a Equipment combat unit. 无视护盾的能力让这些导弹得以在能量武器极其发达的时代,仍旧装备一线作战部队。 At this moment, the star ship in sky enjoyed this treatment. 此时此刻,天空中的这艘星舰就享受到了这个待遇。 Rumbling rumbling......” a series of explosions took place in the star ship surface, some places even caused the sympathatic detonation in the explosion. “轰轰轰轰……”一连串的爆炸在星舰表面发生,有些地方甚至在爆炸中引起了殉爆。 Continues to attack!” Su Zhe orders to say loudly. “继续进攻!”苏辙大声的命令道。 Jiang Fei, is not right, how doesn't the enemy counterattack?” Su sharp brow tight wrinkle. 蒋飞,不对劲儿啊,怎么对方不还击呢?”苏锐眉头紧皱。 Did not know that......” Jiang Fei is also confused, the opposite party is driving the star ship, so long as others have the idea, the main artillery of that star ship only needs one round, can raze to the ground entire God clan king city! “不晓得……”蒋飞也是一头雾水,对方可是驾驶着星舰来的,人家只要有想法,那星舰的主炮只需一发,就能将整个神族王城夷为平地! However what Jiang Fei does not know, although the star ship in sky is giant, but is actually a civil immigration ship, its actually only Equipment high-frequency laser weapons for self-defense, moreover this weapons was also left unused because of unmanned control. 不过蒋飞不知道的是,天空中的星舰虽然巨大,但却是一艘民用移民船,它其实只装备了高频激光武器用于自卫,而且这种武器还因为无人操控而被闲置了。 Buzz...... buzz......” “嗡……嗡……” Ka ka ka ka......” “咔咔咔咔……” Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰……” With the heavy sound of footsteps, machine armor dozens meters high machine armor appeared behind the city wall, they built the heavy energy ambush artillery, and aimed at the star ship in midair. 伴随着沉重的脚步声,机甲数十米高的机甲出现在了城墙后面,它们架起了重型能量狙击炮,并且瞄准了半空中的星舰。 Rumbling rumbling......” energy ambush artillery opened fire, these high-energy light beams easily pierced shield of star ship, then damaged the hull. “轰轰轰轰……”能量狙击炮开火了,这些高能光束轻易的洞穿了星舰的护盾,然后击伤了舰体。 Although sufficient of this type of energy ambush artillery can be extremely long with Cooldown Time, in situation that but in the enemy does not hit back, a God clan side has enough time to conduct Cooldown, then launches two attacks. 虽然这种能量狙击炮的充能和冷却时间极长,但在敌人不还手的情况下,神族一方有着充足的时间进行冷却,然后进行二次攻击。 Rumbling rumbling......” under bombardment one after another, that feared that was over 30 km in diameter star ship cannot shoulder. “轰轰轰轰……”在一轮又一轮的轰击下,那怕是直径超过30公里的星舰也扛不住了。 The airplane and machine that armor although God clan person only Equipment individual weapons, can battle puts together insufficient 30, but under their attacks one after another, the star ship in midair starts to fall in torrents, then crashed toward the East of city. 虽然神族人只装备了单兵武器,能够作战的飞机和机甲加在一起都不够三十架,但在它们的轮番攻击下,半空中的星舰开始倾泻,然后向着城市的东方坠落了下去。 Bang!” The star ship hit in the ground, the huge impulse hit everywhere mist and dust, among entire king city was similar earth rain to be the same, that really can say is the flying sand and rocks. “轰!”星舰撞击在地面上,巨大的冲击力撞起了漫天的烟尘,整个王城当中就仿佛下了一场土雨一样,那真可以说得上是飞沙走石。 Surrounding star ship!” Su Zhe issued the order. “包围星舰!”苏辙下达了命令。 Yes!” The armies under Su Zhe's order, ignore the sand and crushed stone and everywhere mist and dust, surrounded toward the star ship of crash. “是!”大军在苏辙的命令下,不顾砂石和漫天的烟尘,向着坠落的星舰围拢了过去。 „It is not right......” the Jiang Fei brow tight wrinkle, Su Zhe's army has too many weakness, even if not raise the logistics supply the issue, is only the Warrior between coordination, as well as direction of military officer at all levels have the serious careless mistake, Jiang Fei planned to be out to direct the campaign personally. “不对劲儿啊……”蒋飞的眉头紧皱,苏辙的大军有着太多的弱点,就算不提后勤补给的问题,光是战士们之间的配合,以及各级军官的指挥方面就有着严重的纰漏,原本蒋飞都打算亲自下场来指挥战役的。 Finally without thinking, the enemy absolutely , there would be no to hit back, exile who after that several come to talk was massacred, the star ship in sky is a target seems to be same, the light is comes under attack, but has not hit back. 结果没想到,敌人根本就没还手,在那几个前来对话的流放者被杀掉之后,天空中的星舰仿佛就是个靶子一样,光是挨打而没有还手。 If the enemies light/only come under attack do not hit back, any shortcoming of one's own side could not manifest. 敌人要是光挨打不还手,那己方的任何缺点就都体现不出来了。 Now the star ship falls from the sky, the army surrounded sparse, after the mist and dust clears, the star ship entered is surrounded, but God clan only loss, was several unlucky combat pilots, because they will not descend, finally was killed in an air crash. 现在星舰陨落,大军稀稀拉拉的包围了上去,等烟尘散尽之后,星舰一进被包围了,而神族这边唯一的损失,就是几个倒霉的战机驾驶员,他们因为不会降落,最终坠机身亡。 Jiang Fei, you know how to go in?” Su looked asked sharply to Jiang Fei, although the star ship crashed, but their these did not understand the God clan person who science and technology could not find the gate. 蒋飞,你知道怎么进去吗?”苏锐看向了蒋飞问道,虽然星舰坠落了,但他们这些不了解科技的神族人根本连门都找不到。
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