RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1673: beautiful 9( み く)

No one can determine the own present actions are correct, because in this world does not exist so-called true correctness. 没有人可以确定自己现在的所作所为是正确的,因为这个世界上根本不存在所谓的‘真正的正确’。 The matter that the Xie Ming until now institute handles strongly, by the matter that oneself have a clear conscience. 谢铭一直以来所竭力去做的事情,就是让自己问心无愧的事情。 But even if so, he also makes mistakes frequently. But fortunately, his side has had can remind the person who his wrong exists. 但哪怕是如此,他也经常犯错。但幸运的是,他的身边一直有着能够点醒他错误的人存在。 But Izayoi Miku side, actually no. 诱宵美九的身边,却没有。 What relations, decide what approach. 什么样的关系,决定什么样的做法。 Like Othinus, can scold Xie Ming directly scolding awakes. Like Tokizaki Kurumi, from nearby reminder, making Xie Ming detect. 欧提努斯,就可以直接开骂将谢铭给骂醒。像时崎狂三,就是从旁边的提醒,让谢铭发觉。 But Xie Ming and relations of Izayoi Miku, are teachers and students. Therefore Xie Ming can do, through own education, making Izayoi Miku detect, feels own mistake, then repents. 谢铭诱宵美九的关系,是师生。所以谢铭能做的,就是通过自己的教育,让诱宵美九去察觉到,感受到自己的错误,然后悔改。 If Izayoi Miku had not detected own mistake, when that Xie Ming leaves the Ryutanji woman's college, among two people the relations no longer are teachers and students, when the time comes then she will face will again not be Xie Ming, but will be the guidance of life. 如果诱宵美九一直没有察觉到自己的错误,那么等到谢铭离开龙胆寺女子学院,两人之间的关系不再是师生,那么到时候她将面临的不会再是谢铭,而是生活的教导。 That compared with the guidance of Xie Ming brutal indifferent, because the person feels emotion, the world is brutal, the society is brutal. 那会比谢铭的教导更加的残酷冷漠,因为人有情,世界无情,社会无情。 Teacher is very gratified, you can realize your mistake. Therefore .... Also was the time shows something you.” “老师很欣慰,你能够认识到自己的错误。所以....也是时候给你看看一些东西了。” Izayoi Miku looks that Xie Ming took out a notebook from the having a thing in the world place, after operating several again next, advanced own front. 诱宵美九看着谢铭从一无所有的地方取出了一台笔记本电脑,再操作了几下后,推到了自己的面前。 That is a website, a forum website. This forum is until now the extremely famous website, netizen who therefore glances over this forum very many. 那是一个网站,一个论坛网站。这个论坛是直到现在都极为有名的网站,所以浏览这论坛的网友非常的多。 Not is only Japan, even the overseas have the netizen who speaks Japanese to come with admiration. 不仅仅是日本国内,甚至国外也有许多懂日语的网友慕名而来。 But this forum by the post that the manager tops, is the two years ago posts. Yes, she disappears for a week later publishes. 而这个论坛被管理员置顶的帖子,是两年前的帖子。是,她消失一周之后发表出来的。 «Night Generation of Months Are» 《宵代月乃》 Yes, this is the title of post, has passed for two years to top as in all post most above posts. 是的,这就是帖子的标题,一个已经过去了两年依旧能够置顶在所有帖子最上头的帖子。 Teacher .... This?” “老师....这?” Point goes to have a look.” “点进去看看吧。” „......” “......” Some hands of shivering are controlling the mouse, moved in the name of post. Deeply inspires, Izayoi Miku selected. However enters to her eye, is a picture, with a few words. 有些颤抖的手操控着鼠标,移动到了帖子的名称上。深吸了一口气,诱宵美九点了进去。然而进入到她眼中的,是一个照片,和一句话。 The picture, is her only has more than ten signature CD that merely writes down the words. 照片,是她那仅仅只有十几张写下话语的签名CD。 But words, then does with the special effect. Always, has the flower petal of oriental cherry to dance in the breeze before these words. 而话语,则是用特效做出来的。无时无刻,都有着樱花的花瓣在这句话前飘舞着。 We, have been able to wait.】 【我们,一直会等下去。】 This is to that she writes down For you, I have continued to sing!】 Response. 这是对她写下的那句【为了你们,我会一直继续歌唱下去的!】的回应。 Then, then content. 接下来的,便是正篇的内容。 Why no matter everyone selects this post, no matter everyone reads this post. But here, first I want to thank everyone.” “不管大家是出于什么原因点开这条帖子,不管大家有没有看完这条帖子。但在这里,首先我想要感谢大家。” Because everyone is also at least thinking this has been missing for a week, 15 years old, should still read the little girl of middle school: Night generation of months are.” “因为至少大家心里还想着这位已经失踪了一星期的,年仅十五岁,理应还在读中学的小女孩:宵代月乃。” Here I want to ask everyone to think, I at age 15, am doing?” “这里我想请各位想一想,自己15岁的时候,在干什么呢?” Most people are also at a worry-free condition, daily is only thinking plays boy girl who and likes. Diligent, perhaps also learn/study.” “想必绝大多数的人都还处于一个无忧无虑的状态,天天只想着玩和喜欢的男孩女孩。勤奋一点的,或许还会多出学习。” I and everyone are also the same, everyone is only an average person. Yes, night generation of months are also same as everyone, are the average people. What is different from everyone, night generation of months are compared with everyone willfully.” “我和大家也是一样的,大家都只是普通人。是的,宵代月乃也和大家一样,是普通人。只是和大家不同的是,宵代月乃比大家更任性一点。” Yes, this is a willful miss. Arrived still makes a debut willfully into the age of study a idol, transmits the music that oneself most deeply love to everyone. Willfully, even if in( day word by the flame, had been referred to short time implosion publishing a lot of negative reports) also to insist own concert as before.” “是的,这是一个任性的姑娘。任性到还在就学的年龄就出道成为一名偶像歌手,向大家传递自己最热爱的音乐。任性到哪怕已经被炎上(日语词,指短时间内爆出大量负面新闻)也依旧坚持开自己的演唱会。” She actually at heart clear, if oneself present holds the concert, what will encounter? But, she as before willful held, and more than once.” “她其实心里清楚,如果自己现在开演唱会,会遭遇什么?但,她依旧任性的举行了,而且还不止一次。” Finally, failed naturally.” “结果,理所当然的失败了。” She tries hard to want the idea of innermost feelings to transmit through the singing sound to the fans, “她努力想要将自己内心的想法通过歌声传递给粉丝们, But the fans had been given to swallow by everywhere rumor, was given the control by the negative mood. With the most virulent words, insulted the idol that they most were once liking. ” Has not gone to listen to her argument, no one believes her argument. Why you like to believe that the entertainment stories of these full mouth rumors, are actually not willing to believe young girl who oneself like?” 但粉丝们早已被漫天的谣言给吞噬,被负面的情绪给支配。用最恶毒的话,辱骂着他们曾经最喜爱的偶像。”“没有去听她的辩解,没有人相信她的辩解。为什么你们愿意相信那些满口谎言的娱乐新闻,却不愿意相信自己喜欢的少女?” Reason is very simple, because the person only believes matter that oneself like to believe. The heart of person, while yearning for beautiful thing, is envying the beautiful thing, wants to destroy the beautiful thing.” “原因很简单,因为人只会相信自己愿意相信的事情。人的内心深处,在向往着美丽事物的同时,也在嫉妒着美丽的事物,想要摧毁美丽的事物。” Perhaps from the beginning everyone's anger , because knew night generation of months are after the scandal, have from the heart by the sense of betrayal. Thinks that night generation of months betrayed themselves, deceived themselves.” “或许一开始大家的愤怒,是因为得知宵代月乃的绯闻后,从内心深处产生的被背叛感。认为宵代月乃背叛了自己,欺骗了自己。” After having this indelib viewpoint, everyone then had the prejudice to her. Because the drop on white paper, forever that obvious.” “在有这个先入为主的观点之后,大家便对她有了偏见。因为白纸上的墨滴,永远是那么的明显。” Arrived finally, everyone had not actually cared about night generation of months has to handle that matter. “到了最后,其实大家已经根本不在乎宵代月乃到底有没有做那种事情了。 Some people, are watching the fun, does not dislike the matter to be big. Do some people, clear night generation of months have to make that matter at heart. But the remaining people, only want her dead.” “有些人,是在看热闹,不嫌事大。有些人,心里清楚宵代月乃到底有没有做出那种事情。而剩下的人,只想要她死。” If in fact night generation of months really proved themselves, she has not handled that matter. But that type of certificate, can look to everyone? Looked to everyone, her later life also destroyed.” “事实上如果宵代月乃真的证明了自己,她并没有做那种事情。但那种证明,是可以给所有人看的吗?给大家看了,她以后的人生也毁了。” She is one is in young, during life most beautiful ages, 15-year-old young girl!” “她还是一名处于豆蔻年华,一生当中最美丽的年龄段的,15岁的少女啊!” Now, night generation of months have been missing for a week. How the police in Japan handle matters, believes that did not need me to say. She, will not likely appear in our eyes.” “现在,宵代月乃已经失踪一星期了。日本的警察是怎么办事的,相信也不需要我多说。她,很可能再也不会出现在我们的眼中。” Therefore I will write this post, because I know, only then this time, everyone will come to see this post sanely. Before, regardless of I said again many, in everyone eyes possibly is also only one washes the white loyal powder for night generation of months.” “所以我才会写下这篇帖子,因为我知道只有在这个时候,大家才会理智的来看这个帖子。在之前,无论我说再多,在大家的眼中可能也只是一个为宵代月乃洗白的忠心粉。” In this informationization time, the source of information that we contact are all kinds. We by some information deceits, were induced by some public opinions very much easily.” “在这个信息化的时代,我们所接触的信息来源是各种各样的。我们很容易被一些信息欺骗,被一些舆论所诱导。” Information that because we can see, is completely the information that others want to make us see.” “因为我们能够看到的信息,全部都是别人想让我们看到的信息。” Tragedy has happened, night generation of months have not been able to come back. But I wholeheartedly hope, through this event, everyone later can more sane regards similar matter.” “悲剧已经发生,宵代月乃已经无法回来。但我衷心的希望,通过这次事件,大家以后能够更加理智的去看待类似的事情。” We want what is? Is the truth? Truth that oneself like to believe?” “我们想要的到底是什么?是真相?还是自己愿意相信的真相?” We want to see, is existence of beautiful thing? The destruction of beautiful thing? „ “我们想看到的,到底是美好事物的存在?还是美好事物的毁灭?“ On the fact, we killed a young girl who likes singing, before choking to death itself personally happiness. No matter has been insisting I who for night generation of months am the voice result failure, is everyone.” “就事实来说,我们杀死了一名喜欢唱歌的少女,亲手掐死了自己以前的美好。不管是一直坚持着为宵代月乃发声结果失败的我,还是各位。” We, are the kuai child hands. We, seized young girl's dream, claimed the young girl Life.” “我们,都是侩子手。我们,夺走了少女的梦想,夺走了少女的【生命】。” We, but must in the keyboard through hand, the lives of how many innocent people claim, can give up?” “我们,还要通过手上的键盘,夺走多少无辜人的性命,才能罢休?” I do not want to nourish the evil intention by malicious. Therefore I want to stay behind finally, is a hope.” “我不想以恶意来滋养恶意。所以我最后想留下的,是一点期盼。” I hope everyone who can see here, comes across similar matter after again, can a reason, few evil intention.” “我期盼能够看到此处的各位,再遇到类似的事情后,能够多出一份理智,少一份恶意。” Thanks everyone.” “谢谢各位。” Then, is some materials that the placard lord to investigate. All materials, have the card to check. All evidence indicated a matter, night generation of months are innocent. 接下来的,便是帖主自己调查出的一些资料。所有的资料,都有证可查。所有的证据都表明了一件事,宵代月乃是无辜的。 If night generation of months are still moving, then these materials will never possibly publicize, because this is related to her personal privacy. But now, has been missing one week of night generation of months is, has actually belonged to the death in the registration of police authorities. 如果宵代月乃还在活动,那么这些资料永远不可能公开出来,因为这事关她的个人隐私。但现在,已经失踪了一周的宵代月乃,在警局的登记中其实已经归于死亡了。 Therefore, these things were publicized is also indifferent. 所以,这些事情被公开出来也无所谓了。 The following commentary reply, Izayoi Miku has been unable to continue watching. In tears that in the eye socket rolls, had blurred her line of sight. 下面的评论回复,诱宵美九已经看不下去了。在眼眶中滚动的泪水,早就已经模糊了她的视线。 If .... Oneself in the earliest possible time, can see this post, perhaps oneself will not turn into this. 如果....自己在回来的第一时间,能够看到这个帖子,恐怕自己就不会变成这样了吧。 But she had produced fear to these, even if makes a debut by Izayoi Miku again, she has not gotten up this to give her desperate and that warm forum. 但她已经对这些产生了畏惧,哪怕重新以诱宵美九出道,她也从来没有上过这个给予她绝望和那一丝温暖的论坛。 Yes, Izayoi Miku is fearing. 是的,诱宵美九是在惧怕。 She has no longer liked to believe others, rejects others, refuses to hear and see others 's commentary. 她已经不再愿意相信其他人,拒绝他人,拒绝听到、看到他人的评论。 People only need in immersing under her sound, has praised her to be good. 人们只需要在沉醉在她的声音下,一直赞美她就行了。 Till this frail movie screen, was broken by Xie Ming. 直到这脆弱的障壁,被谢铭打破为止。 „The evil intention of person, is very often easy to be guided. But, the good intentions of person also need to guide.” “人的恶意,往往很容易就能被引导出来。但,人的善意同样也需要引导。” Xie Ming said in a soft voice: Becoming the evil person is very easy, becoming the good person is very difficult to be very difficult. Therefore, I never expected that my student becomes a good person.” 谢铭轻声说道:“成为恶人很容易,成为好人很难很难。所以,我从来不奢望自己的学生成为一个好人。” Because, this is the matter that I cannot achieve.” “因为,这是我自己都做不到的事情。” Only then has experienced hell tempering, can exercise the strength of creation heaven ; The finger that only then has bled, can spring world the traditional music of which has been lost.” “只有经历过地狱般的磨砺,才能练就创造天堂的力量;只有流过血的手指,才能弹出世间的绝响。” This is Tagore has spoken the words.” “这是泰戈尔所说过的话。” Izayoi Miku, you have experienced the hell. Your finger, keeps enough the blood. Therefore, I hope that you can create the heaven, I hope that you can spring the traditional music of which has been lost.” 诱宵美九,你已经经历过了地狱。你的手指,已经留够了鲜血。所以,我希望你能创造天堂,我希望你能弹出绝响。” „Can I ..... expect you again? This time, no longer is the anticipation of fans to the idol, but is the teacher's anticipation to the student.” “我.....能再次期待你吗?这次,不再是粉丝对偶像的期待,而是老师对学生的期待。” „Can you, achieve? Izayoi Schoolmate Miku.” “你,能做到吗?诱宵美九同学。” ....... “.......” Looks the hand that Xie Ming extends, Izayoi Miku stood slowly. Both hands grab the hand that Xie Ming extends, placed on it own head gently. 看着谢铭伸出的手,诱宵美九缓缓站了起来。双手抓住谢铭伸出的手,将其轻轻的放在了自己的脑袋上。 Teacher, I will try hard to do.” “老师,我会努力去做的。” Right ..... “是吗.....” The head of gentle tracing young girl, Xie Ming said in a soft voice: Then first, you need to make up for your mistake slowly.” 温柔的摸了摸少女的脑袋,谢铭轻声说道:“那么首先,你需要慢慢弥补自己的错误哦。” Is ..... “是.....” ----- ----- ........ “........” ............. “.............” On Fraxinus, a silence. Looks at the facial expression already completely change Izayoi Miku, their anything words could not say. 弗拉克西纳斯上,一片寂静。看着神情已经完全改变的诱宵美九,他们什么话也说不出来。 Ratatoskr is the organization that saves the elf, is to make named Itsuka say that and elves appointment, after letting the elves are charming, through kissing the organization of seal elf strength. 拉塔托斯克是拯救精灵的组织,是让名为五河士道去和精灵们约会,让精灵们娇羞后通过接吻来封印精灵力量的组织。 They believe that so long as the seal the strength of elf, then made the elf learn/study, then the elves then can fit into this society. 他们认为,只要封印了精灵的力量,然后再让精灵进行学习,那么精灵们便能融入这个社会。 But Xie Ming shows to them, is completely different saving. Is a teacher, to walking into branch road saving of student. 谢铭所展现给他们的,是一种完全不同的拯救。是老师,对走入歧路的学生的拯救。 His saving not only limits to the status of elf, saved the innermost feelings of elf. 他的拯救不仅仅是局限于精灵的身份,更是拯救了精灵的内心。 Let Tohka no longer hold vigilantly to human, letting Yoshino can save others on own initiative, making Kurumi no longer harm others, making the Yamai sisters understand periphery the worry. 十香不再对人类抱有警惕,让四糸乃可以主动去拯救他人,让狂三不再危害他人,让八舞姐妹懂得顾虑周围。 This time, he solved the Miku opposite sex phobophobia. Let Miku realize own mistake, even makes Miku be able to take the step again forward. 这次,他更是解决了美九的异性恐惧症。让美九认识到自己的错误,甚至让美九能够重新向前迈出步伐。 Ratatoskr is the organization that saves the elf, but their saving are the strengths of seal elf. Why, wants the seal elf the strength? 拉塔托斯克是拯救精灵的组织,但他们的拯救是封印精灵的力量。为什么,要封印精灵的力量? Because they actually do not believe the elf, did not think that has the elf of great power to fit into the human society. 因为他们其实并不相信精灵,不觉得拥有强大力量的精灵能够融入到人类社会。 Will mood slightly some fluctuations, cause the lifeform of large-scale harm possibly to integrate human? 一个心情稍微有些波动,就会造成大规模危害的生物又怎么可能融入到人类当中? But Xie Ming told them, the elves can. 谢铭告诉他们,精灵们可以。 He taught the elves to restrain, teaching the elves to contain, teaching the elves to forgive...... him the human finest thing, taught them all. 他教会了精灵们克制,教会了精灵们包容,教会了精灵们宽恕......他将人类最美好的东西,尽数教给了她们。 He is letting the fine nimble manner, understands in the world protects itself, but not parsimonious shows own good person to others. 他在让精灵变为人,一个懂得在世界上保护自己,但又不吝啬对别人展现自己的善良的人。 He is letting the elf, becomes compares the most people in the world to look like the person. 他在让精灵,变得比世界上的绝大多数人更像人。 „...... Really, the teacher is a teacher.” “......果然,老师就是老师啊。” The corners of the mouth bring back an indetectable curve slightly, Kotori tranquil saying: Includes the observation ranks Izayoi Miku, observes to the end of this month.” 嘴角微微勾起一个不可察觉的弧度,琴里平静的说道:“把诱宵美九列入到观察行列,观察至这个月底。” If she does not have to use the elf strength this month again recklessly, belongs to the security ranks, only need conduct the routine observation then.” “如果这个月她没有再肆意使用精灵力量,就将其归入到安全行列,只需进行例行观察即可。” Yes!” “是!” Hears the order of Kotori, the crew returns to the covered passageway with one voice. 听到琴里的命令,船员们齐声回复道。 However, the matter, Xie Ming forgot. 不过,有一件事情,谢铭忘记了。 The principal gives the duty that he arranges, is to make him be the spy to do the destruction to Ryutanji, lets the Raizen high school, in this day Yang offers a sacrifice to time obtains victory. 校长给他安排的任务,是让他到龙胆寺里面作间谍搞破坏,让来禅高中在这一次的天央祭中获得优胜。 Finally .... Did he make the strength of opponent probably stronger? 结果....他好像让对手的实力变得更强了? To just the Miku facial expression, offer a sacrifice to her to sing the unprecedented song in day Yang when the time comes absolutely. 以刚刚美九的神情来看,到时候在天央祭她绝对能唱出前所未有的歌曲。 „......” “呃......” Packed the thing the movement, Xie Ming revealed the forced smile. 收拾东西的动作顿了一下,谢铭露出了苦笑。 „, Tohka and Kurumi they. Also, the stage competition lost, does not have the demonstration department and trades the department.” “嘛,还有十香狂三她们在呢。再说,舞台比试输了,不还有着展示部门和贩卖部门嘛。” The meaning is, Xie Ming does not think completely some people can exceed present Izayoi Miku in the stage competition. 意思是,谢铭完全不认为有人能够在舞台比试中胜过现在的诱宵美九 Because she not only retrieved herself initially because of the sound, but the happy original intention, in the heart had compared with initially a firmer self-confidence, as well as good wishes. 因为她不仅找回了自己当初因音而乐的初衷,心中更是有了比当初更加坚定的自信,以及美好的愿望。 Perhaps, world can Diva be therefore born?” “或许,世界歌姬要因此诞生了?” Can train world Diva from own hand, like this thinks, Xie Ming thought is very long face. 能够从自己的手中培养出一名世界歌姬,这样想想,谢铭觉得还是挺长面子的。 Also, day Yang offered a sacrifice to this activity, if insisted on without meaning in victory and loss that. Should take the correct idea and attitude, going all-out to enjoy day of Yang to offer a sacrifice to is. 再说了,天央祭这种活动,如果执意于输赢那就没意思了。应该抱有正确的认识和态度,尽全力去享受天央祭才是。 Un, right. Moreover, oneself were only completely oneself as the responsibility of teacher. What oneself have not made the mistake, right? 嗯,没错。而且,自己只是尽了自己作为教师的责任。自己又没做错什么,对吧? Xie Ming convinced itself in the heart, later is eased walks in the direction of Raizen high school. 谢铭在心中说服了自己,随后一身轻松的向着来禅高中的方向走去。 After several days, day Yang offers a sacrifice to set up, the Ryutanji woman's college exceeded the second Raizen high school by the absolute quality number of votes difference. Izayoi Miku, after that day was classified as future Diva the name. 几日后,天央祭开办,龙胆寺女子学院以绝对性的票数差胜过了第二名的来禅高中。诱宵美九,更是在那天后被冠以了‘未来歌姬’的称呼。 Eulogy in the future, sing happy Diva. But Xie Ming also all of a sudden, becomes the Raizen high school criminal. 歌颂未来,歌咏美好的歌姬。而谢铭也一下子,成为了来禅高中的‘罪人’。 This song, I want to donate to my teacher. Although he only taught my two weeks, but he taught I too many am too many.” “这首歌,我想要赠送给我的老师。虽然他只教导了我两个星期,但是他却教导了我太多太多。” Standing is stage center's, Miku that a whole body spirit strength has not fluctuated said in a soft voice: „ My all thanks and intentions, and teacher taught that all my, integrated this song. 站在舞台中央,全身没有一丝灵力波动的美九轻声说道:“我所有的感谢和心意,以及老师教导我的一切,都融入到了这首歌当中。 Asked everyone to listen attentively, the original tune that I created full power.” “请大家倾听,我全力创作出的这首原创曲。” In the future().” “未来()。”
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