RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1793: Desperate

Just, what did she say? She said, what her name was? 刚刚,她说了什么?她说,她的名字叫什么? Pandora. 潘朵拉。 Un, is really a name of pleasant to hear. 嗯,真是一个好听的名字。 Not right is not right .... Good, first makes us calm down carefully to ponder. 不对不对不对....好,先让我们冷静下来好好思考一下。 I stroll in the kings, to seek for hiding unusual is good, but this time certainly will actually be enticed investigates the enormous bastard. 我之所以在王都闲逛,就是为了寻找一名躲藏的非常好,但这次却一定会被勾引出来的究极大坏蛋。 She is concocted Strega (Witch), Strega (Witch) teaches back control. 她是虚饰魔女,魔女教背后的操控者。 Very good, arriving here is correct. 很好,到这里一切都是正确的。 Then, is concocted Strega (Witch) to name? 那么那么,虚饰魔女叫什么名字呢? Pandora. 潘朵拉。 .............. “..............” At this time, the words when vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades remembered Xie Ming suddenly this duty gave him to speak. 这时,菜月昴又突然想起了谢铭把这个任务交给他时所说的话。 You and Strega (Witch) teach, has the complicated connection. This connection, even can call with the destiny. But your destiny, will make you see her.】 【你和魔女教之间,有着千丝万缕的关联。这份关联,甚至能用命运来称呼。而你的命运,会让你见到她。】 Also really made him say right, oneself found a place to be loaf to catch a fish by hand casually, others can find to come up. 还真让他说对了,自己随便找个地方偷懒摸鱼,人家都能找到头上来。 Pan .... Miss Pandora is right?” “潘....潘朵拉小姐对吧?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades suppress the stiffness of body, smiles bitterly was saying: We just met... like this are intimate .... Not is quite a little appropriate?” 菜月昴强忍住身体的僵硬,苦笑着说道:“我们才刚刚见面...就这样亲密....是不是,有点不太合适?” Un?” “嗯?” Pandora blinks, shoved open vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades gently. 潘朵拉眨了眨眼睛,轻轻推开了菜月昴。 Un, yes. You frighten the fierce words the vegetable/dish moon/month mister, I will be guilty.” “嗯,也是呢。把菜月先生你吓得太厉害的话,我心里是会愧疚的。” Oh, how can?” “啊哈哈哈哈哈,怎么会呢?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades said with a smile: Miss Pandora you are how attractive, is been so near, I who you depend suddenly want to change into anybody's heart to keep jumping.” 菜月昴强笑道:“潘朵拉小姐你怎么漂亮,被你突然靠的那么近,我想换成任何人的心脏都会跳个不停吧。” Hehe, the vegetable/dish moon/month mister you will really speak.” “呵呵呵,菜月先生你真会说话。” Covered mouth to smile several, the finger wiped the tears of corner of the eye gently, saying that Pandora smiled: Really is the pitiful and lovable mister.” 捂嘴笑了几声,手指轻轻拭去眼角的眼泪,潘朵拉笑眯眯的说道:“真是可怜又可爱的先生。” Makes me unable to bear take pity on you, no wonder Satella that child's such treasure you.” “让我都忍不住怜惜你,怪不得莎缇拉那孩子那么的宝贝你。” „!!!!” “!!!!” Body suddenly one stiff, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades stared in a big way the eye: „... Satella? Why will our talks, mention her suddenly?” 身体骤然一僵,菜月昴瞪大了眼睛:“莎...莎缇拉?为什么我们的谈话,会突然提到她?” Hehe hehe, but can also continue to develop?” Caresses own profile lightly, Pandora said in a soft voice: „Aren't you, are look my?” “呵呵呵呵,还要继续演下去么?”轻抚自己的侧脸,潘朵拉轻声说道:“你,不是就是来找我的吗?” This . This is .... “这..这又是....” Doesn't matter, am I also look your?” “没关系,我也是来找你的哦?” Bang!!!!” “轰!!!!” In the meantime, the east, south, west, and north king front door, had almost a thundering explosion simultaneously. The entire kings because of this crack, in just several seconds become incomparably noisy flurried. 就在此时,东南西北四方王都大门,几乎同时发生了一场轰鸣的爆炸。整个王都因为这声炸响,在短短几秒内变得无比嘈杂慌乱。 This...” “这...” These children, very diligently.” Pandora's gentle saying: After all, the final goal, everyone many will somewhat move restlessly at present.” “那些孩子们,都很努力啊。”潘朵拉温柔的说道:“毕竟,最终的目标就在眼前了,大家心里多少都会有些躁动吧。” Finally .... Goal?” “最终的....目标?” Un, our final goals.” “嗯,我们最终的目标。” Pandora's entering again, but this time, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades silly standing is not in-situ, but withdraws unceasingly, is preparing the plan that rushes on ahead to escape at any time. 潘朵拉再一次的走进,但这一次,菜月昴没有傻愣愣的站在原地了,而是不断退后,随时准备着夺路逃跑的打算。 „? What's wrong? Vegetable/Dish moon/month mister.” Pandora some saying of being astonished: Why can retrocede?” “啊啦?怎么了吗?菜月先生。”潘朵拉有些讶异的说道:“为什么要后退呢?” I also want again well to be intimate some time with you.” “我还想再和你好好亲密一段时间呢。” Hahahaha, Miss Pandora, this is true is some are not quite appropriate.” “哈哈哈哈,潘朵拉小姐,这属实是有些不太合适。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades swallowed a saliva, smiles bitterly was saying: After all we just met, is not the male and female friend, is not the husband and wife.” 菜月昴咽了口口水,苦笑着说道:“毕竟我们才刚刚见面,又不是男女朋友,更不是丈夫和妻子。” Such movement was too ambiguous, I feared that I cannot dominate.” “那样的动作太暧昧了,我怕我把持不住。” Ahem ~ is really honest the vegetable/dish moon/month mister.” “哼哼哼~真是诚实啊菜月先生。” Pandora smiles gently, stretches out the arms: Doesn't matter? No matter anything, so long as is the vegetable/dish moon/month mister, I want.” 潘朵拉温柔一笑,张开双臂:“没关系哦?不管是什么事,只要是菜月先生的话,我都愿意。” Because of then, us among relations, not ~ often, was intimate.” “因为接下来,我们之间的关系,将会非~常,非常的亲密了。” Like, once you and Satella was the same.” “就像,曾经的你和莎缇拉一样。” „!!!!!” “!!!!!” After hearing these words, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades are unable to suppress the impulsion of innermost feelings again, has turned around to start running away at once. 在听到这一句话后,菜月昴再也无法抑制住自己内心的冲动,转过身拔腿就跑。 Did just Pandora, where give his feeling is what elusive beautiful young girl? Is one ties down the prey with the body simply, opens big mouth, the tooth point is also dropping the pattern poisonous snake of venom! 刚刚的潘朵拉,给他的感觉哪里是什么空灵的美少女?简直就是一条用身体缠住猎物,张开大嘴,牙尖还滴着毒液的花纹毒蛇! But oneself, are that human and animals is harmless, falls into a trap the small white rabbit that does not know completely. 而自己,就是那只人畜无害,落入陷阱完全不知的小白兔。 Must hurry to inform Xie Ming! Right! poor|Fei Luti! The poor|Fei Luti aren't they have been looking for the suspect? Why .... “必须要赶紧通知谢铭!对了!还有菲鲁特!菲鲁特她们不是一直都在寻找可疑人士吗?为什么....” After changing to an alley, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades stopped the footsteps. 在转到一个小巷中后,菜月昴停下了脚步。 Or the present scene made him have to stop own both feet. 或者说,眼前的景象让他不得不停下了自己的双脚。 Because in one step, he must kick others' head forward. 因为在向前一步,他就得踢到别人的脑袋了。 This is .... What?” “这是....什么?” Outside the alley is the extremely busy kings, in the alley is to actually be similar to the infernal miserable scene. This corner, looks like the front door to different world, separated two completely different world. 小巷外是热闹非凡的王都,小巷内却是如同炼狱般的惨景。这一个拐角,就像是通往异世界的大门,隔开了两个完全不同的世界。 Should the present scene, be used to analogy? 眼前的场景,该用什么来比喻呢? Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades recalled that oneself in the roadside noticed in childhood, by the earthworm that Sun seasons, remembered by the stray cat wild dog that the vehicle is run over and dies .... 菜月昴回想起了自己小时候在路边看到的,被太阳晒干的蚯蚓,想起了被车子碾死的野猫野狗.... Now, before him by being run over and dying... is the person. 只是现在,在他面前被碾死的...是人。 Is he sees shortly afterward, these bludgers who have only met face to face. 是他才见过不久,只打过照面的那些小混混。 At this time they become a beach meat patty, food, internal organs and intestinal tract bone and meat and in the stomach...... in the person body should have the thing that as if by a great strength pressing one. 此时他们都成为了一滩肉饼,骨头和肉、胃里的食物、内脏、肠道里的......人身体里该有的东西,都仿佛被一股巨力给压到了一起。 He can only depend on the color of clothes and hair, judged that this beach thing is a person, is person who know. 他只能靠着衣服和头发的颜色,来判断出这滩东西原本是人,是自己认识的人。 Vomits ..... “呕.....” Originally vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades think oneself have seen the world, has massacred the criminal, oneself had grown, to deceased person matter immunity. 本来菜月昴认为自己已经见过世面,也亲身杀掉过罪犯,自己已经成长了,对死人这一件事免疫了。 But the fact showed, he does not have the immunity. 但事实证明,他并没有免疫。 Suddenly, he thought of a terrifying matter. 突然的,他想到了一件恐怖的事情。 The bludgers all turned into this appearance, then poor|Fei Luti? 小混混们全都变成了这副模样,那么菲鲁特呢? poor|Fei Luti that leaves the go it alone!? 离开自己单独行动的菲鲁特怎么样了!? Effort the contamination of wiping off corners of the mouth, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades clench the teeth, depress the gastric juice that in the stomach tumbles unceasingly, steps on the blood mud to go forward slowly. 用力的擦掉嘴角的污物,菜月昴咬紧牙关,压下胃里不断翻滚的胃酸,踩着血泥缓缓前进。 Asked .... Asked,... do not ask here .... “拜托了....拜托了,千万别在这里...拜托了....” With the advance, he saw three muddy fleshes. Very bulk, a very scrap, a normalcy. 随着前进,他又看到了三摊肉泥。一个挺大块,一个挺小块,一个正常。 ........ “........” The finger shivered, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades had cast aside the line of sight forcefully, marched forward. 手指颤抖了一下,菜月昴强行撇过视线,继续向前。 He cannot think this matter, if goes to ponder, perhaps then he did not have the means to go forward. 他根本不敢去想这件事,如果去想去思考,那么他恐怕就没有办法前进了。 poor|Fei Luti... poor|Fei Luti .... poor|Fei Luti ..... ..... “菲鲁特...菲鲁特....菲鲁特.....啊.....” Finally, he most does not want to notice that appears in him at present. 终于,他最不想看到的,出现在了他的眼前。 Does not know that is the wicked interest of murderer, only has the head of poor|Fei Luti, retains completely. The remaining places, have no difference from other things. 不知道是不是凶手的恶趣味,唯有菲鲁特的脑袋,是保留完整的。剩下的地方,和其他东西没有任何区别。 Only has the head, before that is retaining at the point of death, fierce expression head, complete, clean swayed in front of muddy flesh. 唯有脑袋,那保留着临死前狰狞表情的脑袋,完完整整,干干净净的摆在肉泥的前面。 poor|Fei... Luti ..... “菲...鲁特.....” Hey, your small girl, do not crack a joke.” “喂,你这小丫头,别开玩笑啊。” You did not say that you do assign hardly? You did not say are oneself fiercer than me? Do not destroy all?... How to be how same as the bludger, dies here...” “你不是说你命硬吗?你不是说自己比我厉害吗?你不是要破坏一切吗?怎么...怎么和小混混一样,死在这里了啊...” Before arriving at the head of poor|Fei Luti slowly, saw falls the dagger that in side, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades eyes soulless bending the waist, picked the dagger. Really, how grieved. ” 缓缓走到菲鲁特的脑袋前,看到了在旁边掉落的匕首,菜月昴双眼无神的弯下腰,将匕首捡了起来。真是,多么令人心痛。” Does not know when arrives at vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades behind Pandora, the corner of the eye with tears: Until finally, them is shielding that girl. Until finally, that girl is still worried about you, vegetable/dish moon/month mister.” 不知何时来到菜月昴身后的潘朵拉,眼角含着眼泪:“直到最后,他们都在掩护着那个女孩。直到最后,那个女孩还在担心着你,菜月先生。” Among you this type deep, spanned the fetters of life and death, really touches me , is also very distressed.” “你们之间这种深深的,跨越了生死的羁绊,真的让我无比感动,也无比痛心。” Dies.” “去死。” The both feet makes an effort slightly, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades erupted themselves the complete technique of Seine Ha Luti there learning, arrived in front of Pandora in just several seconds. 双脚微微用力,菜月昴爆发出了自己从莱茵哈鲁特那里学到的全部技艺,在短短几秒内来到了潘朵拉面前。 Dagger, ruthlessly held Pandora's chest. 匕首,狠狠的捅进了潘朵拉的胸口。 He looks at Pandora to reveal incomparably surprisedly, the expression of incomparable doubts, he looks that Pandora corners of the mouth leave behind the blood, he smiled pleased. 他看着潘朵拉露出无比惊讶,无比疑惑的表情,他看着潘朵拉嘴角留下鲜血,他快意的笑了。 Until... him from Pandora's mouth, heard that familiar sound. 直到...他从潘朵拉的嘴里,听到了那熟悉的声音。 Pleiades?” “昴?”
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