RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1613: 2004 winter wooden city

The winter wooden city, the prototype is one of Japan's top three metropolitan circles, Kobe situated in Osaka. May in this world, truly a radically common city. Even if puts in the mysterious circle, still merely is a remote countryside. 冬木市,原型为日本三大都市圈之一,位于大阪的神户市。可在这个世界,确实一个根本不起眼的城市。就算放到神秘圈子里,也仅仅是个偏远的乡下。 In only Zytglogge three big associations regarding mysterious circle, that countryside place is worth caring is also that so-called Holy Grail war. 对于神秘圈子中三大协会之一的时钟塔来说,那个乡下地方唯一值得在意的也不过是那所谓的圣杯战争。 But big Holy Grail can lead to the root, this is regards the joke to listen in Zytglogge completely, simply does not have many people to think that really can achieve this thing by that magic item. 可大圣杯能够通往根源,这在时钟塔完全是当成笑话来听的,根本没有多少人觉得靠那个魔术道具真的能够做到这种事。 Must know magician lifeform, but is really one by one stubborn, is one by one arrogant. Place of did complete countryside, create to connect the magic item of root unexpectedly? 要知道魔术师这种生物啊,可真的是一个比一个顽固,一个比一个自大。一个完完全全的乡下之地,居然创造出了可以连接根源的魔术道具? Where this makes the faces of their these magician aristocratic families toward put. 这让他们这些魔术师世家的脸往哪里放。 In the heart that arrogance, decided they will not put matter that the winter wooden city and there has go at heart. 心中那份自大,决定了他们根本不会把冬木市和那里发生的事情放到心里去。 But first time and second time and failure of third Holy Grail war, makes the magician association thorough dropped the stone in heart, regarded a child's play the Holy Grail war. This, Kenneth from fourth Holy Grail war can look. 而第一次、第二次、第三次圣杯战争的失败,也让魔术师协会彻底的落下了心中的石头,将圣杯战争当成了一个儿戏。这点,从第四次圣杯战争中的肯尼斯就能看出来。 Which that is goes to war, radically is gold-plated. 那哪是来打仗的啊,根本是来镀金的。 In fact, Kenneth also is really is gold-plated. Because he wants in oneself appraisal, increases the anecdote in fight, therefore put in great inconvenience to itself to participate in the fight of this countryside. 事实上,肯尼斯还真的是来镀金的。因为他想要在自己的评价中,添加在战斗方面的逸闻,所以才委屈自己来参加了这乡下的战斗。 Was born in continuing nine generations of magician families- Archbold family/home, he was then regarded as the child prodigy from the school days, is falls the spirit division/discipline( one of the Zytglogge divisions/disciplines) in history to be youngest mounts the person in instructor position. 出生于延续了九代的魔术师家系—阿奇博尔德家,他从学生时代便被看作神童,也是降灵学科(时钟塔学科之一)史上最年轻就登上讲师位置的人。 Finally, was given the second level color position of magic level over 20 years old by Zytglogge, and becomes one of the 12 monarchy ( Lord ) controlling Zytglogge, monarchy who Ell Mello sends. 最后,在二十多岁就被时钟塔赋予了魔术位阶的第二位阶色位,且成为了掌控时钟塔的十二君主(Lord)之一,埃尔梅罗派的君主。 Described Kenneth's life with the bon voyage, does not have any issue. Yes, is used to describe that he participates in the Holy Grail war beforehand life the words. 用一帆风顺来形容肯尼斯的人生,没有任何问题。是的,用来形容他参与圣杯战争之前的人生的话。 Kenneth's magic level unusual, this without a doubt. On positive/direct combat capability that getting up to fight earnestly, ten health/guard Gongqie children are not his opponent. 肯尼斯的魔术水平非常的强,这点毋庸置疑。论起认真战斗起来的正面战斗能力,十个卫宫切嗣都不是他的对手。 Only pitifully the Holy Grail war is not the competition between knights, is not the mutual demonstration between magicians, but is the true war. 只可惜圣杯战争不是骑士之间的比试,也不是魔术师之间的互相展示,而是真正的战争。 But in the war, the old Yin goods of stopping at nothing are most terrifying. Kenneth's that has not received the life of setback, mentality that feels self-important, even if own magic workshop were exploded the fight accomplishment without engaged in introspection, between Master and Servant does not trust each other...... 而战争之中,无所不用其极的老阴货是最为恐怖的。肯尼斯的那没有受到挫折的人生,那骄傲自大的心态,哪怕自己的魔术工房被炸了也没有反省的战斗素养,御主从者之间的互不信任...... The unions of all sorts of factors, caused his final tragedy. 种种因素的结合,导致了他最后的悲剧。 If, he has the prompt introspection .... If, he trusts his Servant point again .... He is also insufficient to fall to this type couple in pairs the family/home also result. 如果,他有及时反省的话....如果,他再多信任自己的从者一点的话....他也不至于落到这种‘夫妻双双把家还’的结局。 Appraises with a few words, in the fourth Holy Grail war, besides the Rider group and Berserker group, other Master is really that dies pities insufficient. 用一句话来评价,第四次圣杯战争中,除了Rider组和Berserker组外,其他的御主真的都是死不足惜的那种。 Tozaka double-hour similarly is also so. 远坂时辰同样也是如此。 Perhaps some people think that the double-hour does not know the situation of tung oil tree, if knows that will not deliver toward there own daughter absolutely. But in this world, if, if this if were too many. 或许有的人认为时辰并不知道间桐家的情况,要是知道的话绝对不会把自家女儿往那里送。可这个世界上,要是、如果这种if实在太多了。 Everyone can find the excuse with this words to oneself, but gave a pretext the matter that can recall itself to handle like this? 谁都可以用这种话给自己找借口,可这样的借口能够挽回自己所做的事情吗? The fact is, if Xie Ming has not appeared, Sakura by insect spoiling. 事实便是,倘若谢铭没有出现的话,小樱就被虫子给糟蹋了。 Originally looked like health/guard Gongqie child fellow, Xie Ming these blade has killed him. He in province flings about before himself all day, puts to trouble to oneself. To begin when each time, will remember that the little girl in snowfield. 本来像卫宫切嗣这种家伙,谢铭早就该一刀干掉他。省的他整天在自己面前跳来跳去,给自己添麻烦。只是每次想动手时,都会想起那远在雪原的小女孩。 Therefore Xie Ming was finally tenderhearted. 所以最终谢铭还是心软了。 With Fujino, Sakura, Kohaku/Amber, Hisui/Jade and Kallen/Caren five people of differences, young girl of that snow elf like not own saving that needs, but is the companion of family member. 藤乃小樱琥珀翡翠卡莲五人不同,那位像雪精灵一样的少女需要的并不是自己的拯救,而是家人的陪伴。 Such being the case, then Xie Ming gives her completely one, happy family/home. 既然如此,那么谢铭就送给她一个完整的,幸福的家。 The topic returns to Kenneth, on the magic association. 话题重新回归到肯尼斯,魔术协会上。 Kenneth's death, 肯尼斯的死, It can be said that caused the considerably large impact in Zytglogge. No matter what no one has thought, monarchy ( Lord ) will be buried at the magic ceremony of countryside unexpectedly. But do not have too many anticipations to magician community, a monarchy died, to them will only take pleasure in others'misfortunes, will only grasp the faction valve of time to this monarchy, the family carves up. 在时钟塔可以说是引起了相当大的冲击。任谁都没有想到,一名君主(Lord)居然会葬身于乡下的魔术仪式上。但不要对魔术师这个群体抱有太多的期待,一名君主死了,对他们来说只会幸灾乐祸,只会抓紧时间对这个君主的派阀,家族进行瓜分。 Without Weber's bravely stepping forward, showed own ability, then Ell Mello sends with Archbold family/home definitely by the person the marrow suck dry. 倘若没有韦伯的挺身而出,展现出了自己的才能,那么埃尔梅罗派和阿奇博尔德家必然会被人连骨髓都吸干。 Under the hand the most incompetent disciple, actually saved own family and faction valve. If Kenneth knows that this matter, definitely is very at heart complex. 手底下最无能的弟子,却拯救了自己的家族和派阀。倘若肯尼斯知道这件事的话,心里肯定十分复杂吧。 However Kenneth died above Holy Grail war the matter, indeed made certain people in Zytglogge have some interests to the winter wooden city. Is thinking when passes the person who has a look, many will have such several. 不过肯尼斯死在了圣杯战争之上的这件事,的确让时钟塔的某些人对冬木市产生了些许兴趣。想着什么时候过去看看的人,多少也会有那么几名。 But big Holy Grail by Xie Ming disintegrating, raised remnant soul turning by Xie Ming including inside feather. Also, took seriously the families and territory these two concepts in the mysterious circle. 可大圣杯已经被谢铭给解体了,连里面的羽斯提萨的残魂都被谢铭给拐走了。再说了,在神秘圈子里可是非常重视家族和领地这两个概念的。 As winter wooden city since the ancient times ruler, Tozaka of family/home eldest daughter Tozaka cold also, then other magicians cannot that optional past investigation. 作为冬木市自古以来的统治者,远坂家的长女远坂凛还在,那么其他魔术师就不能那么随意的过去调查。 Suspicious makes a petty action, not the discovered words are but actually indifferent. But if was discovered, that may have no good fruit to eat. As for use military force? Does not need Tozaka cold to begin, Zytglogge will process it. 偷偷摸摸的搞点小动作,不被发现的话倒无所谓。可若是被发现,那可没有什么好果子吃。至于动用武力?都不用远坂凛自己动手,时钟塔就会将其处理掉。 Let alone, the present winter wooden city not casually the place that comes a magician to act unruly. 更别说,现在的冬木市也不是随便来个魔术师就能够撒野的地方。 After Xie Ming leaves, the chancellor person of Tennouji turned into on oldest shallow Fujino, and daughter Fujimura river of local bully. In addition Sakura, Kohaku/Amber, Hisui/Jade and Kallen/Caren four people, as the growth of age, their talents were also developed slowly. 谢铭离开之后,天王寺家的主事人就变成了最为年长的浅上藤乃,以及地头蛇的女儿藤村大河。再加上小樱琥珀翡翠卡莲四人随着年纪的增长,她们的天赋也被缓缓开发了出来。 Did not say jokingly, these five people collaborate to hit second-class Servant not to have the issue. 不开玩笑的说,这五人联手起来打个二流从者是没有问题的。 But does not know that is what reason, health/guard Gongqie the child and Irisviel in own daughter Illya rescues after Einzbern, unexpectedly leads two maids to return the winter wooden city to settle down. 而不知道是什么原因,卫宫切嗣和爱丽丝菲尔在把自家女儿伊莉雅爱因兹贝伦救出来后,居然带着两个女仆重新回到了冬木市定居。 In the church, joyful father Kotomine Kirei is not lets the magician in the person of this place recklessly unseemly behavior. Has put in wickedly in him thoroughly, now the biggest interest is observes the winter wooden city. 在教堂,愉悦神父言峰绮礼也不是什么让魔术师在这个地方肆意妄为的人。已经彻底置于‘恶’之中的他,现在最大的兴趣便是对冬木市进行观察。 Observes Tennouji, observes health/guard Gongjia, as well as observes own adopted daughter Tozaka cold. 观察天王寺家,观察卫宫家,以及观察自己的义女远坂凛。 Because of this all sorts of reasons, for ten years the winter wooden city has therefore not had what strange matter. 因为这种种原因,所以十年来冬木市并没有发生什么稀奇古怪的事情。 Fujino successfully completed the studies, becomes the pillar/backbone of Tennouji. Hisui/Jade and Kohaku/Amber go to school in the maid school, after Kallen/Caren was the high school graduated, then in studying to lose the interest, used own venomous tongue and own father Kotomine Kirei study sacred hall teaches the related field training. 藤乃顺利完成了学业,成为了天王寺家的支柱。翡翠琥珀在女仆学校上学,卡莲则是高中毕业后便对学习失去了兴趣,用自己的毒舌和自己的老爸言峰绮礼学起圣堂教会所相关的战斗训练。 Does not know that out of what thoughts, Kotomine Kirei really becomes the Kallen/Caren master unexpectedly, moreover about this matter, he has not taught to raise with sacred hall unexpectedly completely. 不知道是出于什么心思,言峰绮礼居然真的成为了卡莲的师傅,而且关于这件事,他居然完全没有和圣堂教会提起过。 Kallen/Caren goes to Kotomine Kirei that to study, its result was and Tozaka cold understanding. 卡莲言峰绮礼那进行学习,其结果便是和远坂凛认识了。 This incomparable venomous tongue, a red devil, these years among two people collided many sparks really to count innumerably. 这一个无比毒舌,一个红色恶魔,这些年来两人之间到底碰撞出了多少火花真的数都数不清。 Because of Kallen/Caren, Tozaka cold contacted oneself younger sister cherry actually, knew in the fourth Holy Grail war from the mouth of people the matter. 但因为卡莲,远坂凛倒是重新接触到了自己的妹妹樱,也从众人的口中得知了第四次圣杯战争中发生的事情。 Adopted past within tung oil tree to destroy, Tozaka cold naturally is wish makes the younger sister return Tozaka family/home. This idea, was naturally rejected by the cherry seriously. 原本过继过去的间桐家已经毁灭,远坂凛自然是想要让妹妹重新回到远坂家。这个想法,自然是被樱郑重的拒绝了。 Tozaka Senpai ..... not, Elder sister. What my name is is not Tozaka, is not within the tung oil tree, but is Tennouji.” “远坂学姐.....不,姐姐。我姓的并不是远坂,也不是间桐,而是天王寺。” Here, is my family/home. Elder Sister Fujino they, are my family member.” “这里,便是我的家。藤乃姐姐她们,便是我的家人。” ....., Right?” “.....啊,是吗?” Sees the expression tranquil younger sister, Tozaka cold somewhat is slightly disappointed, but this mood was given to discard by her quickly: On the other hand, is Tennouji that Servant surname?” 看着表情平静的妹妹,远坂凛微微有些失望,不过这点情绪很快就被她给抛掉了:“话说回来,天王寺是那个从者的姓氏?” This hotel, as well as are your several people, he turn from each place?” “这栋宅邸,以及你们几人,都是他从各个地方拐过来的?” Elder sister, does not turn.” “姐姐,并不是拐。” The cherry earnest error correction said: Was Elder Brother Xie Ming saved us, gave our tranquil life.” 樱认真的纠错道:“是谢铭哥哥拯救了我们,给予了我们这平静的生活。” Okay good, is to save saves.” “好好好,是拯救是拯救。” Cold does not want argues anything at this petty matter and cherry, but how she is unable to trust that Servant. 凛并不想在这种鸡毛蒜皮的事情上和樱争辩什么,可是她怎么都无法信任那个从者 After all, you look. Is what Servant, will bring to raise five little loli to a big hotel from the all over the world especially!? This, washes radically cannot wash clean to be good. 毕竟,你看啊。是什么样的从者,才会特地从世界各地把五个小萝莉带到一个大宅邸中养着啊!?这,根本洗都洗不清好不好。 However from the result, that Servant has not handled anything. Five people that in the hotel lives , the unusual calm and steady happiness of also crossing. 不过从结果来看,那个从者并没有做什么事情。宅邸中住着的五人,也都过的非常安稳幸福。 But what is strange is the five people in hotel, as if recognized that Servant will come back. Therefore no one goes out of the winter wooden city, but stays in home middle-grade him. 但非常奇怪的是宅邸中的五人,似乎认定了那个从者会回来。所以没有一人走出冬木市,而是呆在这个家中等他。 Excuse me, that is Servant! Signed the contract with Araya, died dead spirit. The present that the Holy Grail war has vanished, does Servant possibly appear on the winter wooden land again? 拜托,那可是从者啊!和阿赖耶签订了契约,已经死掉的亡灵。圣杯战争已经消失的现在,从者又怎么可能再次出现在冬木的土地上? May about this matter, even if that Kallen/Caren, even if her guardian Kirei, suspicion that has no. This, really makes her very puzzled. 可关于这一件事,哪怕是那个卡莲,哪怕是她的监护者绮礼,都没有任何的怀疑。这,真的让她十分的不解。 Therefore she also asked: You said that hero soul will come back. You know when he does come back? If takes 50 years, you do want to wait for his 50 years here?” 所以她又发问了:“你们说,那个英灵会回来。那你们知道他什么时候回来吗?若是需要五十年,难道你们就要在这里等他五十年吗?” Hears the cold issue, the cherry shows a faint smile. 听到凛的这个问题,樱微微一笑。 „, Elder Brother Xie Ming will not make us and others so long.” “不会的,谢铭哥哥不会让我们等那么久的。” When we encounter the danger, he will then certainly return to side us.” “当我们遭遇到危险的时候,他便一定会回到我们身边。” Like this was saying the cherry, in the eye seems flashing some rays. Probably has the butterfly to fan the wing, seems like glittering the light blue ray. 这样说着的樱,眼中似乎闪动着些许光芒。像是有蝴蝶在扇动着翅膀,又像是在闪烁着浅蓝色的光芒。 Replied, naturally makes cold not have the means to join, can only sigh, then goes home. After all in oneself, mother also needs her to look. 如此回答,自然让凛没有办法接上,只能叹了口气,然后回家。毕竟自家中,母亲还需要她照顾。 Then, the day passes slowly. Imperceptibly, cold has gotten up arrives at two high, but the cherry also enters to the high learn/study. Raises while convenient, these two have not seen youngster of some position high jump under the setting sun. 就这样,日子慢慢过去。在不知不觉中,凛已经上到高二,而樱也进入到高一学习。顺便一提,这两人并没有看到某位在夕阳下跳高的少年。 ----- ----- It seems like, they cross also good.” “看来,她们过的还不错啊。” Listens to the type to tell these year of Sakura and the others life, Xie Ming relaxes: Thank you, type.” 听着式讲述着这些年小樱等人的生活,谢铭不禁松了口气:“谢谢你,式。” I have not made anything.” “我并没有做什么。” The incarnation of root, root shows a faint smile. 根源的化身,根源式微微一笑。 Because in recent years, indeed is that city extremely precious peace period. But, is then uncertain.” “因为这些年来,的确是那个城市极为宝贵的‘和平期’。可是,接下来就不一定了。” „After short peace, the institute will welcome inevitably is the drastic change. Moreover, because of your influence, the turmoil that can have is quite thorny. However, if you smoothly solve, to fourth-order enters the step that you will soon face also to have the considerably large help.” “短暂的和平之后,所将迎来的必然是剧变。而且,因为你的影响,将会发生的动乱可是会相当的棘手。不过,要是你顺利解决的话,对你即将面临的四阶进阶也会有相当大的帮助。” ..... Can tell me, is what drastic change?” “.....能告诉我,是什么剧变吗?” Naturally, cannot.” “当然,不能。” Root stood up, looks at the eye to sit Othinus on Xie Ming shoulder and Yui, and day fire net flame of his waist, the chuckle was saying: This, but is your story.” 根源式站起身来,看了眼坐在谢铭肩上的欧提努斯结衣,以及他腰间的天火净焰,轻笑着说道:“这,可是属于你的故事。” Ok, saw the children quickly.” “好了,快去见孩子们吧。” Saying, slender such as the finger of jade selected gently on the nose of Xie Ming. The next quarter, the Xie Ming form then disappeared in this jet black space. 说着,纤细如玉的手指轻轻点在了谢铭的鼻子上。下一刻,谢铭的身影便消失在了这漆黑的空间中。 When opens eyes again, he sees, is glittering the Sichuan river of phosphorescent glow. 再次睁眼时,他所看见的,是闪烁着磷光的川河。 The name of this Sichuan for far Sichuan, it had not passed through the entire winter wooden city. Even almost breeding from is giant monster. 这条川的名字为未远川,它贯穿了整个冬木市。甚至差点‘孕育’出一个来自克苏鲁系的巨大怪物。 That monster before has not rebelled, was cut to kill to a blade by Xie Ming is. 只是那个怪物在还没有作乱前,就被谢铭给一刀斩杀了就是。 Why as for Xie Ming can a place that recognize itself to be, that naturally is because .... Yui had connected the network of this world automatically. 至于谢铭为什么会一眼认出自己所在的地方,那自然是因为....结衣已经自动连通了这个世界的网络了。 The time that the fourth Holy Grail war has was in 1994, but now is in 2004. Root to the time that he delivers, happen to was 2004 summer. 第四次圣杯战争所发生的时间是1994年,而如今已经是2004年。根源式给他送过来的时间,正好是2004年的夏季。 According to the original historical process, the time that the fifth Holy Grail war has is around 04 years of winter. Therefore according to this, Xie Ming can know that in probably this time world what happened. 按照原来的历史进程,第五次圣杯战争所发生的时间是04年的冬季前后。所以根据这个,谢铭大概能知道这个时间段世界上会发生什么事情。 Even if history, because he some leaning axles, had arrived at the completely different directions. But the time, as before is the quite important frame of reference. 哪怕历史因为他已经有些偏轨,走到了完全不同的方向。但时间,依旧是相当重要的参照物。 Drastic change and turmoil......” “剧变和动乱啊......” In Xie Ming's heart is chewing just root as before to his reminder, may not trace the clue. 谢铭心中依旧在嘴嚼着刚刚根源式对他的提醒,可始终摸不到头绪。 After all regarding present him, this world that has the fourth Holy Grail war really did not have many can be called thornily Villain/enemy. Yui, cannot analyze what reason why. 毕竟对于现在的他来说,这个发生第四次圣杯战争的世界还真没有多少可以称为‘棘手’的敌人。就连结衣,都分析不出什么所以然。 Ok, does not think.” “算了,不想了。” Mumbled one, after Xie Ming will have doubts threw into the brain, completely. After all now including a clue not to have, how he can act appropriately to the situation to find the countermeasure. 嘟囔了一句,谢铭将疑惑全部抛到了脑后。毕竟现在连一丝线索都没有,他又怎么能对症下药找到对策。 in its wastes the time here, might as well put in the proper business the time. 于其在这里浪费时间,不如将时间放到正事上。 He chooses the world of third return in the moon/month, the reason mainly has three. 他之所以将第三个回归的世界选在型月,原因主要有三个。 Has a look at Fujino and cherry their condition. 看看藤乃、樱她们的状况。 Looks for Scáthach to complete initially in the demon banned in the world, he to its commitment of promising. 去找斯卡哈完成当初在魔禁世界中,他对其许下的承诺。 Raises to solve to be determined for feather lump that leaves behind, is man-made people who let Einzbern( fetter) extricates from the long-cherished wish. 替羽斯提萨解决心中留下的疙瘩,也就是让爱因兹贝伦家的人造人们从夙愿(束缚)中解脱出来。 As the Einzbern family( magician) end point, Einzbern family( man-made person) the beginning, feather raises to have this duty to stand to solve all these. But as feather raises( day fire net flame) the holder, Xie Ming also has this duty. 作为爱因兹贝伦家族(魔术师)的终点,爱因兹贝伦家族(人造人)的起点,羽斯提萨有这个义务站出来解决这一切。而作为羽斯提萨(天火净焰)的持有者,谢铭同样也有这个义务。 In brief, first has a look at Sakura their situation.” “总而言之,先去看看小樱她们的情况吧。” Pinched the forehead, Xie Ming then prepared to move toward itself in this world, lived in less than ten days of homes. But the change of day fire net flame, lets the foot that he took back just lifted. 捏了捏眉心,谢铭便准备走向自己在这个世界的,住了不到十天的家。但天火净焰的异动,却让他收回了刚刚抬起的脚。 Because in not the far place, one big is small, two forms straight walks to here. 因为在不远的地方,一大一小,两道身影正笔直的向这里走来。 Two people, are the silver blushing pupils. Two people, the appearance and feather raises to have over 80% similar. 两人,都是银发红瞳。两人,样貌都和羽斯提萨有着八成以上的相似。 Then the status of these two, does not need to show again. 那么这两人的身份,已经不需要再说明了。 From the Einzbern family, man-made person. 来自爱因兹贝伦家族的,人造人。
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